RE-ZERO with amp or DBA-02s?
Mar 7, 2011 at 7:27 AM Post #16 of 38
RE-ZERO does not need an amp. In my limited time with RE-ZERO, I already like it better than RE0. IMHO, RE-ZERO is better than simply "RE0 with bass". While RE0 can be driven straight out of a DAP/PMP, it shines better with an amp, not the case with RE-ZERO. I'd suggest that you first get the ZERO, spend some time with it, get used to the signature and then make a decision about whether you actually need an amp.
Mar 7, 2011 at 11:35 AM Post #17 of 38
Well, just about every earphone I've used can benefit from an amp at least to a minor degree.  Really it comes down to how loud you play your music.  Also, the E5 has a bass boost feature that you may like with the RE-ZERO.  If the E3 is tempting you at all, don't.  The E5 is substantially better.
I don't really want to scare you away from the DBA-02 or any other options that I did not mention for that matter.  It all comes down to personal preference and what you as an individual seeks in terms of sound.  You really have to understand what you like in terms of sound and where these products fit in relation to that.  As well there are simply a lot of budget level product I haven't used, so don't take what I've highlighted as it for what's available for you.  There are a lot of other options.  I might point you to some of the big review threads for additional details that can help point you to some more variety as well as different personal takes on the same products.
Mar 7, 2011 at 1:56 PM Post #18 of 38
This above thread was very helpful to me. I'm excited to start out with the ZEROs, and I have a feeling it won't be too terribly long before I buy myself a second pair! :) I think I will get the E5, just for the fun of trying it out and seeing what it offers for myself. Perhaps it can help with low sq sources. The bass boost feature I may or may not end up enjoying, and I'll know more about what I want in terms of quantity/impact and so on. It would be interesting to me if I ended up preferring the ZEROs by themselves. It will be a very fun and engaging learning experience in the very least...or i could have my mind blown :p
Mar 7, 2011 at 8:58 PM Post #19 of 38
I'd love to try the dba-02, as I'm still somewhat of a newbie to portable audio...I have the re0's and in my personal opinion, they are much better amped, especially if the amp has a bass boost circuit.  I found them very lacking in the bass dept, but that all changed today


