Shure SE846 Impressions Thread
Jun 11, 2014 at 10:22 PM Post #3,136 of 22,960
I don't buy that at all.  Where was that rule written and I missed it?  Compare headphones to IEMs?  Wouldn't that be a little unfair to the headphones? 
But if you don't think usability factors in to the equation, you simply haven't been to very many live performances - well, not as close as I have, anyway.  Creed, Black Crowes, 3rd Eye Blind and all the rest of them?  The band themselves use IEMs. Now, the sound engineers, the technicians and everyone else backstage or in the dark wear headphones.  Its that way because Eddie Vetter, Neil Young, Sammy Hagar and Tina Turner do not find headphones very usable for live performances.  And who, my friend, is going to tell them any different.  You?
I guess if I could do with headphones what I do with IEMs, it would make sense - but I can't, so it doesn't.  I listen to IEMs on an average of 6 hours a day.  Sometimes more.  Being limited to headphones would reduce that figure to 2.  So you can see how it is hard for me to get all warm and fuzzy over headgear that so cripples my enjoyment of music.  Because I can assure of this much -  NO ONE enjoys listening to music more than I do.  It may be possible that someone enjoys it as much, and maybe they are better at it, but for sure, not more. 
And yeah, I take it THAT seriously, so yeah, I use IEMs.  And that is not likely going to change. 

That was sweet .  Technical and visceral. I was stuck at isn't that comparing apples and oranges in my head. That makes it all clear.
Game set match
But be fair headphones/cans had their day in live and recorded music with their curly cords as well. And they provided us with some of Rocks greatest images. For your consideration .....Uncle Ernie, ....The Bellboy himself...The Late Oh so Great never to be repeated replicated or surpassed... 
Keith  Moon (1946-1978)

His death marked the end of "prop" value of Headphones
Jun 11, 2014 at 11:06 PM Post #3,137 of 22,960
  That was sweet .  Technical and visceral. I was stuck at isn't that comparing apples and oranges in my head. That makes it all clear.
Game set match
But be fair headphones/cans had their day in live and recorded music with their curly cords as well. And they provided us with some of Rocks greatest images. For your consideration .....Uncle Ernie, ....The Bellboy himself...The Late Oh so Great never to be repeated replicated or surpassed... 
His death marked the end of "prop" value of Headphones

As always, you are 1) cool   2) Entertaining  3) quite correct.
BTW - fantastic read on the sleeves.  I'm sold.  My eyes hurt now, but yeah, I'm sold.  Job well done.
Jun 11, 2014 at 11:09 PM Post #3,139 of 22,960
Now I like my Shure's for a nice long hike though the extensive wooded areas in Toronto in Summer. with my (sigh) iPod classic (seriously people some feedback F5 or DX90). No people and the music cutting out the drone of the city and the infernal noises of nature - (if I don't hear the bugs I don't have to see them).  Portable Bliss. Soon to be BLISS++.
Now I could just as easily strap my NAD amp and preamp to my chest with a generator on my back and a turntable on top of the generator. With the HD800 jacked in to the 3/4"(?) But I choose not  - just me I suppose
Sure it would be clumsy dangerous and would require me to buy a turntable, vinyl and a generator ..gas can...  other than that just as portable as my Shure, (sigh)iPod set-up  All the kids these days are sporting vinyl Must be a steampunk thing.
How are you getting away with SE846s while your girlfriend has the (very respectable) SE215s. ?
My last girlfriend was very much of the philosophy What is hers is hers and What is mine is hers. You are a lucky man to have someone who lets you use and her ejoy her 846s  :wink:
Jun 11, 2014 at 11:26 PM Post #3,140 of 22,960
How are you getting away with SE846s while your girlfriend has the (very respectable) SE215s. ?
My last girlfriend was very much of the philosophy What is hers is hers and What is mine is hers. You are a lucky man to have someone who lets you use and her ejoy her 846s  :wink:

Damn, caught that, did ya.   Busted.
Couldn't afford 2 pair at once, so I struck a compromise with her.    I would buy her the SE215 SEs (which sound kick ass, by the way, and as an added bonus look way cool)  for now, and get her the 846s for christmas (or by christmas, at least).  Linda's  taste in IEM's is heavily influenced by their looks, so for now she is satisfied that her pretty ocean blue 215s sound better than my rather dull clear colorless 846s.  Of course, all this would change if she actually heard them so I have no choice but to be on my A game in keeping  them from her.  See, she has this policy I am subject to:  What's mine is hers, and, what's HERS is hers.
Seriously.  I did buy her the 215 SEs, but i just recently also bought her a pair of Atrios MG7.  Depending on how you like your bass, the Atrios may outshine the 846s even.  They have that fuller dynamic driver boom town sound, and she likes that.  So, those tide her over until we can afford another pair of 846s, but  yes, she wants it all - bass, mids AND highs.
Also,  told me tell you THANK YOU VERY MUCH.  She loves her little collection of tips.  Actually, she told me to give you a big kiss, but that's not  happening so be happy with your thank you and leave it at that.
Jun 11, 2014 at 11:40 PM Post #3,141 of 22,960
  ... (seriously people some feedback F5 or DX90). ...

