[REVIEW] j-phonic K2 SP - Custom In Disguise
Aug 30, 2011 at 7:15 AM Post #16 of 56
These are really hidden gems IMO. It's funny how when I first gave them a listen, I quite honestly thought they sounded atrocious. Were if not for the Comply foams, I'd have been all too naive to realize their potential, and what potential they have. They easily rival my EX1000's, without question. I wouldn't necessarily say one is technically above the other; as always, preference comes into play.  Unlike my Sony's however, the j-phonics aren't nearly as forgiving. In a nutshell, the K2's are quite true to the source of the recording/mastering. As they say, trash in, trash out.
There's no arguing that the SP was channeled to sound neutral, albeit they're certainly on the warm and sweet side, and all the while, quite musical. Having just recently spent a few days time exclusively with the RE252's, I've discovered neutral in all its glory. The K2's treble, much like the midrange, is rather revealing, yet laid-back with respect to the rest of the spectrum, without any fatigue or harsh qualities; just enough to appreciate it alongside the remainder of the spectrum, without any particular emphasis. Bare in mind however, as revealing as they are, they'll certainly bring out the worst if asked to. All of my test tracks ranged between 320kbps and FLAC/lossless; almost as though I was compelled to play only the best quality tracks, and nothing but, in order to unleash the K2's true sound. The midrange presents with great detail, clarity, and boasts a slightly intimate feel. The lows are surprisingly well-bodied (for in-ears with particular emphasis on sounding neutral), powerful, and extend rather low. The presentation, as mentioned, is closer to neutral than not, with a hint of warmth, albeit nowhere near as warm sounding as say the SM3. I've always found it best to critique staging on a whole, taking into consideration the rest of the signature/presentation. As such, the staging compliments the signature quite well, in that it's not excessively wide, nor is it by any means narrow; it feels just right with respect to the spectrum. I wish to avoid use of the word 'average' here since what I consider to be average may not correspond to what another listener considers to be average. After all, whether or not I label a sound as bright/warm, thick/thin, neutral/colored, it's all relative to whatever in-ears I've experience with.
There is certainly a learning curve, if you will, in the case of the K2's. I can almost guarantee that they won't impress upon first listen (unless of course given the rather unlikely event that they're your first in-ears, and you've nothing to compare them to). Then again, I can't say that all top-tiers I've owned have impressed me upon first listen. There was certainly no wow factor to begin with, and even after nearly a full days worth of listening, I can't say that's changed. However, while they may not have wow'ed me, they haven't failed to impress me, in that they do have an engaging sound, that, if given the opportunity, has a tendancy to grow on you by the minute. All in all, the K2's are certainly fit for top-tier SQ, but I'm not quite sure that they live up to their intended purpose: to offer a sound which is said to rival customs, in a universal package. If that were true, I'd hold them to much higher expectations, which at most they may potentially fulfill, but certainly wouldn't exceed.

Sep 22, 2011 at 11:16 PM Post #17 of 56
Need help here: will the Double Flange tips for[size=x-small][size=x-small] ER4, ER6i, HF2[/size][/size] fit the K2s? TIA!
edit: checked Comply's site. It's a match :p
Sep 23, 2011 at 1:09 AM Post #18 of 56

Need help here: will the Double Flange tips for[size=x-small][size=x-small] ER4, ER6i, HF2[/size][/size] fit the K2s? TIA!
edit: checked Comply's site. It's a match :p

It will, but my experience, anything that is not Comply T100 tends not to sound that good on K2 SP.
Nov 8, 2011 at 9:33 PM Post #22 of 56
It's some packaging foam from some computer hardware - gray color, open celled - can breathe easily through it. I put maybe 5mmx2mmx2mm per nozzle.
Nov 8, 2011 at 9:51 PM Post #23 of 56
I love the over the ear IEM design. Their housing reminds me a lot of the GR07...
Nov 9, 2011 at 12:43 AM Post #25 of 56
@ClieOS, [with excess highs tamed (at least for my dogears)] I can now appreciate when you said:
From Sara Evans to Diana Krall, Vanessa-Mae to Andre Rieu, Lady Gaga to Fergie, Sara Bareilles to Lenka, James Blunt to Robbie Williams and much more – no matter what genre of music I choose, the K2 SP can render it beautifully. But it is still not what I consider a ‘wow’ type of IEM that will impress people in the first listen. Instead, it is an enduring sound that will draw the listener in with its strong technical ability and effort-less presentation. This is the strength of a stage monitor- allowing the listener to be fatigue free in a long listening session while not losing any focus on the music. What works on the stage can be equally good for the music listener as well.

I went for a walk during my lunch break and I just went through all my test tracks which sounded so good again - particularly the vocals. When there's more than 1 singer, the voices have their own character with very good separation. Timber, soundstage and tonality - sounding very good really. Effortless and plainly enjoyable sound --- simply MUSIC!
Nov 30, 2011 at 12:09 PM Post #26 of 56
A quick heads-up to Head-fiers: I have it on pretty good authority that, beginning 1/1/12, Sensaphonics Japan will sell the j-phonic K2 line only within Japan.
Please note that Sensaphonics Japan is owned and operated independently of Sensaphonics, Inc.
Nov 30, 2011 at 9:15 PM Post #27 of 56
A quick heads-up to Head-fiers: I have it on pretty good authority that, beginning 1/1/12, Sensaphonics Japan will sell the j-phonic K2 line only within Japan.

Please note that Sensaphonics Japan is owned and operated independently of Sensaphonics, Inc.

Sad news, especially consider I just recommended it for the buyer guide over at InnerFidelity.com
Nov 30, 2011 at 10:37 PM Post #28 of 56
Nice! I'm sure the recommendation is much appreciated, ClieOS. And IMHO, well deserved.
At this point, the j-phonic K2 can still be ordered globally. My recommendation? Act now.

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