Rhapsodio thread
Mar 13, 2016 at 2:58 PM Post #76 of 2,292
Hi guys,
Between the solar and galaxy, is there agreement on which one is more musical?
Mar 13, 2016 at 3:52 PM Post #77 of 2,292
Hi guys,
Between the solar and galaxy, is there agreement on which one is more musical?

That's probably not a good way of looking at it. Depending on who you ask, the answer could go either way. What you must do is look within yourself and determine what sonic profile you desire the most. Then a recommendation can be made to match your tastes.

From what I've read, neither the Solar or Galaxy are dry or analytical. Both will be very musical, the Solar leaning towards the warmer side, the Galaxy on the brighter. What do you prefer?
Mar 13, 2016 at 4:02 PM Post #78 of 2,292
That's probably not a good way of looking at it. Depending on who you ask, the answer could go either way. What you must do is look within yourself and determine what sonic profile you desire the most. Then a recommendation can be made to match your tastes.

From what I've read, neither the Solar or Galaxy are dry or analytical. Both will be very musical, the Solar leaning towards the warmer side, the Galaxy on the brighter. What do you prefer?

Fair enough. Looking for excellent sub bass extension and quality, nice clear highs that produce an airy soundstage and emotional mid range that produces vocals in a natural way. Sound like maybe solar.
Mar 15, 2016 at 1:26 AM Post #81 of 2,292
Tata. To new thread
Mar 15, 2016 at 10:50 AM Post #82 of 2,292
  Guys, if you're having a problem with fit/seal regarding the Galaxys, try the JVC spiral dots.   Neither the spin fits nor the phillips worked for me, but that was solved by the spiral dots.

I totally agree.  I was pleasantly surprised with the JVC Spiral Dots from my FX850...
I thought the Spin Fits were good; boy was I wrong!  
edit: This post is from the old thread, and I have been chided for posting there when quoting San Man then.  So I am transfering this post here now that I get a breather from work.

Mar 15, 2016 at 10:56 AM Post #83 of 2,292
Personally I'd classify galaxy as analytical and not musical...

Personally, I wouldn't label my universal Galaxy as analytical (in absolute terms); I enjoy its musicality very much.  Of course, I do not have a Solar to compare with, and maybe a comparison will yield such a conclusion (i.e., in relative terms).
The Galaxy is unforgiving with bad recordings for sure.  With good recordings, it is an emotive experience.

Mar 15, 2016 at 11:13 AM Post #85 of 2,292
Personally, I wouldn't label my universal Galaxy as analytical (in absolute terms); I enjoy its musicality very much.  Of course, I do not have a Solar to compare with, and maybe a comparison will yield such a conclusion (i.e., in relative terms).

The Galaxy is unforgiving with bad recordings for sure.  With good recordings, it is an emotive experience.

Well, I met up with Sammy so I could compare both

But I don't own a solar or a galaxy.

I'd think it's analytical nature helps it to convey the emotions well as I listened to some vocal tracks with it, but it has the analytical traits of picking up insane amounts of detail and not mixing well with poorly mastered recordings. Which is why I said it was analytical

Well, audio is a subjective hobby as is always said so... ymmv?
Mar 16, 2016 at 7:22 AM Post #88 of 2,292
I am most likely going to sell my Galaxys and list them in the next few days.   I hate to do it, but I'm so busy lately and they're just sitting on my desk getting no play time at all.   Now's your chance to get a fully burned in (low actual listening hours), adult owned, mint condition set at a "Black Friday" price.  I'll throw in a pair of M and L new spiral dot tips too.

If anyone here is interested, PM me.  If not, they'll go into the for sale forum.
Mar 16, 2016 at 7:22 AM Post #89 of 2,292
I don't really agree with that. The Galaxy are detailed and precise but still quite musical. Their analytical quality doesn't go against musical emotion.

Agreed Mims.
Mar 17, 2016 at 4:58 AM Post #90 of 2,292
Does anybody have a frequency graph of the Galaxy or Solar they could upload? I'm not looking to make a purchase right now, but I would be interested in seeing what the sound signature is like for both. Thanks.

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