CanJam London 2024 Impressions Thread (July 20-21, 2024)
Jul 28, 2024 at 10:45 AM Post #346 of 422
Now that CJ London is over and everyone is settling down, I think its a good time to put down my notes of what I tried! With a lot of diversity in what booths offered, I am going to keep things short and sweet.
Bit of a Disclaimer for why not everyone is seen in this post, I only got to try some things. I wish I could try everything, but I couldn't.

Viking weave cables:
Skedra you mad man! I loved Bifrost so much I got one off him. Its a 1099gbp cable that's a completely custom cable and paired with the likes of bass iems, works so well. The bass tightens and helps the treble smoothen out. Basically liquid music as he says himself. His cable switcher was super cool as well, loved using that.


Wow...just wow... this was really cool to use. The bass is obsurd. Everything was so quiet in compared to the bass and I just wanted more of this headphone. I am very happy to see people see this as a highlight of their show. My one is a little different as you'll see.


Mirph-1 by Mirph Designs:
Really dang good. The bass had impact while keeping at a moderate level that wasn't hefty or bloated. Great mids, slight dip I hear but the treble was really well balanced. It was probably one of the best sounding headphones at the show, and the guy behind it is super lovely. Wonderful headphones! A highlight for sure.


Surprisingly a one of highlights for me at the show. Everything I tried I had some love to but I wish I saw more people on the Kinera table. They had a number of prototypes for people to use and they we're pretty impressive!

The first proto they had was a microplanar and a dynamic iem. Its bass was boomy and a little bloated. The mids were coherent and a little forward with treble having a bit of peaks in some areas. The rep said its being worked on with feedback, and I told him these to which he listened! If these were fixed a little, you would have one of the best sub 100usd iems, because theyre aiming for 70-90usd. Memory is a bit bad haha!

They also had a silver shelled proto which I think also needs work, but is a flavour of sound I can see many loving. It had no bass at all for me, the impact was soft and weak, but if this is elevated then the rest of the sound would be perfection. Vocals we're so crisp, very forward in the overall tonality with a fine balanced of the treble keeping level and not being that sibilant. Becuase of the lack of bass, the brightness was very strong, but technicalities sounded very good. Vocal centric music is going to be unbeaten with this iem. You can also get it in copper, aluminium, and gold! Crazy haha!


The Queen of Audio Adonis! Pretty impressive I believe. The rep who was at the show (very lovely to talk to btw) said to try it if I liked the others and honestly I can see why he said that. The bass had more refinement compared to the first prototype and kept that energy I enjoyed. The detailing was a little different, and slight tonal changes, but I know someone who bought this at the show and it certainly is deserved.


Warwick Acoustics:
Never have vocals sounded this good...they were very intimate with a life like tone. Now bass and treble were not for me, as they came off a little artificial, but they certainly did a good job at emphasising the incredible vocals. More of this please!


Show surprises:
An amazing human being brought an original, not cloned an ORIGINAL Sony MDR R10 to the show as many know being insanely rare for the headphone. It happened to be my favourite headphone too. The mids...GOSH the mids. It actually gave me goosebumps from listening as they were so smooth and tingled something in my brain to fall in love. It was like a walk on a sun set of a beach. My friends too agreed. The bass had such wonderful impact and dynamics without being weighty or loud. The treble was clean and actually a bit bright, but not too bright. Just enough to have no sibilance. Thank you to the guy who let me and many others try it, shows how awesome this community is.


And last but not least at all...thank you Masuda-san.


