S:flo2 impressions thread
May 10, 2011 at 2:25 PM Post #3,211 of 3,682
I had one lockup which was from some setting I enabled in the UI.  Once I figured it out it was golden.  Being a longtime PC user I know how to use my gear in the most minimalist of ways to reduce potential unforeseen 'issues'.  If you want to use a device like an Apple product then buy an Apple product I say.  I think it's clear what the Sflo2 is about.
I like my Ayn Rand philosophy too!  Sorry but going from my own experience and seeing plenty of users not having the same issues w/ hardware I can't see myself falling into the 'All Sflo2's are crap' camp.  There was also another Sflo2 user who's been banned numerous times (under different aliases) who kept bashing the device when in fact HE was the one who had destroyed his own gear by soldering on his own opamps and then tried to scam the manufacturer.  Therefore, I take a lot of claims and accusations on this thread w/ a grain of salt.  When the well has been poisoned I tend not to drink from it.
Wrt customer service.  You are right, it's needs work to say the least.  MP4nation has gotten better but my Sflo2 process was a terrible experience at the time. 
May 10, 2011 at 5:28 PM Post #3,212 of 3,682
since my last post, i used mp3tag as clio suggested to clean up each and every one of my songs-over 1800 or so...
ive been enjoying my SFlo2 alot more since then, its still not perfectly stable but its a hell of alot faster than before. so yeah, thanks again for the help but i am still a little bothered by how particular this DAP is with tags...my Sansa took a little long to refresh the SDcard but thats about it and Rockbox worked flawlessly on it.
May 10, 2011 at 8:11 PM Post #3,213 of 3,682

since my last post, i used mp3tag as clio suggested to clean up each and every one of my songs-over 1800 or so...
ive been enjoying my SFlo2 alot more since then, its still not perfectly stable but its a hell of alot faster than before. so yeah, thanks again for the help but i am still a little bothered by how particular this DAP is with tags...my Sansa took a little long to refresh the SDcard but thats about it and Rockbox worked flawlessly on it.

What tags are you using now with idtag? I was recommended to use V2.3 ISO. You have mp3tag read all the tags but only  save V2.3 ISO. Then remove all the other old tags after you  have saved 2.3 ISO and maybe that could make the Sflo rock solid. I haven't really had any lock ups of my device other than when charging it and continuing to play music when I unplugged it, that was one time. Doing the above reduced my sansa fuze's micro sd car load times to 3 minutes from 15+ (this is with a 16 gb card at max).
May 11, 2011 at 6:47 AM Post #3,214 of 3,682

I had one lockup which was from some setting I enabled in the UI.  Once I figured it out it was golden.  Being a longtime PC user I know how to use my gear in the most minimalist of ways to reduce potential unforeseen 'issues'.  If you want to use a device like an Apple product then buy an Apple product I say.  I think it's clear what the Sflo2 is about.
I like my Ayn Rand philosophy too!  Sorry but going from my own experience and seeing plenty of users not having the same issues w/ hardware I can't see myself falling into the 'All Sflo2's are crap' camp.  

Do you have any estimates on your "odometer" with your "golden" unit -- if you still have it (or when you had it) how many total hours of total use?
I don't think the reliability issues are related to how (un)carefully the device is used, other than outright abuse, tho' your putative "minimalist of ways to reduce potential unforeseen 'issues' " I'm sure did not injure the device :wink:
As far as "plenty of users not having the same issues w/ hardware [of T51/SFlo2]" ... maybe, BUT I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of its users don't post on this (or other) forums. So we'll never really know what the true "body count" is?
All that said (& FWIW) the new T51 I just rec'd from HoD is working flawlessly. This it not like the prev. unit which, as I reported in the other thread, was buggy from day 1.
P.S. Problem with Rand is that she had a lot of decent ideas (many of which were generic enough to fit the mindsets of a vast audience, like horoscopes and fortune cookies) ... but no real-world solutions. 
May 11, 2011 at 2:47 PM Post #3,215 of 3,682

