Schiit Ragnarok Amplifier
Dec 23, 2023 at 2:45 PM Post #1,906 of 2,111
Awesome mate.

How you described Rag 2 is spot on and why I love mine. The bass with my LCD-3 is awesome and the handling of transients is superb.

Paired with Yggy+ OG with Unison here, and having just received my Yggy+ OG back from Schiit yesterday, it’s got to burn in before I can form impressions worth sharing.
Very nice. We'll be waiting...
Dec 25, 2023 at 7:54 AM Post #1,909 of 2,111
The Rag 2 is sounding so nice, I can't help but wonder how the Mjolnir 3 is...
If anyone has any experience with the Mjolnir 3 vs the Rag, please give us your thoughts.
Merry Christmas.
Dec 25, 2023 at 11:08 PM Post #1,910 of 2,111
The Rag 2 is sounding so nice, I can't help but wonder how the Mjolnir 3 is...
If anyone has any experience with the Mjolnir 3 vs the Rag, please give us your thoughts.
Merry Christmas.

I have both Rag 2 and MJ3, currently hooked up YGGY OG A2.

Rag 2 is better with my Hifiman HE6SE (non v2)

MJ3 is better with my ZMF Auteur Classics... MJ3 has better instrument and vocal separation, more feelings of depth and separation, little bit more fine detail/plankton.

I think Rag 2 has a little better bass control than MJ3, but MJ3 is equal to or better then Rag2 everywhere else... but not by much. Rag 2 does speakers and has three gain levels & has better volume control with its 128 step attenuator.

Both amps drive Focal Clears, HD6XX, HD600 very well.

I love both amps. Can't go wrong either way..

MJ3 has a bit more emotion and bob your head feel to it. aggressive. confident.

Rag 2 is a bit more even keel, detailed, smooth, less bob your head and groove, more kick back and admire how smooth and refined it all sounds. Less aggressive and not outwardly confident. Reserved, self assured, not flashy, but decidedly confident and will kick your ass if you mock it....
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Dec 26, 2023 at 5:42 PM Post #1,911 of 2,111
I have both Rag 2 and MJ3, currently hooked up YGGY OG A2.

Rag 2 is better with my Hifiman HE6SE (non v2)

MJ3 is better with my ZMF Auteur Classics... MJ3 has better instrument and vocal separation, more feelings of depth and separation, little bit more fine detail/plankton.

I think Rag 2 has a little better bass control than MJ3, but MJ3 is equal to or better then Rag2 everywhere else... but not by much. Rag 2 does speakers and has three gain levels & has better volume control with its 128 step attenuator.

Both amps drive Focal Clears, HD6XX, HD600 very well.

I love both amps. Can't go wrong either way..

MJ3 has a bit more emotion and bob your head feel to it. aggressive. confident.

Rag 2 is a bit more even keel, detailed, smooth, less bob your head and groove, more kick back and admire how smooth and refined it all sounds. Less aggressive and not outwardly confident. Reserved, self assured, not flashy, but decidedly confident and will kick your ass if you mock it....
The MJ3 must really excel in the instrument and vocal separation department because I'm getting that immensely with the Rag 2. In fact, that is one of the main reasons why I sold the GSX MK2 because the Rag 2 has not only the separation of instruments but an iron grip on everything. When I play complex orchestral music, it is so NOT congested. Quite the opposite actually. It's open and free and spacious and every instrument has more of a presence because every instrument has so much more oomph and weight to it. I absolutely love this amplifier for my HEKS. I don't understand why it doesn't get more praise.
I read a lot and hear a lot about how people are saying that the Rag 2 is more of a loudspeaker amplifier then it is a headphone amplifier.
My speakers are 89 db at 6 ohms but not a super difficult load for the Rag 2. That being said, to my ears, it is an absolutely stellar headphone amplifier. I prefer it to my Bliss, Pass HPA1, Benchmark HPA4 and AHB2, Luxman p-750u and GS-X MK2 and Mini that I had here.
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Dec 26, 2023 at 5:45 PM Post #1,912 of 2,111
I don't get the same satisfaction from listening to it driving my loudspeakers though.

