Sennheiser IE8 Impressions Thread
May 18, 2009 at 5:42 PM Post #4,051 of 8,119

Originally Posted by steviebee /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thanks demo1 & AJ. Ooh, the nozzle is replaceable, IE8 is somewhat modular? That's good (& interesting) news. Anyone know how the nozzle comes off? Threaded I would guess, I'll have to check mine...

My nozzle came off when I had a comply T-400 on it that I was trying to take off and was twisting and pulling, so twist and pull (not threaded)! It is only glued in place (I think). I epoxied mine back, and only the left came off.

Good luck!
May 18, 2009 at 6:39 PM Post #4,052 of 8,119
Anyone care to post their experience with the T400 complys on the IE8? I hear that the seal is too good and the bass becomes simply overpowering.
May 18, 2009 at 8:34 PM Post #4,053 of 8,119
There is a lot of bass with the T-400, but IMO the tips reduce the treble more than increase the bass. I currently use a de-cored T-400 under a silicon tip and have a great seal, treble, and isolation to go along with the impactful and dynamic bass. I personally don't think there is too much bass, call me a bass head, but I do have the bass knob on the lowest setting!

I do listen to a lot of electronic music, and with my current setup the bass can have a very hard hit that some might think is too overpowering, but it doesn't interfere with the other frequency ranges, which remain clean and clear regardless of the amount of bass in the song.
May 19, 2009 at 12:48 PM Post #4,054 of 8,119
So I have the CX300 here and enjoy the amount of bass these fellas give of when I listen to trance like what you would hear on 'A State of Trance', etc. Would these IE8s be a nice upgrade? Will I hear some nice deep bass rumbling around and all? lol
May 19, 2009 at 5:29 PM Post #4,055 of 8,119

Originally Posted by Menzo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So I have the CX300 here and enjoy the amount of bass these fellas give of when I listen to trance like what you would hear on 'A State of Trance', etc. Would these IE8s be a nice upgrade? Will I hear some nice deep bass rumbling around and all? lol

May 19, 2009 at 5:37 PM Post #4,056 of 8,119

Originally Posted by average_joe /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My nozzle came off when I had a comply T-400 on it that I was trying to take off and was twisting and pulling, so twist and pull (not threaded)! It is only glued in place (I think). I epoxied mine back, and only the left came off.

Good luck!

Well, you're dead right - it twists off. Yay! But unfortunately, in coming off, the tip end of the nozzle decided to split in two & not cleanly. Moo.
If that hadn't happened, could've been onto a winner. Still, fun looking inside!

LOL, back to plan A - or was it B?
May 19, 2009 at 8:39 PM Post #4,057 of 8,119
Finally committed my IE8 to a focused burn-in process- yes I've really been that lax about it but admittedly I've had a pretty constant stream of new audio gear and music goodies coming through my door since aquiring them to distract me and/or personal problems that have stole my focus, time or drive and/or problems with sources (my laptops had numerous problems over the past few months). They're at approximately 130 hours now, useage and burn-in so far combined. Just a few open questions (that, in all liklihood, have alrady been anwsered a few times but forgive me the size of this thread!

1) Regarding burn-in, I've predominantly just been playing music through the IE8 for this, spicing it up infrequently with Average_Joe's kindly shared burn-in files (including logarithimic sine, square and saw files, amoungst others driver exercisers and pink noise). How much burn-in would one comission to pink noise and/or other burn-in files as opposed to plain music? What would anyone recommend? [I had in my head, say, using the pink noise/logarithmic files once every 12 hours throughout the burn-in process/duration; should and/or could it be used this infrequently, more frequently, more than once in a session ie repeated playback, more than once; are such files, frequencies, noise types potentially damaging to the IEM drivers, if not used sparingly (I noticed some of those files play as high as 30KHz; is this safe for a hp of frequency range 10Hz-20KHz to be playing back)?].

2) Second query is perhaps more anwserable for most- at this stage, after plenty more discussion since I last visited, read or was active in this thread a month or so back, what is the general perception/understanding of how many hours of burn-in this IEM requires to reach 'full' fruition in it's sound reproduction? My impression was anywhere between 250-400 hrs but has this changed or evolved or become more understood in any way?

3)The Sony Hybrid tips that many use with their IE8 and/or in combination and/or modification with other tip varietals, does anyone know if this are readily available for purchase in the UK yet?

Thanks in advance,

May 19, 2009 at 8:49 PM Post #4,058 of 8,119

Originally Posted by BloodSugar00 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Finally committed my IE8 to a focused burn-in process- yes I've really been that lax about it but admittedly I've had a pretty constant stream of new audio gear and music goodies coming through my door since aquiring them to distract me and/or personal problems that have stole my focus, time or drive and/or problems with sources (my laptops had numerous problems over the past few months). They're at approximately 130 hours now, useage and burn-in so far combined. Just a few open questions (that, in all liklihood, have alrady been anwsered a few times but forgive me the size of this thread!