Do you have any estimates on your "odometer" with your "golden" unit -- if you still have it (or when you had it) how many total hours of total use?
Last I heard it was still running well though the user added a ding to the back of the case.  I sold mine after I received the QA350 which is even more horrid to use by far, only plays WAV but had a slight SQ advantage and digital/coaxial output.
I don't think the reliability issues are related to how (un)carefully the device is used, other than outright abuse, tho' your putative "minimalist of ways to reduce potential unforeseen 'issues' " I'm sure did not injure the device :wink:
Reliability issues are not, but encountering glitches and lockups are absolutely related to use.  If software is poorly coded as an afterthought it makes little sense for the user to enforce his will upon the device.
As far as "plenty of users not having the same issues w/ hardware [of T51/SFlo2]" ... maybe, BUT I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of its users don't post on this (or other) forums. So we'll never really know what the true "body count" is?
I disagree.  Dissatisfied customers are more likely to post than satisfied customers.
All that said (& FWIW) the new T51 I just rec'd from HoD is working flawlessly. This it not like the prev. unit which, as I reported in the other thread, was buggy from day 1.
Cool, keep us posted.
P.S. Problem with Rand is that she had a lot of decent ideas (many of which were generic enough to fit the mindsets of a vast audience, like horoscopes and fortune cookies) ... but no real-world solutions. 
Lol, let's not go there hehe. That basically applies to most if not all political philosophers from Plato to Marx.  One would argue there are no 'real world' solutions as Libertarian thought espouses the absence of such 'solutions'.  

May 12, 2011 at 5:45 AM Post #3,216 of 3,682
On reliability of this (and T51) device ... 
I'm beginning to suspect that the symptomatically-similar "pattern" may be related to a QA/QC (manuf. parlance for "quality assurance" or "quality control") of one of the topological OEM components (e.g., power supply IC, etc.) This would somewhat exonerate Teclast ... I say somewhat because -- given the frequency and adamancy of user complaints either here or other forums/blogs -- I'm sure Teclast is aware of reliability issues... and, hence, should be stepping on some toes to secure their reputation. Maybe the repeat customer is not in their business model?
On what that troublesome component may be ...
First, I'm disgusted that HoD would not pass along any info on what caused my returned-for-service unit to crash! I emailed them with the same (perhaps verbose, but necessary) technical detail and tenacity that I have noted on this forum. If they don't have access to that kind of info (i.e. post-mortem analytics), then at least tell me that; they should've pressed Teclast's service dept for answers. Alas, the all-too-ubiquitous and banal bottom line seems to be: no-one seems to care! Failure is an option! "Customer support" is an option!
On the issue of heat vs. failure...
Although I don't have an iPhone or iPod touch, etc., I've heard they can run quite warm, too. They are similar enough to the T51, I suppose, except they don't seem to fail. I don't accept others' remarks about not "expecting Apple" -- notably when it comes to reliability.
Anyway... increase lock-up frequency and, finally, a totally-dead unit that refuses to turn on. ( I know this is all old news for many of you -- apologies in advance!) By the Scientific Method (i.e, plain ol' common sense), we can most likely rule out everything after the Rockhip decoder, as their failure won't likely cause the device to not want to power on.  Sometimes, when power-supply ckt fails it takes other things downstream with it -- I've seen this happen a lot in PCs. So if the decoder IC, or any other post-PSU component, is/became "bad", it may have been fried by "corrupt power" (over-voltage, wrong polarity voltage, etc.). E.g., the DC-DC step-up circuit may be the issue.
So, next time fate knocks (I sound so confident, don't I? Maybe I'll start playing Beethoven's 5th (or the curse of the 9th!) in it more often!) ... I'll take the cover off and do some tests. In many important ways, this device was conceived and designed by marketers and average-Joe engineers that read forums (and know what certain users want), read technical blogs and PDF OEM datasheets (which practically given you the design), and slap together a worth-having product. And it's software was/is user-tested and improved (like Microsoft releasing beta versions). This stuff ain't rocket science, folks! It's almost a Head-Fi DIY project, but not as reliable. Alas, it now seems we have to break out our DMMs and o'scopes and physically troubleshoot for them, too. What a way to run a railroad!
May 12, 2011 at 6:48 AM Post #3,217 of 3,682

So you just received your's back from RMA? How long did it take for this entire process from date shipped to the day you received your replacement. I am impatiently waiting for mine lol. Then again I could live with my Sansa Fuze+LOD+Leckerton UHA4. But I've been spoiled by the sound the  SFLO:2 produces :wink:.
Do you have any estimates on your "odometer" with your "golden" unit -- if you still have it (or when you had it) how many total hours of total use?
I don't think the reliability issues are related to how (un)carefully the device is used, other than outright abuse, tho' your putative "minimalist of ways to reduce potential unforeseen 'issues' " I'm sure did not injure the device :wink:
As far as "plenty of users not having the same issues w/ hardware [of T51/SFlo2]" ... maybe, BUT I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of its users don't post on this (or other) forums. So we'll never really know what the true "body count" is?
All that said (& FWIW) the new T51 I just rec'd from HoD is working flawlessly. This it not like the prev. unit which, as I reported in the other thread, was buggy from day 1.
P.S. Problem with Rand is that she had a lot of decent ideas (many of which were generic enough to fit the mindsets of a vast audience, like horoscopes and fortune cookies) ... but no real-world solutions. 

