Sennheiser HD 600 Impressions Thread
Oct 23, 2012 at 7:17 AM Post #1,996 of 23,719
I dont think the 650 would give you anything more of what you are looking for.  they are not better then the 600, they are just different.  The bass and treble are better on the 600 in my experience.  I had the 650, and I traded for a 600.  no ounce of regret.
You should sell both cans and get the HE-500.  IMHO.

Nah, the HE-500 is regarded as really not that much better than the HE-400, with the bass being better on the 400. The thing is, the HD600 is a little too close to the HE-400. I want something liquid smooth. Many have said the Lyr+HD650 is a winning combo, and I know the HD650 is hard to drive properly. Like I said, I think I'll try to audition them first.
Oct 23, 2012 at 11:36 AM Post #1,997 of 23,719
650 are not better than the 600.  It's more of a "side-grade" than an "upgrade" if that makes sense...
I've said it a million times EQ the HD600 on the low end and they have pretty damn good bass and allow rap/techno to be more fun.
I tend to go to my bass heavy Denon AH-D7000 for that genre but the HD600 are no slouch with the EQ'ing.
Oct 23, 2012 at 12:38 PM Post #1,999 of 23,719
The HE400s are my bass/treble cans for a reason. I want something warm and smooth, and the HD650s do that better than the HD600s from what I've read.
Oct 23, 2012 at 3:01 PM Post #2,003 of 23,719
The most neutral dynamic headphone? What would you suggest then?

Honestly, from my experience with a wide range of headphones; the HD600's are probably a must-have for anyone looking for a good-priced reference can. It is, to me, the best blend of neutrality and natural sound for any headphone until the HE-500's. It may not be the most resolving compared to phones these days, but considering the HD600's are about 15 years old; it stood the test of time with a breeze. I liked my HD600's more than the HD650's by the way.
I mean you can get a Q701 if you really want linearity-neutral; but they just sound dull and "fake".
Nah, the HE-500 is regarded as really not that much better than the HE-400, with the bass being better on the 400. The thing is, the HD600 is a little too close to the HE-400. I want something liquid smooth. Many have said the Lyr+HD650 is a winning combo, and I know the HD650 is hard to drive properly. Like I said, I think I'll try to audition them first.

The HE-500 is quite a bit better than the HE-400 imo; but some people really like to color the music they listen to, to get more musicality. That's fine if that's what you enjoy. I still think the HE-400 is a basshead's can which would be optimal with electronic music, hip hop and poorer recordings.
I prefer the HE-400 over the HD650 but not the HD600's. HD650's are too syrupy and slow for me; the HE400's have a dark and heavy sound with sparkly highs, and have great speed. The HD600's has the best tonal balance and freq response, but it does lack a bit of resolution. It's not the smoothest headphone out there, but the tone is just right for many usages + there are never any uncomfortable peaks in the highs. They would ideally need to be recabled though.
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Oct 23, 2012 at 3:03 PM Post #2,004 of 23,719
Honestly, from my experience with a wide range of headphones; the HD600's are probably a must-have for anyone looking for a good-priced reference can. It is, to me, the best blend of neutrality and natural sound for any headphone until the HE-500's. It may not be the most resolving compared to phones these days, but considering the HD600's are about 15 years old; it stood the test of time with a breeze. I liked my HD600's more than the HD650's by the way.

I mean you can get a Q701 if you really want linearity-neutral; but they just sound dull and "fake".
The HE-500 is quite a bit better than the HE-400 imo; but some people really like to color the music they listen to, to get more musicality. That's fine if that's what you enjoy. I still think the HE-400 is a basshead's can which would be optimal with electronic music, hip hop and poorer recordings.

I prefer the HE-400 over the HD650 but not the HD600's. HD650's are too syrupy and slow for me; the HE400's have a dark and heavy sound with sparkly highs, and have great speed. The HD600's has the best tonal balance and freq response, but it does lack a bit of resolution. It's not the smoothest headphone out there, but the tone is just right for many usages + there are never any uncomfortable peaks in the highs. They would ideally need to be recabled though.

I think the 701 series sound waaaay to boring so i'd never buy those
Oct 23, 2012 at 3:05 PM Post #2,005 of 23,719
Honestly, from my experience with a wide range of headphones; the HD600's are probably a must-have for anyone looking for a good-priced reference can. It is, to me, the best blend of neutrality and natural sound for any headphone until the HE-500's. It may not be the most resolving compared to phones these days, but considering the HD600's are about 15 years old; it stood the test of time with a breeze. I liked my HD600's more than the HD650's by the way.

