Shure SE846 Impressions Thread
Jun 11, 2014 at 8:40 AM Post #3,107 of 22,960
Solude: You say you have the AK100II and that the SE846 are quite forgiving of it?

I have the AK100 Mk2 not AK100II.  Thanks for that AK :p
The AK100 Mk2 is quite good for a DAP but it is still a DAP.  The AK100II is Cirrus based like the iPad so it should be dry and bright compared to the original AK series.
Jun 11, 2014 at 1:53 PM Post #3,108 of 22,960
They're Here!!! (arrived and fitted Yesterday)..
My thoughts and impressions to follow shortly...
Jun 11, 2014 at 5:40 PM Post #3,114 of 22,960
Monty Burn's Custom Sleeve Adventure:
Chapter 2 - Welcome to the Machine
Well I went for the final fitting yesterday for my custom sleeves and I am reporting back to all of you as promised in Chapter 1 (post #2761)
It was little long, as it also included my initial (sur)real world impressions of the Custom Sleeves post "fitting. As such I have split it into two posts this one regarding the Final Fitting. To follow later will be my first listening impressions
Think of it as a day in the life, (albeit not your ordinary day).
What about to read is 100% true. Mostly, in part. But absolutely in another Quantum reality/universe (I am certain Quantum Theory does and will hold up). A few embellishments may have been made but hey be excitingly right in general is better than to be dully accurate in particular... . In my own defense all experience is by its very nature subjective.
But enough of philosophy and Quantum theory. ...
As Twain said "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story." ...
So sit back, strap in - down the Rabbit Hole you go.
The Final Fitting
Given my earlier experience of having my ear impressions taken, this day I brought along my sycophantic assistant Waylon Smithers to take pictures of the process for posterity, so future generations will not forget the events if this great day in human (evolutionary) history.
The 846 may be self aware machine however it cannot operate a camera. Opposable thumbs Rock! Homo Sapiens Rule! - for now. (I worry equally about the ascendency of super intelligent talking apes. But that is for another time)

Sycophant assistant Waylon Smithers .
Despite my prior experience with Dr Brodsky and the Ludovico Institute, the entire "process" was somewhat more involved this time than I had ever imagined.
Dr. Brodsky employs the Ludovico Technique" to perform the Final Fitting. My initial visit however, had not in anyway prepared me for what was to come. I doubt anything could have.
The Ludovico Technique would guarantee a perfect fit culminating in the perfect and seamless union between man and machine. I was told
"What no bio-neural interface?" I joked
"Not at this time" He intoned in perfect seriousness

 Dr. Brodsky
"We are still working out some kinks out of the firmware. Now, please sign the release form so we can begin."
I was (and remain) still very unclear as to the finer details and purpose of what would transpire, but he did wear a white Lab coat. Importantly Dr Brodsky had my customs sleeves that I had waited for in his possession.

Did I mention dude wore a white lab coat?
Putting aside any misgivings and infused as I was with the confidence that only a white lab coat can inure in a layperson, I signed the release form. After all the road to my custom sleeves not to mention the promised land - transcendence and sonic bliss - went through the Ludovico Institute.
With that I was led back in to the room still ominously marked "Suite 42: Cybernetic Integration"
Here is, best as I recollect, what happened next:
I was bound up in a straitjacket and my gulliver was strapped to a headrest with like wires running away from it. Then they clamped like lidlocks on my eyes so that I could not shut them no matter how hard I tried. It seemed a bit crazy to me, but I let them get on with what they wanted to get on with.
I was thinking this is all a bit constricting and uncomfortable But I just told myself ears on the prize. - Transcendence is at hand would be my mantra
I still have NO idea what the point of the lidlocks is

(above)Dr. Branom, Dr Brodsky's assistant 
"prepares" me for the Final Fitting
Then the process unfolded;
Tiny tendrils/tubules extended from the sleeve's aperture spreading deeper, deeper into my brain - spreading out into Nano sized branches ever deeper into every synapse of my Cortex then down through the Midbrain to the Brain stem. Finally co mingling with my Central Nervous System at a sub atomic level - I think. - I remind you all I am technically challenged and I have no objective proof any of this happened. Nonetheless I am certain of this fact. - The 8s told me thus.

