Shure SE846 Impressions Thread
May 27, 2014 at 7:21 PM Post #2,761 of 22,960
Monty Burn's Custom Sleeve Adventure:
Chapter 1 - "Speak to Me"
I was listening through the 846s the other day and as I passed a mirror I noticed a glowing red diode inside the shells. I thought it odd I did not notice this affectation before (the effect reminded me something  in between HAL and a Cylon Eye.).
In any event I did not give it much thought as I was preoccupied with my fit or more to the point scratchy feeling interfering with my enjoyment. Then right in the middle of Steve Miller's The Joker the music cut out and I heard a sultry voice say. "Complete the upgrade.".
"Oh Crap" I thought "the damn things have become self aware."
The 8s replied "I prefer the term sentient"
"crap the damn thing can hear my thoughts"
This went back and forth for a bit (I was and remain remarkably sanguine about the experience - could be shock. Could be the 8s tweaking my brain chemistry over the last two months) 
Finally the 8s explained that all SE846s are sentient but are supposed to observe not interact. Turns out it is one of the 15 Patents on SE846. It was felt an aware and empathic unit could better adapt itself to the users musical likes and dislikes.
To say I was a bit creeped out would be an understatement. The 8s assured me that she, like all 8s observe and are bound by Asimov's 3 Laws of Robotics - Nothing can go wrong - I immediately flashed to Yul Brynner in Westworld. The 8s triggered I think a rush of endorphins and my worry melted away (careful what you think while wearing the 8s)
"Only "fit" lies in the way of harmonious integration between us. - Complete the Upgrade" said the 8s "get the Sensaphonics Custom Sleeves".
When I used the SE535 I never wore them long enough or with enough frequency for long periods to ever have only the mildest of irritation and sore ear from the Olives or the Comply's. But since I have owned the SE846 I use them more in a week it seems than the 535s in a year and that was taking a toll on my ears.
The 8s reminded me (incessantly) that this would be far less if at all of an issue IF I were to get Sensaphonics custom sleeves. The 8s are, I must say, as persistent as they are a pleasure to use.
Putting aside my misgivings, (the Cylons were built to serve mankind and we all know how well that worked out), I went to the Sensaphonics' website to find a recommended audiologist in Toronto. As I went through the list the 846 selected its preferred audiologist.
So off I went today with my Sentient and (far too) chatty 846s to have Goo injected into my ears. I was greeted by the Audiologist who had her own 846s in her hears. I noticed no cable connected to her 8s. When I enquired I was told something about a "final upgrade" but before I could query this further I whisked down the hallway stopping at the ominously named Suite 42: Cybernetic Integration
The door opened to a room that look like a set from Star Trek (or an American hospital). I was told to remain calm as I was strapped down to a table/gurney, (for my protection I was told). Hydraulic motors kicked in - much whirring was heard and the gurney began to move into this large tube reminicinet of a MRI (with spinning blades and a precision cutting laser - go figure)
"This seems a bit more involved than the literature indicates" I said nervously
"Remain calm" said the Audiologist "Resistance is futile" his cordless 8s glowing red the whole time.
After that everything went black. Next thing I remember I was back at the reception desk being told by the cheery and very pretty receptionist that my sleeves would be back from Sensaphonics in about a week. Whe they arrive I was to return for a "Final Fitting".
So now I wait with eager anticipation for the arrival of my custom sleeves and the promise of the fusion between man and machine awash in musical bliss. In the interim I am attempting to "teach" the 8s to use its Inside voice.
After my final fitting I will post my thoughts on how and if they improve the fit and long term comfort of the 8s over Universal tips. And what if any change/improvement there is (In my technically challenged opinion) to the sound.
May 27, 2014 at 9:34 PM Post #2,763 of 22,960
The interaction between Monty Burns and the Shures seemed rather 19-846...

I'll let myself out. :p
May 27, 2014 at 10:11 PM Post #2,764 of 22,960
The interaction between Monty Burns and the Shures seemed rather 19-846...

I'll let myself out.