I mean you can get a Q701 if you really want linearity-neutral; but they just sound dull and "fake".
The HE-500 is quite a bit better than the HE-400 imo; but some people really like to color the music they listen to, to get more musicality. That's fine if that's what you enjoy. I still think the HE-400 is a basshead's can which would be optimal with electronic music, hip hop and poorer recordings.

I prefer the HE-400 over the HD650 but not the HD600's. HD650's are too syrupy and slow for me; the HE400's have a dark and heavy sound with sparkly highs, and have great speed. The HD600's has the best tonal balance and freq response, but it does lack a bit of resolution. It's not the smoothest headphone out there, but the tone is just right for many usages + there are never any uncomfortable peaks in the highs. They would ideally need to be recabled though.

What amp do you have?
Oct 23, 2012 at 3:09 PM Post #2,006 of 23,719
Honestly, from my experience with a wide range of headphones; the HD600's are probably a must-have for anyone looking for a good-priced reference can. It is, to me, the best blend of neutrality and natural sound for any headphone until the HE-500's. It may not be the most resolving compared to phones these days, but considering the HD600's are about 15 years old; it stood the test of time with a breeze. I liked my HD600's more than the HD650's by the way.
I mean you can get a Q701 if you really want linearity-neutral; but they just sound dull and "fake".
The HE-500 is quite a bit better than the HE-400 imo; but some people really like to color the music they listen to, to get more musicality. That's fine if that's what you enjoy. I still think the HE-400 is a basshead's can which would be optimal with electronic music, hip hop and poorer recordings.
I prefer the HE-400 over the HD650 but not the HD600's. HD650's are too syrupy and slow for me; the HE400's have a dark and heavy sound with sparkly highs, and have great speed. The HD600's has the best tonal balance and freq response, but it does lack a bit of resolution. It's not the smoothest headphone out there, but the tone is just right for many usages + there are never any uncomfortable peaks in the highs. They would ideally need to be recabled though.

The HD600 is a can that everyone should own or try at least once. I would agree except instead of the HE500 its the HE6 for me. It took me a long time and many headphones to find an upgrade to the HD600 and the closest I got was the HE6. It's not quite a direct upgrade but as close as I could get. Everything else I've tried has been better in sound but not the same signature.
Oct 23, 2012 at 3:18 PM Post #2,007 of 23,719
I think the 701 series sound waaaay to boring so i'd never buy those

Curious - I own both, and love them both.  Each has it's strengths - but the last thing I'd call the K701 is boring.
Oct 23, 2012 at 4:47 PM Post #2,008 of 23,719
Curious - I own both, and love them both.  Each has it's strengths - but the last thing I'd call the K701 is boring.

I think saying boring is abit harsh, what i ment was that these sound very perfect, excelent instrument separation, good soundstage. Because it is so 'perfect' there is not so much fun about the sound, yes these are great cans (owned these for about a week) i'd have to say i loved them, but i they just aren't for me, because of that 'perfect' sound, i hope this makes a bit sense,i'm not saying that i don't want reference headphones, but i do like a 'fun' headphone,
That's why i like my grado's and id1's so much, i don't think you can call the grado's reference, they have a sound signature i love to death, the id1's are the best cans i ever owned/heard haven't heard a lot of cans. So it was a bit harsh to say i'd never buy these. I'd buy these but after i've got the cans i really want: the HD600 is number one on my list, the HE-400 is number two, the Heir Audio 3.Ai is my number three, LCD-2 number four and these would be my number five on my list
Oct 23, 2012 at 4:51 PM Post #2,009 of 23,719
No problems William - some probably do find the K701 boring 

I agree that a lot of people will not find them "fun" cans.  Just offering a different perspective from an owner of both.
Oct 23, 2012 at 8:06 PM Post #2,010 of 23,719
No problems William - some probably do find the K701 boring 

I agree that a lot of people will not find them "fun" cans.  Just offering a different perspective from an owner of both.

Don't want to derail the conversation, but I do think the Q701 sounds like something way beyond its price point IF both amped with bass boost. I feel I can do this while maintaining perceived clarity on the Q - making it fun and exciting. As many have said, the HD650 sounds opposite in comparison with a warmer presentation. This in itself is fine, but increasing the bass seems to negatively impact the mids and highs. This is probably why some people do recommend the HD600. Since they're brighter to begin with, there is more wiggle room for low end tweaks.

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