SA6, PFE, or Turbines?
Apr 1, 2009 at 11:26 PM Post #91 of 152

Originally Posted by ghost87 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The beauty of this wonderful country is that EVERYONE is entitled to their opinion.

First, head-fi is a international community. Which country would that be?


I have owned almost 20 of the top tiered IEM's over the past few years (UE, Shure, Ety etc...),

Name the models and describe their sound signatures please. You have made these claims before but I just don't buy it for some reason.

There are people like Larry ( Headphone Addict) that have more than enough street cred here to make that claim and rate the PFE pretty near the top. As do many others here on head-fi.

So please forgive me if I question your credibility because they way you present yourself doesn't back up the lofty claims you make.
Apr 1, 2009 at 11:28 PM Post #92 of 152

Originally Posted by cn11 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I suppose you feel much better about yourself with your constant hassling of people who dare say anything negative about the PFE’s. It was you who started the thread’s decline, not soozieq.

According to me the thread's decline began with Kobayashi's post. I even reported the post. I also think you had something to do with it.

You made the PFE/IE8 comment . Which then got the ball rolling. I wouldn't have done the cost difference analysis between the PFE and IE8 in response to tstran06. Soozieq wouldn't have made a comment about comply tips to respond to my post. Robm321 wouldn't have said "the PFE preform well over their price point".

So congrats on getting the ball rolling....
Apr 1, 2009 at 11:36 PM Post #93 of 152

Originally Posted by cn11 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I suppose you feel much better about yourself with your constant hassling of people who dare say anything negative about the PFE’s. It was you who started the thread’s decline, not soozieq.

How did I hastle? I challenged the idea that Suzieq should add the price of a bunch of comply tips to the PFE when comparing to the IE8 price. I never challenged her not liking them?

Point it out...
Apr 2, 2009 at 12:20 AM Post #94 of 152
... can't find the post can you? Cuz it doesn't exist...

I noticed something. Whenever suzieq is angry... you always come to her defense, even when there's nothing to defend against... You have a crush on the ol girl don't you?

You should just go for it man. Don't be shy. Tell her how you feel

Also ghost and kobayashi or whatever are clearly Trolls. I don't see you or suzieq as trolls at all. I guess some pent up anger about people defending the PFEs might be why there was some serious overreacting to my posts and others who tried to calm things down, but I think you guys should rise above ghost and koba... they are bad and I'm surprised the mods haven't banned them yet. They clearly are here only to bash and bait.

You two I like. I can handle my lumps with no worries, but I ignore Trolls. And I might be a little responsible for pushing suzieq's buttons. I did it after she went off on my post, unjustly since I simply challenged her comparison, but I should still have been a gentleman.
Apr 2, 2009 at 12:42 AM Post #95 of 152

Originally Posted by oarnura /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I just got the Bose In-Ears and they blow the PFE (amped or unamped), SCL4, Turbines. ES7, K81 DJ. Pretty much every thing in my collection.

I am getting rid of all of it to keep the best sounding earphone ever Bose.

Goooooo bose! loved the palm palms...
Apr 2, 2009 at 1:23 AM Post #96 of 152
Please refrain from mis-characterizing my position on the PFEs. I said I prefer them amped, no secret, but they are a good value either way.

You posts are pretty much garbage, a waste of Head-Fi space. As far as over-hyping goes, that's a term with absolutely no meaning, since hype and overhype pretty much mean the same thing. A clear majority of people on head-fi who own the PFEs really like them, some are vocal, others are not. A small minority (again, they can be counted on little more than a hand) do not. It's all here, in black and white. Want me to name them? You, Kobayashi (which my guess only counts for a single vote), cn11...hmm, seems I have run out of names. There must be a few more. They apparently don't go around thread crapping, so it's hard to tell who they are. Oh, there are those who returned them, but had good things to say about their sound anyway, and 1-2 people who decided to return them for a higher priced IEM.

