Shure SE846 Impressions Thread
Jan 5, 2015 at 11:24 PM Post #8,656 of 22,960
Soon enough, i will be getting my th900 cable upgrade back soon, and will attempt filter change. Im using wetstone stars tips which fit very well.
The chord is blowing my mind on detail and space, like hearing stuff that i didnt realize was there, bass within bass as an example. Im still in the awe phase and await my fostex return. The rabit hole has been fun.

I like it this way too- stuff trickling in. It is not a matter of fit- the westone star tips, the shure foamies, heck even the shure mushrooms fit me perfectly.
The silicon SCS further eats up some of the edginess of the treble, adding a touch of warmth. Comfort is also top-notch.
Jan 5, 2015 at 11:24 PM Post #8,657 of 22,960
Is it really THAT good? I gave them a brief listen in store, didn't find them any special... In contrast, the first time putting on my FX850s made me amazed at what a pair of IEMs can do. The same goes to IE800s, the imaging is just... unbelievable. 

For starters, I am already finding that these IEMs are merciless in that they are very unforgiving to any mismatch or imperfection. Out of the gate I was hearing some artifacting and compression from 320kb mp3s I hadn't heard on other earbuds, I tried all the other filters (unmodded) and I have tried numerous different tips, sizes and style (flange, silicone and foam) and found that you really do need the right tip, the right filter, and the right source. Things were great out the gate but once I settled on blue filters, medium shure foam tips and tossed on some flac rips, I really felt like I was in another sort of zone briefly. Like in the studio, or really experiencing the music (this depends on what your listening to also). Live concerts like Daft Punks Alive 2007 or Hotel California sound stupendous. Tom Petty sounds like he's standing right in front of you with his guitar amped directly to your head.

Secondly, and more importantly is that is the reason I gave some background on my listening experience. As time has gone on, I have further discovered what I want in an "end game" sound. The 846 just hammered it hard for me. Your own tastes and experience will dictate that for you as well.

Having said that, if you get another chance to audition these, try changing the filters and try various tips to find something suitable before you settle in for a critical listen. Once you have all those in place, they may still not be for you, but it'd be hard to NOT say they have a quality sound.
Jan 5, 2015 at 11:31 PM Post #8,658 of 22,960
  Is it really THAT good? I gave them a brief listen in store, didn't find them any special... In contrast, the first time putting on my FX850s made me amazed at what a pair of IEMs can do. The same goes to IE800s, the imaging is just... unbelievable. 

The key distinguishing characteristics of the Shure 846 are great (not to be confused with 'a lot of') bass, and a midrange that is both lush and forward. Soundstaging and imaging however are not its strongest suit. Everyone looks for different things! :)
Jan 6, 2015 at 12:58 AM Post #8,659 of 22,960
The key distinguishing characteristics of the Shure 846 are great (not to be confused with 'a lot of') bass, and a midrange that is both lush and forward. Soundstaging and imaging however are not its strongest suit. Everyone looks for different things! :)


Do you find with your Chord Hugo that the soundstage and imaging of the 8s improve?

I recently switched from the RSA Lightning amp to the RSA Intruder DAC/amp. When I utilize the USB DAC in the Intruder I find the imaging becomes spot on and the soundstage increased by at least 25%. I was actually surprised by the amount of improvement considering I used the balanced out on both amplifiers.

