Sennheiser GSX 1000 / 1200 Impressions
Aug 14, 2017 at 9:09 PM Post #556 of 1,519
in bf1 I put it to surround sound, and tested headphones and large speakers.

I made sure to configure set as default the audio and communication gsx devices. setting gsx to 7.1. I've rebooted disabled other sound devices. I'm not impressed man. this is a downgrade from my mobo audio. I think part of the issue is that not only can I customize the eq on my 32 bit onboard sound card. But I have custom levels for reverb and everything else, surround, voice clarity, bass. etc... Maybe its the gsx presets are the problem.

If anybody has used razer surrounds software and felt it made everything too muffled. This is no different.

But like I said, seeing explosions in the game and not hearing the sounds for them? That is shockingly bad. And it explains alot.

First make sure the sound output is at 16-bit, 48kHz, 8 channels. Then right click on the GSX Audio device in the sound panel and click on configure speaker. Configure them as 7.1 speaker (even though it's going to stereo headphone).
Aug 14, 2017 at 9:10 PM Post #557 of 1,519
That's a great start man! Yea for the M1060 you absolutely need an extra Amp to drive it as planars usually have pretty low power sensitivity to drive to enjoyable level. It's very easy to daisy chain, just headphone jack to headphone jack. I got a Fiio A3 (portable amp) to daisy chain it as I bring them out sometime as Macbook Pro's internal DAC is pretty meh.

What GSX does that Schiit stack can't do is HRTF. HRTF absolutely necessary for gaming and movie watching.

but are you still getting surround sound?
That's a great start man! Yea for the M1060 you absolutely need an extra Amp to drive it as planars usually have pretty low power sensitivity to drive to enjoyable level. It's very easy to daisy chain, just headphone jack to headphone jack. I got a Fiio A3 (portable amp) to daisy chain it as I bring them out sometime as Macbook Pro's internal DAC is pretty meh.

What GSX does that Schiit stack can't do is HRTF. HRTF absolutely necessary for gaming and movie watching.

and no static man? I always though opitcal was better for linking. The fact this is lacking one I think means sennheiser didn't design it to be attached to anything.

The amp is not the main problem though. I could care less about the volume.
Aug 14, 2017 at 9:11 PM Post #558 of 1,519
First make sure the sound output is at 16-bit, 48kHz, 8 channels. Then right click on the GSX Audio device in the sound panel and click on configure speaker. Configure them as 7.1 speaker (even though it's going to stereo headphone).

What do you mean first make sure sound outputf is at 16 bits? Where, what menu? Maybe i'm totally missing something here and you can save the day lol.
Aug 14, 2017 at 9:17 PM Post #559 of 1,519
What do you mean first make sure sound outputf is at 16 bits? Where, what menu? Maybe i'm totally missing something here and you can save the day lol.
Yea I dunno how Sennheiser expect people to figure these things in Windows, took me a while to configure them. You have to right click on the GSX Main Audio and select configure I think. And one of the tabs has the output setting, you have to select 16-bit 48kHz and 8 channel. Then close that, right click on the device again and configure the speakers as 7.1
Aug 14, 2017 at 9:20 PM Post #560 of 1,519
Yea I dunno how Sennheiser expect people to figure these things in Windows, took me a while to configure them. You have to right click on the GSX Main Audio and select configure I think. And one of the tabs has the output setting, you have to select 16-bit 48kHz and 8 channel. Then close that, right click on the device again and configure the speakers as 7.1

oh ok yes I did that already. dam was hoping I missed something. Actually 8 channel is not an option. just two 16 bit options 4100 and 4800khz.

Trust me man, this thing is lower quality then todays onboard sound chips. Realtek is better then this in every way. Slightly not as good for surround, but not by much. If this thing came out 10 years ago maybe it would be something to look at, but I can't return this turd fast enough, and the game zeros are going back too out of spite now.
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Aug 14, 2017 at 10:35 PM Post #561 of 1,519
I had to put it to front focus for now so its bearable. hopefully I don't miss too many sounds this way. less muffled. this way don't sound too much diff then onboard positions though. Onboard chip, game set to Stereo, and surround and reverb with sonic studio or thx trustudio. Its simple. I'm in shock right now. edit i'm wrong, going back to stereo positions is horrible.

I just recently built a new pc and started looking at new headsets.
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Aug 14, 2017 at 10:56 PM Post #562 of 1,519
alright so I don't want to run other people off this thing who might like it. It does do the positional audio for surround better then anything else I've heard. Maybe I expected more. and people do seem to like surround headphones.

The settings I'm running with right now are movie eq. front focus, one plus on reverb, 3 pluses on side tone, and it sounds much louder volume at 28 in windows, 50% headphones. sounds pretty good still hear good rear channels. bass is kicking like i've never heard it (maybe too much would love custom eq or more presets) The mic quality is still lower then my mobo, not that the mobo was much better, but with the software much more so especially noise reduction. the software works on this too might just use it for eq and turn all level all the way up for mic.