See you all next time!
I’m the guy who carried the R10 :) it’s been a pleasure share all together this passion.
I agree,the R10 is simply a very unique headphone.
Jul 28, 2024 at 3:46 PM Post #349 of 422
Just a couple of mentions in this thread about folks hearing the Grell OAE1 at CanJam London 2024, and it was suggested in the recent Headphone Show livestream that Grell didn't have a formal presence at the show. Is this true?
Jul 28, 2024 at 4:56 PM Post #350 of 422
Just a couple of mentions in this thread about folks hearing the Grell OAE1 at CanJam London 2024, and it was suggested in the recent Headphone Show livestream that Grell didn't have a formal presence at the show. Is this true?
There was an OAE1 at the Dekonis booth, and I believe that was the only one at the show. Grell Audio wasn't officially there, but tbh they sold out the first 1000 units, so I reckon strategically it wouldn't make sense for them to be present.
Jul 28, 2024 at 7:14 PM Post #351 of 422
Just a couple of mentions in this thread about folks hearing the Grell OAE1 at CanJam London 2024, and it was suggested in the recent Headphone Show livestream that Grell didn't have a formal presence at the show. Is this true?
No stand or rep from what I saw over the weekend..

Hello, what were your impressions of the open bokeh please?
Brief swapping with the Atrium open through the same system in the ZMF room....both tonally very enjoyable, but found the Atrium a clear win in separation.

(For those in the DCS room, what was the Spirit headphone?)
Jul 29, 2024 at 2:46 AM Post #352 of 422
(For those in the DCS room, what was the Spirit headphone?)
The one on the left was the Centauri. Their 3K planar. Very disappointing and weird tuning to my ears.
Hello, what were your impressions of the open bokeh please?
It was a prototype, so still not the final version. The grill can change and also the sound can change slightly in the final version.
To me they sounded like an 'open Bokeh closed' to be honest. More open, airier mids and treble, slightly loser and less controlled bass. I didn't change earpads on them which can affect these impressions plus as I said it is still in development. I think, for the price it will be a nice taster of the natural and organic, slightly thicker and warmer sound of ZMF. As expected, Atrium and Verité offer better technicalities.
Jul 29, 2024 at 3:02 AM Post #353 of 422

(Short addendum on next page:

Belated show comments! Photos limited to 25 attachments :p. Not possible to hear everything but spent time talking, not listening. Rocking the WM1Z og and Pentaconn brass tips. Usual show conditions disclaimer, take nothing seriously. No headphone or IEM fit issues on the weekend, usually take S/MS tips.

Raal room upstairs and Warwick Acoustics booth main floor: best for staging, timbre, detail, closest to "not wearing headphones" sound.

ZMF some of the nicest people around. Happy to just talk. Bokeh closed and Caldera closed: glorious on the desktop tube amp system but on the DAP there was an upper mid glare. Perhaps a lack of grip on the drivers and lack of sufficient driving power. Shame.

Bonus ZMF: Chord Electronics said ZMF dropped off a (?). On Dave dac: the (?) ZMF had a bigger soundstage, more defined, weighty notes, better clarity, more separation and depth > Audeze LCD-5. It did not require an extensive listen, the ZMF is simply a better headphone over LCD-5.

Dan Clark Audio E3: similar to the ZMF room, better on the full size Violectric/Nimbus but switching to the DAP introduces an upper mid glare.

Viking Weave Cables: of the prototype headphones I enjoyed the version that Skedra likes the most and this was the same whether on the Holo Audio desktop stack or the DAP. One of the prototypes I found a bit bright even though it was suggested as a HD600 (not HD650) owner that might be to my liking.

Pentaconn: I appreciate the free fan haha. Nearly purchased the Scyne a01 IEM at the show given the compact form and enjoyable tuning. Did not follow through as the pre-production "second model" on the table was too disruptive. Intended to be half the cost (but not half the sound)

Meze Audio Alba: first UK batch sold out they said. Hear this as a less refined IE600, hint of upper mid brightness but look at the lower cost... Also would have purchased if it were possible, alas. Preferred this to the Letshuoer S12, S12 Pro, S15 as a valid 'beater option'

PMG Audio Apx SE: misgivings about the price aside, this was probably the best sounding IEM at the show. Smooth, natural, no dryness, no brightness, excellent soundstage. Anyone who spotted the plug was bent would have been told by Elise it was a pre-production demo so ignore that

Symphonium Audio: I did not know about the new models before the show and think the new Europa is the best sounding release yet. A refinement on Crimson more natural and sounds extended enough without any treble spice. ? over number of models and release cycle of collabs though.

