Question for the ladies!
Oct 2, 2008 at 12:32 AM Post #61 of 124
Class of '09 as well

All the girls I know in my school have ipods and use iBuds...they don't want stuff shoved down their ears.
Oct 2, 2008 at 12:35 AM Post #62 of 124

Originally Posted by Baba booey /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Class of '09 as well

All the girls I know in my school have ipods and use iBuds...they don't want stuff shoved down their ears.

Still no excuse you havn't crap earbuds thoguh e.g. The Yuin series are earbuds....
Oct 2, 2008 at 12:39 AM Post #63 of 124
Girls have enough going on without worrying about how to optimize an audio chain. Simply put, girls minds are occupied with the complexities of life that we men care not of.
We guys are quite lucky to live life simply and have the headroom (witty pun) to spare on audiophile endeavors or the like.

Oct 2, 2008 at 12:53 AM Post #64 of 124

Originally Posted by myinitialsaredac /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Girls have enough going on without worrying about how to optimize an audio chain. Simply put, girls minds are occupied with the complexities of life that we men care not of.
We guys are quite lucky to live life simply and have the headroom (witty pun) to spare on audiophile endeavors or the like.


I can see how this might be true in some areas, but I think we also complicate our own lives with expensive gadgets and toys.

The things you own end up owning you.
-Chuck Palahniuk
Oct 2, 2008 at 11:34 AM Post #65 of 124

Originally Posted by Gatto /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Personally I bet I could get a lot more cute nerdy guys (my favorite) with my k701s and a Tshirt that says 'schrodinger's cat is definitely dead by now' then they can with cute jeans.

My dad started teaching me how to play first person shooters on the PC when I was 3 years old. I've also always had a computer in my house (we have 11 now) and my dad has always had fun keeping up on the latest shiny thing to buy. this probably explains why I am so weird.

wow I talk too much

anyway what I think I was trying to say is girls think this is a waste of money. (and they also don't know how to attract nerds, which in my experience are the best guys ever, what is more sexy then intelligence?)

Definitely agree about attracting geeks with a sharp mind & techno-savvy over cute clothes. Easier to buy gifts for a lady that appreciates good electronics anyways

Former computer science major here, switched to MIS with a few semesters until graduation. Then come the upgrades
Oct 2, 2008 at 1:02 PM Post #66 of 124

Originally Posted by divideby0 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Definitely agree about attracting geeks with a sharp mind & techno-savvy over cute clothes.


I don't know any girls that are really into gadgets and such. I study IT at uni and the majority of students are guys; and a lot of the girls there are more interested in the business and infomation oriented subjects more than programming, networking, etc. There are some exceptions, one friend that loves networking and works for Cisco and also really loves shopping, shoes and all that. But mostly I think they are less gadget-oriented.

My mum is reasonably techy, she loves photography and is a bit of a gadget freak in that regard. She has 5 lenses for her main camera... She's also pretty good with HTML, websites, etc. and has maintained a few sites - including my old high school's - coding with not much more than notepad

She appreciates good music and is very happy with the iriver she got from me for her birthday, but she's happy with the stock buds
I think christmas present will be some Yuins.

My sister also appreciates good music, and is also very musical (plays french horn, used to play violin, can play some piano and has now started an a capella group with friends). But, she too is happy with stock iBuds (hand me downs, they're better than stock iriver buds
). And whenever I start to talk about anything remotely technical she immediately tunes out, in one ear, out the other. She thinks I'm crazy sometimes.

And Gatto, you sound like just the girl I'd like to meet
I can't talk about electronics and audio gear with my friends much. But I guess what head-fi is here for
Oct 2, 2008 at 2:22 PM Post #67 of 124

Originally Posted by elliot42 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

And Gatto, you sound like just the girl I'd like to meet
I can't talk about electronics and audio gear with my friends much. But I guess what head-fi is here for

I got lucky and one day while in high school my current group of friends noticed me drinking a bottle of bawls and wearing a 'no I will not fix your computer' shirt and quickly came over to absorb me into the group. We have been sitting around in a basement playing D&D or halo on the weekends ever since, I got very lucky.

unfortunately us dorky ladies seem to be a rare breed, I'm sure there are at least a few in Australia though!
Oct 2, 2008 at 8:34 PM Post #68 of 124

Originally Posted by Gatto /img/forum/go_quote.gif
unfortunately us dorky ladies seem to be a rare breed, I'm sure there are at least a few in Australia though!

Sadly true, I had to convert my last serious girlfriend to gadgetdom. Got her hooked with a Visor PDA & Tetris
Now she carries a Palm Lifedrive, uses a DSLR and her computer was nicer than mine for a while. She even upgrades her own machine now
Oct 2, 2008 at 8:38 PM Post #69 of 124
very nice! girls who don't like tech can usually learn to love it with help from their man. I have a friend who turned his girlfriend into a gamer very very slowly and carefully, started her out on nintendo girly stuff and eventually moved her into better games, fighting games, racing games. she doesn't like FPSers though, thinks they are "gross"
Oct 2, 2008 at 10:14 PM Post #71 of 124
Being a country girl I can more easily do without purses/shoes/make-up than I can my music (which includes by default something good to listen with). Also as I have gotten older I find I care less about fashion, but at one time it may have been a tough choice.

Having been a musician, as well as growing up in the first household in the neighborhood to have Stereophonic Sound, I have always been able to appreciate good audio equipment. I was fascinated when I heard my uncle's system and then told me that he had built it (he had built various Heathkit & Dynaco amps). It was much cooler than the stuff my brother would built, which usually resulted in my somehow getting a shock.

Oh, and I don't do games . . . could be a girl thing or an age thing, I dunno
Oct 2, 2008 at 10:19 PM Post #72 of 124

Originally Posted by Gatto /img/forum/go_quote.gif
unfortunately us dorky ladies seem to be a rare breed, I'm sure there are at least a few in Australia though!

Oh, I know some geeky girls... I even played D&D with someone that you would totally not expect to be hanging around with a bunch of geeks
And that was how I spent my study periods in my last year of high school, playing cards and occasionally D&D

I do game a lot with my friends, and sometimes the girls in the group get into it (but they mostly play oblivion and don't get into COD4, Quake and Starcraft with the rest of us). So gaming-wise I'm set, it's the electronics side that I'm left a little dry...
Oct 2, 2008 at 10:34 PM Post #73 of 124
haha! love when people don't think I would know anything about D&D, one time I was at a con and they were running D&D games, the DM comes up to me and says ok sweetie do you want to be a healer? I said uhhh no I want to be a barbarian and try calling me that again. He wasn't very nice to my barbarian when I broke all his little monsters.
Oct 3, 2008 at 1:35 AM Post #74 of 124

Originally Posted by chinesekiwi /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Still no excuse you havn't crap earbuds thoguh e.g. The Yuin series are earbuds....

iBuds=ipod stock headphones. garbage.
they wouldn't spend anything on headphones even though they claim to LOVE music.

just a side note, my friend has zune IEMs and I let them try out my Fiio and they're like "wow, you can actually hear the drums"
Oct 3, 2008 at 2:02 AM Post #75 of 124
^ wow that is sad and funny at the same time

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