Shure SRH1840 and SRH1440 Unveiled!
Jan 12, 2012 at 11:33 PM Post #661 of 2,284

Detail retrieval bested by the SA-5000?  I beg to differ and this isn't one of the subjective areas of audio.

Look buddy, have you heard both? This is something not only said by me, but by many others. And having heard it, I agree. The HD 800 does win in some areas though such as imaging and soundstage. It's up to the listener to decide. I know the SA-5000 is frowned around here sometimes for being too bright, but that's their appeal.
Jan 12, 2012 at 11:42 PM Post #662 of 2,284
but I honestly believe the MDR-SA5000 spanks the HD 800 in almost every criteria that is important to me (speed, details and resolution).

GL finding one objective measurement to validate your claim.  You won't find one because it doesn't exist.  What does exist is your chain which is a poor match at driving the HD800 to it's potential.  It's ok, you aren't alone.  Btw, I've had the SA5000 and HD800 side by side for the past 2 months and I know exactly why you came to your conclusion regardless of how wrong it is.  Time to upgrade your chain if those are priorities for you since the SA5000 is inferior by comparison in absolute terms of the headphones themselves when removing user error.  

Jan 12, 2012 at 11:47 PM Post #663 of 2,284

GL finding one objective measurement to validate your claim.  You won't find one because it doesn't exist.  What does exist is your chain which is a poor match at driving the HD800 to it's potential.  It's ok, you aren't alone.  Btw, I've had the SA5000 and HD800 side by side for the past 2 months and I know exactly why you came to your conclusion regardless of how wrong it is.  Time to upgrade your chain if those are priorities for you since the SA5000 is inferior by comparison in absolute terms of the headphones themselves when removing user error.  

The HD 800 isn't mine, they belong to a friend of mine who has Lehman audio, beyerdynamic and Fostex amps. In measurements the SA-5000 may not look as flat as the HD 800, but it does sound neutral to me. Anyway, you're being biased so I don't wish to continue arguing with you. I believe my ears, as the many others who believe the SA-5000 destroys it in detail retreival.
Jan 12, 2012 at 11:55 PM Post #664 of 2,284

The HD 800 isn't mine, they belong to a friend of mine who has Lehman audio, beyerdynamic and Fostex amps. In measurements the SA-5000 may not look as flat as the HD 800, but it does sound neutral to me. Anyway, you're being biased so I don't wish to continue arguing with you. I believe my ears, as the many others who believe the SA-5000 destroys it in detail retreival.

The rest of us will go with our ears and oh, the many others who believe the HD800 destroys the SA-5000 in detail retrieval.  

Jan 12, 2012 at 11:58 PM Post #665 of 2,284
Good for them.  
Now I know what amps to avoid.  Your postings are sufficient enough that they require no argument at all for those that understand things like detail, speed and resolution.  You should ask Tyll to redo all his gear reviews where he used the inferior HD800.  Then again, he's just a biased fanboy like me I'm Shure.  

Jan 13, 2012 at 12:01 AM Post #666 of 2,284
Speaking of SHURE
These guys come out soon in the US.
Still no substantial stuff out there regarding their performance.  This guy is excited
Jan 13, 2012 at 12:02 AM Post #667 of 2,284

The HD 800 isn't mine, they belong to a friend of mine who has Lehman audio, beyerdynamic and Fostex amps. In measurements the SA-5000 may not look as flat as the HD 800, but it does sound neutral to me. Anyway, you're being biased so I don't wish to continue arguing with you. I believe my ears, as the many others who believe the SA-5000 destroys it in detail retreival.

Who are these many others? I haven't seen any in my time here.
Jan 13, 2012 at 12:04 AM Post #669 of 2,284

Who are these many others? I haven't seen any in my time here.

I've seen one.  Make it two now.  If you use a weak chain he's actually right.  I've experienced it myself.  But that indicates nothing about the phone, just the current state of gear.  It's not hard to make the 800 sound rather mediocre.
Jan 13, 2012 at 12:04 AM Post #670 of 2,284

Good for them.  
Now I know what amps to avoid.  Your postings are sufficient enough that they require no argument at all for those that understand things like detail, speed and resolution.  You should ask Tyll to redo all his gear reviews where he used the inferior HD800.  Then again, he's just a biased fanboy like me I'm Shure.  

I understand detail retrieval, resolution, and speed. I'll admit I'm not too experienced in other areas such as listening for instrument separation, soundstage, etc.
Detail retrieval is better, I can hear this especially on old metal records, picks up more hiss, tiny noises, scratching fingers on guitars etc, at least it sounds clearer. Speed is painfully obvious, a simple A/B test on any fast recording will tell this. As for resolution, the SA-5000 is cleaner and clinical. Maybe it's a bit bright, but that's why it has these qualities. FYI the HD 800 is quite bright too.

Seasoned reviewers have compared the SA-5000 to the HD 800, google "ryumatsuba".
Jan 13, 2012 at 12:06 AM Post #671 of 2,284
Also, I don't use my SA-5000 at all, it's very critical of sources, as is the HD 800. You guys think I have a poor source, yes it's true. But I have used my friend's setup to listen to them.
Jan 13, 2012 at 12:08 AM Post #672 of 2,284

I understand detail retrieval, resolution, and speed......Maybe it's a bit bright, but that's why it has these qualities. FYI the HD 800 is quite bright too.

FR and bright has nothing to w/ it.  Only false perceived detail not actual resolution throughout the spectrum.  No worries, if you plan on using the Xonar I recommend you use the SA5000 and save lots of money.  They sound great from a sound card especially if you keep the volume moderate or below.  Except for lack of low-end response.
Jan 13, 2012 at 12:15 AM Post #674 of 2,284
lack of low end response? The SA-5000 sure does have little bass

But doesn't the HD 800 have little bass as well? The HD 800 extends well, but it's anemic. The only thing that's sounds great out of my soundcard are the AH-D7000. I can't use the SA-5000 with it


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