Subtonic Storm: Can take as much power as you dare throw at it. The DAP was nearly maxed. Have heard Storm before and was going to skip it but went over to ask questions on behalf of someone who could not attend. At the show Storm was connected to the Benchmark amp (see previous thread post), which is slightly nuts. Top tier technical performance. Unreliable show comment: would 'probably' choose the PMG smoother more analog sound but both are top of the line.

Unique Melody FS Nuit Étoilée: sounds average and boring. Maybe if it was 1/5 in price (minus the fancy stock cable)

Eminent Ears: the surprise of the show given they are new to the market. I liked the "Ruby" over the prototype. I heard the prototype as having more prominent mids and less treble extension. Mooted price difference is significant though...

Fatfreq GM Anniversary: sadly the lower priced FF models were not to my liking tuning wise. Was able to spend time with the gold Anniversary model on both days. Technically better than the IER-Z1R, spacious, but seems to need power. Not sure it is an instant buy - would really need a side by side with Elysian Annihilator, EE Raven and Fir Radon 6.

Campfire Audio: I actually liked Supermoon the most although not as balanced sounding as other CA models. Enjoyable bass, overall V-shaped. Found it to have spicy treble always dancing on the line. Like my TH900 at home. Moon Rover is less V and slightly less treble spice. Happy to wait on final tuning of the Duality. I gave the Trifecta another go and... it is not as bad as I remember it. Humble pie. Huge analog sound, warm, not neutral, kinda fun. I think its too expensive if rating on pure sound, circa 1k more than some flagships

Lime Ears Anima v2: wanted to like this. I still remember the demo at the 2023 show and now officially at the 2024 show... Keep the soundstage and bass but the mid and treble tuning needs work.

Noble Audio Spartacus: enjoyable, tasteful bass without being overdone, prefer it to the thinner and cooler Mest III. Spartacus is priced quite high though.

Noble Audio Onyx: good soundstage, overall warmer sound, weighty bass (more so than GM Anni as I went between the adjacent tables), Ragnar brightness more apparent in a direct a/b. Just to be clear, this is not the Duality bass

Soundz: the top two models are "close" to my own 64 Audio A18s customs but at much lower cost. Sigh. For "listening for pleasure" I would prefer more bass - this is not to suggest 'bass light' in any way though. Better table than Cadenza 12 and Fiio respective flagships, which are nothing special and have treble tuning issues


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Jul 29, 2024 at 7:16 AM Post #354 of 422
Hi all, wonder if anyone can help me out?
I was helping to man one of the Elise Audio desks on Saturday, specifically the Fir Audio section.
One of the visitors with whom I chatted a bit on the day lent me his 64 Audio Volür to listen to.

I liked it so much, I ended up buying a used one shortly afterwards!

I wanted to ask though, what cable were you using, and was it 4.4mm or 3.5mm?
Also, what APEX modules were you using?
Mine seems to sound a bit different than I remember yours sounding, so I was wondering.

So if you are that kind gentleman, or someone who knows who it might be, please let me know, either here or by private message.
Would love to ask a few questions!
Thanks a million (from my heart, if not my wallet!) for letting me hear your Volür :)
Jul 29, 2024 at 7:35 AM Post #355 of 422
Just a couple of mentions in this thread about folks hearing the Grell OAE1 at CanJam London 2024, and it was suggested in the recent Headphone Show livestream that Grell didn't have a formal presence at the show. Is this true?
I listened it at the Electromod stand powered by a Violectric 226. Most definitely not my thing.
Jul 29, 2024 at 10:56 AM Post #356 of 422
@Kabeer fantastic write up! A 💚green, blue Hawaii is something I didn't know I wanted until now 😅
Jul 29, 2024 at 11:02 AM Post #357 of 422
That amp was impressive looking. Turned many heads. Unfortunately, it was not easy to get time listening on it...
Jul 29, 2024 at 1:46 PM Post #358 of 422
This years show had a great selection of interesting gear, and it was nice meeting people and having a chats with fellow enthusiasts. I ran out of time and didn’t get to try IEMs and even everything I wanted to. I also tried a lot of stuff last year (Audeze, hifiman, final etc) so I wont expand on those much this year.

