Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Sep 15, 2018 at 2:48 PM Post #37,996 of 155,185
I read/heard that our local municipal government (Calgary, AB) (or the CUPE Union, I no longer recall) introduced workplace guidelines that included a list of greeting/parting phrases that were no longer acceptable.

Included amongst them was “Cheers!”, on the basis that it might trigger a relapse in recovering alcoholics.

I am fairly chill about that kind of stuff in general, but that one really ticked me off.The next day that became my default sign off on emails.


Haha, see that sounds like something I would do! I know recovering alcoholics that get offended if you DON'T drink around them just because you are afraid of offending them...

My problem is I'm a button pusher, once I know something might get under someones skin a little I'm going to do that every so often. My Dad used to HATE his middle name, I found this out when I was 12 or so, and pretty much any time he would get on my nerves too much or be acting like a jerk I'd call him by his middle name, OHHH BOY did it set him off the first few times I did it, but over the years as I would use it he would just start laughing it off :)

The owner of a company I used to work for hated when you would tell him Happy Birthday to the point where rarely ever did anyone do it. Well, I made it a point every year to be sure to tell him Happy Birthday with a big grin, he'd always go on a little tirade about birthdays but then at the end would say Thank You anyway.

My point is, people take life WAY too seriously and always forget to remember that in the long run all life is going to do is kill you in the end... So you might as well smile, have fun with it, and enjoy it while you can!
Sep 15, 2018 at 3:06 PM Post #37,997 of 155,185
Figures... now that my Schiit-Stacks & listening nook are all set up tickity-boo, I'm going back to my source files to upgrade them to ALAC or FLAC. What a disorganized heap of 1s & 0s! I hauled out the banker boxes of CDs and am re-ripping them. Holy crap, I've got some good music I forgot all about.

To all the audio engineers, equalization technicians, studio-monkeys, and mix-re-master-ers (?)... thank you for your work behind the CD labels, eh. I'm reading the liner notes with a magnifying glass. As I retype my disc's meta-data, I'm ensuring these people's names get added into my system.

From a grateful listener. :ksc75smile:
Sep 15, 2018 at 3:10 PM Post #37,998 of 155,185
I enjoy what I am doing as well and I have a long commute, two hours total but I am well stocked with audible books. I thought of downsizing on house size after the kids moved away but if I keep getting audio gear I may have to up size.

Yes we kept talking about downsizing. Funny how that works when you move to a more affordable housing area. We did upsize - though there is a method in our madness. The ground floor has the master suite and we can 'age in place' - or at least that's the plan. The upstairs is currently and office each, a guest suite and a home theater. All for about 25% of the cost of California!
Sep 15, 2018 at 3:12 PM Post #37,999 of 155,185
I read/heard that our local municipal government (Calgary, AB) (or the CUPE Union, I no longer recall) introduced workplace guidelines that included a list of greeting/parting phrases that were no longer acceptable.

Included amongst them was “Cheers!”, on the basis that it might trigger a relapse in recovering alcoholics.

I am fairly chill about that kind of stuff in general, but that one really ticked me off.The next day that became my default sign off on emails.


[Edit] Despite all the talk of fine wine, beer and whisky that we’ve had on this freewheeling thread, there are certainly non-drinkers here. I made that decision not because of a lack of respect for an individual’s choice, circumstance or background, but because I felt that particular edict took political correctness one step too far. I am willing to hear arguments to the contrary if anyone feels so inclined...

I'm in it up to my neck then. Schiit.

Sep 15, 2018 at 3:14 PM Post #38,000 of 155,185
Figures... now that my Schiit-Stacks & listening nook are all set up tickity-boo, I'm going back to my source files to upgrade them to ALAC or FLAC. What a disorganized heap of 1s & 0s! I hauled out the banker boxes of CDs and am re-ripping them. Holy crap, I've got some good music I forgot all about.

To all the audio engineers, equalization technicians, studio-monkeys, and mix-re-master-ers (?)... thank you for your work behind the CD labels, eh. I'm reading the liner notes with a magnifying glass. As I retype my disc's meta-data, I'm ensuring these people's names get added into my system.

From a grateful listener. :ksc75smile:

Have you tried EAC? With a modest $8 IIRC) subscription much (most I find with some shuffling between sources) of the music can be tagged as it is ripped. For those that are not, MP3Tag is your friend.

