Review: Fischer Audio's DBA-02
Jul 12, 2010 at 3:46 PM Post #931 of 4,469
They don't come with comply tips anyway :p You get three crappy silicone tips of different sizes.
Jul 12, 2010 at 4:00 PM Post #932 of 4,469
What do you use rawster?
PFE tips fit?
Silicone is far from crappy lol
Jul 12, 2010 at 4:02 PM Post #933 of 4,469
well you haven't seen the tips that come with these phones :) I use Shure triple flanges and some double flange silicone tip.
Jul 12, 2010 at 4:06 PM Post #934 of 4,469
Large silicones i.e Denon`s, Senn`s fit ok then?
Jul 12, 2010 at 4:09 PM Post #935 of 4,469
Not unless you put a comply core or something similar on the core before. They are around the same size if not the same size as the shure, etymotic, etc nozzle
Jul 12, 2010 at 6:27 PM Post #936 of 4,469
yes i did and they said they will do
but i was shocked that customs charges were 100 SGD for a small piece of box
found out later that the full value was declared
this is really something inexcusable on their part
Did they agree with you to declare your order as gift / low value before you order? I am pretty sure it is illegal to do so in most countries (at least not openly) and it can put the company in real danger with the law (and we are talking about Singapore, one of the strictest law enforcing countries in the world).


Jul 12, 2010 at 10:15 PM Post #937 of 4,469
Fischer Audio is a little Russian company with products--specifically the DBA-02--made in China. Throughout the 900+ posts, no one has brought this up for discussion? It doesn't strike as being questionable to anyone? I concede Russia, or the former USSR, has some of the best technical scientists in the world and they are very good at hard core science for their government, but Russia for quality consumer electronics catering to the consumer? That's a hard concept for me to accept. There really should be a discussion--in this thread--of general Russian consumer electronics products. Are they reliable? Do they generally honor warranties? Do they stand the test of time?
Japan--and to a lesser extent S. Korea--didn't overnight get to where they are today. It took a considerable amount of time before Japanese products meant quality. In the 70's and early 80's, made in Japan meant cheap stay-away products. In the 90's, Made in Korea products also meant cheap crap. Made in Korea still hasn't achieved the top-end quality association as Made in Japan, but at least S. Korea is moving up. In contrast, I've never heard of Russian consumer electronics before, so I'd really like to have a better understanding of the level of quality of Russian consumer electronics in general.
Something else to keep in mind for the American members here, a Russian warranty legally means nothing in the U.S. For that matter, a Canadian distributor could not be held liable in US courts either. For an American to purchase a pair of Fischer Audio would definitely entail risk as there is really no legal recourse to resolve any product liability or product malfunction issues. Simply put, if F.A. or its distributors didn't care to honor the warranty, you would have no legal recourse to compel them to honor the warranty in the U.S, as U.S. courts would have no jurisdiction in the matter. 
I'm not poo-pooing Fischer Audio per se. They could very well be an elite company catering to the ultra wealthy in Russia and thus could be producing the best of the best products in Russia, but there isn't much coverage in the West of Fischer Audio or Russian consumer electronics in general in, so thus my comments above. I'd really like to hear more from others who have previously used Russian consumer electronics. What is the level of quality of Russian consumer electronics?
Jul 12, 2010 at 10:19 PM Post #938 of 4,469
why does it matter where it came from? I could care less if these came from Russia, China, Japan or any other country. They sound great and they are great and I know for sure that the place I bought mine will honor the warranty if needed as long as I didn't take a knife or something and start chopping it into pieces.
Jul 12, 2010 at 10:45 PM Post #939 of 4,469
this is really something inexcusable on their part

Sorry to hear that. You should write them a complain email if you can.

Fischer Audio is a little Russian company with products--specifically the DBA-02--made in China. Throughout the 900+ posts, no one has brought this up for discussion? It doesn't strike as being questionable to anyone?...

Welcome to Head-fi. You might be new to our forum, but we already know Fischer Audio as an Russian company and a decent IEM maker for 9 months now, not to mention that they were already selling their products in Russia and Scandinavia for quite a few years before we took notice of them (or should I say, they took notice of us).
As for the concern of warranty, I have not heard of any complain about FA so far. However, that is not a concern unique to Russia or Fischer Audio, but international business in general especially since we are in the 'eBay' era. If you think that it is troublesome for U.S. consumer to order stuff from oversea, try to imagine people who live in the third world. I mean, most of the time seller don't even ship to my country or they will ask for outrageous shipping fee. Well, that's the reality of life, you can choose to accept or leave it as it is.
Jul 12, 2010 at 11:01 PM Post #940 of 4,469

Originally Posted by rawrster /img/forum/go_quote.gif

why does it matter where it came from? I could care less if these came from Russia, China, Japan or any other country. They sound great and they are great and I know for sure that the place I bought mine will honor the warranty if needed as long as I didn't take a knife or something and start chopping it into pieces.

rawrster, I liked your very detailed review of this IEM. Much appreciated.
As someone who is studying some law, it does matter to me where things are made, distributed and sold. It's great that you believe your seller will honor the warranty, but your seller is not legally compelled to do so. If he or she has a change of heart, then you'd be SOL. In contrast, if I purchased a set of Sonys from Amazon, I would have legal recourse with both Amazon and Sony, so potential defects may not matter as much, but with a company with no presence in the U.S. at all, and no U.S. distributor, I would have no legal recourse at all. A promise means nothing if it is not legally enforceable. 