Caveat: I am a vintage planar/stat fan, sensitive to treble peaks, resonances and not generally a fan of dynamic headphones (with some exceptions).

Gear was either tested with the exhibiter setup, or sometimes with my iPhone to iFi micro iDSD black label . The Canjam conditions have high ambient noise, so take impressions with a pinch of salt, the are very high level, chain dependent, and may easily change with long term home demo-ing of gear.

Kaldas Research/Inox,

It should be noted that Kaldas’ Inox closed back electrostatic headphone present is still not the final design but a “Development Mule”, that may not have been evident to those present who heard it.

This is the only closed back electrostat (soon) on the market, and they have done a great job in making it not sound closed, which is difficult for an electrostat so I tip my hat off to them. Pretty good extension both ways, electrostatic clarity, I would have preferred a little warmer tuning, but others may prefer it like this.
Very nice build and design

It was a pleasure to meet the owner Aumkar who is knowledgeable and passionate about developing headphones and a vintage headphone fan.

Their RR-1 open back looks very cool and performed technically great, though I need more bass and warmth in the sound for my tastes. Price wise it is one of the most affordable electrostatics on the market.

The Altiat Cal.1H dynamic surprised me, because I am not a big dynamic fan, with the stock pads it was warm and did not have a peaky or out of control treble like a lot of dynamics have to my ears. I really enjoyed it. There was a model with an alternative pad, but that took away the warmth I enjoyed with the stock pad.
The unit with the 2 tone colour finish looked great.


I tried most of Audeze range in the past so only spent a small amount of time with them.

Also all the guys at the stand were super friendly and great to talk to, Chris, Richard, and the UK dealer chap.

Audeze Maxwell: IMO the best closed back planar I have heard. And amongst the top few closed back headphones I have heard period (more on that later…this is vs Legendary headphones…). Probably the best value price/performance planar out there. I heard it last year but didn’t post yet, but one of my best finds.

People may not (like I did!) pay attention to it since it is a gaming headset, but it is a superb music headphone.

Audeze CRBN: I tried the CRBN out of 3 amps on the day;

Blue Hawaii SE: Wow, the CBRN on this was amazing. Rich , lush, detailed, balanced. It did lack a little sub-bass for me (below 40Hz), but everything from there and above was pretty much perfect. Vs the Stax X9000, the Stax had more deep bass and a more open sound, but the CRBN on this rig had better 3-dimensionality and a more realistic tone and timbre to me.

One of my show highlights. Thank you to the rep there for his patience, a v.friendly guy. And thank you to Chris at Audeze who brought the CRBN to another stand for me.

LTA Z10e; that it was demo’d on at the stand; it wasn’t my taste, I know some preferred it, but I found the upper mids were a bit hard with this amp for me. It is a full tube amp, but supsisingly I didn’t get on with it.

iFi Phantom: it was also on the Audeze stand, but most didn’t get to try it. On the ‘Tube’ mode, which uses a real tube pre-stage, the CRBN also sounded great. It also has X-bass, which when activated with the 20Hz setting for me, elevated the CRBN to almost flat and was just great.

Viva Belva mega stack + DCs TOTL DAC: Thank to a fellow member (@TheAbyss2022 ) I managed to briefly hear his CRBN out of this mega rig, and it sounded glorious…similar to the Blue Hawaii SE setup above, but with more bass authority.

