Shure e2c VS Shure e3c
Feb 17, 2005 at 9:19 AM Post #2 of 12

Originally Posted by ZJamaican
I used to own the Sony ex71sl but was not happy with the chord style, length and just wanted better overall earbuds. One thing I did love about the Sony’s was the bass. I then upgraded to the Shure e2c, I love the clarity of the music but I hate the fact that there is much much less bass.

Hate is a strong word. If you "hated" the fact that the E2C had less bass than the EX71, you may want to reconsider upgrading to the E3C. The E3C has less bass -- cleaner and clearer bass, but less bass all the same.
Feb 17, 2005 at 9:29 AM Post #3 of 12

I have also heard that the e3cs have more bass

The E2c bass is more powerful than the E3c bass but it's a bit muddier. While the E3c has good bass quality and definition it doesn't have quite as much oomph.

The Etymotic ER-6i has slightly leaner bass than the E2c but it has better bass than the Shure E3c and better low frequency definition too...and that is with the tri-flange tips on the ER-6i, nothing to say of the foam tips which I'm told are even better. I found the bass on the E3c to be rather chalky and hollow compared to the ER-6i which was much tighter and went down lower. Some say the ER-6i is thin and hollow and they say the E3c is full and rich, but I find the exact opposite. The ER-6i have better lows, better mids, better highs, better everything. And the ER-4P have MUCH better lows, mids, highs, MUCH better everything. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd rate the ER-6i to be 7.5, the ER-4P to be 10, and the E3c to be 6.

The E3c is overall a great canalphone but the midrange overpowers everything else and drowns out the bass and treble which really lets it down. The E2c isn't a whole lot better in this regard, but it's a little better if you prefer more powerful bass response. If you don't like the much shorter Etymotic warranty, then the Shure phones are a better deal since you can replace them more easily, and Shure offer a $55 replacement fee, so I'm told. But the fact is, when it comes to audiophile sound the Shures cannot touch the Etymotics, especially the ER4 line, not a chance.

For musicality, the Shures are a very good choice and you can EQ them as much as you want. But you can also EQ the Etymotics to your heart's content too even if the Etymotics produce a more flat frequency response.


and more clarity.

Agreed. E3c is MUCH clearer than the E2c, provided you get a good seal, so using the foam tips is recommended. Forget using the clear silicone tips, they're next to useless. The ultra-flex tips are very comfortable but don't provide as much isolation as the foamies.
Feb 17, 2005 at 12:15 PM Post #4 of 12
if you want more bass, the e3c's are not the way to go. e2c has 'more' bass.

maybe look at future sonics em3 (aka sennheiser ie3) - they probably have more bass than any of the other canalphones you'll see
Feb 17, 2005 at 1:44 PM Post #5 of 12
Hey ZJamaican,
small world, eh.
Max from ClubOC.
Feb 17, 2005 at 9:51 PM Post #7 of 12
You will prefer the E3, if you are able to equalize them that way getting the amount of bass you desire. The ER6i are also excellent phones, but have even less bass, and equalizing their bass, makes the bass sound weird (louder but still thin)especially since their sound can't touch the lushness, and fullness of the E3. I also listened to the ER4. The ER4 is the clearest sounding, and most detailed, but compared to the E3, while the highs are much superior, and the bass is cleaner (though less bass), the midrange is still not as good as that of the E3s. Since the E3s are much fuller sounding than both etys, equalizing the bass gives you a rich, full, and present bass, that allows you to enjoy the music. So with or without the Equalizer the E3s are better than the E2c, and Er6i, however if you have a player that allows you to equalize (examples: Iaudio, Iriver, Karma) (ipods equalizer does not count as it is useless) the E3s are even much better than the ER4p (not ER4s amped though), involving you into the music. ER4 are still better only if you are one who prefers detail over musicality.
Feb 17, 2005 at 10:01 PM Post #8 of 12
Great, the e3's look the best. I do have the ability to do adjustable bass boost on the iriver H140....I found my Grados need them with the portable- think +3 or +6 (don't need or have B.B. when connected to hifi though)

Probably pick them up sometime, if I can find grey versions.
Feb 18, 2005 at 12:01 AM Post #9 of 12

Originally Posted by Jmmmmm
if you want more bass, the e3c's are not the way to go. e2c has 'more' bass.

maybe look at future sonics em3 (aka sennheiser ie3) - they probably have more bass than any of the other canalphones you'll see

I second Futuresonics.

Best deepest, lovely rich bass I've found (though the mid range is not as good as the ER6i's)
Feb 18, 2005 at 12:38 AM Post #10 of 12

Originally Posted by Jmmmmm
if you want more bass, the e3c's are not the way to go. e2c has 'more' bass.

maybe look at future sonics em3 (aka sennheiser ie3) - they probably have more bass than any of the other canalphones you'll see

That's true. I own 'em, and I love the bass, especially through an amp like the SR-71; amping cleans up the bass articulation a LOT with these homely 'lil guys (fleshtone?)...
Feb 18, 2005 at 12:40 AM Post #11 of 12

Originally Posted by ZJamaican

I used to own the Sony ex71sl but was not happy with the chord style, length and just wanted better overall earbuds. One thing I did love about the Sony’s was the bass. I then upgraded to the Shure e2c, I love the clarity of the music but I hate the fact that there is much much less bass. I also love the look and chord style.

I have read in a lot of places about people complaining about “muddy” sound coming from the e2cs but I personally don’t hear “muddy” sound. I hear clarity and things in my music that I have never heard before. Maybe its becasue I havent heard anything better than the e2cs so I woulndt know? Anyone want to elaborate on this?

I have also heard that the e3cs have more bass and more clarity. Does anyone know what the real advantages of using the e3cs are? Do they sound allot better? One thing I don’t like is the look of them they don’t mold into your ears like the e2c or do they?

Basically I’m contemplating whether or not to upgrade to the e3cs or not and need a few things clarified before I make my decision.

Thank You,

Have you burned in your e2cs? IMHO they sound better post-burn in. I hit mine hard and let em cook for ~80 hours and the bass fills out a little and the mids recess a bit too. Not sony EX## level bass, but more than pre-burn in.

Here are pics of my tip mods. Moding the tip improves bass impact IMHO...

Feb 18, 2005 at 12:58 AM Post #12 of 12

Originally Posted by benjamind
E3c is MUCH clearer than the E2c, provided you get a good seal, so using the foam tips is recommended. Forget using the clear silicone tips, they're next to useless. The ultra-flex tips are very comfortable but don't provide as much isolation as the foamies.

Make sure you try all the sleeves. I found the clear sleeves were best for me, and you may think the gray sleeves are better for you. Everyone knocks the clears, but I get the best seal and sound with them. THe softs just aren't rigid enough to stay in my ear, nor do I find they provide much isolation, and I just flat didn't like the foamies. If you find the sound being best with the clears, but they hurt, give them some time. They are now extremely comfortable for me, and I wouldn't go to anything else.

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