Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Dec 11, 2016 at 8:32 PM Post #14,836 of 165,189
Of course. That's why you gotta be on top of that Schiit.

Edit/addendum to avoid 800 posts: I don't use autocorrect. I know, you were all dying to know (many sleepless nights, etc.).

Anyhow, I always make it a habit of lowering the volume before changing inputs. [Edit again: And when you're done listening, turn it down. That way the other family member (or you when you've imbibed) won't blow your speakers.]
Dec 11, 2016 at 8:37 PM Post #14,838 of 165,189
Of course. That's why you gotta be on top of that Schiit.

That's not a long-term strategy. I might be able to remember, but what about the other family members who use the system? I can't expect my wife to remember 100% of the time, and it only takes one slip-up. It's not an acceptable risk. 
Back to the Saga/Freya - can one of the RCA outs be converted to fixed level output?
Dec 11, 2016 at 9:14 PM Post #14,839 of 165,189
For yer HT bypass, just set the valium to max. on the Freya, and adjust the front left and front right preamp output levels on your processor or receiver accordingly. I did this for a while with a Ragnarok, and I even lived to tell the tale.

I totally don't get it -- what's the purpose of feeding a preamp into an AV receiver?
Dec 11, 2016 at 9:16 PM Post #14,840 of 165,189
I'd guess that a lot of tribal knowledge about tube manufacture has been lost since we as a society declared them obsolete.

It's not just tribal knowledge -- much of it was/is done by hand, using techniques and chemicals that are no approved in richer countries.
Dec 11, 2016 at 9:45 PM Post #14,842 of 165,189
Actually, I've got that mixed up don't I - It's an RCA input that needs to be converted to HT bypass, not an output!

The biggest reason for Freya/Saga 2.0 to have a switchable variable/fixed output is so you can drive a Schiit headphone amp without worrying about cascading volume pots and to get a simpler circuit.
Dec 12, 2016 at 8:55 AM Post #14,843 of 165,189
Thanks for the Update Jason. I hope the demand for the Freya is as much as we are making it to be. Looking forward to it
Now that we have some solid answers to the tubes for theTube Noobs. With Confirmation that Matched Quads are not required my Plan is to use the Stock tubes as the output tubes and roll the Input side. My Experience With the Vali 2 and the Valhalla 2 is the stock tubes are not Slouches and already Matched. Using the Stock tubes as outputs allows me to get very good Input pairs and makes rolling a bit easier on the wallet. From what I have seen and bought there are Matched NOS sets ranging from around $30 to the stratosphere. There are some new production ones as well. Your stomach and wallet (Or maybe better half) will be your guide,
Dec 12, 2016 at 9:18 AM Post #14,844 of 165,189
Now that we have some solid answers to the tubes for theTube Noobs. With Confirmation that Matched Quads are not required my Plan is to use the Stock tubes as the output tubes and roll the Input side. My Experience With the Vali 2 and the Valhalla 2 is the stock tubes are not Slouches and already Matched. Using the Stock tubes as outputs allows me to get very good Input pairs and makes rolling a bit easier on the wallet. From what I have seen and bought there are Matched NOS sets ranging from around $30 to the stratosphere. There are some new production ones as well. Your stomach and wallet (Or maybe better half) will be your guide,

Tube Noobs! My two favorite hobbies are Tubes & Boobs. 
Dec 12, 2016 at 12:04 PM Post #14,845 of 165,189
will the bifrost get the new akm4497 dac upgrade ? 

Dec 12, 2016 at 12:15 PM Post #14,847 of 165,189
Dec 12, 2016 at 12:24 PM Post #14,848 of 165,189
Dec 12, 2016 at 4:49 PM Post #14,850 of 165,189

I believe that this subject has been discussed previously in this forum on multiple occasions, and the answer was a firm no.
Sorry, I did not reply properly-this post is in response to post#14834, about Schiit modifying a product to meet a customer's specific system configuration.

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