Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Dec 26, 2014 at 11:55 AM Post #16,426 of 24,770
  The Interview - 8/10
nicely done. really enjoyed.

Yeah, I had fun with it too...no worse than any of Rogen/Franco's past offerings. A step below Pineapple Express, but still kept me entertained. 
Dec 26, 2014 at 12:14 PM Post #16,427 of 24,770
Let's Play Cops 7/10

Two guys down on their luck wear cop uniforms for a party and get mistaken as genuine cops to their amusement, then things go crazy as they get deeper into their fakery.

Totally hilarious and I found this more funny than Dumb & Dumber to! :)
Dec 26, 2014 at 7:28 PM Post #16,428 of 24,770
He has watched it 9 times. 

Interstellar 10 times now!

I still heard some dialogue for the first time. Such stuff that should be audible in a decent sound mix. Things like Cooper saying to Matt D. "it's ok" over and over.
One other part that was extremely important to the storyline. Cooper telling someone they were right about something.
I had to read the script to figure out Dr. Brands last 3 or so words. How stupid. It was something so simple I feel like a dummy for not realizing it.
This non IMAX viewing wasn't my favorite because the sound was too low somehow and they designed the theater so you either have to sit too far away or too close. It's like they removed 10 rows in the very middle of the theater.
I also wish employees would close the doors for you. I always have to get up and close them because the people in the lobby are so dang loud.
I said this before and it sounds silly, but I like how they say all their lines.  It's like they did a take 10000 times and got the best one. Sometimes this could actually make things worse. My idea is that they prepared everything so perfectly in advance. Oh and to me Coop sounds like a real normal guy to me and very realistic. I guess the people at the oscars don't like that.
I still have to say that if you go to movies for special effects I don't know if this will WOW anyone. It's not that kind of movie to me. They're good though.
So far there's only one thing i'd change. Maybe one part where the music made a scene WAY too over-dramatic like a soap opera. Somehow it works out OK because of the next scene though.
I actually don't think the movie as a whole is too over-dramatic. I'd have reacted the same way in every scene. I wonder why so few movies had scenes related to relativity? So far there was only "Flight of the Navigator" (which I'm a fan of since I was 8)
BTW the strangest thing for me is that when I first saw it it was the kind of movie I normally don't like. The movie just seems to put me in a trance which is bizarre. Feel like i'm there I guess.
Dec 26, 2014 at 9:07 PM Post #16,429 of 24,770
Die Hard      9.2/10
Die Hard 2    7.6/10
Die Hard with a Vengeance     8.2/10
Live Free or Die Hard     7.7/10
I refuse to watch the latest attempt at a movie. IMO the series should have stopped after the third movie, even though I liked the fourth. It just didn't feel like die hard though. 
Dec 26, 2014 at 9:21 PM Post #16,430 of 24,770
  Die Hard      9.2/10
Die Hard 2    7.6/10
Die Hard with a Vengeance     8.2/10
Live Free or Die Hard     7.7/10
I refuse to watch the latest attempt at a movie. IMO the series should have stopped after the third movie, even though I liked the fourth. It just didn't feel like die hard though. 

I'm one of the few who preferred the 2nd one to the first for years. Somehow my opinion changed a little after about several dozen viewings of each. I might rank #1 a little higher now.
Die Hard 2 is kind of stupid because it feels like they just added more F-words and more violence. Some of the acting is pretty bad, especially by the "General". It's one of the most entertaining action films there is IMO.
Die Hard 3 i've seen 3-4 times and think it's OK. Don't remember the 4th and I turned off the 5th which was just garbage.
So my ratings would be:
Die Hard - 10/10
2 - 9/10
3 - 8/10
BTW one of my favorite action movies of all time is..ugh "Independence Day". Yep, one of the stupidest movies there is, but I enjoy it. Don't get me started on hacking alien spaceships!
I like how in ID they add in some comedy so it's not so much end of the world doom and gloom.
Funny that i've walked out of 2 Roland Emmerich movies in my life but two of his movies are some of my favorite popcorn flicks (day after tomorrow is another).
Dec 26, 2014 at 11:03 PM Post #16,431 of 24,770
Interstellar 10 times now! :D
I still heard some dialogue for the first time. Such stuff that should be audible in a decent sound mix. Things like Cooper saying to Matt D. "it's ok" over and over.
One other part that was extremely important to the storyline. Cooper telling someone they were right about something.
I had to read the script to figure out Dr. Brands last 3 or so words. How stupid. It was something so simple I feel like a dummy for not realizing it.

