Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
May 13, 2022 at 11:34 AM Post #93,121 of 155,168

The origin is unclear but here are a few possibilities.

I generally start off with a Cappuccino then move on to some Columbian coffee to get my day started.

All of my projects are on hold as I wait for knife blanks from Japan, they got as far as Customs in Chicago. A lumber company is trying to find a box big enough to ship hardwood for a couple projects and I am waiting for some high quality wire and cotton mesh for some Utopia cables.
Sounds like a great opportunity to read and listen to music.
May 13, 2022 at 11:55 AM Post #93,122 of 155,168
Hobbies are fun things lol. Mostly Japanese kitchen cutlery to go with some cutting boards, santuko, gyuto, nakiri, and deba at this time. As I work I listen to music and audible books. If you enjoy what you are doing it is rarely work. :ksc75smile: A project like this rarely takes me much over a day.

Gorgeous! :heart_eyes:
May 13, 2022 at 12:21 PM Post #93,123 of 155,168
Gorgeous! :heart_eyes:
That is before final finish. I then just give them a coat of food safe mineral oil and let them soak it in over night. Some of this is scrap left over from amp building, as I get smaller pieces they will become knife handles or maybe a chess board. I was taught at an early age to try to learn something new everyday but at least now I can pick and choose. :ksc75smile:
May 13, 2022 at 12:30 PM Post #93,125 of 155,168
That is before final finish. I then just give them a coat of food safe mineral oil and let them soak it in over night. Some of this is scrap left over from amp building, as I get smaller pieces they will become knife handles or maybe a chess board. I was taught at an early age to try to learn something new everyday but at least now I can pick and choose. :ksc75smile:
Your butcher blocks are so pretty - I would have never put a knife to them!!!
I am trying to think if I could use some as platforms to place under some component (e.g. tube amp)... :thinking:
My biggest challenge would be I am vertically challenged. Well, joking aside, I refer to my audio rig - tube amps take a lot of vertical clearance, and I have several amps, so.......
May 13, 2022 at 12:38 PM Post #93,126 of 155,168
Your butcher blocks are so pretty - I would have never put a knife to them!!!
I am trying to think if I could use some as platforms to place under some component (e.g. tube amp)... :thinking:
My biggest challenge would be I am vertically challenged. Well, joking aside, I refer to my audio rig - tube amps take a lot of vertical clearance, and I have several amps, so.......
These are more charcuterie boards, rarely does a knife touch them. I try to use lumber with slight flaws for cutting boards so folks will not feel bad using them for such. I have a doctor appointment but later I can show you the versatility of my rack system and how easy it is to put one together. All my amps that get any use are tube amps and I just ordered everything needed to build a second rack. I can change shelf height quickly and easily.

A couple cutting boards. The two that are similar are just laid out for looks before I joined the pieces together. Naturally I round the edges and cut grooves in one side so you know which side is for meats and which side is for vegetables.
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May 13, 2022 at 1:02 PM Post #93,127 of 155,168

These are more charcuterie boards, rarely does a knife touch them. I try to use lumber with slight flaws for cutting boards so folks will not feel bad using them for such. I have a doctor appointment but later I can show you the versatility of my rack system and how easy it is to put one together. All my amps that get any use are tube amps and I just ordered everything needed to build a second rack. I can change shelf height quickly and easily.

A couple cutting boards. The two that are similar are just laid out for looks before I joined the pieces together. Naturally I round the edges and cut grooves in one side so you know which side is for meats and which side is for vegetables.
Whatever that super dark wood is that's in the center of the first board ——— I want to bathe in it. 😍
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May 13, 2022 at 1:17 PM Post #93,128 of 155,168
I can change shelf height quickly and easily.
Changing the shelves location is not the problem. The rack is probably 6 feet tall, and the challenge is to fit MORE amps... :sweat:
(and no, I cannot possibly fit another rack. I looked into that...)
May 13, 2022 at 2:11 PM Post #93,129 of 155,168
Changing the shelves location is not the problem. The rack is probably 6 feet tall, and the challenge is to fit MORE amps... :sweat:
(and no, I cannot possibly fit another rack. I looked into that...)
oh I see, fortunately I will be able to fit a similar rack next to one already have in place. Things I do not use often are on shelves in my garage. I did sell off some items, I am down to ten headphone amps and four power amps. Three of the headphone amps are class A solid state so they get the least usage. I can put together one of my solid cherry and copper racks for about $200, I ordered all materials yesterday so that is my current price. I would estimate five or six hours labor before I am happy with the looks.
May 13, 2022 at 2:17 PM Post #93,130 of 155,168
Whatever that super dark wood is that's in the center of the first board ——— I want to bathe in it. 😍
I forget lol, the other woods are birdseye maple and walnut. A gentleman on here gave me several pieces of wood after I loaned or gave him some tubes as best I recall and the dark wood came from that lot. I will check stock later, if you need a small cutting board I will see if I can fix you up with some of it in the center. I like choices so I have at least 20 types of hardwood.

