Seriously why so much hate on Bose?
Sep 7, 2010 at 8:52 PM Post #166 of 187

Expensive but not worth the price.
They would be fine if they were $100 cheaper.
You should pay quality and not the brand.

Nah, they'd be fine if they paid me to listen to them..maybe not.
My $1 earbuds are better.  They have been run over by a train. 5 times. I cool yet?
Sep 7, 2010 at 9:02 PM Post #167 of 187

Bose is popular because people don't know any better.
/executive summary

I laughed when i read this, but its a reality. 
Most people who buy Bose are noobs, or guys without a clue of what is sound quality. 
Sep 7, 2010 at 9:04 PM Post #168 of 187

I laughed when i read this, but its a reality. 
Most people who buy Bose are noobs, or guys without a clue of what is sound quality. 

Most people who buy *insert brand here* are noobs, or guys without a clue of what is sound quality.  They are attracted by the word "audiophile" and fancy lettering and large pricetags.  Raffinato
Sep 7, 2010 at 10:33 PM Post #169 of 187
What's wrong with the word Raffinato? W5000s aren't for everyone, even me, but you're trying to imply W5000s are terrible sound quality headphones aimed towards uneducated people?
Most people who buy *insert brand here* are noobs, or guys without a clue of what is sound quality.  They are attracted by the word "audiophile" and fancy lettering and large pricetags.  Raffinato

Sep 7, 2010 at 10:48 PM Post #170 of 187
It appeals to a particular kind of person, the type who shop at those gaudy gold-plated pseudo-antique stores in the mall to make it seem to guests that they have good taste.  You wouldn't catch Bose putting large gold fancy script European words on their headphones.  Especially one meaning "a refined person".  Bose's market is different.  It's generally not people going for the snob effect.  They make lightweight isolating headphones for travel, such as on an airplane where isolation is very important.  "Audiophile" headphones don't isolate, except for the in-ear models.  They aren't nearly as light-weight too. 
What's wrong with the word Raffinato? W5000s aren't for everyone, even me, but you're trying to imply W5000s are terrible sound quality headphones aimed towards uneducated people?


Sep 7, 2010 at 11:32 PM Post #171 of 187
I laughed when i read this, but its a reality. 
Most people who buy Bose are noobs, or guys without a clue of what is sound quality. 

That's pretty much it.  By absolute standards most bose products aren't really that terrible, but they are generally a horrible value.  For the price they charge you have a right to expect something a lot better.
Most people who buy *insert brand here* are noobs, or guys without a clue of what is sound quality.  They are attracted by the word "audiophile" and fancy lettering and large pricetags.  Raffinato

It appeals to a particular kind of person, the type who shop at those gaudy gold-plated pseudo-antique stores in the mall to make it seem to guests that they have good taste.  You wouldn't catch Bose putting large gold fancy script European words on their headphones.  Especially one meaning "a refined person".  Bose's market is different.  It's generally not people going for the snob effect.  They make lightweight isolating headphones for travel, such as on an airplane where isolation is very important.  "Audiophile" headphones don't isolate, except for the in-ear models.  They aren't nearly as light-weight too. 

Dear lord!  The plague of Engrish (or in this case Itarian) has infected a Japanese company which makes audiophile headphones!  That must mean that all their products are crap and invalidate the entire purpose of the market!  /sarcasm
Except for the gratuitous engrish/itarian/whatever those AT woodies are dead sexy.  They actually look like they should be expensive.  The looks actually happen to be important in AT home market of Japan (only stax gets away with making ugly but very functional 'phones in Japan AFIK) but that has little bearing on the US market which they seem not to care to much about, and we are presumably discussing. (I have no idea if or how well bose sells overseas)
As for AT targeting snobs and bose not?  I don't think you could be more wrong if you tried.  Its all about name recognition.  How many non audiophiles know about AT?  Not many.  How many know bose?  Just about everyone.  If you ask an average person to name a high end speaker company who are they going to name?  Bose of course.  Bose is built on name recognition and its pretty hard to impress someone with something they've never heard of.
Sep 7, 2010 at 11:41 PM Post #172 of 187
This is getting a little out of hand people.
Just appreciate Bose for their marketing strategy and noise cancellation technology (Edit: unless you prefer IEMs); acknowledge that Bose products are for a different market.
Be done with it.
Sep 8, 2010 at 12:40 AM Post #173 of 187
Pointyfox, understand the culture before you criticize something that is part of it.
Even Asians in Asian don't know what Audio Technicas are unless they are audiophiles... Can't really brag about having an Audio Technica.
Also, Asians like foreign names...
Snobs in Asian would probably buy a high end Sony
Sep 8, 2010 at 11:56 AM Post #174 of 187
Hey hey! What happened to the application of Utilitarian eithics to this situation? I was enjoying that, and I had a tirade of Kant all ready as well.
Damn haters gonna hate, I suppose.
Sep 8, 2010 at 12:41 PM Post #175 of 187

