Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Dec 30, 2010 at 7:47 AM Post #7,201 of 24,714
Originally Posted by Br777 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
regarding inception.. i really cant imagine that the director would have allowed anything conclusive to happen in that movie, such as hearing the top fall at the end of the credits.  to me the whole point of this movie was not trying to figure out whether he was dreaming or not at the end, it was the mystery.. it was the sort of movie designed to make you question reality, and ask yourself what is real.. not to draw a concrete conclusion about what was really going on.

Yeah i thought the same thing at the end of Memento recently. If you analyze his movies too much it really takes off the magic (because they have a very logical structure anyway) and makes them more trivial.I guess Nolan likes mystery, but not in the same way as David Lynch for instance (he's much more cartesian).
Btw the old Kubrick movies look fantastic on blu-ray. I watched Shining yesterday, really impressive. But why oh why did they skip Barry Lyndon?
Dec 30, 2010 at 10:22 AM Post #7,202 of 24,714
"Fargo" [10/10]: I absolutely love this movie and never tire of watching it. It's a masterpiece. I notice something different every time I watch it. I didn't realize that Carter Burwell did the soundtrack. He has a very impressive body of work both with and without the Coen Brothers. (including "True Grit") Also, unless I was hallucinating as I watched the credits, Prince plays the "victim in the field." (one of the people who witnesses the murder of the police officer; killed after the brief car chase / watch the credits...it has that symbol for Prince next to "victim in the field" - IMDB does not confirm this. The actor in the scene doesn't look like Prince, but who can tell with the brief glance that you get of the guy before he's face down in the snow...) I need to check out "Blood Simple."
Dec 30, 2010 at 12:28 PM Post #7,204 of 24,714

Btw the old Kubrick movies look fantastic on blu-ray. I watched Shining yesterday, really impressive. But why oh why did they skip Barry Lyndon?

Good to know, I was worried about the Shining.  I imagine either Barry Lyndon might be proving difficult to remaster due to Kubricks revolutionary use of film by candle light or there just isn't the market demand to warrant the remaster.  Probably follow the money.  It really is inexcusable though. 
Dec 30, 2010 at 6:26 PM Post #7,206 of 24,714
DLee, good call on Fargo. It's one of my favorites, too.
Last Year at Marienbad. 9.5/10. A sight to be seen to be sure! I loved it. Absolutely gorgeous: the visuals, the actors, the script, the everything.
Dec 31, 2010 at 9:56 AM Post #7,207 of 24,714
The A-Team. 10/10. Complete surprise and it comes in a time when you thought Hollywood lost the idea on how to make action movies. If you thought Expendables was that skip that and watch this instead. Much much better :)
Dec 31, 2010 at 10:17 AM Post #7,209 of 24,714
"The Black Swan" [8.9/10]: In terms of performances and screenplay this was an excellent movie. But the visual quality was very grainy and in the quiet scenes you could actually hear the noise of the filming camera (or was that just in the theater where I saw it?). I swear as the movie and the ballet in the movie reached their crescendo I was holding my breath. The combination of performance and music was climactic that's for sure!
Dec 31, 2010 at 10:30 AM Post #7,210 of 24,714
The latest Karate Kid - 7/10.  I think I'm just stuck on the original 

Dec 31, 2010 at 12:46 PM Post #7,212 of 24,714

"The Black Swan" [9.0/10]: In terms of performances and screenplay this was an excellent movie. But the visual quality was very grainy and in the quiet scenes you could actually here the noise of the filming camera (or was that just in the theater where I saw it?). I swear as the movie and the ballet in the movie reached their crescendo I was holding my breath. The combination of performance and music was climactic that's for sure!

The grain I'm sure was picked for a gritty atmosphere intentionally.  Same was done for BattleStar Galactica series, gives it that 'real' non sterile sort of feel.  I think Black Swan would have been on the verge of looking too pretty otherwise.  The noise was the theater projector, pretty sure.  I held my breath too!
Dec 31, 2010 at 1:00 PM Post #7,213 of 24,714
The Social Network - 8/10 - When I first saw the trailer for this, I couldn't believe that a trailer that looked so awesome was for a movie about Facebook. The movie had excellent acting from a young cast, great writing, but, I was disappointed with the score as nothing seemed to stand out and add to the scenes, so much as get drowned out in the background by the intriguing dialogues going on above it. Heavily recommended to anyone, even if they have absolutely no interest in the surface plot.
Jan 1, 2011 at 4:08 AM Post #7,215 of 24,714

"The Black Swan" [9.0/10]: In terms of performances and screenplay this was an excellent movie. But the visual quality was very grainy and in the quiet scenes you could actually here the noise of the filming camera (or was that just in the theater where I saw it?). I swear as the movie and the ballet in the movie reached their crescendo I was holding my breath. The combination of performance and music was climactic that's for sure!

I haven't seen it yet, but I'm sure the grain was intentional as Anaxilus said above.  Darren Aronofsky is a brilliant visual artist and something like that wouldn't happen on accident.  Can't wait to see it though!!!

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