And Roon. Roon is your metadata friend.
Sep 15, 2018 at 3:24 PM Post #38,001 of 155,185
I can't remember who it was who gave me troubleshooting advice on the left speaker crackle in my new setup. Whoever (Capt Deadpool?), thanks! It got so bad this morning that I couldn't sit back anymore. So the left column right column substitute on the Freya made no difference, but the front / back did. I now had a right speaker niggle. More front to back and it became clear that the right bank had a dud tube. One of them (the front when the right speaker had the problem) glows brighter than the other tube, so I'm suspecting that may be it. Substituting the lIsst "tubes" restores good sound - though not as warm as the Tungsols - so I have writted to Schiit support to see what they have to say. I'm not sure if tubes have any sort of warranty...... T'will be an intersting test of support policy :)

If not, it looks like $120 for 6SN7 Tung-Sol New Production Matched Quads. Or should I look for something else? I know a few of you have suggested sources, but I'm floundering a bit.

Sep 15, 2018 at 3:42 PM Post #38,002 of 155,185
The way I see it, unless Jason is regaling us with the latest developments from his la-bor-a-tor-y in the Schiit underground grotto, or announcing a new or imminent release of a specific product there's not a lot to discuss because as soon as product is released, and after a flurry of cheering, etc., type posts, a dedicated thread gets started and the conversation on the product moves there. So the thread reverts back to whatever is lying around in plain sight or at hand as fodder to chew on.

Also, as there are no pop quiz's on this thread, so it's okay to speed scroll down until some meat and potatoes (or topic your into) catches your eye.

Just my 2 cents.
Source: ; Downloaded September 15, 2018 at 15:40 EST I re-rip my CD collection so that I can listen to the tunes; Reason: I like this collection of schiitheads, so my teacher-DNA wants to give positive feedback.
Sep 15, 2018 at 3:46 PM Post #38,003 of 155,185
I compared my mimby to 3 different dacs for hp use and 4 different dacs for 2 ch use. It was quite an improvement over the pixel 2 dongle, and Chromecast ( 50% better)
In all fairness, the Pixel 2 dongle is free with the phone ($12 separately) and Chromecast Audio is $35. What I can highly recommend though is to feed the Chromecast Audio's optical output into your Mimby's Toslink input (you'll need a Toslink to mini-Toslink cable) giving you a low cost, high quality networked audio source.
Sep 15, 2018 at 4:07 PM Post #38,004 of 155,185
Figures... now that my Schiit-Stacks & listening nook are all set up tickity-boo, I'm going back to my source files to upgrade them to ALAC or FLAC. What a disorganized heap of 1s & 0s! I hauled out the banker boxes of CDs and am re-ripping them. Holy crap, I've got some good music I forgot all about.

To all the audio engineers, equalization technicians, studio-monkeys, and mix-re-master-ers (?)... thank you for your work behind the CD labels, eh. I'm reading the liner notes with a magnifying glass. As I retype my disc's meta-data, I'm ensuring these people's names get added into my system.

From a grateful listener. :ksc75smile:
It is all about the engineer decision in the studio! Please no loudness war and no MQA
Sep 15, 2018 at 4:23 PM Post #38,005 of 155,185
In all fairness, the Pixel 2 dongle is free with the phone ($12 separately) and Chromecast Audio is $35. What I can highly recommend though is to feed the Chromecast Audio's optical output into your Mimby's Toslink input (you'll need a Toslink to mini-Toslink cable) giving you a low cost, high quality networked audio source.

Yes of course, I bought cca for the toslink option, just comparing mimby to what I have.
Sep 15, 2018 at 4:23 PM Post #38,006 of 155,185
The offer is sincere to all. I'd be particularly interested in talking about HKG, I spen a fair bit of time there in the 70s (We based out of Singapore and Hong Kong whilst the frigates and went wandering - we were the mother ship for a hunter killer (fast attack to US folks) so had to hang about. We had so many emergency missions that we became know as 'ThunderBlake'). I went back on a consulting gig 35 years later and it was an interesting contrast.

I have a bunch of friends who consult / work on It projects out there for Mandarin Oriental and (IIRC) Dairy ??? the largest supermarket chain.