May 13, 2011 at 3:45 AM Post #3,218 of 3,682
So you just received your's back from RMA? How long did it take for this entire process from date shipped to the day you received your replacement. I am impatiently waiting for mine lol. Then again I could live with my Sansa Fuze+LOD+Leckerton UHA4. But I've been spoiled by the sound the  SFLO:2 produces :wink:.

First, see my dedicated thread on this issue. What I haven't yet posted in that thread (but noted above) is that I did finally receive a replacement T51, from HoD, but only after cattle-prodding them with email queries (a few times a week) and then (per their NEW demand) a whopping $18 return S/H (+ "service") PayPal request. I rec'd a "new" unit (no orig. display-case box, default IEMs, etc.) a few days ago. It works for now, but (as I just discovered) does not like to play video.
No word yet on the two S:Flo2 units returned to MP4Nation.
May 13, 2011 at 7:58 PM Post #3,219 of 3,682
I've had no problems with mine and I've had it a fair old while now. The back does get warm but I live in England so it's not like it's getting baked in the day already. The only time it's played up on me is when I was listening to music while it was charging and then removed the USB lead, I think it froze, but using the reset button worked fine.
Re: the UI, it's not really the actual UI that's the problem as far as layout goes (although it has software bugs obviously) as much as the interaction with the UI through the touch screen. Some of the skins look nice and the menus are pretty logical, it's just actually navigating them. Or doing things like moving the EQ sliders about; it's just way more of a chore than it should be.
I'll probably be selling mine soon though, I have some stuff I could use the money for and I'm not really using my portable rig at all lately. I anticipate needing one for August onwards, but I'll probably try out a Fiio X3 then. I'll link the classified in my sig when I make it (8GB model, great condition, will come with 3 cases, USB wall charger, latest firmware e.t.c.) It is the best sounding player I've owned, no question.
May 19, 2011 at 1:52 PM Post #3,220 of 3,682
Has anyone compared the Line out from S:Flo2 with destop/portable DAC between 200 - 700 $ such as HRT, audioGD, soundcard DACs etc?
I'm using the LO from S:Flo2 as my main Source at home which is good, but I doubt it can compare to DAC over 400 $?
May 19, 2011 at 2:11 PM Post #3,221 of 3,682

Has anyone compared the Line out from S:Flo2 with destop/portable DAC between 200 - 700 $ such as HRT, audioGD, soundcard DACs etc?
I'm using the LO from S:Flo2 as my main Source at home which is good, but I doubt it can compare to DAC over 400 $?

The answer should be fairly obvious assuming you don't spend that money unwisely.  The LO of the Sflo2 is great but behind the QA350 and DACPort I both have.  Even further behind the PS Audio Perfectwave which might be the best DAC I've heard yet.
May 19, 2011 at 5:50 PM Post #3,222 of 3,682
Yes it could be obvious but Im sure there are DACs inte the 200-400 pricerange that are worse than S:flo2. About Centrance DACport I have been looking at their DACmini which is a dac/amp Other than that Audio GD NFB-2 is a cheap option(300). I've got Head Direct EF5 so I don't need an amp at the moment. But ofcourse it's handy with an integrated dac/amp
Back to topic I recently got a new phono to 3.5 mm cable from from QED for my S:flo2 LO. I'm kinda ashamed for  buying such an expensive cable(70) but compared to my previous cable from some old early 90s computer speakers, this cable was clearer overall. But I'm quite sure cables for 20 $ would performs equal. Half of the cable price was just for the design which I really like:

May 19, 2011 at 8:29 PM Post #3,223 of 3,682
I would add to the comment of Anaxilus that my S:Flo2 LO is also quite logically behind my HRT Streamer 2+.
May 21, 2011 at 8:55 PM Post #3,224 of 3,682
Is it too much to ask for DAP with Sflo SQ without touch screen, and better battery life?
May 21, 2011 at 9:30 PM Post #3,225 of 3,682

Is it too much to ask for DAP with Sflo SQ without touch screen, and better battery life?

FWIW, in the Teclast stable is the upcoming T59, which is "intended" to be a higher-quality unit, with buttons, and is dedicated to audio-only. Can't comment on the battery life expectations as I haven't read anything about those projections, but we can all hope the firmware on the device will properly read album info, and sort A-Z. (Being optomistic here, but I think Teclast doesn't want to incur more flack for bad album sorting a second time around).

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