Sennheiser HD 660S2 thread
May 28, 2023 at 11:26 AM Post #3,991 of 6,844
I use the ZMF Crescent Snap (leather) headpads on my HD700 since the original headpad deteriorated and Sennheiser doesn't sell the HD700 headbands (or any parts) anymore.

Really nice headband/headpad. It's high quality and well-made like all ZMF products. Comfortable too. Doesn't look bad in my opinion.
You can get aftermarket ones you know.
May 28, 2023 at 11:42 AM Post #3,992 of 6,844
May 28, 2023 at 11:52 AM Post #3,993 of 6,844
I use the ZMF Crescent Snap (leather) headpads on my HD700 since the original headpad deteriorated and Sennheiser doesn't sell the HD700 headbands (or any parts) anymore.

Really nice headband/headpad. It's high quality and well-made like all ZMF products. Comfortable too. Doesn't look bad in my opinion.

As for earpads, just don't get the solid lambskin unless you want lots more bass, like I've said before. Other materials might not change the 660S2's sound signature/frequency too much. I don't know. Wish ZMF offered exchanges or returns on their pads, but they don't. You better do your research and pray their pads work for you, or you're screwed and stuck with them.
Oh nice! I might get the headband and try the perf pads. Leaning towards suede actually, but it would be interesting to use leather with the S2. Can't decide... Hmmm

I also think it sucks you can't return. I think it's cause they won't have much use for selling used pads so they likely do it this way 🤷‍♂️.
May 28, 2023 at 11:53 AM Post #3,994 of 6,844
May 28, 2023 at 12:33 PM Post #3,996 of 6,844
an aftermarket copy of the original, not a completely different product in design like the crestsnap. I thought this is obvious what I am saying… or Maybe you understood but still want to push Zmf products, with headfi you never know
You're on one bud. Aftermarket isn't what you think it is. What you're describing is called an "imitation," "copy," "clone," "replica," or "knock offs."

But go ahead and keep insinuating we're shilling for ZMF. 🤦‍♂️
May 28, 2023 at 12:43 PM Post #3,997 of 6,844
You're on one bud. Aftermarket isn't what you think it is. What you're describing is called an "imitation," "copy," "clone," "replica," or "knock offs."

But go ahead and keep insinuating we're shilling for ZMF. 🤦‍♂️
alright, so why insinuate that you can’t get pads from sennheiser and as if there’s no other option ever that one has to now tie an out of place Zmf towel around the headband. Hey it is what it is, I’m out.
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May 28, 2023 at 7:23 PM Post #3,998 of 6,844
maybe it’s misinformation through ignorance, maybe those ZMF pads aren’t so comfortable for the head after all.
I'm not sure with the 6x0 pads, but I have a variety of ZMF pads for my Verite and Atrium and I LOVE them! They're very comfortable and very high Quality. They are pricey, but handmade in USA by Zach and company... Also insane customer service 🤷‍♂️.
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May 30, 2023 at 11:25 AM Post #4,000 of 6,844
This weekend i pulled my Hagerman Tuba out for a listen. Excellent synergy with the S2! I used the high Z output tap mostly while listening, but did try the low Z tap as well for perspective. The Tuba with the Tungsram tubes I like is a more colored sound vs my Stratus and Kenzie. It's not slow/syrupy so much as just bass boosted and mid forward. It still has good speed and treble extension. This really brought out the bass of the S2. It bordered on too much, but never really crossed the line. Been addicted to a new thrash band I came accross, Dust Bolt. They have a really good drummer, and a strong mid bass really drives the riffs/grooves. The Tuba/S2 made them absolutely rock! Pure sonic energy, I couldn't get enough.

One of my favorite bass test tracks (mid bass not sub bass) is Anna Please by Andrew Combs. This track has a strong mid bass beat to it that makes even the most anemic headphones sound full. The Tuba/S2 was downright thunderous. What I really loved about the combo was the vocals. Despite the bass boost, the vocals were clear and forward, with no bloat or bass bleed.

I love me some Yosi Horikawa and have many of his tracks in my gear testing playlist. Bump and Splash are two of my favorites. If bass is overdone it can blur and muddy the separation of all the individual elements within the track. Thankfully the Tuba/S2 passed this test admirably. Towards the end of Splash, the track gets very busy and fast, with A LOT of sounds going off in all directions. Imagine a giant puddle during a rainstorm. Each raindrop would be a sonic element in the track. Now try keeping track of all that with your ears! Good gear manages to keep things well separated, as was the case with the Tuba/S2. There was some minor loss of ultra fine delineation, but nothing of concern. Even the best headphones struggle here under duress. The best I've heard is the HD800S powered by a Phonitor. That combo, though quite lean overall, kept everything laser focused and separated. The Tuba/S2 is slightly hazier and much warmer in comparison. I also ran the HD650 through this torture track and it is just too slow/hazy to keep up. It didn't sound bad at all, but high level resolution is not what the 650 is known for. The added speed and resolution of the S2 really show here.

