Serious security problems with Alessandro's site
Sep 7, 2005 at 3:12 PM Post #61 of 91

Originally Posted by dpippel
If this is indeed true then it would benefit both Alessadnro and the general public to spell out their sales policy in no uncertain terms. I couldn't find anything on their website that says their headphones are for sale to musicians only. In fact a statement right at the top of their homepage reads:

"Choose a category from the panel on the left for more information about our ever-expanding range of products for the discerning musician and audiophile."

Emphasis mine. Audiophile. Sounds like most folks here. If Alessandro only wants to sell headphones to professional musicians there are better and more efficient ways of communicating that than NOT communicating.

It (probably) isn't that they don't want to sell to non-musicians, but that Grado doesn't want them to sell to non-musicians. There is a whole thread about this
Sep 8, 2005 at 1:48 AM Post #62 of 91

Originally Posted by luuk
Yes, finally they have arrived! Don't know why it took so long, but it was worth waiting for it. I think I will remember the smell of the alessandro's forever, they have such a typical smell. The sound is really what you all said: not an overflow on bass, but it's pretty punchy. The highs are really great, detailled for what I can hear now (playin alanis morisette and iron maiden). I'm gonna enjoy it now easy for a couple of days and give it a burn-in. Any tips or things I should do?
thanks for your support all.

you can get the senn pads here:
(HD414 pads)

That's a good price for a Dutch shop, only the shipping costs are rather high...
Cut a 3,5cm hole in the middle and you'll experiance an whole other side of the ms-1s. Much clearer sound IMO.
Sep 8, 2005 at 1:52 AM Post #63 of 91

Originally Posted by mariadoc
It (probably) isn't that they don't want to sell to non-musicians, but that Grado doesn't want them to sell to non-musicians. There is a whole thread about this

actually, I think it's some internal thing about Alessandro and Grado's partnership....
Sep 8, 2005 at 7:20 PM Post #66 of 91

Originally Posted by Lisa
They are probably held up at customs. Call Dutch customs and ask. Make sure you have as much info on the package as possible so they know what to look for. I had a package stuck at customs for 2 months. I called them every week and got the same answer every single time. "Your package is right in front of me, I'm looking at it now. On shelf two. We're kind of behind so I wouldn't expect them untill next week."
Very frustrating. I think the same thing could be happing to you. Because Alessandro doens't charge your credit card until they ship.

You are right probably. The date on the box was just two days after i ordered, So the long waiting isn't at all Alessandro's fault, but only because customs holds them for so long.
Sep 8, 2005 at 9:54 PM Post #67 of 91

Originally Posted by mariadoc
You are right probably. The date on the box was just two days after i ordered, So the long waiting isn't at all Alessandro's fault, but only because customs holds them for so long.

That makes me feel better. Their site says most orders shipped 3 days after being received. IF so, mine will be here next week as I am stateside. I hope...
Sep 9, 2005 at 12:06 AM Post #68 of 91
Wow...there are enough complaints about Alessandros' internet etiquitte and poor customer service (Custom's problems not withstanding), that there are almost 70 posts. I think that's one company that I won't open my skinny little wallet, for!
Sep 15, 2005 at 7:05 PM Post #70 of 91
Just an update: I ordered via the unsecure website with CC on 9/6, called every other day including today, early this a.m., leaving messages. Got a call today (9/15) from George saying my MS-2's were shipped yesterday priority mail. My advice to others wishing to order is, use the unsecure website order page with a credit card, call every other day to check on the status of your order, using the order number you get as a receipt at time of order, leave your name, order number and telephone number each time you call. They will "get the message" after a while that you are not going away and they will call you with your order status. If none of this suits you, then I would look elsewhere for some cans. It's all supply and demand. George has something people want so you are going to have to do buisness his way if you want it bad enough. What an enviable position to be in.
Sep 15, 2005 at 9:53 PM Post #72 of 91
Mail man dropped mine off at 4:00 today. Will be listening tonight if I can get rid of this headache
Oct 8, 2005 at 4:31 AM Post #74 of 91
"George has something people want so you are going to have to do buisness his way if you want it bad enough. What an enviable position to be in."

This is not aimed at you Jimmyjames8 but screw that !
I'll stick with stock Grados or a Headphile version.I too have sent several e-mails with minor questions unanswered. Thank god I never ordered anything from him-I dont care how wonderful the product is.That type of neglect or carelessness on Alessandros' part would make me detest the product.
Jul 26, 2008 at 5:33 PM Post #75 of 91
wow, its almost three years later, and they still havent updated their certificate! With Internet security getting more and more news lately, you'd think that they might care enough about their customers to get that cert updated.

The purpose of security certificates is so that you can trust that the site at the other end of your conection is who they claim to be. Similar to a how a passport is a document saying that your government attests to your identity.

What alessandro currently has in place is a certificate expired in 2005 issued by claiming that they themselves are Would you give your personal information to a guy who's passport claims they are somebody else -- and is written on a napkin?

Firefox 3 does a good job displaying significant warnings and explanations when trying to use a bad certificate.

If alessandro cares this little about my secuity on their website, how confidant can I be that they are properly protecting their other records that contain credit card info?

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