S:flo2 impressions thread
Oct 11, 2011 at 2:33 AM Post #3,391 of 3,682

@flacVEST - thanks for the feedback. I had planned to write an extensive 'rig review' on the that combination,. but it seems that you have stolen my thunder. Ah, well, I guess I'll just have to throw the ZO V2 into the mix and see what emerges from the other end - chocolate syrup or molasses  :wink:

HEY! glad you enjoyed the feedback... I still think an extensive 'rig review' by an experienced reviewer would be a good thing, especially since folks hear things differently, or at least, from a different perspective and with their own preferences. :)  I for one would be curious to hear impressions with that mix of equipment and how well it "plays" with the new ZO (esp. since I didn't care for the first ZO (returned it)). I hope the ZO V2 is better. Have fun!  
P.S. "thunder stealing" not intentional :p
Oct 11, 2011 at 4:15 AM Post #3,392 of 3,682

Does anyone know if the Sflo2 pairs better with the Stepdance or the 2Stepdance?  I have read that the Stepdance is more analytical while the 2Stepdance is more musical.  I probably can't go wrong with either amp I choose, but I am just wondering if there is one that would be the better match with Sflo2.  I am planning to use these with my DBA-02 which also has an analytical signature. 

It depends on what you like. The DBA02 is already analytical so for more balance it may be wise to get the stepdance 2. Just depends on your sound preference. I'd be more inclined to get the more musical one to balance the analytical but that's just my opinion.
Oct 11, 2011 at 4:56 AM Post #3,393 of 3,682
Personally, I never find the original Stepdance to be particularly analytical at all.
Oct 11, 2011 at 9:26 AM Post #3,394 of 3,682
Hmm, I think the person reviewing them meant that they just sound more analytical when compared to the stepdance 2.  However, I chose to go with the first stepdance just because Jan himself mentioned they should sound exactly alike and it is way cheaper at the moment.  Thanks for the feedback.
Oct 11, 2011 at 1:58 PM Post #3,395 of 3,682
ClieOS, I was referring to this msg from me, for your comments -
With the Phonak Audeos the sflo2 sounds pretty much the same as my rockboxed Clip. I made sure to confirm my impressions with a blind test and some unloaded RMAA measures. By hey the Phonaks are probably garbage too.

Thanks for the graph. I am actually happy to see the graphs are almost identical. I own the rockboxed Sansa Fuze and now the teclast t51. Inspite of the graph, I hear differences. I think there is no inconsistency in my observation technically too. The graph is made by measuring one frequency at a time, where as music is composed of multiple frequencies at any instant. Depending on the ability of the amplifier to switch and supply current (based on the impedence of the speaker/IEM/load) one could hear the music reproduced differently. In my opinion, the Sansa Fuze is ruthlessly neutral/raw/dry almost like what a sound engineer would like to hear. The t51 is smooth sounding, maybe the amps damping factor is not that good. But this probably is perceived as a good thing by listeners/audiophiles. Coincidentally, the bass is also not as tight as the Sansa Fuze. Note, I am listening to india(n) music which is rich in different kinds of drums and which I have heard in person a lot growing up in India. I find the Sansa Fuze reproduces the drums accurately. Ironically, I also like listening to the t51 because it is pleasant to listen. Also, the low level resolution seems to be better , that is, like for example, I can hear a tambourine's character very clearly. Maybe since it takes the edge of the highs a bit I am able to focus on it. I am waiting on silver cable form Chris_himself. I am a detail fanatic and would like to see how the t51 sounds on the drums with it (thru my UE TF10).  The next step is to get an amp (if my wife does not throw me out of the house yet :wink: ) and see if I can keep the detail of the good dac in t51 but improve the reproduction especially on the bottom end. 
Today, I see comments from FLACvest on Fuze vs sflo2. Very helpful. Thx FLACvest -  one more person finds the Fuze to have good bass. 
Oct 11, 2011 at 2:46 PM Post #3,396 of 3,682

ClieOS, I was referring to this msg from me, for your comments -

I haven't spent much time on either one lately, even less when used together. I guess I'll need more listening before I can give you my thought.
Oct 11, 2011 at 6:17 PM Post #3,397 of 3,682

I didn't care for the first ZO (returned it)). I hope the ZO V2 is better.

I suspect that your impressions of the original ZO were lost in the wave of fanboyism that accompanied its release. Some of the folk in the ZO thread seem to be losing their minds with each passing day, having to wait several months from the announcement to the projected release in late Oct / early Nov.
Oct 11, 2011 at 7:03 PM Post #3,398 of 3,682
227 pages and 1 year now, my Sflo2 is still going strong. And although it does not beat a desktop DAC, and it has a clunky UI, I think its cheap price and sound quality more than makes up for it. What I like about it personally, is the ability to go to the previous song or next song in the album when you are in shuffle mode. Just change it to linear play mode, and press previous, and there you go.
I can't do that on a Rockbox Fuze, or maybe I just don't know the way to do it.
Edit: I found out how to do it on Fuze, but it's not like two presses on the Sflo2, it's quite a few clicks away.
Oct 11, 2011 at 11:17 PM Post #3,399 of 3,682
ClieOS what type of interconnect are you using with the Sflo2 + Stepdance?  Do you think a Fiio L8 or Headroom mini to mini would be alright?
Oct 12, 2011 at 1:17 AM Post #3,400 of 3,682

ClieOS what type of interconnect are you using with the Sflo2 + Stepdance?  Do you think a Fiio L8 or Headroom mini to mini would be alright?

I use regular 3.5mm interconnecting cable. FiiO's or Headroom's are both fine, you don't need anything too fancy.
Oct 12, 2011 at 2:30 AM Post #3,401 of 3,682

I use regular 3.5mm interconnecting cable. FiiO's or Headroom's are both fine, you don't need anything too fancy.

I bought a 3.5 to 3.5 silver cable lod hoping it will yield at least a noticeable difference. I've noticed quite a bit of a difference with the silver cable (not silver plated) on my IE8s so I figured it would be worth the money.
Oct 13, 2011 at 10:23 PM Post #3,405 of 3,682

Looks like 96Khz/24bit FLACs does not work on this. It does work on my Rockboxed Sansa Fuze though.

That's because the RockChip controller in s:flo2 doesn't support 24/96. In fact, I don't think it supports 24 bit at all.

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