I feel I gave a harsh review so ya I am going to use it for a couple days, then switch back to onboard and see if the surround on this thing is worth it before I make my final decision. But I really should of been wowed from the start. I think with front focus sound its much much better. For people that feel its muffled give this a try. don't worry rear channels still there.
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Aug 15, 2017 at 8:45 AM Post #563 of 1,519
I upgraded from a set of Astro A40s to a set of Monoproce Monolith M1060's. These set of cans are amazing look up reviews by Z reviews on youtube for them, disclaimer he is reviewing the first run of them and they have fixed basically all the issues that were pointed out in said review. The general consensuses is that the m1060s are the giant killers, your getting top not sound quality for a low price point.

These don't look to be sold in the UK. I've been looking at sennheiser own gaming headset's, specifically the zero and the one. Will either of those be a good fit for the gsx? I've also seen sennheiser do a 7.1 headset which oddly costs less than the one or zero, but I'm assuming that a headset offering 7.1 already will be adversely affected by the gsx so that's probably a no go.
Aug 15, 2017 at 12:30 PM Post #564 of 1,519
These don't look to be sold in the UK. I've been looking at sennheiser own gaming headset's, specifically the zero and the one. Will either of those be a good fit for the gsx? I've also seen sennheiser do a 7.1 headset which oddly costs less than the one or zero, but I'm assuming that a headset offering 7.1 already will be adversely affected by the gsx so that's probably a no go.
Invest in a good set of headphones for audiophiles lol, that surround sound speaker headsets or gaming headsets with several speakers in them is a gimic, like the logitech g933 have like 7 drivers in the cup, you will get better sound quality and performance from just one big driver versus 7 little ones, you will still get positional awareness as well when using them for gaming if the game is coded half way decent. My 1060s are great but for shooters like pubg i need a little better positional awareness and the only way to increase it at this point is with surround sound card and or device like the gsx 1000
Aug 15, 2017 at 3:34 PM Post #565 of 1,519
These don't look to be sold in the UK. I've been looking at sennheiser own gaming headset's, specifically the zero and the one. Will either of those be a good fit for the gsx? I've also seen sennheiser do a 7.1 headset which oddly costs less than the one or zero, but I'm assuming that a headset offering 7.1 already will be adversely affected by the gsx so that's probably a no go.

yes I also think surround headphones sound terrible. very tin can and cheap sounding. I can't believe people like them, those people would love the gsx way more! The game zeros and ones do sound decent, and the gsx with them does pack a punch with their eq presets. The gsx only drives 150ohms. so You don't want anything too high end which will require more power then gsx can do, which means you would need another amp in that case. But my game zeros sound very good in them.

The main issue for me was everything sounded too muffled when I didn't have front focus on. With that on it sounds clearer and louder, I have no idea who would want rear focus, it sounds terrible. And the movies and music eq presets make it even louder and do make that bass really thump on my game zeros like I haven't heard from my mobo. But I still think thats just the very bassy eq presets they made, I usually prefer a little more clarity. Sennheiser probably assumes most gamers like the bass especially since alot of noobs complained the game zero's had none. The presets are not totally horrible but If there was only one improvement I could make. I would give people a CUSTOM EQ!!

I wasn't impressed with witcher 3's surround, but its there. but believe it or not fallout 4 felt very immersive with it lots of ambient noise all around. And like I said bf1 has awesome positional awareness with this thing, without it now I'm feeling kind of lost. Movies haven't impressed me yet. But maybe I need a good source with good surround. They do sound different. But here is the settings I'm using now.

BF1/battlefront: plain eq, front focus, 7.1, three plus side tone, one plus reverb

Music: music eq, balanced focus, 7.1, three plus side tone, no reverb

witchter 3/fallout 4: movie eq, front focus, 7.1, three plus side tone, three plus reverb

movies: movie eq, balanced focus, 7.1, three plus side tone, no reverb

three plus side tone settings are not really noticeable but recommended for closed back headsets like game zero so I turned them up. Also they default it on. I think if you listen really really closely you might notice it increasing soundstage like on a certain pitched high hat on youtube. But going to stereo now makes me feel claustrophobic.

Game ones vs Game zero, If you don't have a noisy room the sound stage on game ones are better. I literally would think something was making noise in the house when it turned out to be my game ones and would pull the headphones off. I've read others make the same comments. The game zeros don't have that feeling, but are good at isolating my noisy house, and compared other closed back headsets have a very good soundstage. Also the game zeros were way more comfortable for me, the game ones hurt my ears, the zeros are very plush. The game ones had deeper bass out the box I believe due to the open back design, but the game zeros have way more clarity, and I imagine would be the better choice for the gsx 1000 for that reason. Properly eq'd it would be hard to tell the difference between the two.

