Review: Fischer Audio's DBA-02
Sep 12, 2010 at 3:19 PM Post #2,341 of 4,469

I disagree with MVW2 thoughts as to the Triple.Fi as I would not consider the Triple.Fi a refined IEM. Fun...maybe. Refined...NO. Likewise, how you can have something close to muddy and detailed at the same time puzzles me. I have always felt the Triple.Fi to be a muddy headphone and I know many a member here who would agree. However, let me once again state that we all hear differently.

I find that they decay on the DBA-02 is quite refined and excellent. It's certainly not as perfect as real life but it comes very, very close. On well recorded material, the decay comes across as refined as any headphone that can be considered a reference. Why?
To me the DBA-02 is full of micro detail and texture. First, let me say that the way sound changes with distance from the source is dependent on the size and shape of the source and also the surrounding environment. This decrease in amplitude when a vibrating force has been removed is called decay. The actual time it takes for a sound to diminish to silence/noise is the decay time. The best way to test this is by recording something yourself with a good quality microphone and a stop watch. Measure the time it takes for the sound to diminish to nothing while recording. Play that back and check with a spectral frequency display to verify that the recording captured the sound accurately. Once that is verified, listen on speakers or headphones and see if you are accurately hearing what you just recorded. Viola!  Now test anything you want!!
My verdict with the's the best universal IEM I have with regards to decay on a proper recording. IMHO, it beats my UE-10 in regards to decay (and micro detail and texture).
As for micro detail and texture...I find it to also be the best universal IEM I have heard with these qualities. On a good source file you can hear chair squeaks that were hard to hear before. You can hear the musicians turning pages that were hard to hear. You can hear the musicians breathe. I can now hear Jackie McLean gasp for air as he plays!!! As for texture...well...texture is often described in regards to the thickness, range and quality of the notes being recorded. If you want to be impressed, pick up Janos Starker's RCA-Victor recording of Bach's Solo Cello Suites and play it on the DBA-02. If you're not impressed then I don't know what else will impress with regards to texture.
Just my 2 cents.