After nerding out with my test tracks I settled in for fun listening, which is where the Tuba/S2 really shine. Forget resolution, separation, technicalities, blah blah blah. This combo is more about fun than anything, and it brings the fun. I'm a thrash metal junkie. I grew up on it in the 80s and crave it like John Belushi craved crack. It's not a genre that's aged well in terms of new talent coming in to carry the torch from the originators like Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, Pantera, Testament, Overkill, Kreator, etc. IMO modern thrash is quite limp. BUT... I've not heard it all, and some recent finds have been the thrash viagra I've desperately needed to get my mosh on. My sonic blue pill consists of Bewitcher, Pripjat, Venemous, Insanity Alert, Battlecreek, Power Trip, Enforced, and most importantly...Dust Bolt. Holy Hell Batman, it's thrash, it's good, and it's not from the 80s! Dust Bolt really resonated with me, but all those bands had me ready to run through a sweaty gauntlet of headbangers like I was a teen again. Tight riffs, double bass blasts, GUITAR SOLOS!!!! If you haven't noticed, I'm insanely energized by thrash metal, it's my drug of choice. To maximize the high, I crave strong mid bass, as all the bass is acoustic and never dips very low. I want forward mids to bring out the bass guitars which always get lost in the mix. And I want forgiving treble so the crappy production quality doesn't set off my tinnitus. The Tuba/S2 checks all the boxes. I love how the S2's treble is nice and present, not soft or recessed at all like the 650, but is also just as fatigue free as the 650. Guitar solos sound awesome on the S2. I never got fatigued, and that was with a VERY aggressive volume level. The bass drives the beat, and in all instances the S2 kept up with the aggressive bass blasts and up tempos. The 650 would fall behind and start to sound like a wall of bass in comparison. No matter how fast the tempo got, the S2 did not falter. Very impressive! And the Tuba's additional bass presence really brought the fun. I could go on and on, but all I can say is i'm actually exhausted today from this weekend's listening! And I cannot wait to repeat it all again when I get home tonight hahaha. I do need to end with this, if you love 80s thrash, check these bands out. Some really good thrash! And let me know your modern thrash favorites. This junkie wasnts another fix...
May 31, 2023 at 9:02 AM Post #4,001 of 6,844
Imagine a giant puddle during a rainstorm. Each raindrop would be a sonic element in the track. Now try keeping track of all that with your ears! Good gear manages to keep things well separated, as was the case with the Tuba/S2
This sounds like a cool setup! Any pics of your rig? Looking for a sense of scale visually. My uncle loved this era of 80s metal and appreciate it a lot more now--there's a grit and grime to the guitar wall that hits hard...Pantera's "sound" immediately comes to mind (which is counterbalanced with awesome vocals). S2 is a great fit because it glues it all together without losing the individual parts.
Sennheiser Stay updated on Sennheiser at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
May 31, 2023 at 11:16 AM Post #4,002 of 6,844
This sounds like a cool setup! Any pics of your rig? Looking for a sense of scale visually. My uncle loved this era of 80s metal and appreciate it a lot more now--there's a grit and grime to the guitar wall that hits hard...Pantera's "sound" immediately comes to mind (which is counterbalanced with awesome vocals). S2 is a great fit because it glues it all together without losing the individual parts.
After work I'll snap a few pics of my tube gear and the S2. The kids found my tripod and destroyed it awhile back, so I can't do any nice long exposure glowing tube shots, but I can still do something fun that shows of the vintage gear and S2.
May 31, 2023 at 11:23 AM Post #4,003 of 6,844
This sounds like a cool setup! Any pics of your rig? Looking for a sense of scale visually. My uncle loved this era of 80s metal and appreciate it a lot more now--there's a grit and grime to the guitar wall that hits hard...Pantera's "sound" immediately comes to mind (which is counterbalanced with awesome vocals). S2 is a great fit because it glues it all together without losing the individual parts.
Ah Pantera! I remember the first time I heard them, they blew me away with their riffs and power. Grit perfectly describes how their guitars come across. Vulgar Display of Power was my first Pantera album, and hearing Mouth for War that first time still resonates with me. It bursts open with this staccato like riff and those guitars sound gritty as hell. Then the riffs lengthen and they pick up speed... oh man i'm going to listen to that tonight for sure, getting goosebumps!
Jun 1, 2023 at 5:53 AM Post #4,004 of 6,844
As much as I like my HD660 S2 I might have to take couple of days to listen somethin that showed up today :L3000:

Jun 1, 2023 at 8:06 AM Post #4,005 of 6,844
If bass is overdone it can blur and muddy
Hey, thanks for the terminology! :)
I am not an audiophile, nor do I tend to be one; I am a hardcore music lover and will stay that forever. But I do like reading stuff (and I love hi-fi gear), and for better understanding, these terms benefit me because the only thing when listening, especially with headphones, is the bass that can shake enjoyment for me. I am focused on the whole and not the details. If the whole works for me, it's fine. And the thing with Sennheiser is that I like how they manage bass! Whatever cans I own from Sennheiser's, I liked the bass. It's always tight and right.

As the new owner of 660S2, I am really, really happy...again. They are not grandiose as HD800s or HD 820...but man...they deliver! And I like to listen pretty loud; that's the reason why in the first place, I started to pay attention to headphones (ok, another reason is that Walkman came out :)), so I can listen and enjoy and no one bothers me by complaining : )
And with all Sennheisers, the louder I listen, the better it gets :)

I have only a minor complaint; I wish they were 5 mm wider and 5 mm taller; it would be 10/10 for me. But since it's a perfect fit for my wife...then it is 12/10 for me :)

Dude...Metallica is not a trash metal band, and how could you not mention Iron Maiden in the first place or even Motorhead (not a metal band, but they could be :wink:)? I can understand in the top three Slayer and Pantera, but if you mentioned Metallica, there should be Bruce too! Just poking a bit.



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