1) Regarding burn-in, I've predominantly just been playing music through the IE8 for this, spicing it up infrequently with Average_Joe's kindly shared burn-in files (including logarithimic sine, square and saw files, amoungst others driver exercisers and pink noise). How much burn-in would one comission to pink noise and/or other burn-in files as opposed to plain music? What would anyone recommend? [I had in my head, say, using the pink noise/logarithmic files once every 12 hours throughout the burn-in process/duration; should and/or could it be used this infrequently, more frequently, more than once in a session ie repeated playback, more than once; are such files, frequencies, noise types potentially damaging to the IEM drivers, if not used sparingly (I noticed some of those files play as high as 30KHz; is this safe for a hp of frequency range 10Hz-20KHz to be playing back)?].

2) Second query is perhaps more anwserable for most- at this stage, after plenty more discussion since I last visited, read or was active in this thread a month or so back, what is the general perception/understanding of how many hours of burn-in this IEM requires to reach 'full' fruition in it's sound reproduction? My impression was anywhere between 250-400 hrs but has this changed or evolved or become more understood in any way?

3)The Sony Hybrid tips that many use with their IE8 and/or in combination and/or modification with other tip varietals, does anyone know if this are readily available for purchase in the UK yet?

Thanks in advance,


Mine took 440 hours before I could enjoy them somewhat. I still don't like them as much as my W3 unless I use the Acoustic EQ on my iPhone, or I use my opamp rolled D10 or ALO Amphora. But, they have been good enough to keep as a backup pair.
May 19, 2009 at 8:55 PM Post #4,059 of 8,119
Hey BloodSugar, I think it's okay to burn them in however you like, there's no real 'set' way. Try leaving them hooked up to your player every night for a couple of weeks and you'll soon get more burn-in time on them.

Re: the Sony hybrid tips, I haven't seen them for sale in the UK - we never get the good tips
- but I have one pair in medium if you'd like to try them, They're hell to get on the fat IE8 nozzle, and in fact I never did get them on! But you're welcome to try my pair if you like. Have you tried the UE single flange tips on them yet?
May 19, 2009 at 8:59 PM Post #4,060 of 8,119
1) It depends, and to some/many not using pink/white/brown noise at all will be the best course, just keep playing a large assortment of music at a volume somewhat louder than
what you listen at. Of course, experiment if you like, I burned mine at such a volume
that I can listen to them as a bad set of miniature speakers, and they handle just fine.
Pink/white noise are used interchangeably in noise bursts (1 sec rest for every 61 sec),
and those are played for 6-8 hours for most sessions, frequency sweep (logarithmic) are
usually used to test the seal and see how high/low I can hear/hear the phones
produce, although I do let them play a few full sessions now and then. As for playing
audio data that the phone can't handle, I'm not an engineer so I can't say, but other than I can't hear it I hadn't noticed any difference, use it sparingly if you worry.

2)varies person to person, get a better seal before fully burning so you'll know when it actually does, and at least try a pair of complys once to know what a full seal feels like.
HPA burned his for 450+, mine opened after 480+, some stopped burning at 300, 200, 150. So just decide when you want to enjoy the damn thing and stop worrying.

3) No idea, hope someone else can help you with this.

May 19, 2009 at 9:18 PM Post #4,061 of 8,119

Originally Posted by soozieq /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey BloodSugar, I think it's okay to burn them in however you like, there's no real 'set' way. Try leaving them hooked up to your player every night for a couple of weeks and you'll soon get more burn-in time on them.

Re: the Sony hybrid tips, I haven't seen them for sale in the UK - we never get the good tips
- but I have one pair in medium if you'd like to try them, They're hell to get on the fat IE8 nozzle, and in fact I never did get them on! But you're welcome to try my pair if you like. Have you tried the UE single flange tips on them yet?

Hey, it is not that hard to put it on. First time I spent plaenty of time to get it on, but not as much as I tried to put small silicone tip on my 5 pro.

You can try to fully flip black coating backward, then you now see the color nozzle out, after that, tilt one side of IE8 nozzle into color nozzle, when you see half of IE8 nozzle inside, it is time to pull the color nozzle above IE8 remaining body. I managed to get medium size tip on swiftly after a few times. Hope it helps
May 19, 2009 at 9:27 PM Post #4,062 of 8,119
Easy way to put on Sony hybrids:
find some hard rod (unbend a paper clip), flip the coat back, put the rod inside
the nozzle and stretch to all direction, do this a few times to "warm" it up
then insert IE8's nozzle, with one side's outer rim inside, use the forefinger of your
other hand along with your thumb to pull toward the side of IE8 nozzle that's not fully in,
push the IE8 nozzle inside.

To take off the hybrids:
Use your fingernails to slowly lift one side of the nozzle (after the coat is flipped back)
keep doing it until one side of the IE8 nozzle is showing, then with one hand grabbing
the hybrids, use the other hand to free IE8.
May 19, 2009 at 9:43 PM Post #4,064 of 8,119

Originally Posted by steviebee /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well, you're dead right - it twists off. Yay! But unfortunately, in coming off, the tip end of the nozzle decided to split in two & not cleanly. Moo.
If that hadn't happened, could've been onto a winner. Still, fun looking inside!