Let's end all this nonsense. If it bothers you so much that people like the PFEs, why even trouble yourself over it? Let them enjoy their phones, etc. Seems pretty harmless to me.

I guess, as Forum Detective, you do have a duty to protect the poor innocent new members who might, God forbid, buy the PFEs based on all this hysterical hype. Wait, they have a 14-day money back guarantee. No harm, no foul.


Originally Posted by ghost87 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The beauty of this wonderful country is that EVERYONE is entitled to their opinion. Opinions are unlike sports, where there are winners and losers. If ROBM321 feels his Phonaks perform above their price points, that is OK. What has ROBM321 compared the Phonaks to, and what is his level of expertise in audio sound. Maybe he is a novice. To ROBM321 they may sound fantastic, and that is his honest feeling based in his experience. Can't fault him, because we do not know what his standards are. Right...

I have owned almost 20 of the top tiered IEM's over the past few years (UE, Shure, Ety etc...), and comparing this vast selection...the Phonak PFE's don't rate very high. Personally, I found more faults with them then positives. Are they worth more that $

Having read a number of SOOZIEQ's posts over the past year, I do respect her opinion quite a bit. In most every of her reviews, she posts PROs and CONs. She is not bashing the PFE's, just saying unamped that are not that impressive. TSTARN06 has made similar statements.

There are obviously alot of people on the PFE Threads that are over-hyping these IEMs, and attacking those who dislike them. Pretty easy to spot, but not worth getting upset over. The PFE's are an average set of IEMs for the money. Certainly better than stock buds.

Let's stop all the nonsense though

Apr 2, 2009 at 1:28 AM Post #97 of 152

Originally Posted by ghost87 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The beauty of this wonderful country is that EVERYONE is entitled to their opinion. Opinions are unlike sports, where there are winners and losers. If ROBM321 feels his Phonaks perform above their price points, that is OK. What has ROBM321 compared the Phonaks to, and what is his level of expertise in audio sound. Maybe he is a novice. To ROBM321 they may sound fantastic, and that is his honest feeling based in his experience. Can't fault him, because we do not know what his standards are. Right...

I have owned almost 20 of the top tiered IEM's over the past few years (UE, Shure, Ety etc...), and comparing this vast selection...the Phonak PFE's don't rate very high. Personally, I found more faults with them then positives. Are they worth more that $

Having read a number of SOOZIEQ's posts over the past year, I do respect her opinion quite a bit. In most every of her reviews, she posts PROs and CONs. She is not bashing the PFE's, just saying unamped that are not that impressive. TSTARN06 has made similar statements.

There are obviously alot of people on the PFE Threads that are over-hyping these IEMs, and attacking those who dislike them. Pretty easy to spot, but not worth getting upset over. The PFE's are an average set of IEMs for the money. Certainly better than stock buds.

Let's stop all the nonsense though

just for clarification, neither suzie nor cn11 nor myself and a number of others are in the same wonderful country. in our countries, people are not allowed to have true personal beliefs. it could be that reason that we sometimes get out of hand on internet - it also revolves around the fact that if our internet link is discovered, we could be reported.

good luck comrades.

edit: tsarn - good final post there comrade.
Apr 2, 2009 at 1:36 AM Post #98 of 152

Originally Posted by oarnura /img/forum/go_quote.gif
According to me the thread's decline began with Kobayashi's post. I even reported the post. I also think you had something to do with it.

You made the PFE/IE8 comment . Which then got the ball rolling. I wouldn't have done the cost difference analysis between the PFE and IE8 in response to tstran06. Soozieq wouldn't have made a comment about comply tips to respond to my post. Robm321 wouldn't have said "the PFE preform well over their price point".

So congrats on getting the ball rolling....

