SA6, PFE, or Turbines?
Apr 1, 2009 at 6:34 PM Post #61 of 152
I don't get why people are so offended.

There's such hypocrisy in all these threads regarding the PFE's it's absurd.

People are allowed to voice their opinion even if it's negative but people can not post anything negative about the others opinion, which is really just the persons opinion as well.

If someone posts their opinion, they have no need to justify it. They should however be willing to provide evidence or reasons backing their opinion.

It's so childish though to get offended every time someone questions your own opinion. I don't find anything wrong with anyones opinion on the PFE's besides Kobayashi for multiple reasons. He basically kept saying they suck and every other post he has reiterates the same point while praising other phones.

Point being - if people are free to give their opinion, people should be equally free to criticize them for not making reasonable posts. I have no problem with anyone not liking something as long as they don't just say wow, they sux so bad omg!! hate them don't buy them!!11. No problem with any of your posts in regards to your opinion Soozie, but don't let people get to you. I don't really see Rob as trying to be malicious but you seem to have developed a habit of being argumentative in PFE related posts.

Just chill out.

Not trying to take sides here either, but this incessant bickering really takes away from the site and I wish it would stop. I don't visit much anymore because it seems there's too much of it around. Quite annoying.
Apr 1, 2009 at 6:52 PM Post #62 of 152
I just got the Bose In-Ears and they blow the PFE (amped or unamped), SCL4, Turbines. ES7, K81 DJ. Pretty much every thing in my collection.

I am getting rid of all of it to keep the best sounding earphone ever Bose.
Apr 1, 2009 at 7:28 PM Post #63 of 152

Originally Posted by Zalithian /img/forum/go_quote.gif
No problem with any of your posts in regards to your opinion Soozie, but don't let people get to you. I don't really see Rob as trying to be malicious
but you seem to have developed a habit of being argumentative in PFE related posts.

Zalithian, stay out of it. I'm sick to the back teeth of you showing up like a bad smell every time you think there might be 'trouble' and then making things worse. And I am sick of being singled out by you. You are one of the most argumentative hypocritical chauvinistic troublemakers I've ever seen on Head-Fi. I've seen you do this so many times before. You wait till a thread gets heated, and then you barge in and deliberately antagonise the situation.

This is the second time you've singled me out, so now I'll single you out. There are certain people in this thread who have clashed before over this stupid subject of the Phonaks. But this was one of the first times we managed to enter into a semi-normal conversation about the differences we heard, with no insults being hurled, no one being 'ganged up' on or ridiculed. In fact, robm321 was the first person to start the ball rolling, and then, like clockwork - YOU showed up!!! And you made it worse, again!!

Why can't you stay out of threads that have nothing to do with you? You do it deliberately to start trouble, I've seen you do it in the threads where you used to gang up on people just to insult them, remember? So respectfully, thanks so much for your 'helpful' and 'unbiased' intervention, but a bully and troublemaker's opinion is of no interest to me.
Apr 1, 2009 at 7:33 PM Post #64 of 152
okay what is it the the pfe's any time they get mentioned anywhere its only a matter of time before someone says they dont love them more than life itself and someone else goes nuts about it.

i dont think im going to bother even looking at any threads that mention them in the title, just cant be bothered watching phonak lovers throw their toys out of the pram every time someone says they dont like them
Apr 1, 2009 at 7:41 PM Post #65 of 152

Originally Posted by mark2410 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
okay what is it the the pfe's any time they get mentioned anywhere its only a matter of time before someone says they dont love them more than life itself and someone else goes nuts about it.

I've no idea. I don't know why I thought the thread would stay civil, but it was in the beginning. I don't think I've ever had so many exchanges before with Phonak owners that hadn't descended into something else at some point
Apr 1, 2009 at 7:54 PM Post #66 of 152
I wasn't aware telling people that the arguing was silly was making things worse. You seem overly defensive and pull arguments out of benign comments. There are only two people I've taken offense to in their comments. Someone who said apple should stop making headphones, and Kobayashi.

Regardless, you seem to enjoy arguing for no reason and I won't take part in it.

Have a nice day.
Apr 1, 2009 at 8:05 PM Post #67 of 152

Originally Posted by Zalithian /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I wasn't aware telling people that the arguing was silly was making things worse. You seem overly defensive and pull arguments out of benign comments. There are only two people I've taken offense to in their comments. Someone who said apple should stop making headphones, and Kobayashi.

Regardless, you seem to enjoy arguing for no reason and I won't take part in it.

Have a nice day.

erm we reading the same thread?

maybe you dont get what people have taken offence, im sure you didint mean to cause any but.....

you can give your opinion just everyone else can give theirs. no one elses opinions are wrong and if you start telling people their opinions are wrong they are going to take it personally

if you dont agree with something they say then maybe give pointers things to try, what amp/source you use what tips. explain why you like them and what your hearing from them but at the end of the day if they still dont hear it then they dont hear it. people are all different and like different things, try and realise that.
Apr 1, 2009 at 8:06 PM Post #68 of 152

Originally Posted by mark2410 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
okay what is it the the pfe's any time they get mentioned anywhere its only a matter of time before someone says they dont love them more than life itself and someone else goes nuts about it.

i dont think im going to bother even looking at any threads that mention them in the title, just cant be bothered watching phonak lovers throw their toys out of the pram every time someone says they dont like them

Umm, Mark, honestly. I respect you. But no one expects anyone to say they love the dumb phones more than life itself, so you can dial back the hyperbole. In fact, disliking the Phonaks is perfectly fine. It's more about the bashing than anything else. If you bash something (no need to mention names in terms of what I mean) over and over, someone who disagrees may bash back at you. That's all.