Sorry to hear that. You should write them a complain email if you can.

Welcome to Head-fi. You might be new to our forum, but we already know Fischer Audio as an Russian company and a decent IEM maker for 9 months now, not to mention that they were already selling their products in Russia and Scandinavia for quite a few years before we took notice of them (or should I say, they took notice of us).

Thanks ClieOS. I am new. I'm glad to hear F.A. has been around a bit.
I'd really like to hear from some Russia members and see their take/opinion/perspective of Fischer Audio. Are they thought of highly in Russia. When I say highly, I don't mean mass popularity, but highly as in quality of craftsmanship. Thanks.
Jul 12, 2010 at 11:14 PM Post #941 of 4,469
A company has to start somewhere to get noticed.  Japan and Korea are going through what FA is doing now, even if the FA are made in China.  It does not mean FA makes sub-par audio equipment.
Jul 12, 2010 at 11:46 PM Post #943 of 4,469
Fischer Audio is a little Russian company with products--specifically the DBA-02--made in China. Throughout the 900+ posts, no one has brought this up for discussion? It doesn't strike as being questionable to anyone? I concede Russia, or the former USSR, has some of the best technical scientists in the world and they are very good at hard core science for their government, but Russia for quality consumer electronics catering to the consumer? That's a hard concept for me to accept. There really should be a discussion--in this thread--of general Russian consumer electronics products. Are they reliable? Do they generally honor warranties? Do they stand the test of time?
The point has not been brought up because it does not warrant discussion in the context of Fischer Audio. If you are curious, after the fall of the wall and breakdown of soviet import embargoes the market was flooded with foreign products, first illegal and then legitimate imports. The previously-federally-subsidized factories were put in a tough spot as Russian manufacturing costs could not compete with China-made products. Eventually legal imports were taxed at extremely high rates to allow domestic manufacturers to compete, but this was not the case in the early 1990s. Also, much of the technology used by the soviet-bred firms was behind the times - the cold war was over and keeping up with the west in technology development hadn't been on the government's or anyone else's agenda for a long time. It took years for management to be restructured to perform under market capitalism, oftentimes through partnerships with western firms. Eventually these firms expanded and built headquarters and even assembly lines in the Russian Federation to avoid or reduce import duties. Modern Russian consumer electronics do not exist on the large scale. They are either re-brands of western products or outsourced-labor operations akin to many of the companies in the rest of the world (like Fischer). 
Again, none of this matters in the context of Fischer as their gear is not made in Russia. In fact, other than having headquarters in Russia, I am not sure what Fischer's standing is in the country. The name is certainly foreign to a speaker of the language and they are often referred to as Fischer Audio GmbH in the press - GmbH meaning Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung, the German equivalent of an American LLC. It is very possible that Fischer is not only not manufactured in Russia, but also not incorporated there.
And on the point of warranty support - Fischer, like most small firms dealing internationally, handles warranty service through their authorized resellers. The point about legal recourse is moot - there is no Fischer Audio dealer in the United States. If the ability to sue a company you are buying from is vital to you, perhaps you should avoid foreign electronics altogether.
I also do not understand the assumption that Fischer is catering to the wealthy. Their products are priced very competitively on the Russian market. Judging from the number of retail chains that carry their products, they are a relatively mainstream audio brand. The Russian version of Fischer's site holds links to dozens of reviews of their products published by Russian tech magazines and blogs (yes, they have those too). Many of the reviews emphasize the value for money offered by Fischer Audio in comparison even to their domestic competition. 
Jul 13, 2010 at 1:26 AM Post #944 of 4,469
Ok, my post appeared. It must have been moved to a queue for a MOD to approve.
I am interested in the DBA-02, but I also want to do some thorough due diligence before making such a risky purchase.
I initially had assumed Fischer Audio GmbH was German as well, given the "GmbH" suffix, but when I actually went to the website, it had EN and RU as the display languages, which immediately raised my caution flag. Why would a German company offer two languages and none of the two be German?

Here is the whois info for
[size=large]OnlineNIC Whois Search Results[/size]
[size=x-small]Registrant :
     Valentin Kazanzhi +7.9602548055
     Private person
     Zamshina str., 40, 10
     Saint-Petersburg Saint-Petersburg RUSSIAN FEDERATION 195271
[size=x-small]Domain Name: FISCHERAUDIO.COM { }
Registration Date : 2006-8-8
Expiration Date : 2011-8-8
Last update :2008-07-17 09:50:16
[size=x-small]Domain Name Server:      
     Valentin Kazanzhi +7.9602548055
     Private person
     Zamshina str., 40, 10
     Saint-Petersburg Saint-Petersburg RUSSIAN FEDERATION 195271
[size=x-small]Technical Contact:
     Valentin Kazanzhi +7.9602548055
     Private person
     Zamshina str., 40, 10
     Saint-Petersburg Saint-Petersburg RUSSIAN FEDERATION 195271
[size=x-small]Billing Contact:
     Valentin Kazanzhi +7.9602548055
     Private person
     Zamshina str., 40, 10
     Saint-Petersburg Saint-Petersburg RUSSIAN FEDERATION 195271

I'm glad there are 'old-timers' on here who are vouching for Fischer Audio, but everything I can find on the company screams "caution" to me.
Fischer Audio's own About Us page doesn't provide much substantial information about the company.
Perhaps this is all par for the course for this type niche product and company. I'm just being a prudent consumer.

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