Hey hey! What happened to the application of Utilitarian eithics to this situation? I was enjoying that, and I had a tirade of Kant all ready as well.
Damn haters gonna hate, I suppose.

I said /topic, not /thread.  I am just annoyed at the level of immaturity going on after I posted the new topic.  Go on ahead, I'm interested in hearing what you have to say.
Sep 8, 2010 at 6:17 PM Post #176 of 187
I had a pair of Bose QCs... they were my second pair of phones after SR60s (bought years earlier and shelved for being too bright and I found them uncomfortable). When I first heard the bass in the Boses I was blown away, so I bought a pair for £200. After a year they fell to bits because they're seriously fragile. Then I tried the Grados again, and discovered I hadn't used them enough to let them burn in. I back-to-backed them with what was left of the Boses and the Grados were way ahead on detail, soundstage, and all frequencies except mid-bass - but the Boses just sounded like someone had already EQ'd them at the factory, so I was getting a pre-coloured sound. Which was okay on its own, but felt artificial after the Grados. 
Inspired by this forum, I bought some Shure SRH750DJs - because I like me bass - and they are another step up again from the Boses and make them sound flat, muddy, one-dimensional. Then I bought some Sony XB700s (more bass) and they're better, in a different way (waaay down low), again. And they I bought some AT AD900s, and although they're bass-light in terms of quantity - plenty of extension tho - (unless you turn them up VERY loud, which is killing my hearing) the detail, purity and clarity of the sound is a rapturous eargasm, every time. 
So, for me, ees simple. Bose is a lot of money for not much in return. Poor build quality, poor sound quality. If anyone asked my advice, I would say only buy them if you're too lazy to find better and have never heard better. Or if you're trapped in an airport and it's all they've got and you've got more money than patience. It's not about being a headphone snob - who cares enough about that? - it's just if your ears can't hear the difference, just buy the cheapest you can find; if they can hear the difference, then why spend more? 
Sep 8, 2010 at 8:56 PM Post #177 of 187
Please post your Kantian rant XD I'm interested as well
Philosophy mixed with Bose? Sounds wild lol 
I'd say Monster and Bose know what they are doing. Going towards customers that aren't too discerning about audio and marketing really well to match their target market. We at head-fi are just at a different level of interest I suppose.
Hey hey! What happened to the application of Utilitarian eithics to this situation? I was enjoying that, and I had a tirade of Kant all ready as well.
Damn haters gonna hate, I suppose.

Sep 8, 2010 at 9:02 PM Post #178 of 187
Please post your Kantian rant XD I'm interested as well
Philosophy mixed with Bose? Sounds wild lol 
I'd say Monster and Bose know what they are doing. Going towards customers that aren't too discerning about audio and marketing really well to match their target market. We at head-fi are just at a different level of interest I suppose.


Same for Audio-Technica.  Going towards customers that aren't too discerning about audio and gaudiness really well to match their target market.
Sep 8, 2010 at 10:34 PM Post #179 of 187

Same for Audio-Technica.  Going towards customers that aren't too discerning about audio and gaudiness really well to match their target market.

audio-technica offers studio headphones/monitors and audiophile headphones, they have whole sections devoted to these on their website.  How is that not for customers who care about their audio?
Sep 8, 2010 at 10:36 PM Post #180 of 187

Please post your Kantian rant XD I'm interested as well
Philosophy mixed with Bose? Sounds wild lol 
I'd say Monster and Bose know what they are doing. Going towards customers that aren't too discerning about audio and marketing really well to match their target market. We at head-fi are just at a different level of interest I suppose.


My point exactly.  Ignore, don't hate though.

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