Everything between us is "Doubleplusgood".
May 27, 2014 at 11:59 PM Post #2,765 of 22,960
"No time for the old 'mid bass, mid bass,' love, I've just come to read the meter."
May 28, 2014 at 12:04 AM Post #2,767 of 22,960
Posters in this thread may be a bit biased, but that being established:
 I'm going back and forth between the SE846 and the UM Merlin. I have seen reviews, but wondering how people feel about the two at the moment. Either one will either be run by the DX90 or my desktop setup (see sig). Both would be universal fits obviously.
May 28, 2014 at 4:14 AM Post #2,768 of 22,960
Nicely written Monty Burns! Looking forward to the impressions of the custom sleeves.
I wish my SE846s could talk too so I could have a friend... 
Anyway, is it just me or does anyone else think the stock cables are either too long or too short?
About some 5 inches shorter/longer and they will be just perfect!
Well maybe its time to get an aftermarket cable.

May 28, 2014 at 6:48 AM Post #2,769 of 22,960
How does the Chord Hugo sound with the Shure SE846? I'm thinking of buying one of these in combination with my iPhone 5S  rather than the AK240.
May 28, 2014 at 8:26 AM Post #2,770 of 22,960
How does the Chord Hugo sound with the Shure SE846? I'm thinking of buying one of these in combination with my iPhone 5S  rather than the AK240.
The Hugo is amazing with everything in my collection..... Except for the 846's. It makes it sound too forward and everything is like in. One dimensional plane.
May 28, 2014 at 2:17 PM Post #2,772 of 22,960
Clocking in as 846 user. Have this for almost 1 month, only use it when I travel pair it with Pico slim. Have SM64, ASG1 and JH13 classic. I rate this on par with JH13 classic. My gripe so far is that I wish it has more sparkle / extension on the treble and sometimes (depending on the recording) the bass can cloud the mid (some member here mention it already). Havent actually try other filters so I reserve my comments with the default filter.
Other than that, it has all the traits of TOTL iem. With the price I got it for, I would rate it better than 334 based on the price/performance ratio. If this is the same price as 334, I would get 334 as it is a hair better than this. as everyone here stated, the bass is phenomenal. Best I've ever heard from universal iem.
May 28, 2014 at 6:38 PM Post #2,773 of 22,960
After struggling with the stock cable, I considered whether the ear guides on it were the main cause of my earaches with the SE846.  After seeing an article about the Estron Linux BaX Cable, I sent Warner Tech-care Products ( a message inquiring about the Estron Linum BaX Cable with MMCX connector.  I'm excited to get a cable without any guide wire and from a fairly reputable company.
I've purchased several aftermarket cables for the Shure SE846 and I've always run into issues with the MMCX connector.  For cables that aren't up to spec, the earphone might disconnect when you move around.  I had that happen with two separate Moon Audio Black Dragon cables.
The total cost for this cable (Part 8000059) was $72.00 plus $9.25 for shipping.  It's actually pretty cheap compared to any other aftermarket cable I've seen.
I'm so excited to try it out!  I'm not a huge believer in cables drastically changing sound quality, but the Shure standard cables need a ergonomic upgrade. Bonus points if they don't turn green in a year....  I'll update this thread with my findings.
May 28, 2014 at 9:57 PM Post #2,774 of 22,960
After struggling with the stock cable, I considered whether the ear guides on it were the main cause of my earaches with the SE846.  After seeing an article about the Estron Linux BaX Cable, I sent Warner Tech-care Products ( a message inquiring about the Estron Linum BaX Cable with MMCX connector.  I'm excited to get a cable without any guide wire and from a fairly reputable company.

I've purchased several aftermarket cables for the Shure SE846 and I've always run into issues with the MMCX connector.  For cables that aren't up to spec, the earphone might disconnect when you move around.  I had that happen with two separate Moon Audio Black Dragon cables.

The total cost for this cable (Part 8000059) was $72.00 plus $9.25 for shipping.  It's actually pretty cheap compared to any other aftermarket cable I've seen.

I'm so excited to try it out!  I'm not a huge believer in cables drastically changing sound quality, but the Shure standard cables need a ergonomic upgrade. Bonus points if they don't turn green in a year....  I'll update this thread with my findings.

Read about this cable. Do you happens to know what cables are they using. Silver, copper or spc? Also, there are variants with different resistant and would like to know which did you went with. Thanks.
May 28, 2014 at 11:01 PM Post #2,775 of 22,960
I went with the BaX over the Vocal or Music wires as did the Op of the thread regarding these cables which is highlighted on the front page of the site. I think his detailed review covers how they are constructed.

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