Sennheiser HD 700 Impressions Thread
Dec 19, 2014 at 6:32 PM Post #2,461 of 9,327
I've found the best thing to help with the treble spike is better mastered versions of songs. For example, I recently got the HDTRACKS remaster of American Idiot and it has far more dynamic range. Mind you the remastering is different than the original release and has nothing to do with 24 bit flac vs. 320K MP3. So yeah the treble issue is very source dependent on the music file and how it was mastered. Still I'd prefer the HD800 for being more forgiving on the treble in this case and being more detailed and having a wider soundstage.
Dec 19, 2014 at 6:55 PM Post #2,463 of 9,327
I've found the best thing to help with the treble spike is better mastered versions of songs. For example, I recently got the HDTRACKS remaster of American Idiot and it has far more dynamic range. Mind you the remastering is different than the original release and has nothing to do with 24 bit flac vs. 320K MP3. So yeah the treble issue is very source dependent on the music file and how it was mastered. Still I'd prefer the HD800 for being more forgiving on the treble in this case and being more detailed and having a wider soundstage.

I'm going to respectfully disagree with this.  This is a bandaid that treats the symptoms and not the problem.  "Doctor, it hurts when I move my arm like this!"  "Well don't move your arm like that!"
Saying that the cure to the treble spike is to listen to versions with less treble is... not really correct.  Most headphones don't have this issue.  It's a problem with the headphones, not the music.
Now, if you've found that it's working for you, I can't argue with that.  But not every song has a magic alternate version that sounds good on the HD700.
Dec 19, 2014 at 7:01 PM Post #2,464 of 9,327
I may also be in the minority.  I have a bit of tinnitus and treble has bothered me more in the last year or so than it used to.  This is with both 320 Pandora One and FLAC.

I don't have tinnitus, but you still nailed why I have yet to let my HD650 go, I can't shake how non-fatiguing it has been compared to most headphones I had/have 
Dec 19, 2014 at 7:17 PM Post #2,465 of 9,327
The point I'm making is the HD700 makes you jump through various hoops to allow it to sound decent and not have that treble issue, but even at its best conditions, the HD800 has it beat imo, and the HD800 doesn't have these issues with most recordings (its picky amping is another issue altogether).
Dec 19, 2014 at 7:19 PM Post #2,466 of 9,327
The point I'm making is the HD700 makes you jump through various hoops to allow it to sound decent and not have that treble issue, but even at its best conditions, the HD800 has it beat imo, and the HD800 doesn't have these issues with most recordings (its picky amping is another issue altogether).

Fair enough.  The point I'm making is that there are plenty of headphones that don't cost double the HD700 that ALSO don't have that problem.  lol  

Dec 19, 2014 at 7:44 PM Post #2,467 of 9,327
May I ask you an example that can show the issue (a youtube link)? I haven't spent enough time with my hd700 yet, so I haven't heard yet this treble peak you mention, thanks!
Dec 19, 2014 at 7:53 PM Post #2,468 of 9,327
  May I ask you an example that can show the issue (a youtube link)? I haven't spent enough time with my hd700 yet, so I haven't heard yet this treble peak you mention, thanks!

I listed a few examples a few pages back.  Maybe search this thread for my posts... but pretty much anything with a hi-hat cymbal.  lol
Dec 19, 2014 at 8:22 PM Post #2,469 of 9,327
  May I ask you an example that can show the issue (a youtube link)? I haven't spent enough time with my hd700 yet, so I haven't heard yet this treble peak you mention, thanks!

Yes, there is a treble spike on certain songs / recordings and genres can sound harsh after a while, but it's honestly not as bad as how some people make it out to be. Like Sonido said, the quality of the song you're listening to also matters a lot. HD700 picks apart badly recorded/mastered/compressed songs and you'll hear every bit of it.
A good DAC and amp can also tame the treble. For example, I couldn't listen to the last minute and a half of Alive by Pearl Jam when the HD700 was hooked up to just my E10. However, with Vali amping the HD700, the immense amount of cymbal crashes in that song becomes much more tolerable. Same with electronic music. Before I got the Vali, it was somewhat painful listening to some electronic tracks, but not anymore with Vali.
I'm getting the Meridian Explorer² this weekend. I'll do some listening tests and report back how it goes. 
Dec 20, 2014 at 6:01 AM Post #2,471 of 9,327
Now I've got my mine amped properly (source to follow.. possibly a NAD D1050 or a Matrix Mini-I Pro, so I can fully balance them:)) with a HDVA600, SOOOO much better... These phones ROCK.. Can't see any issues with these phones. I usually can't wait to get home from work to disappear into the music:) Bjork sounds magical:)
Dec 20, 2014 at 7:03 AM Post #2,473 of 9,327
  Fair enough.  The point I'm making is that there are plenty of headphones that don't cost double the HD700 that ALSO don't have that problem.  lol  