LOL, back to plan A - or was it B?

Well, a lot of fine plastic bending, well placed glue, and a firm but not too firm clamp might fix it
or hopefully Senn will send you a new nozzle (free would be nice).


Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Mine took 440 hours before I could enjoy them somewhat. I still don't like them as much as my W3 unless I use the Acoustic EQ on my iPhone, or I use my opamp rolled D10 or ALO Amphora. But, they have been good enough to keep as a backup pair.

Yea, I find the IE8s much more enjoyable with an amp, either from my sound card or via the E5 from my Fuze. I don't know about other DAPs, but the Fuze (and Clip) just don't seem to do it justice to me. Looking forward to hopefully hearing the UM3X at Can Jam.
May 19, 2009 at 11:17 PM Post #4,065 of 8,119

Originally Posted by mark2410 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
if your looking for them int he uk still like everything, try fleabay

B25 Sony EP-EX10A Hybrid Replacement Earbuds Buds Black on eBay, also Headphones Earbuds, For iPod, iPod MP3 Accessories, Electronics (end time 09-Jun-09 01:42:17 BST)

Thanks. I'll put an order in for a pack. Should of checked, really, but just tagged the question on end of main post content before
. Also, if my memory serves me correct, last time I looked for them- a few months back- they weren't even available through ebay UK at that point, which I recall being surprised about.


Originally Posted by soozieq
Hey BloodSugar, I think it's okay to burn them in however you like, there's no real 'set' way. Try leaving them hooked up to your player every night for a couple of weeks and you'll soon get more burn-in time on them.

Re: the Sony hybrid tips, I haven't seen them for sale in the UK - we never get the good tips
- but I have one pair in medium if you'd like to try them, They're hell to get on the fat IE8 nozzle, and in fact I never did get them on! But you're welcome to try my pair if you like. Have you tried the UE single flange tips on them yet?

Thanks for the offer on the loaner, much obliged, but if I can order my own set in- which, as per Mark's post and link, you can now- I'll just opt to do that and keep it simple. Hopefully they'll arrive by the time I finish burning-in my IE8.
As to whether I've tried the UE's single flange tips on with the IE8 yet, no I havn't. Using UE tips with the IE8's had occured to me- due to both respective IEM's similar sized bore dimensions- but I havn't really done much tip/fit experimentation with the IE8s yet, more out of reluctancy to bother before they were fully burned-in and settled, sonically (which, of course, I've just got round to starting
), than anything else. I'll be sure to try em though, the double-flange UE silicones, also! How do you find the UE tips and IE8's synergise?

As per the burn-in process and how to structure it, again thanks for the response. I appreciate theres no set way, as such, to do this. I was more just looking to glean some insight, knowledge and understanding and/or advice/recommendations on, maybe, bettering/improving or optimising that process. I appreciate the idea to hook em up to a DAP/DAPs for a few weeks, and I actually should of done that when I was without a laptop and/or pc, but now I have my laptop back in stable, healthy condition, I've opted to burn them in via it's hp-out, simply as I can leave that on for longer with no interruption to the process (ie laptop plugged in to mains, theres no dying source battery life to worry about).


Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict
Mine took 440 hours before I could enjoy them somewhat. I still don't like them as much as my W3 unless I use the Acoustic EQ on my iPhone, or I use my opamp rolled D10 or ALO Amphora. But, they have been good enough to keep as a backup pair.

Thanks for the input dude. Wow, 440 hrs; I'm still a heck of a long way off that figure! This process makes you put the length of a day into a new perspective
. By your experience and Decay's, might be best for me to do 500 hours...


Originally Posted by decay
1) It depends, and to some/many not using pink/white/brown noise at all will be the best course, just keep playing a large assortment of music at a volume somewhat louder than
what you listen at. Of course, experiment if you like, I burned mine at such a volume
that I can listen to them as a bad set of miniature speakers, and they handle just fine.
Pink/white noise are used interchangeably in noise bursts (1 sec rest for every 61 sec),
and those are played for 6-8 hours for most sessions, frequency sweep (logarithmic) are
usually used to test the seal and see how high/low I can hear/hear the phones
produce, although I do let them play a few full sessions now and then. As for playing
audio data that the phone can't handle, I'm not an engineer so I can't say, but other than I can't hear it I hadn't noticed any difference, use it sparingly if you worry.

2)varies person to person, get a better seal before fully burning so you'll know when it actually does, and at least try a pair of complys once to know what a full seal feels like.
HPA burned his for 450+, mine opened after 480+, some stopped burning at 300, 200, 150. So just decide when you want to enjoy the damn thing and stop worrying.

Thanks for the focused, informative response
. Apologies if I came across as worrying or anxious at all; I was more just keen to learn of any ways to optimise this process and/or gain some understanding of the technical side of it and/or applying it
. I do like to be as informed as possible but that's really only so I can prepare and/or do things as best as possible.

Going off what you and everyone else has said, I think I will just carry on with what I've been doing, predominantly music, some pink noise and frequency sweeps etc here and there to embellish.

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