This non IMAX viewing wasn't my favorite because the sound was too low somehow and they designed the theater so you either have to sit too far away or too close. It's like they removed 10 rows in the very middle of the theater.
I also wish employees would close the doors for you. I always have to get up and close them because the people in the lobby are so dang loud.

I said this before and it sounds silly, but I like how they say all their lines.  It's like they did a take 10000 times and got the best one. Sometimes this could actually make things worse. My idea is that they prepared everything so perfectly in advance. Oh and to me Coop sounds like a real normal guy to me and very realistic. I guess the people at the oscars don't like that.

I still have to say that if you go to movies for special effects I don't know if this will WOW anyone. It's not that kind of movie to me. They're good though.

So far there's only one thing i'd change. Maybe one part where the music made a scene WAY too over-dramatic like a soap opera. Somehow it works out OK because of the next scene though.
I actually don't think the movie as a whole is too over-dramatic. I'd have reacted the same way in every scene. I wonder why so few movies had scenes related to relativity? So far there was only "Flight of the Navigator" (which I'm a fan of since I was 8)

BTW the strangest thing for me is that when I first saw it it was the kind of movie I normally don't like. The movie just seems to put me in a trance which is bizarre. Feel like i'm there I guess.

10 times now?

Congratulations! :) I think it's safe to say you are Head-Fi's resident Interstellar expert :)

Actually, reading your enthusiasm for Interstellar makes me want to watch it again :)

Edge of Tomorrow 8.5/10

Starring Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt

Aliens are at war with mankind but when a solider gains the ability to re-set time every time he is killed in battle to the prior day, a new strategy to fight the aliens must be found.

I cannot even begin to say how completely amazing this film is on so many levels and it is one of the best films I have ever watched! :)
Dec 28, 2014 at 3:13 PM Post #16,432 of 24,770
Days of Heaven (1978): 8/10
I'm still not 100% convinced by its characters or their motivations, but guh, when they're framed in a film this gorgeous, most of the film's faults just melt away. Still one of the very prettiest films ever made.
The Maze Runner (2014): 6/10
It squanders its premise and surprisingly solid cast in its last half, but for a good chunk of its run-time this is a shockingly good 'yet another young adult dystopian sci-fi' film. Alas, the trappings of the genre, an annoying setup for a sequel, and some last minute narrative incoherence largely sap the excitement out of the film as it sprints towards its climax, leaving it limping to the finish line in the end. Here's hoping that the inevitable sequel can play to this film's strengths and excise its weaknesses--if it can do so, we might have a winning film series on our hands.
Home Alone (1990): 6/10
Nostalgia may be a bitch, but Home Alone is just tenacious enough to prevent itself from falling in that pile of 'man, how could I have possibly loved this as a kid?' movies that all of us continually add to as we age.
The Imitation Game (2014): 8/10
Almost cynically formulaic, but good performances and a good script (no matter how fast and loose it plays with historical fact) do their part to keep this one afloat, and Alan Turing himself, or whatever version of him Benedict Cumberbatch essays, does the rest. If you've been enjoying the pretty much constant stream of British 'based on a true story' dramas that have been coming out for the last two or three years, then you'll enjoy this one too. Just do yourself a favor and brush up on the facts after you've seen it.
Dec 28, 2014 at 7:48 PM Post #16,433 of 24,770
Agree wholeheartedly with Sonata on imitation game. Performances carry it through all the way. The factual content or lack there of play second fiddle to personalities. Done more as though it were a stage play than a film, it's wonderful theatre.
In other news.
Son of a Gun. 7/10  Ewan McGregor in an Aussie crime drama that works surprisingly well even if it does not exactly tax one's brain. Watchable entertainment for fans of the crime/prison genre.
Unforgiven -  Yurusarezaru mono (2013)   9/10   How exactly would one explain a Japanese turnabout being fair play film. As Eastwoods earlier spaghetti western Fistfull of Dollars was a remake of a Japanese film this is a Japanese remake of Unforgiven. This works incredibly well when transplanted into post Shogunate Japan. Stunning direction and equally breathtaking cinematography make this a must see experience for anyone at all interested in foreign films. If it suffers anywhere it is in the final fight scene but that is easily..........Forgiven.:)
The Drop  (2014)  Tom Hardy doing what apparently he was born to do. Taking a mediocre script and injecting it with a character interpretation that draws you in out of curiosity in place of cheap suspense. I was thoroughly prepared for Noomi Rapace to look out of place as a snowman in Dubai here but she works almost unimaginably well. James Gandolfini is pretty much his usual fare which is too bad for one of the last efforts of his life.
Dec 29, 2014 at 12:22 AM Post #16,434 of 24,770
Dangerous Liaisons (1988): 8/10
I'm not entirely unconvinced that this isn't actually a documentary on the mating rituals of the French aristocracy. Either way, it's certainly of interest. Oh yeah, and does anyone remember that awful movie Cruel Intentions? That was based upon the same source material as this--amazing what a few tweaks can do to the quality of what is basically the same story.
Dec 29, 2014 at 1:07 AM Post #16,435 of 24,770
The Dark Crystal (198something)