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May 13, 2022 at 2:19 PM Post #93,131 of 155,168
On the home page: That is one cool (or should that be warm?) looking Cayin amp. I've never had the pleasure of the 300B experience. You'd think during 5 decades I'd have had at least one encounter with the 300B.
May 13, 2022 at 6:21 PM Post #93,132 of 155,168
You guys obviously spoil your cats. Mine just get kicked outside if they are misbehaving. The biggest problem I have is when my little one brings me rats in during the middle of the night. I had to put an RFID cat door in to keep the racoons out but 2 of the 3 cats were rescues and were already chipped so it was easy to chip the third one and call it good. Personnally I would NEVER lock a cat in the house. I consider that torture. And yes, your house cat may outlive my outside cat but I can guarantee which one had the better life!

My newer cat (about 8 years old now) was a rescue. When I visited him the first time we got along great! The woman who was raising him just looked at us and pronounced it odd because he didn't like anyone and was kind of crazy. My wife looked at her and said with a straight face that it is good when crazy finds crazy. We are best buds! Two of mine are black, one is 18 pounds and built like a line backer and the other is 12 pounds and all wide receiver. To watch them go at each other (in play) is pretty funny. It takes substantial momentum for the little one to drop the big one but he has gotten really good at it. He ultimately pays the price but he seems to think it is worth it.

I can't imagine life without good music, cats and fast cars...
May 13, 2022 at 6:22 PM Post #93,133 of 155,168
We adopted our second dog in 5 months today. On 12/1 we received a rescue, now 2 years old) from GA, 58 % German Shepard, 28 % Siberian Husky, a little Australian something or other. Wonderful dog, had lots of issues, has healed emotionally so much in such a short time. 3 weeks ago we received a 3 year old shepherd from CA (15 were rescued and delivered around the country, we live in CT), DNA test still in motion. We were paying the foundation forward for getting a perfect dog and also trying to determine if we wanted 2 dogs. Yesterday on our long early evening walk we decided we wanted to adopt him. 30 minutes later they called and said they found an owner, we asked if we could adopt instead, they approved this morning.

This has been life changing, I have never been a dog person in my 64 years but am one now. Looking forward to drives to the Berkshire vineyards in my wife's Saab Convertible (she bought her first Saab directly from the factory in Sweden in the late 80s) with not one, but 2 dogs secured in the back seat
Our daughter also adopted a rescue dog two years ago, right after she got kicked off campus because of covid and moved home. Milo looks quite a lot like @SuperRoo's dog. Milo was part of one of the biggest ASPCA rescues ever in this area. Something like 213 birds, reptiles and animals (parakeets to horses) were taken from the property. As with yours, he was a physical and psychological mess. However, he bonded with her quickly and strongly and hates being separated from her. He's also recovered quite a bit in the past two years and acts more like a dog every time we see him. He's got a great "happy dog" face.

German shepherds are one of my favorite breeds. I've come to realize I like the idea of a dog, but not the actual ownership of a dog. What I need is a friendly neighbor with a German shepherd. How in the world did whoever determine 58% whatever and 28% something else? Whatever happened to 1/2 German shepherd, 1/4 Husky and 1/4 mutt?

So are cats. And miniature hippos masquerading as cats too. :laughing:

Our fat, stupid, orange tabby resembles that hippo remark. He's a cat of very little brain, but like Winnie-the-Pooh, a sweetheart.

As I said in a post a few days ago, I'll absolutely second the recommendation for the Aegir as an amplifier for power hungry head phones.
May 13, 2022 at 6:34 PM Post #93,135 of 155,168
Oh gawd, I'm sooooo far down the rabbit hole on a new project, I don't know when I'll have a schematic...and this is after 2+ weeks of work. So yeah, if I haven't talked about cars (or Rina's tortoises), this is why.

This may be the stupidest thing we've ever done. Or the smartest. Only time will tell. Sorry, I can't talk about this one much, other than it's an extension of another product that will appear this year, but full boat crazy mode. As in, all discrete, relays everywhere, I think literally the most complex product we've ever done. What I can say is that it's not an EQ above Loki Max, so don't panic if you have one on order. Heck, there's a definite possibility this won't even become a product.

But...I had to share. This is by far the most intense design that I've worked on in the last 5 years.

(Which in itself is a good sign...if I have time to do design, there are less supply chain problems). And again, sorry to be mysterious, I just wanted to share some exciting news. Yes, to me, this is exciting. This is the best stuff. And yes, I am completely insane, as I have said, many, many times.
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