Schiit DACs (Bifrost and Gungnir down, one to go)? The information and anticipation thread.
Jan 28, 2012 at 11:30 AM Post #2,146 of 3,339
Anyone else encountered this?

Yes, me. The very same symptoms you describe also happen when connecting my iMac via USB to my Schiit Bifrost DAC. I purchased a special USB galvanic isolator, which makes the problem even worse: With this galvanic isolator the time until the static screeching returned was much shorter than without this device. Trying another USB port didn’t help.
Switched back to an optical Toslink connection. If I would have known this before I placed my order I could have saved the US$ 100.- for the Bifrost USB option.
Jan 28, 2012 at 2:47 PM Post #2,147 of 3,339
I can't say for sure if the issues are related, but just a note that it might not be the DAC at all.  Not sure if you guys are using Lion, but there seem to be some core audio issues in Lion with usb DACs.  I've been using a HRT Streamer II for some time now and was also having some strange issues.  In my case they seem to settle down if I switch tracks a few times and then don't reappear unless I restart.  The HRT people said they were aware of the issues and put the ball squarely in Apple's court.  Not that this makes the issue any better, but could mean a possible software update in the future does the trick.
Jan 28, 2012 at 3:04 PM Post #2,148 of 3,339
[…] Not sure if you guys are using Lion […]

I do, both on the iMac and the MacBook Pro. On both computers USB audio output to a Schiit Bifrost DAC is not useable for more than just a few minutes.
Jan 28, 2012 at 6:08 PM Post #2,150 of 3,339

Anyone else encountered this?

Yes, me. The very same symptoms you describe also happen when connecting my iMac via USB to my Schiit Bifrost DAC. I purchased a special USB galvanic isolator, which makes the problem even worse: With this galvanic isolator the time until the static screeching returned was much shorter than without this device. Trying another USB port didn’t help.
Switched back to an optical Toslink connection. If I would have known this before I placed my order I could have saved the US$ 100.- for the Bifrost USB option.

Thanks for the info Werner. I'm not certain where the static stems from. With other dacs, I never had issue with the particular usb port I was using when the static appeared. I've switched ports and will see if I can replicate the problem.
Btw, I'm still using Snow Leopard and suspect the Lion issue with usb (powered?) dacs may be unrelated.
Have any non mac users encountered this problem?
Jan 28, 2012 at 6:31 PM Post #2,151 of 3,339
why does the bifrost click when im going through folders on my B drive which is where my music is but im not clicking within my music folder?
Jan 28, 2012 at 7:27 PM Post #2,152 of 3,339

Can you be more specific? Are you going through folders within a music program while playing music, or when not playing music when this occurs? Does it occur at random or correspond to mouse clicks at all?
If you're using Windows (which is the only OS I'm familiar with), you should ensure the Bifrost is not the default sound outputting device and/or that you set Windows to have no sound effects that could pop up during playback. You can find more info about how to do so by Googling "The Well-Tempered Computer."
why does the bifrost click when im going through folders on my B drive which is where my music is but im not clicking within my music folder?

Jan 28, 2012 at 8:21 PM Post #2,153 of 3,339
Advanced Bitperfect Clock Management at work, It click when you switch to a track with different sample rate then the preview track, it's a small price to pay for un-compromised sample rate
Jan 28, 2012 at 9:09 PM Post #2,155 of 3,339
I use USB on my MBP to the Bifrost. I have never had any screeching or issues even when playing 4 albums in a row. I use a silver USB cable and have the older OSX lion though. Sounds more likely to be a Mac issue than a Schiit problem. 
On another front... I did the PureMusic update to 1.85v today and now can't get optical to connect. I worked perfectly before the update. Has anyone else had a simmilar problem?
Jan 28, 2012 at 11:05 PM Post #2,156 of 3,339

from the Schiit web site Bifrost page as of this morning:
STATUS: Backordered. Orders placed now will ship in early February.

Bifrost: Updated to mid-February now. I've been checking on the availability of Schiit products daily (sometimes hourly), and Valhalla is being pushed back to early February. If Valhalla doesn't ship in the middle of next week, I'm gonna cancel and get the Lyr instead.
Jan 28, 2012 at 11:41 PM Post #2,157 of 3,339
I've been using the USB card in the Bifrost fed from my Toshiba laptop for quite a while and have had no issues with screeching noises.  I also use a Syflex Optical Cable from the Laptop's SPIDF out (I like to switch back and forth).  The clicks you hear from the Bifrost or normal and harmless.  One day, I hope to get one of the Audiophilleo's like Misterrogers has but right now I have absolutely no complaints with the setup...

-HK sends
Jan 29, 2012 at 4:05 PM Post #2,158 of 3,339
A fantastic buy on the USB cable is a Virtue Audio USB Nirvana cable. I also have the Nordost Blue Heaven at $250, and the Virtue beats it at the $60 mark. The Virtue has improved every Dac I tried it on, including the Schiit Bifrost and the Eximus DP1.

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