I made general comments about the difference between the PFE’s/IE8’s, and also how most IE8 users weren't using Comply tips. How is that starting the ball rolling, could you explain? We were discussing tips, that's all. Soozieq, who'd already said she was reluctant to write up her honest impressions because of the attacks on everyone posting negative impressions ended up having to defend herself against being called a troll. Then robm321 had to jump on that and make a sarcastic comment about her defending herself- 'if you want to be pre-emptive, so be it'- implying 'if the cap fits'. That's what started the ball rolling. Nothing was going on before that.

Then Zalithian, who admitted in his post that he's proud to be a chauvinist had to come in and pick on soozieq, singling her out after he'd already made a sexist reference to her in another thread. Robm321 then had to carry on and make a snide comment about her to tstarn06. All she did was be honest about her feelings about the Phonaks and try and stick up for herself, but robm321 and Zalithian couldn't have that and had to gang up on her. Zalithian's a bully and a sexist, seen it before. Sorry, but I didn't start the ball rolling. I made comments about SQ/differences, and tips, nothing more.

I assume these are the posts you're talking about? How can this constitute getting the ball rolling? ....civil observations here:


Originally Posted by cn11 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've had both the PFE and IE8. The IE8 was much better for the music taste the OP mentioned. There was just another thread started yesterday where a previous owner of the PFE's (who returned them) just took delivery of the IE7 and much prefers them in every way, especially bass, which is crucial to get right for the OP's music. This mirrors my observations with the PFE / IE,8 and I have much of the same types of music.


Originally Posted by cn11 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If you take a read through the IE8 thread, you'll note that the vast majority are finding the best tip solution as something other than Comply.

Apr 2, 2009 at 2:22 AM Post #99 of 152
I said I was done with this thread, but when such awful misinformation is about I'll defend myself a little bit.

I never said I was a chauvinist. If you read it within the context of the thread, you will probably notice Soozie called me one because I said something along the lines of she was defending someone due to motherly instincts about a month ago. Oh wow, I said she had motherly instincts. I'm such a pig. If you consider that sexist and offensive, maybe you should stop using the internet. I heard they even have naked girls and strippers on here. Sometimes in commercials companies even use womens bodies to sell things!!! Give me a break. You and your girlfriend just like to get riled up over nothing. Take a chill pill.

I didn't come to pick on Soozie. I said people should stop arguing because it was silly. Yes, I did mention her name because she got EXTREMELY defensive when I didn't see any reason to and started derailing the thread. If you disagree with her or anything she acts like you burned her house down and flips out. She even told me I don't belong in this thread - when I infact posted at the start of the thread much before she did. I'm not allowed to post in this thread? Who's the bully?

I dare you to go find any so called "sexist posts" I have made. Go find those ones of me being a bully too where people posted abrasive comments and expected to be welcomed in with open arms.

I also dare you to find me having a problem with anyone not liking the PFE's outside Kobayashi whos only goal is to say that they suck.

Go waste more of your time. This thread has long lost its purpose and turned into a he said she said, omg let me get my backup!

Lock it already, mods.
Apr 2, 2009 at 2:24 AM Post #100 of 152

Originally Posted by cn11 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I made general comments about the difference between the PFE’s/IE8’s, and also how most IE8 users weren't using Comply tips. How is that starting the ball rolling, could you explain?

It all began here:

Originally Posted by edwinruan /img/forum/go_quote.gif
PFE is good. Just check the comparison of PFE vs IE8. You will know how good is the PFE with grey and black filters. Here, based the price and some other review and SA6 and PFE. I still think that SA6 is better in High and more music in mid, though both have neutraul freq and mid-high sig. I will recommend SA6 in all.

Edwinraun just stated go and read Average_joe's excellent and detailed PFE vs IE8 comparsion thread. I think he intended it as a reference so the OP could get detailed info about the PFE sound signatures with the different filters. He even recommended the SA6 to the OP. That's all!

