Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Sep 15, 2018 at 9:11 AM Post #37,966 of 155,176
Rather than complaining about our audience, we can also try to understand them and speak accordingly. It takes a bit of work, but very much worth it for the peace and good will it generates.

I wasn't really complaining about our audience, just making a statement in general.

In theory this sounds like the correct thing to do. However in my experience it doesn't really work that way. Unfortunately there are way too many people these days that are just looking to be offended by something. I've worked with people that would get upset at something you say (nothing offensive etc... something like "man, traffic was insane this morning") and correct you on what should have been said only for 2 weeks later you say exactly what they corrected you to say and then they say ohhh that's offensive too, say blah blah blah... It got so bad that I don't say anything anymore because it's just not worth my time having to defend myself which in turn causes other issues, because then they would say ohhh how come you never have any input, or say anything about such and such anymore... It's a giant revolving door of BS that I'm not going to waste my time on anymore.

Ohhh and to make it clear, saying anything racist or intentionally offensive to someone is in no way or form acceptable by anyone at anytime.
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Sep 15, 2018 at 9:17 AM Post #37,967 of 155,176
In theory this sounds like the correct thing to do. However in my experience it doesn't really work that way. Unfortunately there are way too many people these days that are just looking to be offended by something. I've worked with people that would get upset at something you say (nothing offensive etc... something like "man, traffic was insane this morning") and correct you on what should have been said only for 2 weeks later you say exactly what they corrected you to say and then they say ohhh that's offensive too, say blah blah blah... It got so bad that I don't say anything anymore because it's just not worth my time having to defend myself which in turn causes other issues, because then they would say ohhh how come you never have any input, or say anything about such and such anymore... It's a giant revolving door of BS that I'm not going to waste my time on anymore.

Isn't that the truth...too much negativity in the world these days.
Know what makes anybody to feel better - a big smile!
It's actually free therapy and cheaper than the oxy-meds ... :wink:
Sep 15, 2018 at 9:30 AM Post #37,968 of 155,176
I see what you did there :wink:

Writing well was never on my list of achievements. My brother is an English teacher, and a bit of a grammar nut. Maybe I write poorly as a sign of rebellion... or laziness... Most likely the latter.

I did, yes. You have a great memory. I think I posted a bit of the story a while ago. I gave him my Vandersteen 2b 18 years ago almost to the week. They replaced the KG4s he bought in Indy (pre-owned) circa 1984-86 I think. He gave the KG4s to a young school teacher that was just getting into audio at that time to "pay it forward".


Ah, as Ms Jody (a Pomona English grad, though as I point out to her, it's not REALLY English) is want to say to me, often, "Ah, the unclear antecedent humo(u)r".
Sep 15, 2018 at 9:43 AM Post #37,969 of 155,176

Thank you very much. It's bitter-sweet. This was our second go-around here, and we love it, but we miss home. We're ready. Our parents are getting on in years, but don't tell them that; the work here is done (for now); and it's time to spend more time with family. We'll be back to visit for work and pleasure.

Can't wait! I'll look forward to meeting you guys (and gals too). I'm moving back to MN, but I get to Indy on occasion. I could easily see making the trip for a Head-Fi get together. I may even tote along some fine whisky and whiskey :)

I think @the finisher is ~40 miles north of me up 169 if I recall correctly. I'll also probably pound on @golfbravobravo 's door at some point. I'll bet he's wishing he never put out the open invitation to hear the DIs now :) I have family and a dear friend down near @Ripper2860 too, but.... :wink:

Sincerely, I would have never happened across head-fi and you fine folks if it hadn't been for living here. So, that goes in the plus column. It's a small world... There's common threads across it all.

The offer is sincere to all. I'd be particularly interested in talking about HKG, I spen a fair bit of time there in the 70s (We based out of Singapore and Hong Kong whilst the frigates and went wandering - we were the mother ship for a hunter killer (fast attack to US folks) so had to hang about. We had so many emergency missions that we became know as 'ThunderBlake'). I went back on a consulting gig 35 years later and it was an interesting contrast.

I have a bunch of friends who consult / work on It projects out there for Mandarin Oriental and (IIRC) Dairy ??? the largest supermarket chain.

I'd also be happy to travel to any gatherings. We are tring to build something close to a 'normal' lifestyle - in the 10 weeks we have been here we have had a flooded bathroom & bedroom upstairs (upon arrival), a downned ceiling as a result, an emergency appendectomy, an investigation of a mass from the appendectomy CT (watch and wait, "see me in a year") and now we are on the edge of Florence. Oh, and as a result (perhaps, or coincidence) of the power on/offs we are experience the left speaker buzz is back and more pronounced. Bugger.