So let's not resort to what we used to call "purple prose" in the newspaper business. There have really only been a handful of people who say they don't like (detest is even more accurate) the Phonaks, but they keep repeating it in thread after thread, any chance they get. That tends to get a little tired after awhile. And, I might add, Soozieq is not one of them.

Heck, it's no secret that I have always been a major fan of the Phonaks (though I have posted critically of their QC re the cracking issue), but when someone says they don't like them once, fine. When that same person repeats the same thing over and over, with a fair amount of hostility, it is akin more to a creaky door than constructive criticism.

There even have been a few members who actually liked them but sent them back, either because they wanted to try something different and could only afford one pair of phones (i.e,, wanted stronger bass), or they got tired of waiting for replacements for broken/defective PFEs. Even without owning them any longer, they still believe the PFEs are good phones for the money, and have posted as much.

Anyway, to try and be fair, the main issue is there are 2-3 people, and none who have posted on this thread for the last two pages or so, who just seem have adopted bashing the PFEs as their hobby. They represent a very small minority of people on Head-Fi who have owned the Phonaks. It just gets tiring after awhile.

I have admitted I much prefer the Phonaks amped, and consider them a ood value either way. If someone disagrees, it's all good. But if they disagree by bashing the product as a POS etc.,, I think I have the right to say why I believe otherwise.

So while your analogies are very colorful and fun, they really distort the situation a tad, no?

And I agree with part of your post above. If a person doesn't hear what you hear, end of story. But many of the negative posts on the PFEs have been made as if they are definitive, not an opinion, but fact. That's not good, as I am sure you will agree.

Oh, in case anyone is wondering, I think the OP decided to get the Turbines. See post #39. LOL. Maybe this thread should be closed.
Apr 1, 2009 at 8:34 PM Post #69 of 152
Z, I doubt very much that you'll see the irony here..

Originally Posted by Zalithian /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Soozie, [size=small]but don't let people get to you[/size]


but you seem to have developed a habit of being argumentative in PFE related posts.


You seem overly defensive and pull arguments out of benign comments

... but I'm sure others will.
Apr 1, 2009 at 8:42 PM Post #70 of 152
well id hardly go so far as to say purple even though it is a wonderfully alliterative phrase, at secondary school we probably would have said it "had more than a hint of lilac in it"
(and yes we really did speak like that at school)

but i do agree with you that many are fans and are fine but every pfe thread i ever seem to look at fell like it eventually turns into someone going buts becasue someone said they dont like them. frankly its a big part of the reason i feel no desire to ever hear them, when the fervent few start singing something praises and cannot brook any questioning of their superiority (apple fanbois in particular) it just makes me not trust what they say about the product.

its not the likeing or disliking them i really care about its the rabid behaviour i dislike. this is not the first thread that has had this discussion and i think its just all getting a bit old and tired.

some people like them, some people dont, why is this this a problem for some?
Apr 1, 2009 at 8:49 PM Post #72 of 152
Sigh Soozie. I'm still not seeing how saying don't let people get under your skin is an attack on you. Care to explain?

You personally attacked me when I did nothing of the sort.


You are one of the most argumentative hypocritical chauvinistic troublemakers I've ever seen on Head-Fi.

I'm glad I'm a chauvinist because you took offense to me saying you had motherly instincts, something I immediately apologized for when I realized it offended you. Seems you haven't let that one go.

As far as being argumentative, not so much. I dare you to search my posts and find anything other than with that Art guy who said apple should get out of the headphone business, and Kobayashi (if you search his posts you will see every one is PFE related, and all negative). Obvious troll is obvious.


In fact, robm321 was the first person to start the ball rolling, and then, like clockwork - YOU showed up!!! And you made it worse, again!!


Why can't you stay out of threads that have nothing to do with you? You do it deliberately to start trouble, I've seen you do it in the threads where you used to gang up on people just to insult them, remember? So respectfully, thanks so much for your 'helpful' and 'unbiased' intervention, but a bully and troublemaker's opinion is of no interest to me.

Anyways. I'm sorry if I've offended you. I still don't see how I've attacked you in any way. My observation was that you seem to take things a bit too personally. That's my opinion.

This will be the last of me posting in this thread. Feel free to continue if you'd like. The OP seems to have gotten the Turbines though as I and others have recommended as we felt it would suit his tastes the best within his/her budget.
Apr 1, 2009 at 8:52 PM Post #73 of 152

Originally Posted by tstarn06 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Okay, no problems from me. But to be fair (and accurate), it's more like many like them, very few don't.

oh i agree most like them and many seem to absolutely love them but it feels like every pfe thread sooner or later ends up with people fighting and having a go at someone for not liking them terribly much

like they are just bits of metal and plastic, nothing for some people to be getting so worked up about
Apr 1, 2009 at 8:56 PM Post #74 of 152
People get worked up over many different forms of inanimate objects...Cars, for example. Or computers. Or speakers. Or plasma vs. LCD. It's human nature, and sometimes it's even fun.

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