Have not heard the X5, but the DX90 is unbelievable with the 846's.  The built in amp is quite decent also, although I still prefer to run mine line out to my RSA Shadow.  Add that to the fact that they have 128GB cards out now (if you feel like dropping the cash) and the DX90 is quite a serious player in portable music.  I am just waiting now for iBasso to release the 64bit DAC driver so I can use it as my DAC at work instead of my Dragonfly.  I have heard the X3, used to own the DX50 and Sony F807, and even listened to the AK240 for a while.  After owning the DX90, there is no way I would ever spend the money on the AK240....I don't think anyone could convince me it is $2000 better, although 256GB built in storage is nice.
I really have zero complaints about the DX90, it does everything I want it to, and sounds wonderful.
Jun 12, 2014 at 12:04 AM Post #3,142 of 22,960
Thankyou Mr. Burns for what was both an entertaining and thoroughly comprehensive first impression of your custom sleeves.

I must admit I now have my sights (what's left of them :p ) firmly honed in on doing the same later in the year.

We are moving, nanometre by nanometre, ever closer to the all too elusive perfection in audio. The day in which we strike may be the last day on Earth, but oh my, it shall be a great day indeed.
Jun 12, 2014 at 12:15 AM Post #3,143 of 22,960
I don't buy that at all.  Where was that rule written and I missed it?  Compare headphones to IEMs?  Wouldn't that be a little unfair to the headphones?  I mean, these days, what size drivers do heaphones use - like, what?  50mm?  Now, add up the total surface area of the 846 BA foils pushing the air and the result is sad indeed, in comparison.  Takes headphones so much more much more much more power - not to mention almost twice the price (Sennhieser HD800 from sweetwater = 1499.00 - same place I bought my 846s for 900.00) for marginally better sound at, in my case, a 75% reduction in usability....its just a stupid comparison that ends with SQ achieved per grams of material used.  End of story.

You say portability, but a better word would be 'usability'.  I mean, come on.  People buy IEMs over headphones for some very good reasons.  Take me for example.  If I were limited to a set of headphones as my only headgear, the time I spend listening to music would easily be reduced by at least 70%.  Sorry, but I am not driving around looking like the dork of the century with a pair of headphones on.  It would cost me roughly 3 grand or more to install a car audio system that would replicate the quality of sound the 846s produce.  But more than that, one of my favorite things to do is to put my girlfriend on the back of my Yamaha, get on I-35 just around sunset and make that trek north to Lake Texoma on the Oklahoma border.  So nice.  STP purple CD at 110mph and we are the only ones on the road.  So sweet.  Me with my 846s and my girlfriend with her SE215 special editions, connected to the fuze player and feed through a FiiO bass boosted amp.  Its kinda what life is all about, and you know what?  Aint happening with HD800s. Not while wearing full coverage helments.  Sorry, just the way it is.  I mean, really.  Toss applicability aside and look at power consumption alone.  I get 8 to 10 hours of constant play from my player and amp.  I make that round trip to Lake Texoma driving 2 sets of IEMs with power left over.  How do you suppose two sets of HD800s at those volume levels would fair?

But if you don't think usability factors in to the equation, you simply haven't been to very many live performances - well, not as close as I have, anyway.  Creed, Black Crowes, 3rd Eye Blind and all the rest of them?  The band themselves use IEMs. Now, the sound engineers, the technicians and everyone else backstage or in the dark wear headphones.  Its that way because Eddie Vetter, Neil Young, Sammy Hagar and Tina Turner do not find headphones very usable for live performances.  And who, my friend, is going to tell them any different.  You?

But if you insist on comparing IEMs to headphones, at least do it in a way that makes some sort of sense, like price levels, maybe.  And in the sennheiser world that gives you what?  The HD700s in the SE846s price range?  I know too many people that have tossed their HD650s aside in favor of the 846s, but how, exactly, do the HD700s compare?  Anyone know?  You know?

I guess if I could do with headphones what I do with IEMs, it would make sense - comparing them.  But I can't, so it doesn't.  I listen to IEMs on an average of 6 hours a day.  Sometimes more.  Being limited to headphones would reduce that figure to 2.  So you can see how it is hard for me to get all warm and fuzzy over headgear that so cripples my enjoyment of music.  Because I can assure of this much -  NO ONE enjoys listening to music more than I do.  It may be possible that someone enjoys it as much, and maybe they are better at it, but for sure, not more. 

