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Nov 10, 2014 at 9:19 PM Post #16,217 of 24,687
The Theory of Everything: 7.5/10
Mostly due to the acting...Eddie Redmayne was great as Stephen.  Would like to see an Oscar nomination for that.  The story was more about his life and the first marriage than his theories (these were used more to set the background).  So the story  is nothing special, just ordinary couple's issues.  Even being Stephen Hawking couldn't avoid life problems.
Interestingly, Kip Thorne was also mentioned here.  Being the consultant on "Interstellar," wonder whether the timing of the movies are coincidental.  These two gentlemen are the among finest of human intellect.   
Nov 11, 2014 at 2:11 AM Post #16,218 of 24,687
Interstellar.  9.8/10
     I really was not in the mood for almost 3 hours of film tonight. This however did hold my attention. Somethings borrowed somethings new. A really decent crack at some unpopular subject matters and thankfully not marred by an overbearing interpersonal love story as some epics seem to be these days. They could have easily done the in vogue move and released this in two parts over two hours each. Save that for Blu Ray please and give the theatre goer a fighting chance here. This seems to be exactly what they did and the result while still flawed, flows well enough and precludes overdevelopment of secondary or tertiary characters which could well have drowned the film in narrative.
 I do have to agree with an above comment on the soundtrack. It can be obnoxiously intrusive in parts where in truth, no soundtrack would have been a much better choice.
 I cannot wait for this to come out on disk, it really begs for a repeated and more in depth viewing.
Nov 11, 2014 at 3:44 AM Post #16,219 of 24,687
The Babadook: 8.5/10

One of my favorite horror movie is The Shining. It uses actual horror, thrills and mind****ness that causes audiences actually afraid and scared, while interested.

The Babadook works on similar formula like The Shinning. Weird and chaos comes together and giving us really great horror in the second half, while the first half gives us character development. It is so thoughtful except the first half, which has too much kid screams.

By the way, the horror I'm talking about is not cheap jump scares.
Nov 11, 2014 at 10:55 PM Post #16,220 of 24,687
interstellar - 6.5/10
I'd give this film a resounding meh. 
I dont understand all the hooplah.  It was just another long boring hollywood love story.  I wouldnt say it was particularly "bad"  but nothing about it stood out as particularly original, or better than any other movie i've seen.
most of the plot was drawn out and unnecessary.   the ending/resolution was weak.  The script and acting were fine but nothing special either. 
Nov 12, 2014 at 6:00 AM Post #16,221 of 24,687
  interstellar - 6.5/10
I'd give this film a resounding meh. 
I dont understand all the hooplah.  It was just another long boring hollywood love story.  I wouldnt say it was particularly "bad"  but nothing about it stood out as particularly original, or better than any other movie i've seen.
most of the plot was drawn out and unnecessary.   the ending/resolution was weak.  The script and acting were fine but nothing special either. 

Nov 12, 2014 at 12:02 PM Post #16,222 of 24,687
  interstellar - 6.5/10
I'd give this film a resounding meh. 
I dont understand all the hooplah.  It was just another long boring hollywood love story.  I wouldnt say it was particularly "bad"  but nothing about it stood out as particularly original, or better than any other movie i've seen.
most of the plot was drawn out and unnecessary.   the ending/resolution was weak.  The script and acting were fine but nothing special either. 

Interstellar is a love story? Wow! I should have brought my wife along. I didn't know this!
I actually would not be surprised if a lot of people gave it a negative review. Since you found it boring, 6.5/10 makes sense. I was surprised that it didn't bore me for ever one second, yet "The Dark Knight" did. How does an "action" film manage to bore me?!
Some of my favorite movies are ones where you will either love it or hate it. Just look at "The Thin Red Line". Some think it's the worst war movie ever made. I think it's one of the best.
This was the same thing with "All is Lost" which on Amazon probably has an overall rating of 2.5/5 or something.
Nov 12, 2014 at 1:27 PM Post #16,223 of 24,687
Chef (2014): 8/10 and Birdman (2014): 9/10
An interesting double-feature about artists (or would-be artists) who fear for their continued relevancy and set out to make people notice and respect them again. Outside of some striking similarities in theme and plot points (the role of the critic and social media, to name a couple), however, the two couldn't be more dissimilar. Chef is an easy-going crowd-pleaser. Typically a movie like this (with really stilted conflict and an easy, feel-good resolution) does nothing for me, but the strength of the acting, the overwhelming likability of the primary characters, the humor, and the strong direction and editing make this one a winner. Not without its flaws and severe plot implausibilities (foremost among them--how does a guy who looks like Jon Favreau get both Sofia Vergara *and* Scarlett Johansson?), but more than generous enough to make up for them.
Birdman, on the other hand, is a ridiculously busy and ambitious black comedy that does so much so well that I'm still basically completely unable to actually form extensive, coherent thoughts about it. It's a shame that it stumbles a bit in its final act and ultimately shafts a couple of its most interesting characters, but such things seem like minor complaints compared against the majesty of the film's astonishing technical virtuosity and the scenery-chewing chops that every member of the cast brings to bear here. *Everyone* steals the scene, and the end result is some sort of ravenous mutant combination of film and theatre that generates more laughs and oohs and ahhs than almost anything else I've seen this year. And the film possesses a remarkable ability to shift gears from humor to sadness and back again without feeling forced. An encounter on a roof top between Emma Stone and Edward Norton is particularly good in this respect. In sum, director Alejandro Inarritu has finally stopped wanking off to misery porn and has discovered playfulness--as an antidote to the industry's recent obsession with big-budget explosiony dark-minded super-hero flicks (though admittedly, this has been a strong year for such fare), this film soars.
Nov 13, 2014 at 5:36 PM Post #16,224 of 24,687
Interstellar is a love story? Wow! I should have brought my wife along. I didn't know this!
I actually would not be surprised if a lot of people gave it a negative review. Since you found it boring, 6.5/10 makes sense. I was surprised that it didn't bore me for ever one second, yet "The Dark Knight" did. How does an "action" film manage to bore me?!
Some of my favorite movies are ones where you will either love it or hate it. Just look at "The Thin Red Line". Some think it's the worst war movie ever made. I think it's one of the best.
This was the same thing with "All is Lost" which on Amazon probably has an overall rating of 2.5/5 or something.