I could do with some normality please!
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Sep 15, 2018 at 9:51 AM Post #37,970 of 155,176
I wasn't really complaining about our audience, just making a statement in general.

In theory this sounds like the correct thing to do. However in my experience it doesn't really work that way. Unfortunately there are way too many people these days that are just looking to be offended by something. I've worked with people that would get upset at something you say (nothing offensive etc... something like "man, traffic was insane this morning") and correct you on what should have been said only for 2 weeks later you say exactly what they corrected you to say and then they say ohhh that's offensive too, say blah blah blah... It got so bad that I don't say anything anymore because it's just not worth my time having to defend myself which in turn causes other issues, because then they would say ohhh how come you never have any input, or say anything about such and such anymore... It's a giant revolving door of BS that I'm not going to waste my time on anymore.

Ohhh and to make it clear, I'm not saying anything racist or intentionally offensive to someone is in any way or form acceptable by anyone at anytime.

Intent has a lot to do with it. The written word does not always express emotions well. I was once in a card game online and responded with the word "oh" and somehow offended a person at the table. Here is a definition of the word....used to express a range of emotions including surprise, anger, disappointment, or joy, or when reacting to something that has just been said.

If they had heard the word in person they would have known it was not said in anger. :smile_phones: In real life I am probably more cautious than some, I have spent over 30 years in management and you are basically in a fish bowl. Tell the wrong joke or use the wrong language and things are suddenly magnified. I have a heart condition and carry nitroglycerin pills in a container on a key chain. I try to tell a few key people about this in case I am unable to get to them myself. One lady, who can be rather open said "would you not feel uncomfortable with me reaching around in your pants pocket." Instantly I could think of a half dozen responses but most of which I best not use. I think I responded with, i will most likely be unconscious or nearly so, pretend you are a nurse, doctor, or EMT.
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Sep 15, 2018 at 9:53 AM Post #37,971 of 155,176
Especially for your "allies" on the other side of the globe.

Sincerest best wishes for all those affected by Florence or in danger from it.

My son is an Aussie, born in Adelaide (lives theer still) and brought up on Kangaroo Island.

We are planning to head down again next year.
Sep 15, 2018 at 9:55 AM Post #37,972 of 155,176
... it's not REALLY English)....
Tykes think they REALLY speak English?
Nah, mate it's ony spoke REAL dahn sarf.
I may be Strayan, but I was sown an grown in Lunun. :wink:

(is that racist? or merely culturally insensitive)

Edit: I was typing when you last posted, I feel a bit embarrassed now :blush:
I think I'll go to bed.
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Sep 15, 2018 at 9:55 AM Post #37,973 of 155,176
Cool, we can be neighbors. You can come to the meets!
Franklin is a very nice & historic town, actually a suburb of Nashville now (there are many corp HQs in Brentwood).
There's still reasonably-priced land if you go out a bit to the South or West.
The cost of living will be way better than California ... :)

We moved from the North Bay to just South of Chapel Hill, NC in June. We are liking it, and the costs for housing are dramatically different!
Sep 15, 2018 at 9:57 AM Post #37,974 of 155,176
I'd also be happy to travel to any gatherings. We are tring to build something close to a 'normal' lifestyle - in the 10 weeks we have been here we have had a flooded bathroom & bedroom upstairs (upon arrival), a downned ceiling as a result, an emergency appendectomy, an investigation of a mass from the appendectomy CT (watch and wait, "see me in a year") and now we are on the edge of Florence. Oh, and as a result (perhaps, or coincidence) of the power on/offs we are experience the left speaker buzz is back and more pronounced. Bugger.

I could do with some normality please!

Wow - that's a helluva list -- way too long!
Hopefully Florence will just fly on by and the power will stabilize. Was that your appendix that acted up?
Sep 15, 2018 at 10:00 AM Post #37,975 of 155,176
Big shout out to @Jason Stoddard - thank you ... massively.

I've just cracked a pre-midnight (my time) beer to celebrate completion of my 2nd DIY amp (so I'm in theme with your latest post

Partly due to the inspiration of reading the Schiit Happens entries, I decided to get myself a pair of ACA v1.6's to go balanced monoblocks. Just finished the 2nd amp, while listening to the first running in SE stereo. So, both are now pumping out some sweet Class A watts and raising the room temperature in the process.