Anyway I think it's absolutely sublime with my HEKS. It definitely unlocked the potential of this headphone. I didn't know this headphone could be so tight and controlled and fast and articulate until I got the Rag 2
Dec 26, 2023 at 5:52 PM Post #1,914 of 2,111
The MJ3 must really excel in the instrument and vocal separation department because I'm getting that immensely with the Rag 2. In fact, that is one of the main reasons why I sold the GSX MK2 because the Rag 2 has not only the separation of instruments but an iron grip on everything. When I play complex orchestral music, it is so NOT congested. Quite the opposite actually. It's open and free and spacious and every instrument has more of a presence because every instrument has so much more oomph and weight to it. I absolutely love this amplifier for my HEKS. I don't understand why it doesn't get more praise.
I read a lot and hear a lot about how people are saying that the Rag 2 is more of a loudspeaker amplifier then it is a headphone amplifier.
My speakers are 89 db at 6 ohms but not a super difficult load for the Rag 2. That being said, to my ears, it is an absolutely stellar headphone amplifier. I prefer it to my Bliss, Pass HPA1, Benchmark HPA4 and AHB2, Luxman p-750u and GS-X MK2 and Mini that I had here.

Yeah, Rag 2 is fantastic with separation of vocals and instruments... the ZMFs sound great with Ragnarok, just MJ3 and the Auteurs seems to be a special pairing.

The MJ3/ZMF combo seems to have a tiny bit less bass control then Rag2/ZMF, but no complaints.

Rag 2 really is great, and if I could only own one amp, MJ3 or Rag 2 it would be Rag 2 because the SQ is very high, and its more versatile..

Glad I dont have to choose and can enjoy both.

My room isnt setup great for speakers, and isnt treated, so HPs sound better for clinical listening... but when I have the time to enjoy speakers its still preferred.... Just because of the Ambience, wall of sound, and you can feel the big sound of speakers better then the small sound of headphones.

I have the super low efficiency HE6SEs (Non V2) like 80db a watt.... they are about the same efficiency as my Magnepan LRSs

I have had Rag in high gain cranked pretty damn high a few times..... with the HE6..... which is pretty awesome in small doses...
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Dec 26, 2023 at 6:09 PM Post #1,915 of 2,111
Yeah, Rag 2 is fantastic with separation of vocals and instruments... the ZMFs sound great with Ragnarok, just MJ3 and the Auteurs seems to be a special pairing.

The MJ3/ZMF combo seems to have a tiny bit less bass control then Rag2/ZMF, but no complaints.

Rag 2 really is great, and if I could only own one amp, MJ3 or Rag 2 it would be Rag 2 because the SQ is very high, and its more versatile..

Glad I dont have to choose and can enjoy both.

My room isnt setup great for speakers, and isnt treated, so HPs sound better for clinical listening... but when I have the time to enjoy speakers its still preferred.... Just because of the Ambience, wall of sound, and you can feel the big sound of speakers better then the small sound of headphones.

I have the super low efficiency HE6SEs (Non V2) like 80db a watt.... they are about the same efficiency as my Magnepan LRSs

I have had Rag in high gain cranked pretty damn high a few times..... with the HE6..... which is pretty awesome in small doses...

And you mentioned something about control...
I used to own the Warwick Bravura headphone system. That thing was absolutely spectacular! Ultimately I sold it because I could tell the DAC section wasn't super fantastic and there was some distortion at higher levels but anyway...
What I loved most about it was the speed and attack and decay and razor sharp leading edges of cello for example. It was absolutely amazing. What I have right now with the Rag 2 and HEKS is giving me the same level of enjoyment that the Bravura system did, and that's saying something!
Dec 26, 2023 at 7:43 PM Post #1,916 of 2,111
So CAN the MJ3 run a Susvara?
Dec 26, 2023 at 8:00 PM Post #1,918 of 2,111
At almost 15w x2 output balanced into 60 ohms, I would imagine you'd be just fine driving Susvara with Rag v2.
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Dec 26, 2023 at 8:17 PM Post #1,920 of 2,111
Disregard my post. I was referring to Ragnarok and not MJ3 as it relates to driving Susvara. I'll let owners of both chime in.

That's what I get for skimming. 😒
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