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Feb 7, 2023 at 9:19 AM Post #24,137 of 24,690
Viking wolf net flix Norway 2022 (dubbed)

well it does take place in Norway, there is historical referencing to past tales of werewolves, silver bullets and all. But what does this bring to the saturated werewolf movie genre since a werewolf was in London. Not much. Ugly vicious wolfs, check, gruesome kills, check. So what? 3.5 puffs just cause they tried.
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Feb 7, 2023 at 9:55 AM Post #24,138 of 24,690
Saw EP4 of The Last of Us, and didn't find this episode to be all that noteworthy. I got my interest up in EP3, but it seems EP1, 2, and 4 are taking all the key scenes from the game and putting in the show. I find that the way the scenes were done in the game was much more impactful than the TV show, the way HBO presents it, doesn't feel all that special if you've played the game. I like the experience from the game much much better. So, I really don't expect a whole lot from the HBO adaptation. I highly recommend playing the game instead.

I like a lot of things better on the game than the show. The characters, acting, the dialog, scene by scene transitions, and overall comes off much better impactful. The game was overall a well rounded production.

I'm currently playing the remake of the The Last of Us part 1 on PS5 and its' really great, much better than the HBO special. The way the scenes are delivered in the game is just magical. I hope they make video games of this calibur. Movie industries be sucking. It's one of the best modern day content produced.
I should I add that nudie magazine scene wasn't particularly affective compared to the game's cutscene. This is when I realized that adaptation cannot be as good as the game.

I wonder if they will have the best scene from the game, the giraffe scene. Amazing scene, once you got through the game up to that point. I will add the clip here, and you can decide if you want to be spoiled or not. It just shows how everything works so well in the game.

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Feb 7, 2023 at 12:57 PM Post #24,139 of 24,690
The Wonder - 9/10

I watched this without knowing a single thing about the movie. Glad I did.
Luckily this is not a horror movie. It actually could have been PG-13.
Somehow they gave it an R for having a sex scene with no actual nudity. Rules are rules I guess.

Definitely going to watch anything this director makes in the future.

Have you seen Midsommar with this actress? If not, I would recommend directors cut version. I don't watch a lot horrors, but this one is great.

with no actual nudity
That's a pity. She's hot :o2smile:
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Feb 9, 2023 at 5:27 PM Post #24,141 of 24,690
True Spirit - 5.5/10

Recent Netflix movie about Jessica Watson's solo circumnavigation around the world on a boat at age 16.
The movie feels like it's produced by Disney and only meant to inspire 15 year old girls. I guess this makes sense.
I really feel sort of bad criticizing this movie really. What she accomplished is pretty amazing, but it deserved to be a better movie.
Maybe they didn't have a big enough budget.

During the first part all it's characters are so abnormally cheerful and happy. It just seems so weird and like out of an old 1950s sitcom.
None of it's characters really feel that realistic except for maybe Ben.

The worst part of the movie is the scenes on the ocean. Never once do any of them feel real. It's almost like every one was shot on a set and with some CGI added.
At no time did I feel like I had any idea what it might be like doing this myself. You never feel like you're there. They skip over all the small details. During one part she was without any wind for a week or so and then later she is stuck in a storm. It's like they picked only a few parts and left nearly everything else out. I think there were only a couple shots of her out of her cabin. It's really the most bland/generic movie about sailing that i've ever seen.

The credit scenes of her in real life were actually more interesting than the actual movie.

Web of Make Believe: Death, Lies and the Internet - 10/10

Recent Netflix documentary and one of the best i've seen in awhile.
It's 5 or so episodes that are about different subjects, but each is equally as good.

First one is about an online gamer that does swatting and becomes addicted to it and eventually gets someone killed because of it.
He even serves time for it and then does it again after being released!

Last one is about a guy who is an online criminal that automates processing of tax returns of dead people. He's tracked down by the FBI through the use of a Stingray device. This lets them act as a cell phone tower and intercept anyone's cell phone data in the area and track your location. The defendant was one of the earliest people to learn about this device and even before Edward Snowden. I know they could track cell phones but never knew about this device until today.
I would hope it needs a warrant to use them, but maybe not. Do the police use them for drug dealers? I imagine so.
It makes me wonder how a similar device could be possibly used in drones.

Another one is about a woman who dated a white supremacist and got lured into their group and eventually tries to escape. This episode is just so infuriating and just got on my nerves so much. Found it hard to watch. I really find it hard to understand how people can live like this. To me, these groups are just like a cult.

I could really talk about all the things in this documentary for hours. It makes you want to read up on everything you've seen too.

PS this was produced by Ron Howard!
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Feb 11, 2023 at 12:42 AM Post #24,142 of 24,690
EP5 of The Last of Us was meh. I pretty much lost interest in the show now. The game is so much better. I'd rather watch the cutscenes of the games than sit through inferior screenplay of the show. I may checkout the clip on Youtube when Ashley Johnson shows on the show. She's the one that played Ellie in the game.

Screenplay and acting performance was really weak. Casting of the additional characters are pretty weak as well. Melanie Lynskey especially was not a good casting for the role.

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Feb 12, 2023 at 11:37 AM Post #24,144 of 24,690
Fall netflix 2022

that’s one tall 2500 ft needle the idea of shimmying up the last 50 ft with no rope, madness. Visually stunning by drone, you’d think what’s not to like? Well the arc had some twists but vested interest waned over the course. My wife was a 3 puffer, I’m easily visually impressed so 4 puffs for a 3.5 puffer over all. The premis life is short so I’ll try and kill us by not preparing for this climb, seems counter intuitive.
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Feb 14, 2023 at 5:53 PM Post #24,146 of 24,690
I don't know why, but The Last of Us games come off much better when it comes to how things are presented and looks. The backdrop of the plants growing inside the building is so picturesque. I'm ready for adult computer animated movies. I really don't get why we can only get child movies. These clips show that there's so much can get gained from animated movies like such.
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Feb 15, 2023 at 7:31 AM Post #24,147 of 24,690
M3gan apple movies 2022

ok so in the future no one read Asimov the three laws of robotics, and smart folks could build basement ai robotics without it. As Meagan eloquintly states near the end, you built me so I had to figure this all out on my own. You get what you sow. Well not sure if I had overhyped it in my own mind, but fell a bit flat. If I had streamed for free, no harm no foul, but to pay for this, na…3.25 puffs out of 5 and this is not for the lack of puffing I tell you…
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Feb 15, 2023 at 10:24 AM Post #24,148 of 24,690
I'm ready for adult computer animated movies. I really don't get why we can only get child movies.
We've certainly had plenty of traditional animated features for adults (Son of the White Mare, Akira, Princess Mononoke, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, Wonderful Days) but nearly no pure computer graphics animated movies for adults. Maybe the closest we got was Renaissance back in 2006? I remember liking the style, but by today's standards the CG was limited by the tech at the time (character motion stiff, facial animation limited) though they were going for a very stylized noir look that was a kind of 2D/3D hybrid. It would be great to see someone really explore the potential of computer graphics in an adult medium. Now that CG looks very realistic, it might even avoid the problem where idiot parents bring young kids to see adult animated movies (it blew my mind how many parents brought very young kids to see the South Park movie in theaters when it came out).
Feb 15, 2023 at 9:40 PM Post #24,149 of 24,690
Just look at the action, it looks so good. We've reached that point where we are that close to living out the awesome action sequences than just watching. This is why I play games. Movies been sucking these days.

I swear, she is like Rambo
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