Schiit Owners Unite
Jul 12, 2014 at 11:01 AM Post #6,049 of 13,350
Thanks! This is the result of half a dozen different places on my desk, under my desk on a shelf, etc. I figured in this arrangement the Schiit stack would to be "on display" if that makes sense. 
Good eye on spotting the the Emotiva Airmotiv 4S monitors! They are fantastic. Nice punchy bass and clear, articulate highs, particularly for listening to the acoustic / singer-songwriter music that I tend to enjoy. I wouldn't say they're the warmest (they are monitors, after all), but I enjoy them all the same.
I do have a sub (Tannoy TS10) in the chain, but find that the Airmotivs are more than capable with handling the low-end, so I only have the sub dialed-in to handle the lowest frequencies. I considered the 5S monitors, but figured they'd be too much for the space I have available. 
I must say that I'm very impressed with the versatility of the Gungnir and Mojlnir combination paired with powered speakers.
Jul 12, 2014 at 11:59 AM Post #6,050 of 13,350
Finally got everything setup just right.

Nice! I like it!
I swear it's hilarious how many times I've shuffled around and re-organized my listening and workstation setup. I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this :wink:
Jul 12, 2014 at 12:41 PM Post #6,051 of 13,350
Nice! I like it!
I swear it's hilarious how many times I've shuffled around and re-organized my listening and workstation setup. I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this

Yes, you're definitely not alone. Moving the equipment is easy. The worst part is re-running all the XLR, USB, and power cables under my desk -- and doing it cleanly (I'm a little OCD this way...).  
Jul 12, 2014 at 12:49 PM Post #6,052 of 13,350
Yes, you're definitely not alone. Moving the equipment is easy. The worst part is re-running all the XLR, USB, and power cables under my desk -- and doing it cleanly (I'm a little OCD this way...).  

Indeed, well done CM is always an OCD issue for me lol
Jul 12, 2014 at 12:52 PM Post #6,053 of 13,350
  Finally got everything setup just right.

Your handling of the cables is almost godly. I have an Xbox and monitor on my desk and there is a sea of cables behind it to connect it to my laptop, stereo, etc. I love the perfectly tied ones that come out right next to the USB hub. 
You still have enough extra desk space for a 27" Thunderbolt display though haha, it'd only complete this drool-inspiring setup.
Jul 12, 2014 at 12:59 PM Post #6,054 of 13,350
  Your handling of the cables is almost godly. I have an Xbox and monitor on my desk and there is a sea of cables behind it to connect it to my laptop, stereo, etc. I love the perfectly tied ones that come out right next to the USB hub. 
You still have enough extra desk space for a 27" Thunderbolt display though haha, it'd only complete this drool-inspiring setup.

Under the perimeter of my desk is a cable tray and two rows of those black plastic C-clips to keep the longer runs of audio and power cables separate. 
You read my mind regarding the extra space for a 27" Thunderbolt display: That's exactly the plan I have for the near future :wink:
Jul 12, 2014 at 2:38 PM Post #6,055 of 13,350
Definitely interested in getting the Emotiva 4S in the future. Glad to hear good things about them. Where did you get that desk shelf/stand for the stack? I'm looking for a solution for mine too to increase my desk space. The Schiit stack just takes up so much desktop real estate.
Jul 12, 2014 at 2:46 PM Post #6,056 of 13,350
  Definitely interested in getting the Emotiva 4S in the future. Glad to hear good things about them. Where did you get that desk shelf/stand for the stack? I'm looking for a solution for mine too to increase my desk space. The Schiit stack just takes up so much desktop real estate.

The desk and shelf is of the IKEA Galant series. If you notice, I put the back on upside-down to allow room for the cables to stick out the back of the Schiit units.
Jul 12, 2014 at 2:57 PM Post #6,057 of 13,350
Under the perimeter of my desk is a cable tray and two rows of those black plastic C-clips to keep the longer runs of audio and power cables separate. 
You read my mind regarding the extra space for a 27" Thunderbolt display: That's exactly the plan I have for the near future :wink:

Can you show a picture of that please?
Jul 12, 2014 at 11:56 PM Post #6,059 of 13,350
I am very pleased with the Wyrd!  It adds a very low noise floor and completely eliminates all stray computer sounds the LCD-2 reproduces. The combination result is a sound replication that is very clear and solvent.  The only drawback is it seems to have reduced the soundstage a little.   The Wyrd is a much appreciated addition to my LCD-2 and it complements the upgraded Uber bifrost and Lyr with EAT cool valves perfectly 
Jul 12, 2014 at 11:57 PM Post #6,060 of 13,350

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