[REVIEW] Future Sonics Spectrum Series: G10 and impressions thread
Jul 29, 2015 at 7:38 PM Post #196 of 269
  A month or so in, and I'm still loving mine - the sound has opened up significantly.  
The bass is still ultra-deep and beautiful, but the sound is all around better and cleaner than previous models.  So good is the sound, I can't see myself looking at any other models for the next few years (if anything, it will probably be another pair of G10s!).
Kunlun - I listen to a lot of classical orchestral and these are perfect - they don't have any sibilance/harshness to the treble, unlike many similarly-priced headphones my friends own.  They are just non-fatiguing, and the sub bass adds a real hidden depth to pieces.  I also listen to a lot of deep electronic music too, so I really stress test these on various genres!

Do these sound good with deep house?  Do the vocal ever get buried behind the mid bass?
Jul 29, 2015 at 10:26 PM Post #197 of 269
  A month or so in, and I'm still loving mine - the sound has opened up significantly.  
The bass is still ultra-deep and beautiful, but the sound is all around better and cleaner than previous models.  So good is the sound, I can't see myself looking at any other models for the next few years (if anything, it will probably be another pair of G10s!).
Kunlun - I listen to a lot of classical orchestral and these are perfect - they don't have any sibilance/harshness to the treble, unlike many similarly-priced headphones my friends own.  They are just non-fatiguing, and the sub bass adds a real hidden depth to pieces.  I also listen to a lot of deep electronic music too, so I really stress test these on various genres!

Hey, I'm glad you chimed in with a 1-month-or-so update! Sounds like we're hearing the G10 the same way! :)
Aug 7, 2015 at 11:01 AM Post #199 of 269
Have anyone compared G10 vs Fx 750/850?  Thanks.

Sure, I have the 850. First, in terms of usability, the G10's cable and overall fit are much better for day to day wearing. For the sound, while both have full, strong bass capability, the 850 has more of a midbass bulge, making its bass more fatiguing to my ears versus the subbass followed by more monitor tuning of the G10. I see why people use mods on the 850 for that, but at the expense of the already light isolation. The G10's isolation is much more usable on the go. The 850 also has an elevated shelf in the treble, which the monitor tuning of the G10 doesn't.

So, for tuning, I'd say there are differences which may be left to personal preference, but the G10 has a clear advantage for on-the-go use.
Aug 7, 2015 at 4:26 PM Post #200 of 269
Thank you Kunlun for your quick reply.I've got the 750 over 850 they supposedly have a touch more elevated mid range and treble (highs) extensions which i like a lot but i'm not happy with their sub bass and agree with you about midbass bulge fatiguing.I prifer a W- sound signature and it looks to me the G10 are more of a darker L-shape.
Another con for G-10 is its impedance and sensitivity. I don't want to be mandated to carry an amp. in my pocket on the go i just don't have room for it.   
It looks like I have to reluctantly and secretly keep on collecting savings for the  Aurisonic ASG-2.5
Aug 14, 2015 at 2:52 PM Post #201 of 269
I'm not sure the ASG-2.5 is the solution for you if you want the treble of the 850- not that it is bad but it just a bit smooth or subdued by comparison and doesn't have that open feeling (though they do have nice seperation/imaging or whatever)- at least without EQ. Personally prefer the treble sound of the G10, though it isn't spiked like the 850 its a bit more forward compared to the 2.5, with similar bass, though presentation on the 2.5 is nicer. Have you looked into any Ocharaku models? Briefly had the NAMI, probably the closet thing I've heard to the 850 but with bass that seemed comparatively flat.
*also add that the G10 aren't so difficult to drive that they need an extra amp... I use them quite a bit straight out of walkman and clip+, though they do seem a little better out of my portable amp.
Aug 16, 2015 at 8:05 PM Post #202 of 269
That's a valuable piece of information Raketen. Now I feel again like in the middle of a dark tunnel without any lights on two ends. Well, at least I know now I've had the wrong target.                                                                                                      I like my music loud, really loud without all sorts of distortion and the 750's are good for that but their sub bass is always on the edge of starting to distort-like when I eq. down all that fatiguing 130htz midbass shelf.
I'd be all over G10 if they had less impidance.This is crucial for me. My source is sansa clip+ (rockboxed) and i used to have high impedanced Thinksoud Rain2 which were not loud enough to keep them. Also, I have wd2 which subbass is a bliss but everything else is a mess.   
I've targeted the ASG-2.5 only because basshead.club rated them as #1 basshead iem but I don't want to lose the spiky highs
I've looked into the NAMI. /joker/ consider them '' the low end of the Nami tends to be tight, lean, and delicate''- enough said to score them out.
Aug 17, 2015 at 2:54 AM Post #203 of 269
  That's a valuable piece of information Raketen. Now I feel again like in the middle of a dark tunnel without any lights on two ends. Well, at least I know now I've had the wrong target.                                                                                                      I like my music loud, really loud without all sorts of distortion and the 750's are good for that but their sub bass is always on the edge of starting to distort-like when I eq. down all that fatiguing 130htz midbass shelf.
I'd be all over G10 if they had less impidance.This is crucial for me. My source is sansa clip+ (rockboxed) and i used to have high impedanced Thinksoud Rain2 which were not loud enough to keep them. Also, I have wd2 which subbass is a bliss but everything else is a mess.   
I've targeted the ASG-2.5 only because basshead.club rated them as #1 basshead iem but I don't want to lose the spiky highs
I've looked into the NAMI. /joker/ consider them '' the low end of the Nami tends to be tight, lean, and delicate''- enough said to score them out.

