Sennheiser Amperior Impressions Thread
Oct 7, 2013 at 12:16 PM Post #391 of 1,054
Thank you sir! I think I will hold onto my amperiors and save for CIEMs. 
Do you think a CIEM can rival the SQ of my he-400? In what ways? 

Depends on ciem, some of them can wipe HE400 of your head ''easily''

Once I went to ciems, I don't think I will ever go back to on ear / over ear headphones again.
Oct 7, 2013 at 10:09 PM Post #392 of 1,054
Man I'm listening to my amperiors now. have to comment on the bass. pretty bitchin'. most bass i've heard out of any headphone hands down. it has serious punch to it. 
Oct 8, 2013 at 12:21 AM Post #393 of 1,054
I know what you mean. I was listening to Slayer - South of Heaven earlier and the bass drum just floored me. It's not the bassiest headphone I've heard, but I've never heard one this punchy. This is the funnest headphone I've ever owned. My Denons are getting jealous.
Oct 8, 2013 at 9:44 AM Post #394 of 1,054
I'd like to say the beats are bassier - but i've never heard them before - as much as I rip on them lol. 
But yeah man, amperior punch - super nasty. I think it's a trend headphones need to go towards. who doesn't like nasty bass? I don't get it. That's why lcd's are in my future. 
Oct 14, 2013 at 11:00 AM Post #395 of 1,054
Had a chance to compare my amperiors to the V-moda M100's and I greatly prefer my amperiors. The V-moda's low end seemed exaggerated to me, while sacrificing on the high end.
Oct 21, 2013 at 5:59 AM Post #396 of 1,054
Hi guys I want to share some other Amperior love :)
This cans are amazingly good! Head to head with my Westone UM3x there is really no contest at all, the Amperior sound a lot more realistic and trasparent and fun! Cymbals sounds lifelike and there is no harshness or sibilance in the treble. WOW! 
They are really a rock-metal machine! the sound is forward, engaging, very good prat.
The sound good unamped, an amp improve (especially on the drum impact)
The only drawback is the sound stage a little small.
I seriously love them!
Oct 22, 2013 at 9:17 PM Post #399 of 1,054
Just received my Amperior's from Best Buy (currently $150 in Canada). I got them to replace my Beyerdynamic Custom One Pro's as an isolating portable, which sound fine and are build like a tank, but are also quite bulky. I figured these might be comparable in sound quality given the Senn's higher MSRP. 
My first impressions compared to the Beyer's is that the Amperior's are underwhelming. They sound dull, lacking richness right across the board when listening to rock or classical. I have yet to listen to jazz with them. I wonder if they just need some burn in or whether it's an unfair comparison given the Beyer's are over ear headphones. Any thoughts?
Oct 23, 2013 at 4:01 AM Post #400 of 1,054
  Just received my Amperior's from Best Buy (currently $150 in Canada). I got them to replace my Beyerdynamic Custom One Pro's as an isolating portable, which sound fine and are build like a tank, but are also quite bulky. I figured these might be comparable in sound quality given the Senn's higher MSRP. 
My first impressions compared to the Beyer's is that the Amperior's are underwhelming. They sound dull, lacking richness right across the board when listening to rock or classical. I have yet to listen to jazz with them. I wonder if they just need some burn in or whether it's an unfair comparison given the Beyer's are over ear headphones. Any thoughts?

Straight away I can assure you my Amperiors sounded really bad out of the box. They sounded like a loose subwoofer and some highs. Erm but after 120+ hours of pink noise burn in they were really well controlled and sounded like a quality headpone.
Oct 23, 2013 at 4:20 AM Post #401 of 1,054
Straight away I can assure you my Amperiors sounded really bad out of the box. They sounded like a loose subwoofer and some highs. Erm but after 120+ hours of pink noise burn in they were really well controlled and sounded like a quality headpone.

Thanks for the reply, that's reassuring. I really like the size and fit. After several hours of burn in, they're sounding less as you described and already improving in the lows and mids. If this keeps improving, I think I can accept the limited sound stage for their size. 
Oct 23, 2013 at 4:24 AM Post #402 of 1,054
  Thanks for the reply, that's reassuring. I really like the size and fit. After several hours of burn in, they're sounding less as you described and already improving in the lows and mids. If this keeps improving, I think I can accept the limited sound stage for their size. 

I hope it sounds like you wish after burn in. In either case please drop us a line after those 120+ hours. And yes the size and fit is amazing. The split headband, with the comfy velours is very nice
Oct 25, 2013 at 4:02 AM Post #403 of 1,054
Just two quick questions for all you Amperior folks here:
1) Does the Amperior isolate better than the HD25?
2) Does the Amperior isolate better than the Beyerdynamic DT1350?
Thanks in advance! 
Oct 25, 2013 at 5:48 AM Post #404 of 1,054
Originally Posted by gilsont /img/forum/go_quote.gif

1) Does the Amperior isolate better than the HD25?

Can't compare them side by side but I highly doubt there's a difference in isolation. If there's any at all it will be hecka slight.
In contrary to what I said earlier about less clamping force on the Amperior vs HD25, I'm going to take back those words. Force is at least the same. Opinions?

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