Review: Fischer Audio's DBA-02
Sep 14, 2010 at 3:50 PM Post #2,386 of 4,469

I think in my first post after receiving these I stated that I needed to insert these while music is playing. Insertion depth and angle is critically important to the sound (as is seal and tip, obviously).
With IEM's like the SM3, SE535, UM2, etc. there really aren't many angles that will accommodate a good fit. They go in and fit at one angle, mostly as they are to sit in your ear, just-so. The DBA-02 seem able to be inserted and comfortably seal and fit at what seems like anywhere within a 45 degree arch.
I think I've discovered the proper angle for me so that it's not always necessary to have music on, but it still helps.

I'm not getting a strong seal no matter which way I wear them (up or down) and no matter which way I insert them. I only have to move slightly and they start backing out. I was expecting some Shure Olives in the package, but the seller thought the Shure silicone tips were called Olives (genuine mistake) so I didn't get any. There were no tips on when I got them, so I've tried both the clear ones (with the coloured core), the regular medium silicone tips, my Klipsch gel tips and a couple of other slim-nozzled tips, and I can't get the earpieces to stay in place.
I've twisted them upwards, downwards, this way, that way, and then this way again - and still nothing. Forget double and triple flange, no can do! Would the Shure foamies help them stay in place more, do you think? They're thicker and more dense, so I would assume I could keep a better grip with them. I can get an idea of their sound if i keep the earpieces gently pressed in. They sound very nice and balanced, and not as bass light as I thought they might be from some of the comments.
I can certainly hear similarities between these and the CK10, except with vocals. The CK10 places them quite a bit further forward (to my ears) and they sound much fuller. Doesn't mean vocals sound better like that, it's just a different presentation.
But.... and it's a big fat but........ 
  I can't get a good seal with them, and I'm not convinced Olives will fix it, unless anyone can confirm that they give a much firmer grip than the stock tips? I really want to hear these at their best. They kind of remind me of a grown-up easier-to-drive PFE.
One more thing, I heard this on Tequila Sunrise (Hell Freezes Over): "It'sss another tequila sssunrise.... ssstarin' ssslowly 'crossss the sssky, sssaid goodbye"- and I don't hear it as pronounced as that with the CK10. Which is strange, because the CK10 has a ball with s's! I'm putting this down to the fact I haven't found the right tip for my ear yet.
Sep 14, 2010 at 3:59 PM Post #2,387 of 4,469

I'm not getting a strong seal no matter which way I wear them (up or down) and no matter which way I insert them. I only have to move slightly and they start backing out. I was expecting some Shure Olives in the package, but the seller thought the Shure silicone tips were called Olives (genuine mistake) so I didn't get any. There were no tips on when I got them, so I've tried both the clear ones (with the coloured core), the regular medium silicone tips, my Klipsch gel tips and a couple of other slim-nozzled tips, and I can't get the earpieces to stay in place.
I've twisted them upwards, downwards, this way, that way, and then this way again - and still nothing. Forget double and triple flange, no can do! Would the Shure foamies help them stay in place more, do you think? They're thicker and more dense, so I would assume I could keep a better grip with them. I can get an idea of their sound if i keep the earpieces gently pressed in. They sound very nice and balanced, and not as bass light as I thought they might be from some of the comments.
I can certainly hear similarities between these and the CK10, except with vocals. The CK10 places them quite a bit further forward (to my ears) and they sound much fuller. Doesn't mean vocals sound better like that, it's just a different presentation.
But.... and it's a big fat but........ 
  I can't get a good seal with them, and I'm not convinced Olives will fix it, unless anyone can confirm that they give a much firmer grip than the stock tips? I really want to hear these at their best. They kind of remind me of a grown-up easier-to-drive PFE.
One more thing, I heard this on Tequila Sunrise (Hell Freezes Over): "It'sss another tequila sssunrise.... ssstarin' ssslowly 'crossss the sssky, sssaid goodbye"- and I don't hear it as pronounced as that with the CK10. Which is strange, because the CK10 has a ball with s's! I'm putting this down to the fact I haven't found the right tip for my ear yet.

Sorry to hear about your fit issues.  I'm lucky I can get a deep Ety type seal and insertion w/ the DBAs.  I can't answer about foam since I don't use the stuff.  I've mentioned on other threads that Tequila Sunrise is my sibilance test track.  I imagine the lack of seal is letting the treble go to town w/o proper balance in the rest of the spectrum.
Sep 14, 2010 at 4:09 PM Post #2,388 of 4,469

Sorry to hear about your fit issues.  I'm lucky I can get a deep Ety type seal and insertion w/ the DBAs.  I can't answer about foam since I don't use the stuff.  I've mentioned on other threads that Tequila Sunrise is my sibilance test track.  I imagine the lack of seal is letting the treble go to town w/o proper balance in the rest of the spectrum.

Yes. I'm hoping that's the case, and that the foamies help out a little more with grip.
Sep 14, 2010 at 4:37 PM Post #2,389 of 4,469

Yes. I'm hoping that's the case, and that the foamies help out a little more with grip.

Unlike Anaxilus, foamies are all I use, and can not touch silicone or any type of flanged tip.
The right size foamies should expand well and seal well and grip. They usually keep the earpiece in place even during vigorous exercise.
Do not give up. These are little gems, worth the price of Shure Olives or Comply's. If you need some pics, tips (pun intended) or any other assistance, you know where to reach me.