A very overly dramatic movie with hilarious gaps in the story and absolutely horrendous scene changes. Yup, it's a classic by Tim Burton, with lots of amazingly built creatures, and fantastic set design, but he obviously didn't give a single crap about anyone older than 16 when he made this film.
Absolutely fantastic, I loved it.
Dec 29, 2014 at 1:35 AM Post #16,436 of 24,770
The Dark Crystal (198something)

A very overly dramatic movie with hilarious gaps in the story and absolutely horrendous scene changes. Yup, it's a classic by Tim Burton, with lots of amazingly built creatures, and fantastic set design, but he obviously didn't give a single crap about anyone older than 16 when he made this film.
Absolutely fantastic, I loved it.

I thought that Dark Crystal was a Henson / Oz thing, how does Burton figure into it?

Dec 29, 2014 at 6:21 AM Post #16,438 of 24,770
The Maze Runner (2014): 6/10

It squanders its premise and surprisingly solid cast in its last half, but for a good chunk of its run-time this is a shockingly good 'yet another young adult dystopian sci-fi' film. Alas, the trappings of the genre, an annoying setup for a sequel, and some last minute narrative incoherence largely sap the excitement out of the film as it sprints towards its climax, leaving it limping to the finish line in the end. Here's hoping that the inevitable sequel can play to this film's strengths and excise its weaknesses--if it can do so, we might have a winning film series on our hands.

Honestly, I was so bored watching that film, I literally thought I was going to die.

Your rating is very generous IMO but I hope the sequels that follow are totally better than this first one because I literally had no idea what was going on throughout most of the film and just got bored to care.
Dec 29, 2014 at 8:59 AM Post #16,439 of 24,770
Honestly, I was so bored watching that film, I literally thought I was going to die.

Your rating is very generous IMO but I hope the sequels that follow are totally better than this first one because I literally had no idea what was going on throughout most of the film and just got bored to care.

I hope it dies. The concept is no less dumb then Divergence and the movie go against itself in the very next scene in some occasions.
Like one that got bitten is forced back in and they make the most silly religious sticks to build a fence or something...  Another one that is bitten no hurry getting him in the maze all of a sudden?
Give us Battle Royale, Wrong turn 8 or whatever is better and has a more sophisticated script then this. Does anybody think the concept of why the maze was built make any sense whatsoever.
It´s not even for entertainment purposes the only excuse that could possibly make any sense... Hunger games is super silly too and bad  but makes a bit more sense due to this.
I could enjoy the movie because I enjoy the genre. But I have seen 20+ movies in this genre that is better. This is at the bottom of the pile just on top of Divergence but a bit below Hunger games.
Dec 29, 2014 at 10:10 AM Post #16,440 of 24,770
I hope it dies. The concept is no less dumb then Divergence and the movie go against itself in the very next scene in some occasions.
Like one that got bitten is forced back in and they make the most silly religious sticks to build a fence or something...  Another one that is bitten no hurry getting him in the maze all of a sudden?

Give us Battle Royale, Wrong turn 8 or whatever is better and has a more sophisticated script then this. Does anybody think the concept of why the maze was built make any sense whatsoever.
It´s not even for entertainment purposes the only excuse that could possibly make any sense... Hunger games is super silly too and bad  but makes a bit more sense due to this.
I could enjoy the movie because I enjoy the genre. But I have seen 20+ movies in this genre that is better. This is at the bottom of the pile just on top of Divergence but a bit below Hunger games.

Well, apparently there are going to be I think another three Maze movies to follow from the original so maybe they can only get better from the first which just seemed to be like one long and boring intro trailer for what is further to come in the sequels.

But each to their own, it just wasn't for me though I guess :)

The Negotiator


A police negotiator is framed for fraud, so takes police internal affairs officers hostage in their office in order to find the truth!

An old but pretty good movie, good plot twists and action make this a very recommended film :)

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