I'd also be happy to travel to any gatherings. We are tring to build something close to a 'normal' lifestyle - in the 10 weeks we have been here we have had a flooded bathroom & bedroom upstairs (upon arrival), a downned ceiling as a result, an emergency appendectomy, an investigation of a mass from the appendectomy CT (watch and wait, "see me in a year") and now we are on the edge of Florence. Oh, and as a result (perhaps, or coincidence) of the power on/offs we are experience the left speaker buzz is back and more pronounced. Bugger.

I could do with some normality please!
I'll look forward to chatting.

I hope all is well with you and yours, and that life finds a level of normalcy to suit you. May all upcoming changes be good! :beerchug:

Maybe we can arrange for Florence to eat Mangkhut?

FWIW - Mangkhut = Mangosteen ≠ Anything resembling Mango

Thinking of those affected in the US and the Philippines.
Sep 15, 2018 at 4:28 PM Post #38,007 of 155,185
I compared my mimby to 3 different dacs for hp use and 4 different dacs for 2 ch use. It was quite an improvement over the pixel 2 dongle, and Chromecast ( 50% better) It was still an improvement, but not as pronounced in my jvc receiver and iPad Air 2 (20-30% better). Compared to the jvc and iPad it just seemed like mimbys mid range wasn't as muffled (muddy?), bass had more oomph, trebles were crisper, and separation and layering were much more defined. I bought a cheapo Yamaha RS202 BL off Amazon the other day. Looking forward to hear how mimby sounds through that in my garage this weekend. It's supposed to be aagood sounding class B amp for the money.

I unexpectedly got about 45 minutes home alone this morning so I was able to do some quick comparisons between the Mimby and the DAC in my receiver. Even though the DAC in the receiver has specs very similar to the Fulla2 DAC, Anthem clearly made good use of the larger enclosure and budget in their implementation as it sounded a fair amount better than the Fulla2 DAC, though still not quite as good as the Mimby. I think I'll get a second Mimby (or Bimby) to put between my CD player and receiver later on when I've got the remodeling work done in the living room and I can be certain that my receiver won't die on me like the first one did.
Sep 15, 2018 at 4:30 PM Post #38,008 of 155,185
I can't remember who it was who gave me troubleshooting advice on the left speaker crackle in my new setup. Whoever (Capt Deadpool?), thanks! It got so bad this morning that I couldn't sit back anymore. So the left column right column substitute on the Freya made no difference, but the front / back did. I now had a right speaker niggle. More front to back and it became clear that the right bank had a dud tube. One of them (the front when the right speaker had the problem) glows brighter than the other tube, so I'm suspecting that may be it. Substituting the lIsst "tubes" restores good sound - though not as warm as the Tungsols - so I have writted to Schiit support to see what they have to say. I'm not sure if tubes have any sort of warranty...... T'will be an intersting test of support policy :)

If not, it looks like $120 for 6SN7 Tung-Sol New Production Matched Quads. Or should I look for something else? I know a few of you have suggested sources, but I'm floundering a bit.

I will be shopping for some 6SN7's soon so I will help if I can. IMG_0077.jpg Tomorrow i can check with a buddy, his knowledge of tubes surpasses mine.

I rarely listen to music on my 7.2 system but it can be fun when the twin subs kick in. Off to make chicken piccata soon, luckily I have made it for a dozen or more people before and it is pretty easy.
Sep 15, 2018 at 4:38 PM Post #38,009 of 155,185
Ah, as Ms Jody (a Pomona English grad, though as I point out to her, it's not REALLY English) is want to say to me, often, "Ah, the unclear antecedent humo(u)r".
LOL, Recommend: Collins dictionary, which delineates most versions of English and differing usage. Daughter had to use it to prove that 'kerb' was a word in her 12th grade 'English' class <dying>... I'm hopeless, a product of English/American schools. All in good phun.
Sep 15, 2018 at 4:45 PM Post #38,010 of 155,185
I will be shopping for some 6SN7's soon so I will help if I can. Tomorrow i can check with a buddy, his knowledge of tubes surpasses mine.

I rarely listen to music on my 7.2 system but it can be fun when the twin subs kick in. Off to make chicken piccata soon, luckily I have made it for a dozen or more people before and it is pretty easy.
FYI, I think tubes are 3-month warranty items, per the Schiit site (found that on the Valhalla 2 description).

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