One thing 8s also excel at is their ability to scale up as you improve your amp, DAC and/or DAP.
Jan 6, 2015 at 1:44 AM Post #8,660 of 22,960
Question for yall
I just got a JVC SUAX7 and a Fostex HPP1 dac/amp to compare. They both sound great except there is a slight hiss in the background when there is no sound yet on a song. 
Do you guys know why this is? They are both set in low gain mode with a usb hooked up to my iPhone 6. 
Jan 6, 2015 at 3:14 AM Post #8,661 of 22,960
I have taken the reverse journey from a few recent posters in that I bought an AK100II as a gift for myself just before Xmas, and only afterwards picked up the SE846's as a... birthday gift, yeah, that's it
 yesterday morning.  Such a great combo!
My existing SE535's have given me several very good years of listening pleasure, but once I heard what a difference sourcing from the AK100II made (compared to my previous series of iProducts), I knew my wallet would continue to take a beating.  Life is too short to subject your brain to anything but the best possible audio.
After getting home with my new toy, I spent the evening giddily running through a bunch of my favorite tracks comparing the 535 and 846 side-by-side, and while there are improvements across the entire spectrum, particularly at the bottom, I'm mainly impressed with how much more musical and fun the 846's signature is as a whole.  The 535's still sound very good, but I have found that they can read a little shrill during certain passages of music that are particularly fuzzy or chirpy, which accelerates fatigue.  No such problem with the 846 so far.  If anything, I've found that I kinda want even a little bit more from the upper end so I'm currently evaluating whether I prefer the blue or the white filters.  It's a good problem to have!
These are the best earphones I have ever owned, and I expect they'll last me for a while.  It was reassuring to find that the 535's still held their own when squared off against their younger and slightly more talented brother--this makes me believe that throwing substantially more $$ into my ear canals will only yield small incremental benefits, and with the AK100II/SE846 combo, I'm probably at my sweet spot and can resist further upgrade-itis.  I have an appreciation for detail but I'm far from a "golden ear"--I do most of my listening on the streets of NYC and on public transit so urban ambience puts a limit on how much finer a sound I'd be able to hear, and I should also mention that I have slight tinnitus and very mild hearing loss in both ears so super-duper high end gear would probably be wasted on me. 
I have to also add a few negative notes however about the build quality of the set of SE846 that I just purchased.  There are two issues out-of-the-box that are a bit annoying, and unexpected for a product that costs over a grand.  
First, there was a tiny burr in the cable's plastic right where it connects to the left earbud, in just the right place so that it constantly scratched one of the folds of my outer ear when worn.  That was really annoying, until I sanded it down on my jeans.  Not a big problem in the grand scheme of things, but it literally felt like a needle was rubbing against my ear until I fixed it.  Shure must have stamped out a few tens of thousands of those connectors by now so perhaps they need a new set of molds.  
The second issue is more concerning, and I'm curious if anyone else has encountered it.  I noticed when switching tips that the post for the left earbud has a little teeny bit of give to it.  The post on the right earbud does not have this problem and is solid as a rock.  I tried swapping posts between the buds after a filter switch, to no difference.  Pushing straight down on the post (as one must in order to install the tip) causes it to "creak" a little bit, indicating that the interior parts are flexing against the plastic housing.  Given the extremely small tolerances at play I am worried that this might indicate a more fundamental problem with how my unit was assembled, and have an impact on that earbud's ability to perform to its potential.
I'm going to call Shure tomorrow to discuss this issue and will probably end up visiting the store again to swap it out.  I was hoping to spend some quality time tomorrow with the things in my ears so it's going to be difficult consigning them back to their box.
Jan 6, 2015 at 3:37 AM Post #8,662 of 22,960
  I have taken the reverse journey from a few recent posters in that I bought an AK100II as a gift for myself just before Xmas, and only afterwards picked up the SE846's as a... birthday gift, yeah, that's it
 yesterday morning.  Such a great combo!
My existing SE535's have given me several very good years of listening pleasure, but once I heard what a difference sourcing from the AK100II made (compared to my previous series of iProducts), I knew my wallet would continue to take a beating.  Life is too short to subject your brain to anything but the best possible audio.
After getting home with my new toy, I spent the evening giddily running through a bunch of my favorite tracks comparing the 535 and 846 side-by-side, and while there are improvements across the entire spectrum, particularly at the bottom, I'm mainly impressed with how much more musical and fun the 846's signature is as a whole.  The 535's still sound very good, but I have found that they can read a little shrill during certain passages of music that are particularly fuzzy or chirpy, which accelerates fatigue.  No such problem with the 846 so far.  If anything, I've found that I kinda want even a little bit more from the upper end so I'm currently evaluating whether I prefer the blue or the white filters.  It's a good problem to have!
These are the best earphones I have ever owned, and I expect they'll last me for a while.  It was reassuring to find that the 535's still held their own when squared off against their younger and slightly more talented brother--this makes me believe that throwing substantially more $$ into my ear canals will only yield small incremental benefits, and with the AK100II/SE846 combo, I'm probably at my sweet spot and can resist further upgrade-itis.  I have an appreciation for detail but I'm far from a "golden ear"--I do most of my listening on the streets of NYC and on public transit so urban ambience puts a limit on how much finer a sound I'd be able to hear, and I should also mention that I have slight tinnitus and very mild hearing loss in both ears so super-duper high end gear would probably be wasted on me. 
I have to also add a few negative notes however about the build quality of the set of SE846 that I just purchased.  There are two issues out-of-the-box that are a bit annoying, and unexpected for a product that costs over a grand.  
First, there was a tiny burr in the cable's plastic right where it connects to the left earbud, in just the right place so that it constantly scratched one of the folds of my outer ear when worn.  That was really annoying, until I sanded it down on my jeans.  Not a big problem in the grand scheme of things, but it literally felt like a needle was rubbing against my ear until I fixed it.  Shure must have stamped out a few tens of thousands of those connectors by now so perhaps they need a new set of molds.  
The second issue is more concerning, and I'm curious if anyone else has encountered it.  I noticed when switching tips that the post for the left earbud has a little teeny bit of give to it.  The post on the right earbud does not have this problem and is solid as a rock.  I tried swapping posts between the buds after a filter switch, to no difference.  Pushing straight down on the post (as one must in order to install the tip) causes it to "creak" a little bit, indicating that the interior parts are flexing against the plastic housing.  Given the extremely small tolerances at play I am worried that this might indicate a more fundamental problem with how my unit was assembled, and have an impact on that earbud's ability to perform to its potential.
I'm going to call Shure tomorrow to discuss this issue and will probably end up visiting the store again to swap it out.  I was hoping to spend some quality time tomorrow with the things in my ears so it's going to be difficult consigning them back to their box.

