Schiit Gungnir DAC
Apr 16, 2024 at 7:35 PM Post #7,036 of 7,264
I got the unit back last Friday, it sounded ok initially, it really took like 3 days of being on to open up...
I think you have another revelation coming. My Gumby took about 10d to reach FULL POWAH :)
Apr 16, 2024 at 9:00 PM Post #7,038 of 7,264
Wow that’s awsome I wonder why it takes the new board that much time to burn in?
It’s not really burning in, but more the components getting to their optimal temperature and state. My new-to-me Gumby took a few days for the sound to settle in to its “wow!” state. Mine stays on 24/7.
Apr 17, 2024 at 10:45 AM Post #7,039 of 7,264
Great. I've heard the Yggdrasil and it's awesome, but when I got settled in with the Gungnir MB + Unison, I was in a good place. No longer looking for new gear, just listening to and enjoying music. IMO, that's the right path in this hobby ... get happy with the gear and then stay put and explore all the wonderful music that's waiting for you. Happy listening! :)
Yea that's how I feel with the Gumbi, i'm almost kinda sad that the journey is over lol. But it really does sound so good that its at a level were I feel I really don't need any more stereo upgrades and now I can focus on finding good musical content.
Apr 17, 2024 at 11:05 AM Post #7,040 of 7,264
Yea that's how I feel with the Gumbi, i'm almost kinda sad that the journey is over lol. But it really does sound so good that its at a level were I feel I really don't need any more stereo upgrades and now I can focus on finding good musical content.
Good luck with that. The motto for this hobby is "sorry about your wallet." It doesn't have to be that way, of course, but sometimes it is. Chasing the new shiny thing ...

People can share their profiles here, so the gear they own (or, helpfully, owned) is often visible. There are people with eight DACs, 15 amps, and 12 different headphones. Okay, if you're outfitting a family in multiple rooms then I get it, but do folks really cycle through all that gear on a regular basis? Maybe so, and I'm the one out of touch. I do understand changing gear, especially cans, for different music genres. I do keep two headphones in rotation, for that reason.

Sorry about the rant, and YMMV as always. :)
Apr 17, 2024 at 11:23 AM Post #7,041 of 7,264
Good luck with that. The motto for this hobby is "sorry about your wallet." It doesn't have to be that way, of course, but sometimes it is. Chasing the new shiny thing ...

People can share their profiles here, so the gear they own (or, helpfully, owned) is often visible. There are people with eight DACs, 15 amps, and 12 different headphones. Okay, if you're outfitting a family in multiple rooms then I get it, but do folks really cycle through all that gear on a regular basis? Maybe so, and I'm the one out of touch. I do understand changing gear, especially cans, for different music genres. I do keep two headphones in rotation, for that reason.

Sorry about the rant, and YMMV as always. :)
I have one set of speakers, KEF LS50 Metas, 1 set of Open Air Sennheisers 660s2's and with my Schiit pre, amps and now dac. I have one turntable, C588. I see what you mean, honestly I would personally feel its excessive for me to have more than one of anything and including space restraints. To be honest I was thinking of a DDC for the Gumbi, but knowing it has the Unison USB idk how much more I can squeeze out of it, and maybe a new phono for my turntable with 2m bronze cartridge, but the 2m blue is really good for what I find satisfying hi fi needs. I'm probably going to take a wallet break lol.
Apr 17, 2024 at 11:40 AM Post #7,042 of 7,264
I've heard folks report that Unison sounds better than RCA inputs on the Gungnir. I've compared only to the optical input, which Unison beats by a wide margin.
Apr 17, 2024 at 12:06 PM Post #7,043 of 7,264
I've heard folks report that Unison sounds better than RCA inputs on the Gungnir. I've compared only to the optical input, which Unison beats by a wide margin.
Im the type I paid for it so im going to use it, and so far its the best input its really clean and clear and full. SPDIF sounded a tiny bit veiled, these margins are very tiny the whole unit sounds good with anything ive inputted, but hdmi>>node x>>usb out to usb unison has had the best sound, besides the built in streamer from the node x.
Apr 17, 2024 at 3:44 PM Post #7,044 of 7,264
Have any of you all tried using a DDC with the Gungnir? Curios if it makes any improvements or its a waste of time? Thank you. I am so sorry, a DDC is a digital to digital converter, its to help with clocking, for example denafrips makes a DDC called Iris, or a Singxer SU-6.
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Apr 17, 2024 at 3:51 PM Post #7,046 of 7,264
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Apr 17, 2024 at 3:55 PM Post #7,047 of 7,264
Have any of you all tried using a DDC with the Gungnir? Curios if it makes any improvements or it's a waste of time? Thank you.
I have Gen 5 USB, which sounds fantastic, imo. But if you have either Gen 2 or 3 USB, then a DDC might help. If you have unison or Gen 5, I doubt there would be any advantage to the DDC
Apr 17, 2024 at 7:45 PM Post #7,048 of 7,264
Have any of you all tried using a DDC with the Gungnir? Curios if it makes any improvements or its a waste of time? Thank you. I am so sorry, a DDC is a digital to digital converter, its to help with clocking, for example denafrips makes a DDC called Iris, or a Singxer SU-6.
Me, I have, and still do :)
Before entering this rabbit-hole I'm going to preface all of this by YMMV, and we all hear things uniquely from one another, and have subjectively differing preferences from one another.