I would have liked to have given the coaster amp a crack but I thought Nelson Pass' offering to DIYers aged from 5 upwards using a laptop brick SMPS was about the league I should start playing, in where the worst I could look forward to was popping a cap and seeing my work go up in a puff of smoke. Fortunately, that didn't happen.

Tomorrow, I'll see if I hook these babies up to the Freya and give them a serious test.

Better go. I've got an amp to bias and then it's head down for some well earned snooze time.

P.S. Almost forgot to mention - I opted for the chassis with a front switch. I thought you'd like to know that ... can't help stirring that pot ... :L3000:
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Sep 15, 2018 at 10:00 AM Post #37,976 of 155,176
Tykes think they REALLY speak English?
Nah, mate it's ony spoke REAL dahn sarf.
I may be Strayan, but I was sown an grown in Lunun. :wink:

(is that racist? or merely culturally insensitive)

Edit: I was typing when you last posted, feel a bit embarrassed now :blush:

My deepest and most sincere condolonces. :)

But you seem to be getting over it! Actually, before moving to California in the early 90s I lived in Guildford and liked it a lot. But, to your question, yes we do speak proper English :))
Sep 15, 2018 at 10:04 AM Post #37,977 of 155,176
I have spent over 30 years in management and you are basically in a fish bowl. Tell the wrong joke or use the wrong language and things are suddenly magnified.

I enjoyed being in a leadership role, but the bad thing is ... you can't really be friends with the people you supervise.
Sep 15, 2018 at 10:12 AM Post #37,978 of 155,176
Wow - that's a helluva list -- way too long!
Hopefully Florence will just fly on by and the power will stabilize. Was that your appendix that acted up?

It was indeed! I hadn't felt great all day and by mid-afternoon I made an appointment with the doc. 4PM doc. Baby doc said "This is perplexing". Doc with tatoos(my real doc) said "ER Now!" and I collapsed in the car (Jody was driving!) and they did there stuff in the ER for a while an wheeled me in about midnight and whipped out some bits. The surgeon said to me'Do you want to go home after the op?" I stayed the night. The stuff they can do is amazing, and as a native Europen I have always felt a little at odds with the medical system here. I have to say that the medical care here has been, and remains (saw the proff of oncology surgery this week) outstanding. The admin, form filling, answering the same questions over and over and the money focus - not so much. But UNC is amazingly good. You have to cope with it being a teaching hospital - we are fortunate to have 2 within 15 miles, Duke and UNC, which means many different docs and medics, but outstanding care.

I have had more medical attention in the last 8 weeks than in the last 40 years, and hopefully we are done with that for now. Jody is a macro biologist so we had a strategy before seeing the head guy last week and he was supportive of our "watch and wait" strategy. Jody's biopsies came back clean last week, so we can get on with our detailed planning for France for the 100th anniversary of the armistice.

Sep 15, 2018 at 10:20 AM Post #37,979 of 155,176
Yikes! Good to hear the news about your and Jody's results. It's a real plus having both Duke and UNC so close.

BTW, glad Florence will miss y'all. It also missed our niece's family ... in Charleston, SC.
The images from Wilmington and surrounding areas are rough.
Sep 15, 2018 at 10:23 AM Post #37,980 of 155,176
Big shout out to @Jason Stoddard - thank you ... massively.

I've just cracked a pre-midnight (my time) beer to celebrate completion of my 2nd DIY amp (so I'm in theme with your latest post

Partly due to the inspiration of reading the Schiit Happens entries, I decided to get myself a pair of ACA v1.6's to go balanced monoblocks. Just finished the 2nd amp, while listening to the first running in SE stereo. So, both are now pumping out some sweet Class A watts and raising the room temperature in the process.

I would have liked to have given the coaster amp a crack but I thought Nelson Pass' offering to DIYers aged from 5 upwards using a laptop brick SMPS was about the league I should start playing, in where the worst I could look forward to was popping a cap and seeing my work go up in a puff of smoke. Fortunately, that didn't happen.

Tomorrow, I'll see if I hook these babies up to the Freya and give them a serious test.

Better go. I've got an amp to bias and then it's head down for some well earned snooze time.

P.S. Almost forgot to mention - I opted for the chassis with a front switch. I thought you'd like to know that ... can't help stirring that pot ... :L3000:
Congratulations! I am doing the exact same build except for some customizing. I have the Freya in place and eventually I will get back to the project. Mine will have the front switch and hardwood top and front (cherry).

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