Hifonix private room:

Raal Immanis
; upstairs on the massive super expensive Viva and DCs setup at Hifonix’s private room. It was very impressive, one of the best at the show (the setup was over £150k which is way out of my league but was a great experience). I didn’t try the Raal downstairs at Elise as it was so busy there so it is difficult to know how much of my impression was from the amp here. The Raal had pretty much spot on balance across the frequency spectrum, there were hints of mids resonance for me, which is usually there in ribbon drivers, but had been tuned and controlled really well here in the Immanis. A really superb job by Raal. This was one memorable audio experience.

I wasn’t a fan of the frame’s aesthetics, it was a bit too gold blingy for me, the cups didn’t swivel etc. But perhaps the design was to minimize weight.

Hifiman Shangrila Shang Sr: There was a Shang Sr. driven by the Viva Audio Egoista STX. I must caveat by saying that I think I didn’t gel with the Ergoista STX’s sound signature. But the Shang Sr running from this was perhaps my biggest disappointment of the event. Compared to other high end electrostatics (HE-1, HE-90, X9000, CRBN) and even the overall balance from the mini Shangrila, the Senior was just too thin and a slightly etchy sounding to me. It lacked deep bass (and bass magnitude in general). I was surprised by a review further up talking about how this better body and bass vs the x9000, I felt completely the opposite, and so did 4 other people I met who tried them. It did have good microdetail and transients etc. but that didn’t save it for me.


Some really great and friendly guys working on the Sennheiser stands. The HD660s2 sounded really great. It’s signature was more like a HD600 than HD650. But it very much extended the deep bass and treble where the HD600 rolls off on both ends. A very balanced headphone.

I loved the HD600/650 as usual. Total classics.

Heard the HD800s which surprised me in that it wasn’t bright like I remembered a HD800 to be (I cannot remember which model I heard previously). Just a really great spacious sound. Lacked a bit of deep bass but other than that great.


I only had a short time at Meze.

Empyrean 2 running out of a DCs Lina stack sounded really great and one of my show highlights. I almost thought the DCs was on some sort of EQ mode because it presented details in a warm way I hadn’t heard elsewhere. I would like to have more time with it, but my short impression is I loved it. It had hybrid leather/velour pads on.

A very kind gentleman next to me had his original Empyrean (with leather pads) as well and let me try it. With a quick A/B i found his had a slightly stronger treble, which surprised me as it wasn’t as per most comments. Other than that they had quite similar sound signatures, I felt the new Empyrean was more to my taste.

The Elite just had a little too much treble zing, it felt perhaps a bit more in control than the Empy2, I preferred the Emperyeans.

Lyric II ; it was ‘ok’ to me, right after the Empyreans it was a league below IMO. Sounded reasonable for closed back planars, better than some others I have tried, but I find my Audeze Maxwell is better balanced in the closed back planar world.


Shangri-la Mini ; out of it’s companion amp was quite pleasant. Strangely I found it was overall much more balanced (it has bass!) vs the Shang Sr. It was still a bit too strident in trebles for me, which is a theme for most Hifiman’s contrary to my taste. It would be nice to hear this out of a warm tube amp as it may be better.
I wasn’t a great fan of the frame, the headband looks just like the HE-400se one. But kudos for at least making a new large driver stat that isn’t EXTREMELY expensive but just a bit expensive.

Susvara Unveiled: I didn’t get to directly compare it to the OG Susvara. I heard it on a few rigs around the floor, and It was pleasant. I am not usually a Hifiman fan because I find their treble too much for me (or at least a few peaks too much), this sees to have a smoother treble than the original Susvara to me, and though its easier to drive, it is amp dependand in that it shows the amp and DAC characteristics quite a big, sounding warmer or more colder depending on the rig it was used on.


Was there a Stax stand? They were on the list but sadly I didn’t see one.