If you consider headphones with rolled off treble then yes there are 1000s, many of which are dirt cheap. But which headphones would you say have good extended treble that is not too elevated or peaky?
Dec 20, 2014 at 9:59 AM Post #2,474 of 9,327
Hi, just want to introduce myself and join the HD700 'club'. A little about myself, I'd never bothered with good headphones and amp/dac combos/stacks, biggest hifi purchases for me was an Ety ER6 and Senn HD555 from years back. Sometime in late October this year, I was somehow sucked into this intoxicating headfi universe after visiting a brick and mortar headphone specialist store here in my neck of the woods. Visited the local forums Garage section and rewarded myself with a HD800 and bought a brand new iFi Micro iDSD. After this initial purchase, I went on to an Audeze LCD2.2 non-Fazor and a Fostex HPA4, also bought a Beyerdynamic DT990/600 along the way. They were followed by a recent surge of headphone purchases - MrSpeakers Alpha Dog, Senn HD700 and a V-Moda Crossfade M100 (for my LG G Pro 2).
Now, I'm an old dog so my hearing isn't as good as it used to be. So far, I like what I'm hearing when I pair my HD700 with my Micro iDSD, I honestly do not hear this any treble hotness, I've been listening to ripped lossless WAV tracks as well as a number of DSD64 tracks. I wonder if my hearing is such at higher treble notes are simply not heard by me, or has Sennheiser somehow tweaked the HD700 from its original release version. Regardless, please pardon me if I'm gushing somewhat, and that I'm somewhat overwhelmed, I heard HeadFi is full of experts and peeps with golden ears, so I find it somewhat daunting. Anyway, I'd be lurking around more than I post, just want to let you most excellent members know I'm a fan of HeadFi......took a while, but yes, I've finally joined HeadFi and this is my very first post. Do take it easy on me if I mess up......

Dec 20, 2014 at 10:59 AM Post #2,475 of 9,327
  Hi, just want to introduce myself and join the HD700 'club'. A little about myself, I'd never bothered with good headphones and amp/dac combos/stacks, biggest hifi purchases for me was an Ety ER6 and Senn HD555 from years back. Sometime in late October this year, I was somehow sucked into this intoxicating headfi universe after visiting a brick and mortar headphone specialist store here in my neck of the woods. Visited the local forums Garage section and rewarded myself with a HD800 and bought a brand new iFi Micro iDSD. After this initial purchase, I went on to an Audeze LCD2.2 non-Fazor and a Fostex HPA4, also bought a Beyerdynamic DT990/600 along the way. They were followed by a recent surge of headphone purchases - MrSpeakers Alpha Dog, Senn HD700 and a V-Moda Crossfade M100 (for my LG G Pro 2).
Now, I'm an old dog so my hearing isn't as good as it used to be. So far, I like what I'm hearing when I pair my HD700 with my Micro iDSD, I honestly do not hear this any treble hotness, I've been listening to ripped lossless WAV tracks as well as a number of DSD64 tracks. I wonder if my hearing is such at higher treble notes are simply not heard by me, or has Sennheiser somehow tweaked the HD700 from its original release version. Regardless, please pardon me if I'm gushing somewhat, and that I'm somewhat overwhelmed, I heard HeadFi is full of experts and peeps with golden ears, so I find it somewhat daunting. Anyway, I'd be lurking around more than I post, just want to let you most excellent members know I'm a fan of HeadFi......took a while, but yes, I've finally joined HeadFi and this is my very first post. Do take it easy on me if I mess up......

Welcome to head-fi. 

Glad you also enjoy the HD700 a lot. Looks like you're pretty deep in the hi-fi rabbit hole. 

Feel free to post your experience with HD700 and compare it with all the other headphones you own. 


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