And yeah, I take it THAT seriously, so yeah, I use IEMs.  And that is not likely going to change. 

You sound like some spoof character from a Will Ferrel movie. All because someone on another thread compared the SOUND QUALITY of his W60 to the SOUND QUALITY of his Lcd-x. Any more stories about what life's all about? I don't think philosophy is your strong point.
Just imagine saying your post out loud in front of people?
Jun 12, 2014 at 12:18 AM Post #3,144 of 22,960
revolutionz: I too am examining the DX90 along with the Astell&Kern lineup.

The AK240 is sadly completely inaccessible to me, and even sadder is that the rest of the supporting lineup fails to justify just why the team leader is as such. 256GB onboard? Yeah, that's swell, but the price of a gigabyte depreciates on a near daily basis. But more importantly, why does each player sport different sound signatures? Should the oomph factor be just that little bit less?

I may cave in and get the AK120, however its milky warmth is, presently, a real turn-off. EQ it? This kind of goes against my moral fibres. Why must I EQ after offloading an entire half-yearly advance?

Some convincing will be needed; I fear that two SD card slots may end up seducing me into the biggest case of buyer's remorse since forgetting just how woeful New Balance shoes are on my feet (really, they are!).

I will soon have the chance to try my brother's Rockboxed DX50. We'll see how that goes. Unfortunately Jaben's Melbourne store does not stock the DX range, meaning little chance of audition unless another carrier stocks them.

As stated earlier, an iPad may be the front runner due to its high capacity, usefulness as a reading device and so on. Having to lug it around in a backpack (with cable sprouting from out its side pocket) as well as no SD card slot are negatives however I feel that the Apple iDevice sound works well with the 846.

Far out, I must have reiterated this about six times now. Sorry folks! This ain't an easy consumer decision, boy howdy!
Jun 12, 2014 at 1:43 AM Post #3,145 of 22,960
Great wriite-up as usual Monty! Enjoyed every time.

Black Label:
One major concern you may want to take in to consideration is the inability for the iPad to play files better than 24bit/48kHz through the phone out.
That is, no 24/88.2, 24/96, 24/192 and no DSD.
On the other hand most 'audiophile' DAP plays up to 24/192 if not DSD.

There's a workaround for the phone out limit of the iDevice tho. One may bypass the DAC section of the device and let a external DAC do the work (aka OTG). To do this one may also have to install third party app like HFPlayer to read hi-res files.

I personally abhor the stacking of devices so that's why I am too considering buying myself a dedicated DAP.
Jun 12, 2014 at 3:34 AM Post #3,146 of 22,960
For every HD800 owner there is another who will demo and buy something else *cough*

I think even the biggest HD800 fan would smile that someone is worried about SE846 comparison. Last I checked the HD800 does not sound good straight out of a phone. So buy the HD800 then and spend 2k on components behind it. If you can cope with carrying that around a subway then great. Why bother visiting portable iem.
Jun 12, 2014 at 3:48 AM Post #3,147 of 22,960
Without you telling us how you think they differ I can only talk to their tonal differences.  Merlin is a bass monster with a big old treble spike.  Your typical V curve.  The 846, depending on filter used, ranges from very warm to nearly neutral (using the Welti/Olive curve).

Yes,its a v-curved,but the way you describe them makes them sound bad,whereas i hear a much clearer,bigger sound coming from the merlins with far greater separation, calling the treble a spike is very unjust:)
the 846 are thicker and slower,but lusher with better midrange,or poss more forward one i all other shures,they do the main instruments or voices great,but the rest is subtly living in the background.especially the treble detail,its like eq it down.
Putting the Merlins on is like entering a clearer,better defined everything space from my recent experience.sound is like big speakers whereas 856 are a great monitor with more bass than before,but sound slightly veiled in comparison with smaller presentation and soundstage.

Anyways,it doesn't matter,we all hear differently and the money we spend is stupid.
I could live with any of these at the end:))
Jun 12, 2014 at 4:40 AM Post #3,148 of 22,960
  That was sweet .  Technical and visceral. I was stuck at isn't that comparing apples and oranges in my head. That makes it all clear.
Game set match
But be fair headphones/cans had their day in live and recorded music with their curly cords as well. And they provided us with some of Rocks greatest images. For your consideration .....Uncle Ernie, ....The Bellboy himself...The Late Oh so Great never to be repeated replicated or surpassed... 
Keith  Moon (1946-1978)

His death marked the end of "prop" value of Headphones

Back then all they had were headphones you duct tape onto your head.

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