Mar 8, 2011 at 10:58 PM Post #20 of 38
TuNeCedeMalis, i own a set of just what you ask here.
I have the RE-ZERO, an iphone 3gs, Fiio L3, Fiio E5
What i can say to you is that listening directly from the iphone was my preference. Adding L3 and E5 you loose a little bass and sparkle that iphone gives (maybe a more U or V shape output from the iphone) and when i turn on bass boost on the E5 i don't have almost any difference from the bass given directly from the iphone. So adding an E5 for RE-ZERO i guess you have a little different sound but i wouldnt say better one.
I use the E5 with Sennheiser HD448 and in these yeah i have good results sound is really improved.
I just received the "fake" sony hybrid eartips and i'm in early fase to have an opinion about these but sounds good so far.
When i bought RE-ZERO, one open option was DBA-02 and while reading reviews and impressions about the twoo i had the opinion mvw2 talks about natural sound. I hate sibilance and with RE-ZERO with sony eartips you never get any but you have a good amount of detail, sweet mids and a lean but accurate low end with impact but not endless extension in both sides, sub-low and highs.
Hope that helps in some way.
Edit: Ahh forgot to say i'm enjoying RE-ZERO every day. Is like a relation growing. :)
Mar 8, 2011 at 11:55 PM Post #21 of 38
Nunomeneses, it's good to hear that the sony hybrids work well to get rid of sibilance, those were the ones I was going for. I'm placing my order tomorrow morning! I'm really excited to listen to, essentially, my entire music collection over again. :) Thanks again everyone
Mar 11, 2011 at 7:27 AM Post #22 of 38
I bought the REZERO's about a month ago after going through this same debate and I couldn't be happier! At first they sound kinda odd if you've only heard cheap earphones but after you listen to them for a few mins. and your ears adjust its a whole other experience. True the bass is not"boomy" but it sounds right,the bass is not missing, it lacks sub bass which isn't that bad of a thing,but understand that's unEQ'd, Im using a ROCKboxed sansa fuze and with a lil' bass tweak there good. If analytical is your preferred sound then I don't think you'll be disappointed!
Mar 11, 2011 at 9:30 AM Post #23 of 38
Soundsright, thanks for the encouraging post. I ordered my pmp with tips and a few other things from amazon, and I ordered the re-zeros from head--direct. My amazon shipment gets here today. Unfortunately it took something around 38 hours before my package even got to usps in new york and even longer for it to actually ship, so it will be a while until I get those :frowning2:. I'm very excited, though!
Mar 11, 2011 at 9:37 AM Post #24 of 38
Exactly the same happens with the RE0s.actually, maybe the RE0s take a week i found myself falling for them. happy RE-Zeroing :)
Mar 11, 2011 at 10:31 AM Post #25 of 38
looks like the OP is already sorted but I wanted to throw in my Newbie $0.02 as the RE0's and DBA-02 are the first two, out of three, head phones I have bought. I listen to my music on a Iphone 4 and I listen to everything from Folk to alternative to trumpet jazz and classical guitar and good old rock and roll, i guess it is easier to say that I do not listen to metal, opera, country and opera.  When i first started listening to the RE0's about 8 weeks ago I was blown away by the clarity and speed, I really heard detail in songs I had never heard before....the only thing that was missing was was there but it did not have much backing it up.  After doing some reading on here I decided to try an amp and decided to take the cheap route the first time and spent $20 on a Fiio E1.  Now I am not sure if it is the amp or the fact that I am now using the LOD on the Iphone but this little $20 gizmo really helped out with the bass and on a side note opened up the sound stage a bit.  After listening to the RE0's for a number of weeks I wanted to try something different and after reading way too many posts I decided to go with the DBA-02's.  The DBA'a and RE0's are very like sounding but after putting around 60 hours on the DBA's they have seemed to have gotten slightly warmer sounding then they were when new.  On the bass side of things the DBA's offer a bit more bass but are still not what I would call bass heavy, just nice controlled bass that has more impact than the RE0's.  The other night I spent an hour going back and forth between the two, something I had not done since I first opened the DBA's and at this point I do like the whole package of the DBA's slightly better than the RE0's but with that being said the RE0's are still going to see a lot of use outside the house just because they are half the price of the DBA's.  I have to say the RE0's are great headphones and with the addition of an amp and a EQ on my Iphone I feel that for the money they are really really hard to beat...
Mar 11, 2011 at 11:07 AM Post #26 of 38
With each post, my anticipation grows, hah! I'm very glad you were able to listen to them back to back to get some impressions. I don't think I'll regret my choice at all :). I'm (already!) looking into backup headphones (like you said, it would be nice to use my zeros on the go, and another pair at home). I'm realllly looking for the CK10s, but I still just can't manage to find them anywhere. If I'm unable to find those, then I will be going with the DBA-02s. If anyone knows where to get the ATH-CK10s PLEASE let me know!
Mar 11, 2011 at 11:15 AM Post #27 of 38

I'm realllly looking for the CK10s, but I still just can't manage to find them anywhere. If I'm unable to find those, then I will be going with the DBA-02s. If anyone knows where to get the ATH-CK10s PLEASE let me know!

Glad to help

Accessory Jack :
Musica Acoustics : E-mail Dimitri through
Mar 11, 2011 at 11:25 AM Post #28 of 38
Thanks alot! That's pricey, but cheaper than ebay! Bookmarked both links for when I'm ready to throw some more money at headphones  :) (as far as  contacting dimitri goes, I didn't realize musica acoustics sold any audiotechnicas at all.)
Mar 11, 2011 at 11:35 AM Post #29 of 38
MA does not sell CK10, but Dimitri can source them for you. I won't bet that your overall price would be different or even cheaper than Accessory Jack. But, in my experience, Dimitri is good with customer service. Have bought a lot from his over the last 5-6 months.
RE-ZERO and CK10 would make a perfect pair if you end up liking RE-ZERO. I'd suggest you first try RE-ZERO with the stock tips, then bi-flanges, then the Sony hybrids in that order. See which one you like. Also, don't hurry about E5. Since you will be using a Clip+, Rockbox it and try to use the EQ first. IF you still feel the need for an amp, go for something better than E5. With E5, I feel that you'll eventually feel the need to upgrade to a better amp. Why spend twice?
Mar 11, 2011 at 12:01 PM Post #30 of 38
I've heard "dimitri" and "good customer service" paired together quite a bit on this forum. That's very good news, and I'll definitely talk to him when I consider my CK10s. Also, do bi-flanges come with the re-zeros or would i have to buy them? If they come with the zeros, i will definitely try them in that order. Also, I did change from the clip+ to a zune hd (got a 32gb for under 100, couldn't pass the price up) so I went ahead and grabbed the E5 for 20 dollars. Even if i don't like it with the zune and zero, I will have it for maybe a future source/pair of headphones. I won't mind having it on hand just in case :).

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