[Review] Future Sonics MG6PRO Ear Monitors: Dynamic Driver Custom-Fit In-Ear Monitors
Jul 30, 2011 at 4:14 PM Post #301 of 1,181
I've had mine for a couple of days now.  I've had some high-end IEMs - UE11, JH13 - and I have to say I like these a great deal more.  I'm not going to try to write a range-by-range, aspect-by-aspect review, I'll just second what others here have written.  What I really love about these is how clean and pure they sound.  The best BA IEMs I've heard sound a little muffled by comparison.  I think they sound great, too, and it certainly wasn't anything that bothered me on its own, but in comparison the MG6PROs just sound crystalline and spacious.  They're good enough that for the first time since getting obsessive about portable audio I don't feel the desire for anything better.
They seem pretty forgiving as to gear as well.  I'm mostly listening out of a Solo/RX2, but straight out of my Touch they sound great. 
One word of warning.  They REALLY need to break in.  Straight out of the box they sounded really thin and disappointing - the bass was great but everthing else was very ordinary.  It only takes a couple of hours to hear a big difference.  I've got maybe 30 hours on them now and they continue to improve, but that first step is a big one.
For what it's worth, my impression is that the gap between universal DD IEMs and this custom is smaller than for equivalent BA gear.  The jump from, say, a Shure 530 to a JH13 is massive.  The only DD universal I've heard is the IE8, and it's closer to this custom than that.  It's still a big difference - and more than worth it to me, anyway - but the basic character of the two phones is closer.  It's that clarity, for me, which seems to be a basic DD quality.
Dealing with Future Sonics was a pleasure.  Totally straightforward and businesslike, less than two weeks start to finish, and the delivery went astray - not their fault - and they got right on it in real time and helped me out.  Great people.
Anyway, this one's a winner.
Jul 30, 2011 at 4:23 PM Post #302 of 1,181

I've had mine for a couple of days now.  I've had some high-end IEMs - UE11, JH13 - and I have to say I like these a great deal more.  I'm not going to try to write a range-by-range, aspect-by-aspect review, I'll just second what others here have written.  What I really love about these is how clean and pure they sound.  The best BA IEMs I've heard sound a little muffled by comparison.  I think they sound great, too, and it certainly wasn't anything that bothered me on its own, but in comparison the MG6PROs just sound crystalline and spacious.  They're good enough that for the first time since getting obsessive about portable audio I don't feel the desire for anything better.
Anyway, this one's a winner.

Thanks for your impressions.  Really good to continue to hear everyone agree on the transparency! 
Jul 31, 2011 at 4:13 AM Post #303 of 1,181
Ear impressions are on their way to FS. Now hopefully I'll be listening to my new pair of MG6Pro's in less than two weeks.....  

Can't wait to hear your impressions and comparison with the EX1000 too. The MG6Pro has always been under my radar but the more I listen to the EX1000, the less tempted I feel about getting customs 

Jul 31, 2011 at 11:54 AM Post #304 of 1,181


Can't wait to hear your impressions and comparison with the EX1000 too. The MG6Pro has always been under my radar but the more I listen to the EX1000, the less tempted I feel about getting customs 

Thanks! Yeah, I continue to be quite impressed with them as well... and highly enjoyed them last night while doing some freelance work. But now the sonic bar is that much higher for something which isolates for my upcoming trip to Asia. Hence the decision for the MG6Pro's. 
barbes' review totally cinches it for me that I made the right choice in a custom. I'll be sure to add my impressions on how they compare to the EX1000's. From what Kunlun said about both, I think they MG6Pro's will be a nice step up, yet with much of the same sonic strengths the Sonys have, just expanded upon....
Jul 31, 2011 at 12:05 PM Post #305 of 1,181
Yeah isolation and comfort is a real downer for the EX1000. I really want something I can use while lying down on my side. 
Funny, |joker| mentioned that the EX1000 cannot keep up with the UM Miracles in most ways except timbre. So it'll be interesting to listen from another point of view on that matter. I've heard the demo Miracles myself at the London meet and I must admit they do sound very good, not unlike the EX1000 but didn't spend enough time to make a solid conclusion. 
Aug 10, 2011 at 3:59 PM Post #306 of 1,181
MG6Pro's should be in tomorrow. Sure hope I get a good fit.....
Aug 10, 2011 at 4:35 PM Post #308 of 1,181
chirp- chirp.....chirp-chirp
Aug 10, 2011 at 4:49 PM Post #309 of 1,181
Is the little guy eating popcorn not loading? It is no small task to get that code right from a mobile browser like the iPhone. Huddler doesn't let you choose gifs in mobile.

I've had some things come up and hope I can still get these this fall/winter but it could be April next year. :mad:
Aug 10, 2011 at 5:03 PM Post #312 of 1,181
I don't think anyone who has the actual Merlins has posted a review yet. There are only impressions of the demo and also I think Poetik has a custom moulded pre-production model that is tuned differently or something.
Either way, someone rich should do a comparison of these 2 as I cannot afford both (or one at the moment!).
Aug 10, 2011 at 5:21 PM Post #313 of 1,181

I know Kunlun is scheduled to get the Merlin demos. I read somewhere in another thread calling the Merlins "dark"??

I should get both the merlin demo and the miracle demo as well.
Aug 10, 2011 at 8:56 PM Post #314 of 1,181

cn11 can you also get a UM Merlin and compare them to your MG6Pro? 
Take 2 for the team!

Heh.... I wish I had the cash! But my wife and I just made a rather large 'life purchase'...and now the wallet is really screaming.
Aug 10, 2011 at 10:36 PM Post #315 of 1,181

Heh.... I wish I had the cash! But my wife and I just made a rather large 'life purchase'...and now the wallet is really screaming.

Congratulaions on the purchase of a child!

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