Senn HD800 Ultimate, "Maxx" Mod
Sep 19, 2021 at 1:13 PM Post #76 of 173
As you may or may not know, I am the only person who claims to have corrected ALL the HD800 faults.
Solved everything. No one else has made this claim.

So now, I'm going to say publically, that I am very disappointed in both Sennheiser, and Drop, and their tunning helpers from "$B@£"...

I reached out to Sennheiser multiple times. They responded saying they are confident in their engineers, but then they turn around and let Drop blindly tune it multiple times.
Playing with frequency response, like thats any type of solution.

I reached out to Drop, and they are crickets with Zero response. Nothing.

The members at the other infamous site, fully well knew of my next mod I posted there, but no one reached out to me. They were actually MAD(!) that I claimed I fixed it.
This is where pride comes before the fall. Sooo prideful people can get because they want to be the one. I didn't care about fame or I would have been making these myself. I instead wait for Sennheiser to come around.
Now watch the HD8XX fall. Fail.

Those tunners, knew full well that I pioneered the damping and solved ALL the issue with the resonance.

Sennheiser knowing full well that I told them they could fix it in their production, but then I see weak attempts to modify the driver, which I believe was a collaboration trying to find my mod.

So no one reached out to me to fix the HD800. They all like scrambling in the dark, trying to fix the HD8XX before release.

Shame on all of them ALL, for not swallowing their pride, and coming to me for the solution:

Rant over, but I am Very disappointed..
Tis a Shame man... Tho Seeing that 8XX Utter crap measurements as a result of trying to fix things without any knowledge of doing it is hilarious... Not only you I think a couple of other reviewers and modders such like DMS also tried to reach out to them about it but got Zero response...
Sep 19, 2021 at 7:15 PM Post #77 of 173
Yes, everything done to the HD800, 800S, 820,8xx.. custom mods from websites or companies...
Everything so far, has been (to me) a band-aid solution.

None of it is an actual correction or performance change. All has been muting and creating tonality change. Hiding the problems thru Frequency response.

To me, Frequency Response changes are Band-Aid solutions. My solution is an actuall change in performance, not just frequency response.
An actual change..
What has been shown so far in this thread, is only the foundation of what I have accomplished.

I'm going to make one for review.
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Sep 20, 2021 at 1:20 PM Post #78 of 173
As you may or may not know, I am the only person who claims to have corrected ALL the HD800 faults.
Solved everything. No one else has made this claim.

So now, I'm going to say publically, that I am very disappointed in both Sennheiser, and Drop, and their tunning helpers from "$B@£"...

I reached out to Sennheiser multiple times. They responded saying they are confident in their engineers, but then they turn around and let Drop blindly tune it multiple times.
Playing with frequency response, like thats any type of solution.

I reached out to Drop, and they are crickets with Zero response. Nothing.

The members at the other infamous site, fully well knew of my next mod I posted there, but no one reached out to me. They were actually MAD(!) that I claimed I fixed it.
This is where pride comes before the fall. Sooo prideful people can get because they want to be the one. I didn't care about fame or I would have been making these myself. I instead wait for Sennheiser to come around.
Now watch the HD8XX fall. Fail.

Those tunners, knew full well that I pioneered the damping and solved ALL the issue with the resonance.

Sennheiser knowing full well that I told them they could fix it in their production, but then I see weak attempts to modify the driver, which I believe was a collaboration trying to find my mod.

So no one reached out to me to fix the HD800. They all like scrambling in the dark, trying to fix the HD8XX before release.

Shame on all of them ALL, for not swallowing their pride, and coming to me for the solution:

Rant over, but I am Very disappointed..
The problem is prevalent throughout the entire audio industry. There is a disguisting and inexcusable level of lack of real innovation and lack of interest in real innovation. Pride, ego, greed, hype, and laziness rule, instead of actual progress.
This is part of the reason I can almost casually make amps and headphones that make everything on the existing market sound and measure like a toy in comparison.
This problem doesn't extend to just the audio industry either. It is prevalent in pretty much all industries to some degree, but the audio industry has it particularly bad.
If I had enough money to convert prototypes into products I'd already be rich.
I'll do what I can do help you sell your mod if you need, you've done a lot for me over the years.
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Sep 21, 2021 at 2:53 PM Post #79 of 173
Updates coming
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Sep 21, 2021 at 5:12 PM Post #81 of 173
As stated, those in NYC who whish to hear my unit, just PM me. I can Host in my house. Bring your source or whatever.
Sep 21, 2021 at 5:15 PM Post #82 of 173
I keep my fingers crossed for you and I am very curious about your work and research.

I still use the damping from this thread.
This thread has the foundation of my work.
Sep 23, 2021 at 10:09 AM Post #83 of 173
I will be renaming the latest iteration of the mod, to get away from the rest.

New name will be HD800M,
because it will be maxxed out.

Literally the most that can be done and squeezed out of this design, without Actually changing the headphones
Sep 23, 2021 at 3:03 PM Post #84 of 173
Time to make some technical observations.

This is a normal HD800S with basket/metal mesh frame:

Now, let's observe the "damping solution", that the 8XX implement:
Half covered mesh...
It does appear "applied" on.
By doing anything in this mesh area, you automatically will kill some of the soundstage.
Instead of dampening resonances in the driver seating area, like in this thread shows, the basket frame is dampened instead.
This is an Incomplete solution wich would inevitably have sonic change as well.

Now let's look at the driver.
Normal rear:
Nice normal holes.


Here, we see closed off holes with material. This is how they made the scoop in the 1-3k area. Not a dip, but a scoop similar to the fostex th900.

This progression from the HD800S to this congested 8XX driver, will inevitably reduce micro-dynamics.
Also, this model therefore, cannot be changed or corrected.

Why am I the only one to tell you this. No other place to read this?
Where are the "modders" that supposedly know what there doing?
What are the reviews?

This unit will divide reviewers into two sides. The good reviewers will tell you the truth, that it is a gimped unit.

The bad reviewers (or those that shouldn't be reviewers) will tell you its fine and ok and manageable with EQ, and still good.

I am the one saying that the actual driver is "gimped". Gimped from the factory for nice THD figures. More like a compromise, to place it as a teir below the 800S.

This is taking the HD800 series another step downward.
Although it will also change and mute some distortion.
I would have to test.

With this unit, they did what a novice modder would do, to falsely improve distortion in a driver...
To over-dampen, at the demise of both the sound and the micro-dynamics. Looks like they felt this was an acceptable/tasteful amount of compromise, for this version.
This cannot be corrected.

So I cannot, in good conscience, recommend the 8XX unit, unless user wants altered sound at compromise of other areas.

This is NOT bashing. These are my honest Technical observations...
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Sep 29, 2021 at 10:26 AM Post #87 of 173
Do you also make mods for the HE6? They have a resonance peak at 9khz and Ive been trying to fix them without changing the signature without nay success...
If you tried all (grill, pads, damping materials) I would lastly try replacing the material used in seating the driver to the frame.
Looks like some felt gasket ring type .
Oct 1, 2021 at 11:12 AM Post #89 of 173
So today I mounted the earpads foam.
You have a high skill level as most of these materials are not easy to cut exact.
Same with the damping ring around the driver that was very exact cut. 👍
Oct 1, 2021 at 11:14 AM Post #90 of 173
I will be renaming the latest iteration of the mod, to get away from the rest.

New name will be HD800M,
because it will be maxxed out.

Literally the most that can be done and squeezed out of this design, without Actually changing the headphones
Started work on an hd800 unit.
Also doing some testing on an 800S driver unit to see wich driver is most optimal..

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