Reviews + impressions thread: Final Audio Design Pandora Hope VI (interesting dynamic + BA full size headphones)
Apr 4, 2014 at 12:09 AM Post #258 of 2,057

what  replacement pads?

Just the $11 Brotrade Beyerdynamic pads ( They work like a charm. Absolutely fantastic. I figured it couldn't hurt to take a gamble on the cheapie ones and I'm glad I went for 'em. I like that they're fake leather and flat rather than totally rounded, so they really sit on the head, and no noticeable change to the sound. 
Here's the look:

Apr 4, 2014 at 12:59 AM Post #259 of 2,057
Just the $11 Brotrade Beyerdynamic pads ( They work like a charm. Absolutely fantastic. I figured it couldn't hurt to take a gamble on the cheapie ones and I'm glad I went for 'em. I like that they're fake leather and flat rather than totally rounded, so they really sit on the head, and no noticeable change to the sound. 
Here's the look:

This looks really nice! If the replacement pads are not free, I will get these instead.
Apr 4, 2014 at 5:13 AM Post #260 of 2,057
They surely will not be free - I was told they would cost 54 € in germany. (way too expensive)
I went with SRH 840 pads which also work fine  and look quite similar (but they cost me 19,90  Euro)
Apr 4, 2014 at 6:21 AM Post #261 of 2,057
Just the $11 Brotrade Beyerdynamic pads ( They work like a charm. Absolutely fantastic. I figured it couldn't hurt to take a gamble on the cheapie ones and I'm glad I went for 'em. I like that they're fake leather and flat rather than totally rounded, so they really sit on the head, and no noticeable change to the sound. 
Here's the look:

Nice find! The size of the pads looks like they were made for this headphone lol! 

The productcode is pretty amusing (I only noticed because of the google "did you mean" suggested something entirely different...) *cough B00HBSNUO2 cough*
Apr 4, 2014 at 1:39 PM Post #262 of 2,057
"Compared to the VI, the IV looks plastic and cheap. Add to that a totally squawky and unlistenable sound, and nobody in their right mind would keep one of these without returning it. The bass sounds very similar to me, but I didn't spend much time on bass since the screechy awful treble had to be fixed first."

From my buddy who put me on to the Pandora. He also got the IV and said he can't imagine anyone keeping it.
Apr 4, 2014 at 6:40 PM Post #263 of 2,057
Damn, that's disappointing. I was hoping the IV would be a nice entry-level for this brand for people who aren't ready to hop up to the VI. 
Apr 4, 2014 at 7:47 PM Post #264 of 2,057
Yeah, these are probably the most underreported high-end headphone I'm aware of. There are only SIX videos on YouTube about them, three in English and only one is an actual review. There's only one store in the entire Western Hemisphere that carries them (IRiver), and three reviews that I can find with several message board posts from the one guy who did a YouTube review. They're practically nonexistent, which is a shame because they're AMAZING headphones. 

Although I have to admit, I feel a little more special for having them as a result, since they're probably the rarest headphone I will EVER see anyone with outside of something like the Orpheus. 

Yeah there's not a whole lot of info out there and not many reviews to go on.

Those pics look pretty tidy....I might have to pay the import on them....look like a solid an best looking option thus far.

I don't I imagine myself parting with them. I've had maybe 70 hours on mine an the cups still hold, even though the slider loosened in the first week. Going between the Pandora and the W4R gives me a good balance in sound sigs.
Apr 4, 2014 at 8:48 PM Post #265 of 2,057
Yeah I basically noticed that the slider doesn't move much as long as I'm not treating them like portables. Sit in bed or on the couch and no problem at all.
Apr 5, 2014 at 10:36 AM Post #266 of 2,057
I would imagine controlling the amount of friction the ear cups have on the slider is hard to repeat in production (some variation probably happens)- meaning trying to keep the perfect amount of resistance to stay put for listening, while being able to move easily by hand for adjustment... Mine certainly don't stay in place on their own even when sitting perfectly still. While listening I can feel them moooooovvvviinnngggg sloooowwlllyyyy down on the sliders, thereby loosening up on my head and spoiling the good seal. I had to roll thin rubber bands up underneath the cups where they need to stay for best fit. That solved the problem but others wouldn't be able to adjust them very well now. 
Apr 5, 2014 at 11:28 AM Post #267 of 2,057
Probably, I'd guess that's why most use a "notch" system. The Pandoras let you make a more "perfect" adjustment but it's kinda finicky. That said, once it's on it's good to go for a while. Maybe once every half hour I need to fiddle with a bit but that's all. No big deal, IMO. 
Apr 8, 2014 at 10:51 AM Post #268 of 2,057
I have to admit, I'm genuinely curious how many people on here own these. Because it's starting to seem like the answer is "almost no one". Is it THAT exclusive of a club?
Apr 8, 2014 at 3:25 PM Post #270 of 2,057
Well, I have one and I'm still enjoying it very much. I suspect it might even be better sounding than the 2 new hp from HFM and Oppo

IMO the pandora sounds really good but only wins out the he500 in bass impact. I would expect the he 560 to whoop it. but better sounding is subjective too. So even if the hifiman is technically better the pandora may be more musical. 
I do miss this headphone though.

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