But I still truly believe you are giving up alot of clarity and sounds for the positional audio, regardless. But going back to stereo from this thing I really felt like I had no idea where anybody was anymore in bf1. I don't know why people would say stereo is better for positional audio, These same people also still believe no pc games support surround, tThe positional audio for games that support surround is very very good with the gsx 1000. But like razer, it might sound too bassy/muddied and muffled to some. I'm still contemplating if I should keep it or not though, because I'm getitng used to it now, and bf1 definitely has a different feeling with it. (still wish i had a custom eq to add more clarity, another reason I think game zero is the better choice to match with the gsx) I got it for 180 so its not like I paid full price. The game zeros I got for 170. So is this combo worth 3-400 dollars? I really can't say. Its all personal preference and depends on your budget. Its growing on me though, i'm going to try out razers free software again and note the differences.

The game ones and zeros are like 130 dollar headphones with a 40 dollar mic. If you decide to get a 3-400 dollar pair of head sets alone, most likely you will need to buy an amp for it too, so maybe it is worth considering the zero/one + gsx combo if you do mostly gaming, because it might suit your needs better and actually be cheaper in the long run. surround sound is the sole reason to own the gsx.
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Aug 15, 2017 at 10:20 PM Post #566 of 1,519
Tried the razer software again. it sounds less muffled actually then the gsx, (probably cause stereo and 24 bit) but its basically messy stereo in comparison. The gsx makes it obvious. The gsx feels like actual surround sound.

I've decided to keep the gsx 1200 and my game zero headset.
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Aug 16, 2017 at 1:00 AM Post #567 of 1,519
Tried the razer software again. it sounds less muffled actually then the gsx, (probably cause stereo and 24 bit) but its basically messy stereo in comparison. The gsx makes it obvious. The gsx feels like actual surround sound.

I've decided to keep the gsx 1200 and my game zero headset.
Just want to throw in the Hifiman HE-4xx is dirty cheap on Massdrop right now for $170. Suppose to be even better than M1060 according to reviewers.
Aug 16, 2017 at 4:13 PM Post #568 of 1,519
Just want to throw in the Hifiman HE-4xx is dirty cheap on Massdrop right now for $170. Suppose to be even better than M1060 according to reviewers.

ya but I need a closed back unfortunately. I don't know much about either of those headphones. I see its only 35ohms. wow. I believe the game zeros is 50-150. not that that equals quality of course.

Do you think that even stereo gaming headsets offer more soundstage then normal studio ones? I mean like how bout the game one compared to the hd 598, don't you think the game one have more soundstage? I think thats another reason these gaming headphones end up sounding more tinny of course can be remedied though with a good eq.

They ask pro players, and if pro players could they'd make everything simple pixels to see better haha. Thats why the "e-sport" eq option sounds ridiculously extreme, cause pro players are extreme. They aint about immerision at all. Thats why all these "gaming" headsets are more about clarity then booming bass. And I'm realizing myself, its an acquired taste, but once you get used to it, there is no going back! Plus I'd like a mic that thats convenient. I never liked a desk mic, and a clip on is not gonna last with me. Plus these headphones match my setup haha. (i've lost my mind)

Another thing I like about these sennheisers headsets is the huge earcup. The ear cup on these game zeros are gigantic, and I like that for my big ears. The game ones had big headsets too but not as plush and even those hurt my ears. I like the oval better then the circle. I tilt the top of headphones more towards front of my head. to fit my whole ear in it. I game for hours. (it does get hot though, i'm blaming the summer)
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Aug 16, 2017 at 4:24 PM Post #569 of 1,519
I just realized when one would use the rear focus on the gsx. I popped in some cheap ear buds, and I thought the surround sound wasn't working, they have no sound stage lol. But putting to rear focus made a huge difference, the movie came alive then.

I find that when watching movies and videos.. depending on the source and headphones you are using. front, balanced, rear focus all come in handy. I think this is partly cause movies only do 5.1 and they don't do surround as good as games. Sennheiser really thought of every scenario.

Another thing I noticed is that the bass was ridiculously overwhelming on them. I never knew those little cheap 10 dollar panasonics had such bass in them haha I do think the gsx is designed for brighter cans.

But I still wish there was another preset in between e-sports and flat.

I never was able to go back to listening to music on my dolby surround speaker system in stereo after using 7.1 for years in windows 7. Its why I hate windows 10 so much the drivers are just not the same. I never even had to use the speaker fill option they recently took away. Putting it to 7.1 on older windows automatically mixed it to 7.1 when using thx trustudio or similar.

And I have a feeling now I'll never be able to go back to gaming in stereo with headphones lol. I hope sennheiser doesn't stop making these. I definitely was wrong in thinking using surround on such software with my mobo drver was anything similar to this. going back to razer software or other virtual surrounds, sound like only stereo compared to the gsx 1000/1200.
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