Sorry to add to the confusion

Aug 27, 2015 at 3:39 AM Post #205 of 269
I'm tired of reading how V shaped or bass heavy earphones are right for the genre because although it's an accepted cliche it certainly isn't the truth.

Quite often left feeling the same way when I hear some make recommendations.

Trance requires demanding quality of earphones for it to be fully appreciated due to the often complex multi sound layering. Too often the importance of qualities such as soundstage and 3D imaging & separation are looked as second to having big bass or V signature. Yes deep bass will help the genre sound even better but it's just one of the useful qualities. Without a decent sized sound soundstage, good 3d imaging and detailed sparkly highs no amount of bass is going to help.

After reading G10 impression's I'm not convinced it would particularly excel at Trance. Sticking to A73.
Aug 27, 2015 at 4:43 AM Post #206 of 269
Quite often left feeling the same way when I hear some make recommendations.

Trance requires demanding quality of earphones for it to be fully appreciated due to the often complex multi sound layering. Too often the importance of qualities such as soundstage and 3D imaging & separation are looked as second to having big bass or V signature. Yes deep bass will help the genre sound even better but it's just one of the useful qualities. Without a decent sized sound soundstage, good 3d imaging and detailed sparkly highs no amount of bass is going to help.

After reading G10 impression's I'm not convinced it would particularly excel at Trance. Sticking to A73.

It's a bit too overpowering and there isn't great sense of space or detail to put you in a trance. Still, CK10, if you can find it, is the trance winner in this price range. For hip hop, however, the G10 keeps up wonderfully.
Aug 27, 2015 at 7:32 AM Post #207 of 269
Still, CK10, if you can find it, is the trance winner in this price range... .

I debated buying them at first but concluded the CKR9Ltd was probably better for Trance with its bigger soundstage etc... And ended up buying something else altogether. Hah that's what headfi does to you.
Aug 31, 2015 at 10:20 AM Post #208 of 269
Can anyone chime in with comparisons to the Aurisonics Asg 1.3?
I want something with more top-end sparkle, at the same time retaining the soundstage and amazing layering of the ASG1.3. I don't mind the reduced bass .
Aug 31, 2015 at 8:32 PM Post #209 of 269
I debated buying them at first but concluded the CKR9Ltd was probably better for Trance with its bigger soundstage etc... And ended up buying something else altogether. Hah that's what headfi does to you.

BTW, the new Q-Jays is really, really nice. Highs aren't quite as smooth in some transitional zones as the CK10, but it is... wait for it... probably as good for the trance fan that wants the out-of-head/no-chemical trance experience. 

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