Stax X9000: There were a few X9000 at the event. It was difficult to judge completely due to the ambient noise, but I was impressed. Out of the Headamp Blue Hawaii SE it sounded just great, strong deep bass, controlled mids, lush trebles that didn’t make me wince, and an open wide stage. Part of this could be the Blue Hawaii’s warm signature. It is a bit pricey, but a very nice Stat that could be endgame for a lot of people.

Out of the Ergoista STX it lost a bit of that huge deep bass and warm magic but was still pleasant.

Warwick Audio:

Warwick had a sound proof booth, which certainly made the experience much better and easier to judge.

The pricier Aperio was warmer, had bigger bass and midbass,, vs the lower priced Bravura. I listened near the end of Sunday. Those who listened on Saturday said the headphones sound the opposite way round on Saturday (including a guy I was in the booth with on Sunday). So not sure what is going on there, maybe the Aperio changes sound after being plugged in for ages.

I didn’t judge the most fine technical detail but both were balanced and very capable sounding, either would be fine based on the taste of wanting warmer or more neutral on the day.

I would have probably been more impressed had I not heard the HE-1 last year. I would describe these as a poor man’s HE-1, they seem to lack something in terms of overall musicality, perhaps they would improve with a tube amp like the HE-1 did. The biggest flaw for me is that you cannot use them with a Standard 5-pin Stat amp. They also use DSP to achieve their very balanced sound.

TLDR: both very nice and balanced, missing a bit of final magic. I would say the £40k Aperio isn’t much of a value proposition vs the £6k Bravura. The Bravura maybe a good solution for those wanting a high quality setup without going too deep into headfi and changing amps etc. I would like to hear it with a Tube-preamp into it, it might become better with that.


ZMF Caldera:
with the warmer tube amps on display the Caldera is really great. One of the best tuned planars around IMO. Well done to Zach for it. Im not particularly into wooden headphones and the design etc, but I am impressed such a good tuning is there with the grilles not being so open etc.

Bokeh: a bit too much uncontrolled resonance in the lower mids for me. Sounded pleasant but not my cup of tea (I am not that into dynamic anyway). Lots of others loved it.

Misc Headphones:

Austrian Audio the Composer
: out of their own amp, even though it was a dynamic, I really liked it, alongside the HD600 it may be one of the nicest dynamics I have tried. Warm sound, no strange treble resonances, really strong dynamic bass, and a musical signature. It was a surprise for me.

Camerton Binom-ER: this planar was at the Hifonix stand. A bit bloaty and peaky stock, but pleasant. BUT, if one presses down the earpads to better the seal and slightly reduce driver distance to ear, then it sounds pretty great, nice and balanced and rich.

IMO this headphone is very heavily borrowing design from the classic Sansui SS-100, which is also why it inherited it’s awkward angle and bad sealing without pressing the cups down…
Because of this design homage it does look lovely though.

Modhouse Tungsten DS: This was at the (very well run) Elise Audio stand, running off a huge tube amp (Auris Audio Headonia 300B). Good extension on both ends, but it just wasn’t for me, upper mids were a hint hard, a bit too much treble zing for my sensitive ears. Maybe I need to try it from a different chain.

Abyss Diana DZ: I have not heard the TC, but the DZ had a nice overall balance to the sound. I don’t have much more comment because it didn’t blow me away or make me think its terrible. Wasn’t completely my cup of tea, but I could see people enjoying it.

Viking Weave Cables: these guys had 3 prototype headphones on displace with dual dynamic drivers in each cup. One had peerless drivers and the other 2 had glass dome drivers. They were all pretty warm without typical dynamic can sizzle. They had various pad options. There was a bit of midbass bloom and resonance for me, but otherwise a pleasant and spacious sound. The three versions ranged from very warm to just warm. I think I preferred the one ‘in the middle’ which was glass driver.

Mass-Kobo: uncle-san from Mass-Kobo was here again this year showing 3 of his amps, alongside the nice lady next to him who is very cheerful and friendly. I heard them last year, so I gravitated back to the 465, which was always in high demand at the show, and nearly everyone I spoke to loved this amp. It has mega power, and drives with visceral authority, with very strong punchy bass.