Both my nozzles have a bit of give. It wasn't apparent when I first got them, but after switching out the tips and filters a few times, they became more noticeable. I believe it's just the rubber rings that are inside the housing being broken in. There hasn't been any change to the sound.
Jan 6, 2015 at 4:43 AM Post #8,663 of 22,960
I've reviewed (extensively) the AF180s while owning the SE846s and while the AF180s are an excellent IEM, I found their bass slightly lacking in comparison to the SE846 and their treble a little too rolled-off at times. Of course, source equipment plays a huge part so I'm not saying the OP was wrong about the AF180, but my personal experiences were different

Yeah, it's probably that I'm used to an ultra-flat sound from the AF180 and the SE846 I tried were just out of the box.
Jan 6, 2015 at 4:47 AM Post #8,664 of 22,960
One thing I found when changing the nozzles was that the metal nozzle itself gets mighty seated into the metal casing. What you have to do is insert the nozzle without tightening the faster. Slowly rotate the nozzle and apply a very light amount of pressure until it gets seated in its slot. The screw on the fastener. That's the only thing I could tell you as I don't have any give with the nozzles so if that doesn't work or if there is an issue beyond thar, I don't know what to tell you.

I do know that dinerenblanc has mentioned it before and much earlier in the thread there were others that mentioned something similar so maybe it isn't in fact defective.
Jan 6, 2015 at 5:03 AM Post #8,665 of 22,960
Btw congrats threephi, but send my condolences to your wallet lol. I can't wait to get my ak100ii. Currently using my 846 out of a iphone 6 plus and hoping the sound quality is a step up with the ak and 846 combo. I'll be running lossless of course.

How you liking your ak100ii so far with the 846? What improvements you notice over idevices and whatnot? (I'm basically asking for a mini review haha).
Jan 6, 2015 at 6:49 AM Post #8,666 of 22,960
I'd just thought of trying it out, but just spent an hour listening to music. The pairing with the Apex Glacier is wonderful. Zero hiss at all. Pitch black background. Other listening notes: the bass is a touch less impactful- which for any other IEM would be a bad thing, but the 846 has plenty to spare. There is zero sibilance (surprising! I should have tried this sooner...) even with my white filter + silver cable, and the mids are also less forward. Soundstage is large and airy. Overall, the sound is very smooth.
  As for the UE900, I'll try them later, but when I sent my 846 in to be fixed, I had to live exclusively with them for two weeks. I haven't touched them since. It's not that they're bad- it's just that the 846 has more clarity, more bass quality and impact, and is just overall much more fun. I much prefer the 846.

Sorry to take so long to get back on this man. Thanks for letting me know they pair well! I will be trying them out with my glacier in a few weeks. Ill be borrowing the UE900 also for a while. Just for fun and for understanding iems better. 
Jan 6, 2015 at 6:52 AM Post #8,667 of 22,960
Sorry to take so long to get back on this man. Thanks for letting me know they pair well! I will be trying them out with my glacier in a few weeks. Ill be borrowing the UE900 also for a while. Just for fun and for understanding iems better. 

No problem. It works great from the laptop- less so from the phone. From my iPhone, at least.
Jan 6, 2015 at 8:25 AM Post #8,668 of 22,960
Good Morning all. Happy 2015.  A new year means a new CES and all the potential for new toys.
It has been a while since I have been here. and there are too many posts (I think over 1000) for me to catch up on... If there is anything I should not miss..Please tell me.
Been busy and I have been giving my ears a bit of a rest... That said as they say everybody wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die.. So What time to crank it back up.
The fall in ooil prices and the resultant fall in the C$ has taken my eye off the DAP hunt. Unless something better (for me) comes out I remain focused on the AK120ii modded by Redwine.
Feef free to catch me up,,..
More later when my brain re-engages and I have something salient to say...SMITHERS!!! More Coffee
Jan 6, 2015 at 9:51 AM Post #8,670 of 22,960
Gotta love Fedex. The package has been in Kansas City since Sunday, but they still wouldn't deliver it till tomorrow. Eh.

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