So, I'm considering disowning my son...
May 6, 2011 at 7:00 PM Post #151 of 218

Definitely agree. Nothing worse than a Mac fanboi. Well.. Windows fanbois are kind of sad. It's like being an abused house wife who still loves their husband because sometimes they're just so damn good to you but most of the time, no, no they're not.
Both platforms have their benefits, both platforms do certain things better. It's all about preference. There are things I wish OS X did that Windows does and there are things OS X does that Windows should continue to rip-off. And we should all continue to rip-off Linux because they know what they're doing.
I'm just a little tired of being a Mac user and having every PC user say I don't know about computers and that's why I've gotten a Mac. It can't possibly be that I'm tired of fighting the OS all the time and OS X just works better for me and I like the quality of the hardware and not having to pay an extra $1,200 to get an equivalent IPS LED display from Dell...
That being said, if I was doing more development (especially ASP or .NET) I'd likely use Windows just because the tools are better. Though, not for Ruby. Ruby on Windows kind of sucks. Mac is where it's at when it comes to Ruby.

I don't feel abused by Windows at all.  When I get home it works just fine . . . what are you doing to Windows that makes it not work for you?  That's the thing, if people treated a Windows PC like they did a Mac odds are the problems would be far and few between.
I was raised on Windows since 3.1 at around six or so.  I've used it most of my life with two week runs of OSX on occasion.  Every time felt counter-intuitive and provided more frustration and hindrance than not.  It felt like having an arm tied behind my back when doing things.  As for Windows having stolen features from OSX -- they both steal from Linux.  Apple isn't innovative, it just takes from the lesser known of the three.  MS does it after the fact and most Apple users aren't the wiser knowing their pride and joy stole it first.
As for the LED IPS, the market hasn't fully caught up.  LG is trying, but their color gamut isn't that nice.  E-IPS is currently affordable though with little light leakage from Dell at very reasonable prices -- this coming from someone that really dislikes Dell but bought one anyway due to bang for buck.
May 6, 2011 at 7:07 PM Post #152 of 218

Alright, I did this just to get this thread back on track.....
.....well, also I couldn't take his muffled phones anymore.
I just ordered a set of ATH-M50s.  I wanted a set of these for when my ears are tired, and mainly for by bass guitar amp.  My son and I both practice our basses there.  I'm going to leave them there, so he can use them too.  He can't even uses those Skullcandys, because they are only 1/8" terminated, and the amp takes 1/4" (he knows nothing of adapters).  This will at least force him to listen to something else.  Updates to follow...

Sneaky sneaky haha, what a way to work around your son getting new headphones. I commend you for approaching the matter this way, though paying one of his friends to take his headphones would've been a better idea. Look forward to some updates! 
btw people, this is a forum for head-fi! Not for you to gossip or fight for which is better, like headphones, you have to let people be happy with what they got while you stay in your happy zone of what you got. If you want to argue which one is better, go on something like Engadget to fight your point. If you're going to talk about the whole Mac vs PC thing, then start talking about the audio components of each instead of the machine itself -.- 
May 6, 2011 at 7:44 PM Post #153 of 218

Alright, I did this just to get this thread back on track.....
.....well, also I couldn't take his muffled phones anymore.
I just ordered a set of ATH-M50s.  I wanted a set of these for when my ears are tired, and mainly for by bass guitar amp.  My son and I both practice our basses there.  I'm going to leave them there, so he can use them too.  He can't even uses those Skullcandys, because they are only 1/8" terminated, and the amp takes 1/4" (he knows nothing of adapters).  This will at least force him to listen to something else.  Updates to follow...

you evil dad!
I am not a fan of the M50s but they have all those followers for some reason. maybe he can make a brief comparisson between the two, it'll be good to read a different point of view (outside headfi) 
May 6, 2011 at 7:54 PM Post #154 of 218

you evil dad!
I am not a fan of the M50s but they have all those followers for some reason. maybe he can make a brief comparisson between the two, it'll be good to read a different point of view (outside headfi) 

it's kind of ironic though, because my dad and mom know nothing about adapters, so i can use that excuse to get new headphones haha. But then again, I'm nice enough to not want new headphones and what i do get, i pay for with my financial aid =/ guess that new amp that i've been wanting will have to wait till next spring *sigh*
May 6, 2011 at 8:03 PM Post #155 of 218

As for the LED IPS, the market hasn't fully caught up.  LG is trying, but their color gamut isn't that nice.  

The LED backlit IPS displays used in the iMacs and cinema displays are the LG panels.
To the topic!
Oh man you got him the M50s?  I hope the kids around him appreciate the subtlety and properness of black.  It'd be interesting to see how he compares the two.
May 6, 2011 at 9:56 PM Post #156 of 218

I ordered a set.  They might end up his, if he sees the light.  Or they might end up being mine, for when I play.
I know the odds are stacked against me, I just offered to let him listen to my "new to me" HF2s, and he passed...
...Oh man you got him the M50s?

May 7, 2011 at 3:07 PM Post #163 of 218
i suggest the phiaton ms400 since he seems to like pizazz, lol. The cord on the hd25ii might be too long for normal people, its like 59 inches, it may be a bit too long and in my experiences normal people dislike that.
May 7, 2011 at 8:33 PM Post #164 of 218
If the headphone cable is too long, he might play jump rope with the cable. And you may have to smack him upside the head when he does.
May 7, 2011 at 10:13 PM Post #165 of 218

I ordered a set.  They might end up his, if he sees the light.  Or they might end up being mine, for when I play.
I know the odds are stacked against me, I just offered to let him listen to my "new to me" HF2s, and he passed...


*its a .gif*
Shun the non-believer!!!!

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