That said, I have both the SU-6 and the IRIS and swap them between systems from time to time. My headphone setups (as of today):

Home: macOS laptop --> SU-6 --> Gungnir MB A2 (BNC) --> Lokius --> Mjolnir 3 / Folkvangr
Work: macOS laptop --> IRIS --> Yggy+ GS2 (AES/EBU) --> Lokius --> Violectric v281 / Feliks Euforia / Woo WA2

Why, why, why would I put a DDC into the chain when everyone knows it's just oil of the snake
- I prefer to use AES/EBU or BNC as my DAC input when possible
- I stream from my laptop which is generally running/building/compiling about a dozen different things at any given time so the CPU/GPU loads are continually fluctuating in ways that "may" not be ideal for music via USB

My observations are these
- An overall cleaner and very detailed soundscape with a new openness to the music
- I originally thought the openness was a slowness, but it's more along the lines of being able to more easily detect the leading and trailing edges of notes that might otherwise blur together, so sonically it appears to be more space in the composition (if that makes any sense at all)
- The SU-6 is a bit more forward presentation than the IRIS
- The IRIS feels a bit more relaxed, but wider in it's presentation and staging
- Both the SU-6 and IRIS are equally detailed in what I can discern
- The differences were immediate, and for me preferable to not having a DDC in the chain

My foray into DDC-land was through the classifieds. I figured they hold their value well enough that if I didn't like what I heard I could always resell it without taking a big loss. If I were using a dedicated streamer that was on the same conditioned power along with the rest of my audio gear I might have a different opinion, but for now I'm keeping the DDCs my chains.

In the end only you can decide if a DDC is worth it or not, and as with everything in this hobby, there are many factors at play.
Apr 17, 2024 at 8:46 PM Post #7,049 of 7,264
I have Gen 5 USB, which sounds fantastic, imo. But if you have either Gen 2 or 3 USB, then a DDC might help. If you have unison or Gen 5, I doubt there would be any advantage to the DDC
yes it sounds really good,
Me, I have, and still do :)
Before entering this rabbit-hole I'm going to preface all of this by YMMV, and we all hear things uniquely from one another, and have subjectively differing preferences from one another.

That said, I have both the SU-6 and the IRIS and swap them between systems from time to time. My headphone setups (as of today):

Home: macOS laptop --> SU-6 --> Gungnir MB A2 (BNC) --> Lokius --> Mjolnir 3 / Folkvangr
Work: macOS laptop --> IRIS --> Yggy+ GS2 (AES/EBU) --> Lokius --> Violectric v281 / Feliks Euforia / Woo WA2

Why, why, why would I put a DDC into the chain when everyone knows it's just oil of the snake
- I prefer to use AES/EBU or BNC as my DAC input when possible
- I stream from my laptop which is generally running/building/compiling about a dozen different things at any given time so the CPU/GPU loads are continually fluctuating in ways that "may" not be ideal for music via USB

My observations are these
- An overall cleaner and very detailed soundscape with a new openness to the music
- I originally thought the openness was a slowness, but it's more along the lines of being able to more easily detect the leading and trailing edges of notes that might otherwise blur together, so sonically it appears to be more space in the composition (if that makes any sense at all)
- The SU-6 is a bit more forward presentation than the IRIS
- The IRIS feels a bit more relaxed, but wider in it's presentation and staging
- Both the SU-6 and IRIS are equally detailed in what I can discern
- The differences were immediate, and for me preferable to not having a DDC in the chain

My foray into DDC-land was through the classifieds. I figured they hold their value well enough that if I didn't like what I heard I could always resell it without taking a big loss. If I were using a dedicated streamer that was on the same conditioned power along with the rest of my audio gear I might have a different opinion, but for now I'm keeping the DDCs my chains.

In the end only you can decide if a DDC is worth it or not, and as with everything in this hobby, there are many factors at play.
just when I thought I was done lol, if one comes up on eBay I might have to grab it. I do like the Denafrips sound, but su1 would probably be my choice.
May 3, 2024 at 5:16 PM Post #7,050 of 7,264
Me, I have, and still do :)
Before entering this rabbit-hole I'm going to preface all of this by YMMV, and we all hear things uniquely from one another, and have subjectively differing preferences from one another.

That said, I have both the SU-6 and the IRIS and swap them between systems from time to time. My headphone setups (as of today):

Home: macOS laptop --> SU-6 --> Gungnir MB A2 (BNC) --> Lokius --> Mjolnir 3 / Folkvangr
Work: macOS laptop --> IRIS --> Yggy+ GS2 (AES/EBU) --> Lokius --> Violectric v281 / Feliks Euforia / Woo WA2

Why, why, why would I put a DDC into the chain when everyone knows it's just oil of the snake
- I prefer to use AES/EBU or BNC as my DAC input when possible
- I stream from my laptop which is generally running/building/compiling about a dozen different things at any given time so the CPU/GPU loads are continually fluctuating in ways that "may" not be ideal for music via USB

My observations are these
- An overall cleaner and very detailed soundscape with a new openness to the music
- I originally thought the openness was a slowness, but it's more along the lines of being able to more easily detect the leading and trailing edges of notes that might otherwise blur together, so sonically it appears to be more space in the composition (if that makes any sense at all)
- The SU-6 is a bit more forward presentation than the IRIS
- The IRIS feels a bit more relaxed, but wider in it's presentation and staging
- Both the SU-6 and IRIS are equally detailed in what I can discern
- The differences were immediate, and for me preferable to not having a DDC in the chain

My foray into DDC-land was through the classifieds. I figured they hold their value well enough that if I didn't like what I heard I could always resell it without taking a big loss. If I were using a dedicated streamer that was on the same conditioned power along with the rest of my audio gear I might have a different opinion, but for now I'm keeping the DDCs my chains.

In the end only you can decide if a DDC is worth it or not, and as with everything in this hobby, there are many factors at play.
I ordered the Holo Audio Red DDC/Streamer, so just gotta wait a month before I get the unit, Ive read the Unison USB doesn't play well with DDC's? Is the BNC connection good? what do you all think? Ive never used the Gumbi with a DDC so its all new to me.
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