I'll be more than delighted to help you get the best out of these.
Sep 14, 2010 at 4:38 PM Post #2,390 of 4,469
so how to you straighten out the wire... my is starting to get memory and wind it self up
Sep 14, 2010 at 6:07 PM Post #2,391 of 4,469

Unlike Anaxilus, foamies are all I use, and can not touch silicone or any type of flanged tip.
The right size foamies should expand well and seal well and grip. They usually keep the earpiece in place even during vigorous exercise.
Do not give up. These are little gems, worth the price of Shure Olives or Comply's. If you need some pics, tips (pun intended) or any other assistance, you know where to reach me.

I'll be more than delighted to help you get the best out of these.

I just ordered some. They should be here Thursday. I've used them before with my Shure phones, but that was through choice, and not because I needed to... um, get a grip 

I'm looking forward to comparing them more with the CK10's. Shame you haven't heard them. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts. I know a few other owners who feel they're very similar to the DBA's in lots of aspects, although I'll reserve judgement about just how similar till I get the foamies.
Sep 14, 2010 at 10:04 PM Post #2,392 of 4,469
Comply T100 work best for me.  I also found the angle of insertion makes a difference. I twist as I insert and then find a good comfortable seal.  Highs are starting to relax and define. I'm liking them more and more.
Sep 14, 2010 at 10:40 PM Post #2,393 of 4,469

I just ordered some. They should be here Thursday. I've used them before with my Shure phones, but that was through choice, and not because I needed to... um, get a grip 

I'm looking forward to comparing them more with the CK10's. Shame you haven't heard them. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts. I know a few other owners who feel they're very similar to the DBA's in lots of aspects, although I'll reserve judgement about just how similar till I get the foamies.

Where from!?
Sep 14, 2010 at 10:56 PM Post #2,394 of 4,469

Comply T100 work best for me.  I also found the angle of insertion makes a difference. I twist as I insert and then find a good comfortable seal.  Highs are starting to relax and define. I'm liking them more and more.

So far only the complys work for me too, all the rest of the stock tips gave me poor isolation and sort of muffled the whole spectrum.
Sep 15, 2010 at 12:13 AM Post #2,395 of 4,469

Where from!?

I may be wrong, but I believe Soozieq is referring to the Shure Olives... not the DBA.
On other IEM fora, the Comply's and Olives are routinely slammed for removing (or 'sucking' out) the highs. Interesting to see all the pro-foamie posts. Also interesting... The IEM's I favor the most sound best with foamies.
And, since I can't wear flange-type... well you see where I'm going here. To my ear, the DBA, with foamies is dead flat. Remarkable. Yet they don't even come with foamies like the Westones do.
My UM2's also sound incredible with foamies.
Go figure...
Sep 15, 2010 at 12:40 AM Post #2,396 of 4,469

I may be wrong, but I believe Soozieq is referring to the Shure Olives... not the DBA.
On other IEM fora, the Comply's and Olives are routinely slammed for removing (or 'sucking' out) the highs. Interesting to see all the pro-foamie posts. Also interesting... The IEM's I favor the most sound best with foamies.
And, since I can't wear flange-type... well you see where I'm going here. To my ear, the DBA, with foamies is dead flat. Remarkable. Yet they don't even come with foamies like the Westones do.
My UM2's also sound incredible with foamies.
Go figure...

They could include foamies but that doesn't help them keep the $160 price point much. FA doesn't make a whole lot on the DBA. Not near the markup one would expect, especially considering the price points of many other universals.
Sep 15, 2010 at 12:48 AM Post #2,397 of 4,469

They could include foamies but that doesn't help them keep the $160 price point much. FA doesn't make a whole lot on the DBA. Not near the markup one would expect, especially considering the price points of many other universals.

I'd rather they didn't include any foamies at all rather than include say....Gliders!  
  Ety should pay you for taking Gliders into your home.
Sep 15, 2010 at 2:21 AM Post #2,398 of 4,469
I just ordered some. They should be here Thursday. I've used them before with my Shure phones, but that was through choice, and not because I needed to... um, get a grip 

I'm looking forward to comparing them more with the CK10's. Shame you haven't heard them. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts. I know a few other owners who feel they're very similar to the DBA's in lots of aspects, although I'll reserve judgement about just how similar till I get the foamies.

Hi soozieq, glad to hear that you are trying the DBAs. This may save me time and effort, because we always seemed to hear things similarly in the past. One word about the Olives, if these keep backing out too, try using them reversed (wide end first). I had that problem with Olives on my Atrios and reversing them solved it. Good luck!

Sep 15, 2010 at 6:30 AM Post #2,399 of 4,469

One more thing, I heard this on Tequila Sunrise (Hell Freezes Over): "It'sss another tequila sssunrise.... ssstarin' ssslowly 'crossss the sssky, sssaid goodbye"- and I don't hear it as pronounced as that with the CK10. Which is strange, because the CK10 has a ball with s's! I'm putting this down to the fact I haven't found the right tip for my ear yet.

Can anyone confirm this?
Can we say that the DBA-02 is sibilant?

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