This was your response:

Originally Posted by cn11 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've had both the PFE and IE8. The IE8 was much better for the music taste the OP mentioned. There was just another thread started yesterday where a previous owner of the PFE's (who returned them) just took delivery of the IE7 and much prefers them in every way, especially bass, which is crucial to get right for the OP's music. This mirrors my observations with the PFE / IE,8 and I have much of the same types of music.

Your response did nothing to make the OP's decision between the SA6, Turbine and PFE easier. You didn't even recommend any of the IEMs on the OP's list.

So basically the only reason for your response was to defend the IE8 against the PFE. Even though the post you responded to said the SA6 is better for the OP than the PFE! What are you defending against?

it is almost a mission of yours to come into PFE threads and inject your opinion that the IE8 are better than the PFE. The proof is right here for all to see. Like I said the IE8 better be superior to the PFE since they are easily 2x to 3x the cost. The OP didn't even ask for IE8 recommendations yet you recommended it, it doesn't get more blatant than that .

It seems to me that you have a personal vendetta against the PFE. Or you need to justify the money you spent on the IE8 by constantly claiming they are better whenever anyone compares them to the PFE. If you need so much validation that the IE8 are better than the PFE, you need to rethink its value. If you knew they were indeed better you would be secure in your decision and let people say what they want.

A lot of people on head-fi think the PFE hold their own against the IE8 but you can't accept that and always need to plug the IE8 even if it isn't asked for.


We were discussing tips, that's all.

Wrong again. We were discussing if the cost of tips should be added to one IEM to make its cost of ownership more in comparison to the another more expensive one. The bottom line is even Soozieq agreed that it wasn't needed and the cost difference for the Senn IE8, PFE, Comply tips in Europe vs the US skewed price comparisons.


Then robm321 had to jump on that and make a sarcastic comment about her defending herself- 'if you want to be pre-emptive, so be it'- implying 'if the cap fits'. That's what started the ball rolling. Nothing was going on before that.

I disagree. Regardless why is it any of your business and why do you think you have the right to get in between and accuse robm321. They are both adults and can deal with it amongst themselves.


Then Zalithian, who admitted in his post that he's proud to be a chauvinist had to come in and pick on soozieq, singling her out after he'd already made a sexist reference to her in another thread.

It is usually wise to not bring up the past in current arguments it always ends badly. Especially when someone has already apologized. Again it is "he said something to her". Not "he said something to me".

Again why are you involved? You are a third party in this too.


I assume these are the posts you're talking about? How can this constitute getting the ball rolling? ....civil observations here:

See my reply above. I have noticed an insecurity among a few IE8 owners that somehow always leads to this mess.

For the record I recommended the Turbines to the OP for his music tastes and since that was the topic. I think the PFE being neutral and transparent are far superior to the Turbines amped or unamped. But I still recommended the Turbines because I thought it would suit the OP's music tastes.

You on the other had to make it about the PFE vs IE8. Especially when some one mentioned that the PFE are good because people have written comparisons with the IE8. Unbelievable!
Apr 2, 2009 at 2:30 AM Post #101 of 152
honestly im having fun reading this for a few reasons:

firstly: we are a niche group each defending her/his own niche product
secondly: it became personal so fast and from my vantage, for no reason
thridly: it draws so many people into it - in fact i'm sure i'm in now!

by the way, this thread will make it into the touchmyapps review of the phonaks! just so unbelievable - but that is what makes headfi unique - we can get worked up and personally taken in by comparisons of earphones and musical genre!
Apr 2, 2009 at 2:58 AM Post #104 of 152
My god, you guys have got to stop.

Johnny likes chocolate / Suzie likes vanilla

Everyone has their favorite. It's an opinion, so let's stop taking it all so seriously
Apr 2, 2009 at 3:13 AM Post #105 of 152
Man, I dislike those "it's just stuff" posts. Nothing personal, but they have such a patronizing, condescending, holier-than-thou, above it all tone to them. If people want to argue/disagree, it's their business. It's a freaking gear forum, things get heated. So what? It's all just in fun, right?

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