The 10 doesn't sound refined.  It's something you don't notice until you go back to it over and over after listening to something else for a while.  It's a refinement you don't hear just listening to it.  It's what you notice every time you go back to it.  That's when you realize how good it does many things.
From a BA perspective, the Triple.Fi 10 is super muddy.  The notes are thick, very thick, and details are indeed lost within that thickness.  At the same time, there is excellent articulation and definition of sounds.  It's sort of the magic trick BA drivers seem to be able to pull off detail, articulation, edge despite also being relatively muddy.  A dynamic gets muddy and starts blurring things together.  The edge, articulation, etc sort of gets blended out as well.  BAs seem to retain those aspects.  The Triple.Fi 10 retains these aspects and ends up being pretty well refined.  The bass is really the only thing that truly gets muddy.  Amping helps a little.
The DBA-02 is not king of micro detail.  It does well, certainly.  It is highly detailed.  However, it also lacks some information.  It's not textured.  It doesn't quite portray the bits of information during the attack and decay of a note.  Part of the problem that arises from this is the earphone loses the ability to create a sense of space, ambient space.  I will say the DBA-02 is very revealing, shows a lot if tiny details, sounds in the background, is excellent about dynamics and energy, but to me micro detail is the ability to portray the subtle variations within the notes and not just the notes themselves.  The DBA-02 doesn't do this as well as some other options.  What the DBA-02 does really well is portray the dynamics and energy of the notes which still do carry a lot of perceptible information.  It does this better than a LOT of other products.  This is why the DBA-02 shows you a lot of little sounds in the background of a song,  This is why you hear those little noises like breaths, turning pages, etc. in the music.  It makes the earphone very revealing, but this isn't my term of micro detail.  My micro detail is the information within the information, not the main sound but the subtleties within that sound, the ability to articulate meaningful information during the rise and fall of the main sound.  The turning of a page of sheet music includes not only the sound but crinkling of the paper and the sliding and grasping of the paper with his/her fingers.  To articulate is to show all the little bits and pieces of that sound.  Dynamics and energy can bring out the sound so you are aware of it in the recording.  Articulation and texture bring that sound to life.  Listening to an earphone like the CK10 is a good descriptor of what I mean.  It's something earphones like the ER4, Custom 3, and UM3X has over the DBA-02, to articulate and fully define a sound.  It's something a lot of BA based earphones don't do well, even very good ones.  The Triple.Fi 10 articulates, but it has compressed dynamics (quiet is medium, loud is medium loud) and the notes are too thick to define micro detail well.  The SE530 is too short on note to have almost any texture what so ever.  It's super dynamic but too squeaky clean too.  You get the main note in full force and lose everything in between.  The presentation becomes almost ghostly in a sense where the body of the sound, the weight, is largely missing.  The UM3X is one of the few that do a whole lot of things really well.
I'll give an example of what it means to show more of the in between information.  Since you're familiar with him...
I'm sure it's not a great recording of it, but I'm using it for an example.  I'll compare the DBA-02 and Custom 3.
0:03 - He scoots his chair as he's prepping
DBA-02  - squeak
Custom 3 - squeak, and then the echo off the walls of the room, you even get a good sense of the individual feet clomping down on the platform at 0:08. 
0:12 - bouncing the bow off the strings
DBA-02 - baa, baa, baa as he taps on them
Custom 2 - fuller, and you actually hear the individual strings hold a vibration after each hit.
1:53 - He starts smacking the neck pretty hard with his fingers while going through the note.
DBA-02 - you hear the fingers hitting with some intensity, and you here a light resonance of the vibration through the cello.
Custom 3 - you hear the fingers hitting hard, you hear the variation of force of the hits, and you hear the vibration of those hits through the body of the cello as a good, drawn out thunk.
3:40 - Smack of the bow
DBA-02 clack, crisp, natural, light
Custom 3 - clack, but there's a deeper sense, a hearty hit, you can hear both the rod and the cello resonate from the smack.
DBA-02 - light, quick, excellent energy, does show you most every little sound that is present, doesn't fill out that sound though
Custom 3 - more bodied, drawn out sounds.
I don't even consider the Custom 3 to be top level.  I call it half a step down from a lot of others, but it's a really good earphone none the less.  It does a lot of things really well.  It does sound stage really well.  It has full-bodied, textured notes.  It's good about portraying subtlety and energy.
An intermediate product that you might like is the RE-ZERO.  I don't know if you've used a pair yet, but they are very different from the RE0 and fit nicely between the DBA-02 and Custom 3 in sound signature.  You get a number of traits that coincide with what the DBA-02 does but caries a little more presence like the Custom 3 has which sounding very natural and accurate to life.  It's a massive step up from the RE0 and a very good product in its own right.
If you want, i could let you demo these to show you want I mean.  I do feel these two products (Custom 3 and RE-ZERO) represent some of the best bang for the buck earphones out there today.  Now this is nothing against the DBA-02 which actually does really well too.  I just feel there are things it can't quite do despite being really good elsewhere.
Sep 12, 2010 at 3:54 PM Post #2,342 of 4,469

The 10 doesn't sound refined.  .......  I just feel there are things it can't quite do despite being really good elsewhere.