As a love story it fails. Nolan just can´t bring emotion to his movies whatsoever. Totally incapable. Ho showed intention but he couldn´t even make me feel for Coops daughter being abandoned? He tries of course but fails as always in this.  But since there is a lot of existentialism talk etc rather then just sci fi action with silly green men it should have a wide appeal I feel :)
Malicks movies either you love them all or you don´t like any of them I suppose. The thin red line is good but A new world and Tree of Life is quite a bit better :)
Nov 13, 2014 at 8:09 PM Post #16,225 of 24,687
The Fourth Man (Cetvrti Covek) 2007 Serbia.  8/10
 A Serbian take on the amnesiac crime thriller. Like a lot of Eastern Europes fare , no soundtrack, just dialogue and mood, and man does this film have mood galore. Well plotted and extremely well acted this is probably the film every American director of the genre wants to make but has to cow tow to Hollywoods glitz and glamour. Well worth a look, I believe there is a copy up on the Tube somewhere, dont know if it has the subs though.
 This is effiecent film making at its best.
Nov 13, 2014 at 8:11 PM Post #16,226 of 24,687
Turns out the sound mix for Interstellar is total garbage as someone else pointed out.
I've now seen the movie twice in Imax digital format and once on the regular screen.
There's lots of dialogue that's completely inaudible on all versions.
I hope they fix it. I've complained to my local theater and to the distributor.
Here's a thread I found about this:
Complaint form:
Most likely they'll just blame the theaters! Maybe say the subwoofer is set too high!
I don't think it's all Hans Zimmer's fault
normal_smile .gif

The sound on non-imax is more neutral sounding, but dialogue is only a little easier to hear. Sounds that were shoved right into your face on the Imax version are now way more in the background. Some scenes seem now just totally different. For example the drone sequence. Regular version doesn't bombard you with booming sounds for this part.
Imax version would be better if they had fixed the dialogue.
Nov 13, 2014 at 9:03 PM Post #16,227 of 24,687
  Turns out the sound mix for Interstellar is total garbage as someone else pointed out.
I've now seen the movie twice in Imax digital format and once on the regular screen.
There's lots of dialogue that's completely inaudible on all versions.
I hope they fix it. I've complained to my local theater and to the distributor.
Here's a thread I found about this:
Complaint form:
Most likely they'll just blame the theaters! Maybe say the subwoofer is set too high!
I don't think it's all Hans Zimmer's fault
normal_smile .gif

The sound on non-imax is more neutral sounding, but dialogue is only a little easier to hear. Sounds that were shoved right into your face on the Imax version are now way more in the background. Some scenes seem now just totally different. For example the drone sequence. Regular version doesn't bombard you with booming sounds for this part.
Imax version would be better if they had fixed the dialogue.

Yeah thats why I'm rather waiting for Bluray for the second viewing. It really annoyed me to not be able to rewind and try to catch what the dialogue was. How the heck does that make it into the distribution media?
Nov 14, 2014 at 1:00 PM Post #16,229 of 24,687
Over here we use subtitles. We never ever ruin movies by dubbing beside movies for children of course. So I never thought about the voices being unclear because I find it easier reading anyway. Heck nowadays actors do not have a theatre background and forget to articulate. Sometimes I want subtitles for swedish movies as well...
Interesting about the Imax experiences. Sound was as mentioned boomy enough on my regular theatre. How much did the cut off material for regular cinema bother you? 

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