Headphoneus Supremus
Speaking of Japanese tuning, I also want to mention that besides the Solaris the Victor HA-FW10000 was the other IEM that left an impression on me a couple of weeks ago when I went to Headphone Matsuri, but the voicing between the two are worlds apart. The Victor wood flagship is a soothing, polite, classy and mature sounding phone with a huge sense of space, whereas the Solaris was very energetic, upfront and full of impact. What's great about both is that they had - as one of my friend would say - an outstanding personality. The IER-Z1R is going to be competing with these two phones mainly I reckon, and from memory the Z1R's sound sort of slots right in between these two extremes. Also in terms of exterior design they are also very far apart, as you have the classy and warm looking wood with the Victor, verse the modern metal of the Sony and CA. Personally speaking with respect to the music I listen to, the Victor is more to my taste (I tried it at e-earphones again today) over the Solaris - and that was using the SE of my 1Z against the balance connection of the Solaris using CA's best cable at Headphone Matsuri so I can only imagine what it would be like if I can use the Victor on balance, and I'm quite attracted to the handcraft of the Victor to the point where I can actually see myself owning the Victor because it has a different enough sound to what I have in my collection that makes it a good compliment, so now I'd really like to compare the Z1R against the Victor when both are more available widely. However the most interesting to me is that these new TOTL IEMs are either pure dynamic as in the Victor, or hybrid, as in the Z1R and Solaris. It seems that makers are getting back into and making exciting breakthroughs with dynamic drivers either in design and/or building materials such that we are getting new levels of performances in packages that didn't exists before. As a fan of dynamic drivers it's definitely exciting times to see we are finally out of the "more BA driver" phase.
I have the Victor on my radar as well.. there is something about wood... I like IEMs with outstanding personnalities
But right now sellers have it at almost 2K€ (without import taxes) quite a bump from the 192 000 yen local price... almost would pay a trip to Japan to get them here
The wood dome driver unit is a first isn't it? Is it a limited run being a 10th anniversary thing?
Anyway, nice to have trusted impressions