Senn HD800 Ultimate, "Maxx" Mod
May 10, 2018 at 10:31 AM Post #16 of 173
Yes they both perform same function.

The SDR gives the HD800 sound with bit less, balanced trebles,

And the "S" mod gives you closest to 800S signature.

You can do those and be happy with reduced ringing.

The Dynamat mods are for elimination of the diffused aspect in the soundstage, giving you more transients focus.

So yeah the inserts are easiest to do.
Also the subbass mod is easy.
Which is better...the "S" or the SDR?
May 17, 2018 at 1:42 PM Post #17 of 173
Which is better...the "S" or the SDR?
Good question.
I am going to say I prefer "S", because they both do the same job, but the SDR is for a "flatter" response,
While the "S" is for an HD800S like response, where you notice both more low end, and more sparkle.

Both negate the ringing, but neither address the "diffuse soundstage" aspect of the HD800 series.
That is what my other mods here cover.

It really up to preference, and is so cheap you should try both and have both.
Oct 13, 2018 at 2:25 PM Post #18 of 173
I will update results in near future with another choice of pads, and another choice of internal wiring..
Oct 13, 2018 at 2:46 PM Post #19 of 173
I updated end of first post with more test results from another HD800 which is SD moded and hardwired with an expensive cable.
Oct 13, 2018 at 5:59 PM Post #21 of 173
Some StephanAudio cable.
Its not my HD800 but looks like a well done job.

Personally, I really like this cable for the HD800:
Was comparing it to a Draug2 cable & it has more air and liveliness.
Both are OCC copper.

My own cable is silver so I have to compare this next time to my silver.
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Oct 14, 2018 at 2:59 AM Post #22 of 173
I too really like the SAA cable I use on my A set of 800's.
He did a really good job of designing a suitable cable for them.

Oct 14, 2018 at 9:30 AM Post #23 of 173
I too really like the SAA cable I use on my A set of 800's.
He did a really good job of designing a suitable cable for them.

This is true.
The HD800 has a sweet signature with that cable.
That's the one thing I have to agree because you can go thru many cables even silver dragon not better than that SAA cable.
Oct 22, 2018 at 6:57 PM Post #24 of 173
Just an update:

Performing some new experimental testing, is showing promise to further boost the HD800 performance.

Cannot specify yet untill I verify my initial observations with measurements.
Oct 27, 2018 at 3:42 AM Post #25 of 173
Internal wire upgrade completed and updated in mod post.

New Pad update using best Dekoni pad choice coming next.

Dekoni pad modding secret to make Dekoni pad optimal, coming next.
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Oct 29, 2018 at 12:46 PM Post #26 of 173
updated importance of the "Clarity C80" measurement, showing this mod has more than double the clarity measurement of a stock or SDR moded HD800..
Nov 5, 2018 at 3:58 PM Post #28 of 173
For affecting Bass & lower range, just try the pads tape insert, and more importantly, use the center mod using Sennheiser foam I used in place of SDR mod, which give it a similar "S" version tonality.
Nov 9, 2018 at 9:57 AM Post #29 of 173
The Dekoni ferenstrated lambskin pads also helps address the the treble region peak that the SDR & my Senn "S"mod foam addresses.

The drawback is slightly less bass.
I believe this is a design choice that Dekoni made on that pad base.
The plastic base does not have the "membrane" on bottom that stock pads have to retain bass..

Yet the other Dekoni pad choices were not as "open" sounding.
This is very important to me.

My approach is not using anything that is less open sounding than stock.

That is why in this thread, there is no selection or mention of ANYTHING that would reduce soundstage.

So no use of internal rug liners, or creatology foams, or really anything that would decrease the effective internal volume.

This is also why I am switching to Dekoni ferenstrated lambskin pads, regardless of bass issues...

Stock pads reduce internal volume as they are already shallow, and get more shallow as they get old...

It is my opinion that the HD800 driver design benifits from more internal volume.

My studying of it leads me to believe that the larger volume better propagates the soundfield wave pattern, like what a horn speaker does.

Also any room speaker does similar, by projecting outward the image, and as it disperse, it fills the room getting larger..

I feel the planars & electrostatics have the advantage of a way more flat sound wave pattern to travel to the ear, but the wave is already "large", so the ear is already immersed in a large sound wave, and the ear's localization cues detect a large image.

So, my opinion is that the HD800 basket frame helps the driver simulate a larger spaced image.
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Nov 23, 2018 at 4:27 AM Post #30 of 173
Any updates on the dekoni pads experiment?

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