In all honesty, the does only one thing very empties your wallet. Sound quality wise, it leaves much to be desired, especially considering the price.
As for the video of Janos, everything you described in the Custom 3 is what I hear with the DBA-02 and hence why I have said that the DBA-02 is capable of delivering that micro detail. Also, a youtube video doesn't exactly contain reference quality audio. Check out the RCA-Victor recording I mentioned before for a real reference. If anything, my interest in hearing the Custom 3 is growing.  I believe we are hearing things very differently and there could be many reasons for this. I say this because you can hear such detail in the Custom 3 and I can hear that as well on the DBA-02. Hell...I can even hear that detail on the SBA-01 so something is fishy here.
My guess is that the Custom 3 might be brighter than the DBA-02 but that's just a guess as I have never heard one.
As for the RE-0, I briefly heard one a long time ago. I remember liking it very much but it didn't smack me in the face like the DBA-02 did. However, I'd have to get my hands on one to directly compare it to the DBA-02 to give a more accurate assessment.
In conclusion, and to facilitate my going to lunch...the DBA-02 is a truly transparent IEM that provides tons of micro detail while delivering the macro detail with full authority. In the end, you get the music that is coming out of your source...nothing more and nothing less.
Sep 12, 2010 at 4:32 PM Post #2,343 of 4,469
I think we also need to remember that LFF's livelihood depends on hearing those things, so it's natural to expect that he has a very good knack for picking those things out. Perhaps the Custom 3 makes it sound more obvious by having more body, but I think it's mostly what you are accustomed to. Just like being accustomed to less bass over more bass, something with less bass will still sound like it has a good amount of bass if you are used to it in most cases.
Just a stab in the dark, I could be wrong, but it could explain it if my logic is relevant.
Sep 12, 2010 at 4:54 PM Post #2,344 of 4,469
It's not so much hearing it.  I think it's more a matter of scale.  You hear some with the DBA-02 but not as much.  It's not that the DBA-02 is completely lacking.  It's just that there is a significant difference in level it presents.  That is the difference.
I do agree about the Triple.Fi 10 to some extent.  Back a couple years, it didn't really have the competition it does have today.  I've used the Triple.Fi 10 along side most of the earphones I've used.  To call it bad would be wrong, but I do feel it's not even close to what you seek for sound reproduction.  It is a very different beast from things like the DBA-02.  I tend to evaluate products as much as I can to raw operation, and I try to leave out personal preference as much as possible.  It's a tough approach, but I do try to break down a product in terms of what it does or does not do and capabilities and limitations.  If the product is broadly capable without glaring limits and offers a lot of capability, it will rank high for me.  The sound signature may or may not be my preference, but if it doesn't do things wrong, I can't really weigh against it.  There are a lot of preferential aspects that I could weigh towards or against the Triple.Fi 10.  I can see you quite disliking the Triple.Fi 10.  If the DBA-02 is very close to your ideal perception of sound, the Triple.Fi 10 is a very far away from that.  I was fortunate enough to own the Triple.Fi 10 during the time I owned a lot of other earphones.  I had the luxury and time to compare and contrast it against the UM3X, SE530, IE8, RE252, Custom 3, CK10, and others.  Each of these other products are vastly different from each other too, so to A/B/C/D a slew of products song after song, one needs to start ignoring what one likes or prefers and just start looking at what it does or does not do in a raw sense.  What does the product excel at?  What limitations does it have?  Are the sounds I am hearing something outright wrong or something I can categorize under preference?  It's something were I can't weigh against a product for being smooth sounding, but I can weigh against it if that transitions into a muddy/blended sound that messes up the end presentation.  A good example is the MTPG.  It's very well balanced, well controlled low end, thick, well textured notes, decently natural and just a good all-around earphone.  However, that thick, textured note (something I can't rank against) does end up being messing with complex information.  The driver ends up being too sluggish to keep all the information separate and individual, something I can rank against because it is an absolute flaw.and not a matter of preference.  When I listen to the Triple.Fi 10, it doesn't have many raw flaws.  There are some, but most are relatively minor.  What I do here are a LOT of preferential aspects that can make the earphone very likable or hated among a range of people. 
The frequency response is not balanced, fun but will sound off once placed against a wide range of genres.  EQing can fix it though, and the coloration can be likable.  I see a flaw with the dynamics.  It can't portray subtlety.  The quietest of information is presented at a low-medium volume.  At the same time, it isn't overly dynamic where really loud and enegertic information is medium-loud instead of loud.  Effectively the dynamic range is compressed.  This is a flaw.  There is some incoherence between the low and high frequency drivers, a flaw to some extent although influenced by physical orientation of the earphone in the ear (dual port and time alignment issues).  The bass is slightly muddy.  A lot of the sound is thick but not specifically muddy since things are well articulated and defined with a specific edge.  It's thick but not muddy, something I can't rank against because it's preference.  I can rank against the muddiness in the bass because it does blend together and is slightly messy.  I could complain about the sound stage some, but I think that's more a side effect of the compressed dynamic range and not a separate issue.  Just about everything else I hear with the Triple.Fi 10 is preference.  The Triple.Fi 10 is a very colored earphone in many aspects.
Sep 12, 2010 at 4:58 PM Post #2,345 of 4,469

