Schiit Gungnir DAC
Dec 8, 2012 at 5:12 AM Post #751 of 7,264
I'm Polish and I'm sorry for my english:wink:
August also appear periodically in my problem with the noise. The longest lasted for about 30 minutes. I noticed that this has nothing to do with the used connection (I used a USB cable, coaxial and optical) If you have already occurred connectivity, the changes do not lead to improvement. It had the effect of your software (MacBook Pro, Audirvana, iTunes) The problem appeared after playing continuously for about 48 hours. Resigned after excluding DAC few minutes, then appeared sporadically after a few seconds. From about 3 weeks nothing alarming not happening. Maybe it's all a matter of Warm-up device?
Dec 8, 2012 at 7:34 AM Post #752 of 7,264
Hi everyone
got a non-USB Gungnir yesterday (I'm one of the "lucky" ones who's Bifrost USB board sometimes "screeches" :-/ )
I'll be using it with an Audiophilleo USB/SPDIF bridge (already on its way here from the USA) but in the while I have to use Toslink out from a MacMini
question: instead of the usual "clicks" (when first track begins to play, on resolution changes and a few seconds after the end of last track) I hear a (nasty) "tac-tac" from my speakers :-/
anyone else?
btw: apart from this... it sounds just great and it is a big step-up from the Bifrost :)
(just don't listen the first 30 minutes :wink:
Dec 8, 2012 at 12:46 PM Post #753 of 7,264
Hi everyone

got a non-USB Gungnir yesterday (I'm one of the "lucky" ones who's Bifrost USB board sometimes "screeches" :-/ )
I'll be using it with an Audiophilleo USB/SPDIF bridge (already on its way here from the USA) but in the while I have to use Toslink out from a MacMini

question: instead of the usual "clicks" (when first track begins to play, on resolution changes and a few seconds after the end of last track) I hear a (nasty) "tac-tac" from my speakers :-/

anyone else?

btw: apart from this... it sounds just great and it is a big step-up from the Bifrost :)
(just don't listen the first 30 minutes :wink:

I believe you're the first one to report audible feedback through their speakers instead of just the relay click. I'd definitely get in touch with Schiit about that.
Dec 8, 2012 at 1:16 PM Post #754 of 7,264
I believe you're the first one to report audible feedback through their speakers instead of just the relay click. I'd definitely get in touch with Schiit about that.

... I know, I know: I'm always the lucky one =:-/
thanks: I'm already in touch with the italian reseller I bought it from. but he didn't even know of *regular* clicks so... :frowning2:
Dec 8, 2012 at 6:29 PM Post #755 of 7,264
... ok... conquered my laziness and tried
(both via Toslink, using Audirvana Plus and the very same tracks: a 24-88.2 and a 24-96 one)
- Bifrost: mute relay clicks and anything but the music comes from the speakers
- Gungnir: mute relay clicks (I was wrong on this) and I also hear "tac... tac" from the (right) speaker
definitely a lemon! :frowning2:
Dec 8, 2012 at 6:31 PM Post #756 of 7,264
Try a replacement from your dealer. Schiit has great service so don't worry if your dealer is a dunce.
Dec 9, 2012 at 11:43 AM Post #758 of 7,264
update: today I also have a continuous "buzz" from the speakers
disconnect the Gungnir, connect my Bifrost and buzzing disappears. reconnect this Gungnir... buzz is back (tried both RCA outs)
unit is already back in its box and tomorrow goes back to reseller
and I'm planning a visit to Lourdes for myself :wink:
Dec 10, 2012 at 9:13 PM Post #759 of 7,264
Just got some balanced cables from Blue Jeans Cables. Holly Shister! Patching the Gungnir to the the Emotiva over balanced is mucho grande! Took the tube preamp out of the picture. Using the Transporter as preamp. You HAVE to try the Gungnir over the balanced outputs. I was a non-believer in regard to balanced. No more!
Dec 11, 2012 at 6:00 PM Post #760 of 7,264
More info on the balanced outs on the Gungnir. I have got some feedback from others on the Emotiva site, and they DO NOT feel that the XPA-2 sounds noticably better through the balanced input.
I guess I'm wondering if anyone has experienced sonic differences with the single ended vs. balanced outputs on the Gungnir?
thanks much - Eric
Dec 12, 2012 at 6:54 PM Post #761 of 7,264
update 2: the italian reseller tested the replacement Gungnir (the last one he has in stock) before sending it to me and... had to turn it off immediately as only a very loud buzz was coming from the speakers :-/
so... I pass on this one and I'll wait for the "reference".... keeping my fingers crossed :p
Dec 13, 2012 at 10:55 AM Post #762 of 7,264
Thats a bummer! Sounds like some quality control issues, or is this just a USB thing?
Dec 13, 2012 at 2:26 PM Post #763 of 7,264
I ordered, and got, a non-USB unit. the only available replacement, instead, was a USB one
buzzing (on both) starts when playing begins, is still there when in pause and stops 2-3 seconds after quitting the player
(plus, mine, also had the "pop" from right speaker on resolution changes)
given I also have the "screeching" USB card on my Bifrost... I suspect Schiit stuff doesn't like Italy :p
(I purchased a non-USB Bifrost in the USA, the card afterwards here. the Bifrost itself works great)
Dec 13, 2012 at 2:45 PM Post #764 of 7,264
Dec 13, 2012 at 2:56 PM Post #765 of 7,264

Just got some balanced cables from Blue Jeans Cables. Holly Shister! Patching the Gungnir to the the Emotiva over balanced is mucho grande! Took the tube preamp out of the picture. Using the Transporter as preamp. You HAVE to try the Gungnir over the balanced outputs. I was a non-believer in regard to balanced. No more!

Wait what emotiva are you using? You're going from the gungnir direct into the amp without a preamp?
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