Some minor adjustments were clearly needed as witnessed by my reaction (above)
the SQ was far too "bright" and "sibilant"
When I expressed I was feeling some discomfort, Dr Brodsky intoned
"I’m sorry, ... this is for your own good. You’ll have to bear with us for a while. You must take your chance, Monty. The choice has been all yours"

Dr. Branom and Dr Brodsky at the controls

(above) The adjustment was having its intended effect.
Though I was starting to feel just a wee bit queasy and the straightjacket was chaffing like crazy.
Then... BOOM! I just snapped. (At that exact moment the purpose of the straightjacket became crystal clear.)
I pleaded
Let me be sick... I want to get up. Get me something to be sick in... Stop the music... Please stop it... I can't stand it any more. Stop it please... please
Stop it... stop it, please!!! I beg of you!!! It's a sin!!! It's a sin!!! It's a sin, please!!!
What's all this about sin?

That!... Using Ludwig van like that! He did no harm to anyone. Beethoven just wrote music.

Are you referring to the background score?

You've heard Beethoven before?


So, You're keen on music?

Yes!!! (Obviously -IEM, custom sleeves. Duh you screwing ******)
I'm sorry, Monty, this is for your own good, you'll have to bear with us for a while.
You needn’t take it any further, sir. You’ve proved to me that all this universal fit and foam nozzle condoms is wrong, wrong, and terribly wrong. I’ve learned me lesson, sir. I’ve heard now what I’ve never heard before. I’m fitted and sealed! Praise Kubrick!

Dr Brodsky was having none of it
"You’re not fully fitted yet, boy.
At some point I must have passed out. In the fullness of time they were done. They unstrapped me and removed the straightjacket (fouled as it was with vomit and other bodily fluids) lid-locks et all. Cleaned me with a high pressure hose and handed me my clothes.
After I dressed Dr Brodsky congratulated me on taking the leap and making what he called the ultimate upgrade. With that he walked out of the room. His 8s, deeply seated in his ears, glowing luminescent red,

(above) Here I am following the "fitting" on my way to reception to pay my bill  
Feeling great, looking sharp and ready for love (Doobidodo).
Would I recommend a Sensaphonics Custom Sleeve? In a word or three.. So far- Yes,
At this point I don't have any real world experience with them in other than to say the fit is well ,- - well, like nothing I have experienced before. The seal.... Its a SEAL TGIHT. - no faulty O-Ring here (too soon?).
Will I get that scratchy feeling and/or soreness that the foam nozzle condoms gave me? Only extended wear and time will tell.
I note that I am most aware of them on my outer ear just above my ear lobe(bottom of the ear on the left side- this is a very initial impression.
I can, however, comment on the sleeves and process

They are BIG no more low profile with these in your head.
I suppose this has much to do with the tendrils and tubules. I mean they had to come from somewhere. .
The Audiologist I used was extremely thorough and professional (albeit somewhat "intense"). The technique was not what I had expected. But all and all I would say the process is nothing to fear.
Full disclosure, the process somewhat invasive with some minor discomfort and slight unpleasantness at times. Primarily this occurs during extraction. Unlike with UF nozzle condoms, one must wait until the tubules/tendrils have fully retracted from the brain. An "interesting" experience to be sure, but who among us is not willing to pay some sort of steep price in search of that elusive perfect sonic moment..
Seriously, what's' a wee bit of searing agony compared to a perfect seal, musical bliss AND comfort . (Fingers crossed on that. could take weeks to find out for certain.)
It is perhaps worth noting that as the 8s retract the tubules, ..(Oww !) (I have said too much) ..Never mind, water under the bridge. Everything Doubleplusgood,.
Like with anything I suggest you do your own local research satisfy yourself. don't be afraid to ask the audiologist questions.
For Example
What technique do they use to make the molds?
What are ALL of the costs involved? (Shipping impressions to USA cost what? I am going to be sick again...).
What experience does the Audiologist have in making molds?
What guarantees, if any, are there?
How is the Final Fitting performed?
What exactly (if applicable) is the Ludovico Technique?
Why is there a whirring noise and low electrical hum coming from my inside head?
(pre-existing condition maybe?)
Time to go home and give these Sleeves a REAL workout then I will post my thoughts on the musicality of the Sensaphonics Custom Sleeves paired to the SE846and how do they and I physically stand up to extended wear.
Until then, ........I'll see you on the dark side of the moon... .
SMITHERS!!! Bring around my Limousine and drive me home!
Jun 11, 2014 at 5:48 PM Post #3,116 of 22,960
Take two Moosehead and call me in the morning.
Jun 11, 2014 at 6:13 PM Post #3,119 of 22,960
Bass on the 846 is great and def musical,but i just prefer the quicker and even deeper and cleaner presentation of something like dita or merlin,hopefully ref1 and harmony 8pro soon:)
My general view is hybrids and customs are still in the lead but universals are getting there.ref1 and roxannes are prob the only ones competing fully with the best customs.
The shures are better in some respects and highly enjoyable,but still sound like iem of old days,just much improved..

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