Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Nov 27, 2009 at 4:33 PM Post #5,012 of 24,687
Heh, New Moon wasn't very good? Who woulda thunk it!
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The girls wanted to watch Troy last night. It took me about five minutes to figure out why. That movie was mostly girl p*rn. They gave the guys a few big battles with some decent gore. 3/10
Nov 28, 2009 at 2:29 PM Post #5,016 of 24,687
Mary And Max (9/10)

Animation at its finest.

9 (7/10)
great animation marred by incomplete story
Nov 28, 2009 at 8:13 PM Post #5,017 of 24,687
Gomorrah - 8.5/10

Based on Camorra, Roberto Saviano's powerful book about the murderous mafia in contemporary Naples, this realist film by Matteo Garrone follows several story lines at once, some of which are loosely linked. Although its view is pretty bleak and its plot shifts can be disorienting for folks unfamiliar with culture in Italy, the film's grimy backdrops are rendered so beautifully—even in the hand-held camera segments—that it's hard to take your eyes off it.
Nov 29, 2009 at 12:59 AM Post #5,018 of 24,687
"A Christmas Carol (IMAX - 3D)" [8.3/10]: Another version of the venerable tale. I enjoy them all. I don't know if this film would have been as special without the IMAX 3D. Animation was good, voices were good, story was true to the original. I prefer live actors. The IMAX 3D makes this version worth seeing...
Nov 29, 2009 at 1:03 AM Post #5,019 of 24,687
The Changeling... 6.5/10

Nov 29, 2009 at 4:30 PM Post #5,021 of 24,687
Paranormal Activity ?(8.2)/10

I do not personally like the horror-for-scares genre, however I've been extremely curious about all the fuzz that has been surrounding this movie. I cannot say whether I liked the movie or not. It was definitely scary, but perhaps not as scary as I thought it would be. I think the atmosphere is nicely done and the whole "real" aspect of the movie is well made. I rated with a ? because I am not sure how I would rate it, the number signifies how well it was done.
Nov 30, 2009 at 12:55 AM Post #5,022 of 24,687
New Moon (5/10)

The sequel to Stephenie Meyer's teen-angst-vampire flick is more of a tweener than it's intended audience. While the trailer makes a big deal of the Vulturi - a kind of dark kangaroo court among vampires - we don't see these guys for at least half the movie. New Moon begins with Edward taking a powder, which leaves Bella moping around till Jacob makes a long, boring and predictable play for her affections. Some scenes - like that of Bella hitting her head on a rock (followed by a surreal soapy exchange while blood gushes out of the side of her head) are unintentionally funny. This is a film where one long train of teen-flick cliches is chased by another. With the exception of some animal battles (looking like something out of the Lion, the With and the Wardrobe) and Bella pulling a Peter Pan into the ice-cold Pacific, there's not a lot of action here. Even when the Vulturi get into the game, the special effects are so anemic, they just look like poseurs. I haven't squirmed this much during a movie since I got dragged to Sphere.

The movie made big coin during its weekend premiere, but it's a case of anticipation more than word of mouth. Twihards may well have been enchanted by the film's attempt to follow the novel like a brain surgeon's checklist, but the rest of us are condemned to cinematic babble so silly it would have been an act of mercy had it been shown to nazis for Inglorious Basterds.

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