I think we also need to remember that LFF's livelihood depends on hearing those things, so it's natural to expect that he has a very good knack for picking those things out. Perhaps the Custom 3 makes it sound more obvious by having more body, but I think it's mostly what you are accustomed to. Just like being accustomed to less bass over more bass, something with less bass will still sound like it has a good amount of bass if you are used to it in most cases.
Just a stab in the dark, I could be wrong, but it could explain it if my logic is relevant.

Yes, there can be too much of a good thing. 
Sometimes there's too much.  Sometimes there's not enough.  Rare is it "just right." 
My perspective of the DBA-02 is towards the not enough.  I think something like the RE-ZERO approaches the low end of "just right."  I feel the Custom 3 is maybe towards the middle to top end of the just right range..  Could it be too much?  That's debatable.  It's certainly not over the top and doesn't try to overwhelm you.  Preference may be the measuring stick here, but I feel the DBA-02 lacks just enough to cause concern.
For anyone else reading this, realize we are talking about very minor aspects, nitpicking tiny details, so don't get too caught up in this.  It's just crazy people talking here. :p
Sep 12, 2010 at 7:04 PM Post #2,346 of 4,469
@LFF: I don't have the RE0 anymore but I do have the RE-Zero and before I sold off the DBA-02 I did do some short comparisons. i found the DBA-02 the superior earphone but the RE-Zero came pretty close. It wasn't as good but not off by much. It's a pretty good deal at $99 if you ask me. It's also not as flat but still relatively flat in the grand scheme of things. If you're ever interested send me a PM and see if we could work things out.
Sep 12, 2010 at 8:34 PM Post #2,348 of 4,469
I actually find the DBAs an all rounder - it will just present the music straight from your source/amp. So far, it does an impressive job for me - classical to metal, jazz included.
Sep 12, 2010 at 8:58 PM Post #2,349 of 4,469
I think several of us are waiting for to get them back in stock:
They seem to be the only retailer selling them in the US and Canada.

Hi guys, just signed up. Interesting to read and join the craze for sound.
Ethanol, is there any way to order the DBA-02 still? From what people say they should be good for classical music.

Sep 12, 2010 at 9:09 PM Post #2,351 of 4,469
I think they're all spoken for - there has been a wait list to get any returned ones, such as from Woozle Wuzzle, that have been returned unopened. Also, I need to keep one or two just in case someone's fails, so they don't have to wait forever to get a replacement. But, I'll let you all know of anything new.
Sep 13, 2010 at 9:37 AM Post #2,353 of 4,469
I got my unit today,
Be adviced, this is my FIRST step into the "high end" IEM road and I haven't been usin IEMS for about year which caused me a bit of headache.
First impressions are good, don't really like the tips, using the smallest right now....going to try something else.
As others have claimed before, crap in - > crap out.
My decent albums sounds really nice though, out of my 5800 XM, which isn't the best device.
Considering a uDac 2, the combo is supposed to deliver good audio quality
More to come!
Sep 13, 2010 at 9:57 AM Post #2,354 of 4,469
Eagles' Hell Freezes Over is said to be a perfect performance from this super band... musically yes... but if you listen to it with the DBAs - you'll hear the shortcomings in the recording e.g. ground hum here and there :)

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