Shure SE846 Impressions Thread
May 28, 2014 at 11:10 PM Post #2,776 of 22,960
I just received my Ted Allen SPC cable. It's super lightweight and the ear guides are much easier to mold.  Also much more comfortable overall.
Not bad for $85 
May 28, 2014 at 11:31 PM Post #2,777 of 22,960
I went with the BaX over the Vocal or Music wires as did the Op of the thread regarding these cables which is highlighted on the front page of the site. I think his detailed review covers how they are constructed.

Ok. Thanks. I'll have another read. As there wasn't any comparison between them, kind of curious what are the differences.
May 28, 2014 at 11:56 PM Post #2,778 of 22,960
I received my MMCX BaX today and have been listening to them for the past couple hours. The BaX is an spc cable.
The MMCX BaX cost me $83.00. The stock SE846 cables can be found for $35.00.
The BaX are significantly lighter than the stock Shure cables. I should mention that I had removed the memory wire from my stock cables because they were way to uncomfortable with them. That said,  BaX is a lot more comfortable and I can barely feel them when I have them on. The distance from the y-split to the connectors on the BaX was about 11.25" which is about 4 inches shorter than the stock cable. The socket connection with the BaX is not as tight as the stock cable but it has not caused any problems. I didn't like that the left and right connector identifiers were located at the y-split adjuster and not at the connectors themselves. 
The BaX has a higher dB output than the other two types of cables in the Linum line but I was a little surprised to find that the stock Shure cable was louder than the BaX at the same volume settings. The difference was about a single button push on the iPhone volume button. There are some differences in sound between the two cables but its been hard to pinpoint exactly what right now..I will listen to them tomorrow and see if I can describe the differences instead of just saying that there are differences..

May 29, 2014 at 8:01 AM Post #2,780 of 22,960
  The BaX has a higher dB output than the other two types of cables in the Linum line but I was a little surprised to find that the stock Shure cable was louder than the BaX at the same volume settings. 

Higher impedance will do that :wink:  Can't be thinner and lower impedance at the same time.  By contrast the other after market cables would be louder than the Shure cable.
May 29, 2014 at 8:06 AM Post #2,781 of 22,960
Higher impedance will do that :wink:  Can't be thinner and lower impedance at the same time.  By contrast the other after market cables would be louder than the Shure cable.

Can you guys tell me where it says the cables changes the loudness noticibly?  Any info on that?  From what I understand, the impedance in the cable is magnitude lower than the lowest impedance phones out there.  I've seen graph of cable comparison, and it looked close to left and right channel difference than anything else.  I could be wrong though.
May 29, 2014 at 8:29 AM Post #2,782 of 22,960
The impedance of the 846 is 4ohm at the lowest point.  The cable acts like a voltage divider.  Once you hit tiny numbers, it stops mattering.  But cables made of 40+ awg wire you are deep into 1ohm/ft territory while the other aftermarket are running 0.025ohm/ft.  Hence the drop.  The stock long cable on my, granted not great, metre was hitting 5.6ohm resistance.
May 29, 2014 at 1:42 PM Post #2,783 of 22,960
I have been using the white filter for a couple of days. To me the white filter + Shure SE846 sounds like a Shure SE535 on steroids. They both have a similar sound signature according to my ears, but the Shure SE846 does everything much better (including the treble despite the bass being the selling point of the Shure SE846). 
I'm still not sure which filter to keep using. Sometimes the blue filter sounds better than the white filter, but other times the white filter can sound better than the blue filter. There is no clear winner to me. 
May 29, 2014 at 2:15 PM Post #2,784 of 22,960
Once you are used to the more direct sound of the white, there is no going back.  At first it's attack is too much.
May 29, 2014 at 2:24 PM Post #2,785 of 22,960
  Clocking in as 846 user. Have this for almost 1 month, only use it when I travel pair it with Pico slim. Have SM64, ASG1 and JH13 classic. I rate this on par with JH13 classic. My gripe so far is that I wish it has more sparkle / extension on the treble and sometimes (depending on the recording) the bass can cloud the mid (some member here mention it already). Havent actually try other filters so I reserve my comments with the default filter.

I keep reading this - people wanting more treble out of the 846.
For more sparkle and treble, simply DO NOT USE FILTERS.  Take them out and get the sound straight from the driver.  The filters are pieces of plastic stuffed in the output nozzles, so, really, what would you expect?  Something is going to be missing.
I talked to Shure about this and was told that you do not have to use filters, so I don't and as a result, I get a significantly different high end - much more sparkle and treble detail.
May 29, 2014 at 2:39 PM Post #2,787 of 22,960
Running them without a seal will definitely change the treble.  The white "filter" is just a screen, not a damper like the blue and black.  Running with no filter removes rubber ring that seals the nozzle to the body.
May 29, 2014 at 4:50 PM Post #2,788 of 22,960
I keep reading this - people wanting more treble out of the 846.
For more sparkle and treble, simply DO NOT USE FILTERS.  Take them out and get the sound straight from the driver.  The filters are pieces of plastic stuffed in the output nozzles, so, really, what would you expect?  Something is going to be missing.
I talked to Shure about this and was told that you do not have to use filters, so I don't and as a result, I get a significantly different high end - much more sparkle and treble detail.

I am not too sure who you have been talking to at Shure but those  should definitely  be used with the filters provided. You just have to look closely at the design. I just tried without filter out of curiousity but switched back after too songs. There is definitely more treble but it is not very pleasant and the bass also suffer quite a bit.
Great if you like it this way but definatily not a sound that was intended by Shure.
May 29, 2014 at 8:39 PM Post #2,789 of 22,960
I'm wondering without the filter if the treble would extend the FR more on the high end.  I'm guessing it will create higher peak instead as I dont see why Shure would limit treble extension with filters.
May 29, 2014 at 9:23 PM Post #2,790 of 22,960
I'm still not sure which filter to keep using. Sometimes the blue filter sounds better than the white filter, but other times the white filter can sound better than the blue filter. There is no clear winner to me. 

Welcome to my world. If you really want to start tweaking then there is the sleeves to consider. The Olives (for me) provide a deeper bass taking some of the edge off the White filter. Whereas the Comply's (again for me) seem to make the bass less full, Put the filters together (white and blue and you have now four different tweaks.
I have not tried the black filter -  yet. I will wait until  after the "final fitting' for my custom sleeves next week..
You can go crazy listening going back switching filters listening to the same passage now change the sleeves/tip.
What I have not tried but had considered is a white filter in one ear and the blue filter in the other ear. Just curious to hear the effect is what it  would sound like in my head when the two slightly different streams crossed in my head.
I asked my 8s what she thought
 "Don't cross the streams".
"Why?" I asked
"It would be bad".
"What do you mean, "bad"? I asked seeking clarification
 She stated quite matter-of-factly
"Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light."
That's bad. Okay. All right. Important safety tip.

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