Shure SRH1840 and SRH1440 Unveiled!
Jan 13, 2012 at 12:17 AM Post #676 of 2,284

lack of low end response? The SA-5000 sure does have little bass

But doesn't the HD 800 have little bass as well? The HD 800 extends well, but it's anemic. The only thing that's sounds great out of my soundcard are the AH-D7000. I can't use the SA-5000 with it

Wow, you are just the poster child for a bad HD800 setup w/ every observation you post.
Jan 13, 2012 at 12:23 AM Post #678 of 2,284
Anyway enjoy your $1500 nick magnet, fanboy. My SA-5000 has build faults and I'll admit that too. But at least I'm not blinded by fanboyism.

And the HD800 are well driven, I even commented in areas it sounded better than the SA-5000 and yet you fail to provide an intelligent argument, or consider my individual taste.
Jan 13, 2012 at 12:24 AM Post #679 of 2,284

Anyway enjoy your $1500 nick magnet, fanboy. My SA-5000 has build faults and I'll admit that too. But at least I'm not blinded by fanboyism.

And the HD800 are well driven, I even commented in areas it sounded better than the SA-5000 and yet you fail to provide an intelligent argument, or consider my individual taste.

Jan 13, 2012 at 12:26 AM Post #680 of 2,284
Anyway enjoy your $1500 nick magnet, fanboy. My SA-5000 has build faults and I'll admit that too. But at least I'm not blinded by fanboyism.

And the HD800 are well driven, I even commented in areas it sounded better than the SA-5000 and yet you fail to provide an intelligent argument, or consider my individual taste.

Time to quit while you are behind. Let's get back on topic before I summon Currawong, who is always watching.
Jan 13, 2012 at 10:41 AM Post #684 of 2,284
So besides Staxx being a complete troll, what else is new with the new shure line-up? I'm waiting to hear some impressions!
Audio-Technica Stay updated on Audio-Technica at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jan 13, 2012 at 12:35 PM Post #685 of 2,284
Jan 13, 2012 at 12:41 PM Post #686 of 2,284
Does anyone know the true release date of these things? (1840s specifically).
On the Shure website it states Dec. 2012...a bit far away. Source:
However, on the same site but different page, they say early 2012. Source:
Jan 13, 2012 at 12:42 PM Post #687 of 2,284
SHURE SRH1840 WOW what a design... just for the look,weight and comfort....WOW their old 840 was so uncomfortable....
I just wonder about the padding on the headband seems a little small..
I guess they are learning...
I ordered an HE-400 but i'm afraid of the 440grams ... kinda crazy heavy in my opinion anything over 300g is too heavy for normal use
Jan 13, 2012 at 2:17 PM Post #688 of 2,284
So we know that Jude typically only reviews things he is willing to recommend. If he doesn't review the SRH1840, I figure the reason would be due to either:
A) Jude doesn't like the SRH1840 (pretty much NOT the case, due to his comments of it being very impressive)
B) Jude likes it more than the HD700 and won't review it for commercial/sponsorship reasons
C) Jude is super busy and hasn't had time to review it for whatever reasons
I also wonder if any other head-fi'ers have had access to the SRH1840, as was the case with the HD700. I suppose we should hear more soon in any case assuming it's to be released soon. As was said above, does anyone know when exactly it's planned to be available?
Jan 13, 2012 at 3:16 PM Post #689 of 2,284
The Shures look interesting but I'm still loving the 940s too much to worry about any change. We'll see when these have been out for awhile. I'm Shure they'll be nice cans.
Jan 13, 2012 at 5:45 PM Post #690 of 2,284
Well... it's gonna be hard to artfully navigate the sponsors when the reality is that the SRH1840 sounds better than the T1, PS1000, HD800, HD700, RS1, Edition [insert number], LCD-3, LCD-2, D7000, and pretty much anything else out there.
But because sponsorship is slanted and the need to justify expensive purchases remains strong. These things are pretty much mediocre but still a "bargain" at their stated MSRP.
There you have it, an insider's view on how to plan an upcoming review posting based on reality. j/k

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