Jun 19, 2009 at 2:05 PM Post #271 of 369
Thanks for the update Sceptre. I was looking at mine and I can't imagine they could bore them out much before it started to affect the integrity of the casts. I have to be quite firm with them when inserting and removing and I wonder how thin the walls can get before you risked breaking them.

I was hoping that they would be the only tips I would ever use with the IE8s. After switching between them and the medium rubber tips I reckon I will be using them interchangeably depending on the environment. For the commute the customs are best. In quiet places then I still prefer the sound sig from the stock tips.

In any case I look forward to hearing your thoughts once you get them back.
Jun 25, 2009 at 6:25 PM Post #272 of 369
Can anyone with both custom sleeved IE8s and other "more isolating" IEM's directly compare the difference? I really like the sound of IE8s but the second half of this thread has me questioning it - if custom sleeves make up the missing IE8 isolation, and if in doing so they make their performance worse, then I guess they're not ideal...
Jun 25, 2009 at 6:46 PM Post #273 of 369
I don't think it makes their performance worse from what I have heard it just takes out some of the soundstage which is to be expected when going further into the ear and all. That being said I don't think it is a complete solution but for many it makes them usable since many had issues with fit in the first place.
Jun 25, 2009 at 7:09 PM Post #274 of 369
Less soundstage and "sparkle", which from reading are things that attracted me to the IE8s. Buying in the UK, so I'm just looking for the optimal price to performance £200 IEM's to send to ACS really..
Jul 9, 2009 at 8:20 PM Post #275 of 369
After about six weeks, my left sleeve suddenly stopped taking the W3, so I had to send it back and they remade a set for me, great I thought.

Yesterday, both sleeves developed the same problem again and they just won't stay on the phones anymore and are totally useless at the moment.

I emailed ACS yesterday, but haven't received a reply so far, I just hope they're busy and not ignoring me.

Is this a problem that anyone else has had?

I presume this must be a material failure, as the nozzle hole is obviously enlarging under certain conditions, whatever they may be.

I really hope this can be sorted out, as they do make a big difference to my listening enjoyment with the W3's.
Jul 10, 2009 at 9:55 PM Post #276 of 369
Hello, I just opened the box in which my ie8 arrived and i found something strange. When i got my first pair they cam ein a quite rediculous inner box that took me ages to open propperly. But this time there i thee outer box with foam an din there, not another box, but the etui that can contain the ie8 and a plastic bag which supposedly has the ie8 and its ear tips.
I find this kind of suspicious although the germal seller I bough it from had good feedback this makes me afraid of a fake.
Greetings, Anouk,
Jul 11, 2009 at 6:21 AM Post #278 of 369
Hello, I just received my new pair of ie8 today and I must say they fit better then I remembered from the first time. I guess I put them in right now too. I am blind and at first found it a bit dificult to put them in. But now I have them with the cable over the ear and the outer shell is right up in my ear so it closes it off so I guess this is the right way. Isolation i snot great but I wonder if i should go for the custom tips because they are not uncomfortable. I wonder if the custom tips really make a difference. I mean i will have to go to alocal hearing aid store and make impressions there which iwll cost money, sent htem to the uk which will cost money pay 88gbp for the impressions from acs and thenhave them ship it back to me.
So, is it worth it?
Greetings, Anouk,
Jul 17, 2009 at 4:54 PM Post #280 of 369

Originally Posted by Big Kev /img/forum/go_quote.gif
After about six weeks, my left sleeve suddenly stopped taking the W3, so I had to send it back and they remade a set for me, great I thought.

Yesterday, both sleeves developed the same problem again and they just won't stay on the phones anymore and are totally useless at the moment.

I emailed ACS yesterday, but haven't received a reply so far, I just hope they're busy and not ignoring me.

Is this a problem that anyone else has had?

I presume this must be a material failure, as the nozzle hole is obviously enlarging under certain conditions, whatever they may be.

I really hope this can be sorted out, as they do make a big difference to my listening enjoyment with the W3's.

Have you heard back yet? I hope it's not just a problem with the red material sleeves because I've also chosen the red to go with my Westone 3s. Maybe I should contact them and change?

How long did it take for the replacements to go bad? I assume no one else has had this problem or they would post so that makes me think it is the red material that is prone to this problem. I might change to black instead.
Jul 18, 2009 at 12:21 AM Post #281 of 369
Hi, I still use the medium silicon tips. For me it works the best if I push them in as far as possible, the soundstage is not as big and the bas smight be a bit more boomy but the midrange just sounds much more integrated if that makes sense. Bass is really overwhelming though with aerosmith for example. I guess I will get some new tips (and hopefully a cleaning tool) in a few weeks, I am not unsatisfied with the silicons though. Do the t400 comply tips or the sony tips offer better comfort or isolation?
Greetings, Anouk,
Jul 18, 2009 at 1:27 AM Post #282 of 369

Originally Posted by Anouk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hi, I still use the medium silicon tips. For me it works the best if I push them in as far as possible, the soundstage is not as big and the bas smight be a bit more boomy but the midrange just sounds much more integrated if that makes sense. Bass is really overwhelming though with aerosmith for example. I guess I will get some new tips (and hopefully a cleaning tool) in a few weeks, I am not unsatisfied with the silicons though. Do the t400 comply tips or the sony tips offer better comfort or isolation?
Greetings, Anouk,

The t400 comply tips tame the bass, but it does take away some of the highs. They are the most comfortable tips though. I'm not sure about isolation though, I haven't really tried them outside of my house.
Jul 23, 2009 at 8:53 PM Post #284 of 369
Hey guys, first time poster.

Got my first set of audiophile headphones a few months back (IE8) and have been reading a few of the threads religiously and decided to get some custom sleeves made from ACS.

All I can say is WOW, the fit is unrivaled nice and snug but totally comfy. I don't even notice I have them in.

Just thought id show my custom sleeves as a thank you to everyone else who has posted and helped me make the right decision

(hope the pictures work ok, remember its my first time




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