I’ve lost track a bit of what I heard on there. There was an original Susvara (which this amp was designed for) which sounded nice out of it. I also heard a head-fiers Focal Utopia from it which sounded great. And I tried my own Yamaha orthos from it which it was great with. The amp is on the warmer more analog signature, but not mushy at all, very strong and clear.

Highly recommended.

There was also a Japanese branded headphone, closed back with carbon fibre finish cups, there on the stand, I forget the name (will add if i find out), it wasn’t to my taste.


Feliks Audio Envy 25th Anniversary Edition
; at the Hifonix stand driven by some very fancy huge tube DAC I didn’t catch the name of. This sounded beautiful, 3-dimensional, musical, detailed. Focal Utopias sounded great on it, as did the Suvara unveiled.

ZMF Lord Gwynn: Wow what a beast, I loved this amp. Sounded warm, powerful, 3 dimensional, and it had BASS. Ran the Caldera from this and it sounded superb, as well as my vintage Yamaha, it had never sounded better. This is an amp I would like to own.

Glenn OTL: In the ZMF room. It was very nice, again 3dimentional tubeyness. But compared to the Lord Gwynn it lacked the deep bass oomph and was just tipped over into not warm enough for me, so not for me in the end.

Fiio K11 R2R: briefly comparing the R2R vs the normal DAC/Amp, the R2R was warmer, and maybe a bit more analog sounding. Canjam conditions were hard to judge though. A pretty nice value proposition.


It was great meeting people and thank you to those who generously let me try their headphones.
Special shout out to @TheAbyss2022 for letting me try his CRBN and Utopia out of various amps.
And @kiling92 Who is a top chap, letting me try his legendary R10, as well as his friend who shared his PX-100.

The chap who let me try his Empyrean, and the other people during the day I had interesting chats with.

The engineer at iFi who is super enthusiastic, friendly and knowledgeable.

And to @GREQ for much during the event weekend.

I also got to share my love of vintage orthos with a few people, with a rare variant of a Yamaha HP-2, and most were pleasantly surprised 😊

Ran out of time to try IEMs and many other stuff. Will post a few pics later to append

Some photos to go along with this;

SJY Horizon at Z reviews stand (barely got to hear it , but it did sound decent with the 5 seconds it was on my head, worth checking more), single sided magnets, gold diaphragm:

Legendary Sony R10:
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Headamp Blue Hawaii SE (not sure about the colour choice), Stax X9000, Audeze CRBN (all superb)

Electorstatic hangout (Shang Sr, X9000, CRBN, Viva STX)

Ginormous Viva amp setup.... . RAAL Immanis triple ribbon array (interestingly Sineaptic were the first to market with a headphone ribbon array).
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Camerton's sleek design (Sansui SS-100 es-que)

Elise Audio's gigantic tube amp Auris Audio Headonia 300B, Modhouse Tungsten DS

Mass Kobo uncle-san and my Yamaha's. Warwick Aperio driver

Abalone for days, Abyss Diana and DCs matching amp.

ZMF LordGwynn amp (amazing), feeding my Yamaha's beast power.

And finally, who needs RAAL, and all the other TOTL stuff... here is the ZMF stand's Glenn OTL powering the real star of the show, Sennheiser PX-100 (sounded nice!). @kiling92
With the knowledge of electrostats, have you heard the hifiman shangri-la jr?
Jul 29, 2024 at 2:00 PM Post #360 of 422
With the knowledge of electrostats, have you heard the hifiman shangri-la jr?
I did listen to the Shangri-la Jr. That's what the Hifiman guy told me I was listening to. That and then the Susvara Unveiled. But honestly, it was so noisy in there, I'd be hard pressed to get critical listening done. I did find the Shangri-la Jr kind of grainy sounding to me. I wasn't overly impressed. But as I said, if the room had been quite, I'd be more sure if what I heard.

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